rrp" EDITORIALS An Alternative To A Free Vote ? I. u: on m eve of In ehcuon - a pro- vincill chem: - the results of which can b of real importance to all the cituem ot Ontario. An election entails . call on each eligible citizen to exercise his or her tran- chiu. lt is I privilege to vote. For you: put. electors have been urged to vote by page" reading, "VOTE as you like, but VOTE." It is still a good slogan but it seems to have lost the element at urge on the electors. Somethtng more Is wanted to make citizens realize the value of their vote, and the heed tor castmg a ballot. There axe those who advocate the Australian method in which ll IS understood, a non-voter it warned the first tune; IS tined one pound tur the second neglect; and tive pounds tur the third. For the fourth offense. he ts fined temunds and de-tranchued tor three years. limbo: " In. (hum-n “any hnwlplpu “munc- ottice. I Mun Siren mm": Tax-papa. an nun Sl'BBCRIYHUN RATES H tlo per war Add?!" In Canud‘ " (W L’v' 'tat 1n " titarea. swin- tirUH‘l a: WHOM " cqrrter. In “(mum Lon! Hnrdmron Bun!“ Hills " we.trtBle KanI'Vri Villa" a Minimum†[Hire delhrl. Times and Guide (Authornud u worm clu- man Poll Often Depetrtmertt. OLuwav 2. We believe that every child in Ontario has an equal right to free education-and that Ontario should have the finest schooling in the country. In 1955. your government will spend over $102 million on education, including the greatest school building campaign in our history. T I. This year. government grants to municipalities amount to $165 million, or more than 44% of all provincial revenues. This large sum of money will help build new schools, hospitals, roads, bridges, community centres and other services. All this will be done at a saving of about one-third of all the local tax bills. To keep Ontario-and all its people-going forward to greater progress and prosperity, I ask you to re-elect your Progressive Conservative government in the Provincial Election being held on June 9th. Give the Progressive Conservative Candidate in your riding the opportunity to carry on your government's excellent record of making Ontario tl better place for you and your family. As proof of that record, look at these facts. Your community-along with a thousand others-troms the keystone of Ontario's progress and prosperity. As your popula- tion grows, Ontario grows. As your schools, hospitals, utilities and roads improve, Ontario improves. And as you and' your community prosper, Ontario forges ahead as the greatest province in Canada. ica.N M SINI‘LAIR Mlnl‘ln. EURO! ALFRED H, BIRD New. 5611:" Dear Friends , Publubed by V ' Iclll.LA.\ F LESLIE M. FROST, Prime Minister of Ontario Founded u: July. 189) Hunmel Heights MIDI. ‘lakdale Acrel, Hunmor- Fairhaven. Ruth]. and 'Pubn-hn uh lure mulma...‘ A7esvaaamitirrame It tt is correct that this system is followed. " seems gnaw. To be tined tor neglect at n mum's duty would not meet the conscience ot some, maybe - but to be de-trunchued. that Is something more. Even so. we no askutg tor some reforms of our election legu- latton to correct our neglect. Or, do we wUh to go back to the old days when, at election time, the "ward heelers" of contending candidates would round up as many farm labourers, dnfters, and the like u could be located near the poll boundaries, lodge them ln some hideaway, barn or house,' "lush them up" all day. then rush them to the polling place, Just before closmg tune, with instruc- tions how to vote, or else. Do we want that? No, we do not want to go back. There is not a man or woman ot voung ago but would assert that they do not wish to be forced to vote; nor do they wish to be told how to vote. It would seem that some legislative meas- ures are in prospect to remedy this situation In whtch too few persons are casting their ballots. Let us all try to avéid such a course. Let us get out and vote on June 9th. VOTE as you like, but VOTE. The boss returned from lunch in a good humour, and called in the whole staff to listen to a couple ot jokes he had picked up. Everybody but one girl laughed uproariously. "I don't have to laugh," said the girl. "I'm leaving on Friday, anyhow.' "What's the matter?" grum- bled the boss. "Haven't you a sense of humour?" HAD SERVED TIME l Personal Message to Tou. from . Premier Leslie M. Frost. -. . s. Your Progressive Congervative Government has helped bring the modern convenience and comfort of Hydro to over 85% of rural Ontario. Half the cost of bringing in rural Hydro lines has been paid for directly by the province. 4. Jobs for over 175,000 people will be provided by the $700 million construction program of the province and its municipalities, which is now underway. On June 9th, I ask for your support of my government. I urge you min your own best interests-to elect the Progressive Conservative candidate irvyour riding . . . for the prosperity and progress of everyone in this great province. Forward ONTARIO! 5. Your provincial government was the first in Canada to make discrimination illegal. Every citizen of Ontario-r-iles, of his race, colour or creed-has the opportunity to live where he likes, to work at any job he chooses, and to rise as high in life as his own ability can take him. 6. Ontario's government has provided grants for 74 new homes for the aged, 25 thousand new hospital beds. We have secured Old Age Pensions for all at 70 and for the needy at 65. Ontario is the first province in Canada to provide pensions for the totally disabled and the blind at 18. The spectacular achievements of, the past three and a half years have been accomplished with no new tares-and with some tax reductions. Ontario's taxes are the lowest in Canada. On Sunday next the sacra- ment of the Lord's Supper will be observed at both services. The annual congrega1iona1.pic- nic will be held at Woodside Park near Bolton on Saturday, June 11th. June 12th will be Baptism Sunday. liiru and boys pusin; through the at“. Mrs. Joule Moffatt, leader of the Junior ss. an. "Open The Gates Of The Tem- ple". A: the children made their way along the centre aisle ot the church. Mary Ann Hump- ton. Glenda blend, Jim Cox and Neil Hatfield sang, "The Children's Friend.†Ellen Duplain Ind Billy Bridg- man pr ided It the are: while the di up†were presented by Mrs. orothy Taylor. She paid tribu to the willing helpers in the abbath school and thanked parents for their co-operation. It was a delightful service much enjoyed by everyone. NORTH PARK PREsBYTER5AN We had I "different" service at North Park last Sunday. The auditorium was well filled. The combined Sunday schools and congregations met at 10:30 am. and after the opening exercxses. including a few good action choruses and appropriate Scrip- ture reading. we saw‘the beau. tiful Jilm “That None Shall Thirst." The grown-ups and boys and girls from about 10 years of age enjoyed it very much, but the younger folks were not too interested in the second half. However, it was a "first" and Inn-bu of no“: and child- ren - in tho Graham! Mali, an mun graduation urvice nu held on Sunday morning. There Iris I large congregation an M41; toak when , large Impairmrm - [on u: The C.G.1.T. will meet this Friday at 7 pm, ttt 16 Arrow- smith Ave, Apt. 9. We were very pleased td meet some parents of our church school children and we sincere- 1y welcome them, and I†the parents in fact, to our regular morning service. Next Sunday's sermon is en- titled. "Jesus and Politics," or “Why Vote?" On June 12th at 10:30 am. we will receive new members Into our fellowship and have a preparatory service followed by the observance of the Lord's Supper. We welcome all to wor- ship wnh us. V we will be guided by what we leaned from tuch an unusual arrangement, in the (mun. q Our [rent luck is proper mac. and “elude: tor our younger folk, but there nu hopeful signs that things will be getting better We are looking for baseball players for our district pee-wee team __ boys under 12 as of May 1st and for district bantem team players - boys under 14 as of May Ist, All interested young men contact Mr. G. Wilson at 16 Arrowsmith Ave., Apt. 9 or phone CH. 1-6944. WESTMINSTER UNITED The annual congregational pic- luv. thaw tuna (and Jun. 'th-Very lav. ho. â€dam, DO., LLD. " Jun. "th-Com-dr, - lov. Prof. K. J. Joblin. 0.A., I.D. Sonic“ at ":15 mm. CRANO MIA AUDIMIUM m M. PROS? m mums: JIM and Wilson A glimpse into the church dun-book for June might be Ippreciltod: The first Sunday the minister will preach at both morning services. The second Sunday Rev. Preston Brown, of Oakland. Ontario will prelch while Mr. Eddy is conducting anniversary services, only two miles from his birthplace. The thind Sunday will mark our regular Communion sorvico and reception of New members. And the last week, June Mth' will PM! the occasion for the farewell "mm- " (an Mum" - The evening service is the third in a series on Paul's flrst letter to Timothy. The Sr. Bible Class welcomes Rev. G. Legge of Trethewey Drive United rhurch to our clos- ing service at 2.00 pm. A social hour will follow for all young people present . . CENTRAL UNITED .... ...... This coming Sunday our min- ister will speak on, "The Faith and Values of My Congregation." Some time ago Mr. Welch asked the congregation to sit down in quietness and thoughtfulness and write a letter to him in which they would state what they be- lieved and the values they lived by. Our minister will speak on the letters he has received this coming Sunday at 11.05 a.m. At this time Mrs, John Ron-" aldson and Mrs. John Black I were each presented with a beau- l titul silver tray in appreciation' of the spirit and work they have put into the choir. It was their; last evening as choir leader and _ organist respectfully. Next Sun- ‘ day, Charles Hogarth begins his,' appointment as Director of Mu-! sic for our church. We welcome} Mrnand Mrs Hogarth and family i to the fellowship of our church. i nie will be held at Bolton Fresh-' Air Camp on Sat., June 4th. A bus will leave the church at 1:30 pan. tor those who require transportation. Thou with Ipace in con might kindly come to the church " the some time. There will be game: and fun for all ages; so. come as A family and enjoy the afternoon. Tea will be provided for adults and ice-cream and milk tor the children, so that all should bring a basket lunch with cupl and spoon: for their own family. The Couples Club held their annual church service last Sun- day evening. Rev. Douglas Stew. art ot Victoria Presbyterian church preached on, "What Are You Standing For?" Mr. Stewart told the large evening congrega- tion that his church held a meet- mg at the close of the morning service and passed a motion stating they would give $27,000 for land and a portable building at Glen Agar, Toronto. At the firesidc hour, Mr. Stew- art told of some of the interesting events that his couples club have undertaken. The Woman's Missionary So- Ciety requests donations of food for the mission churches to give to elderly needy people in To- ronto. Suggested are small can! of meat, fish, fruit, etc, "junior foods;" also tea, sugar and dried milk. Cartons will be at the door next Sunday morning to receive your contributions. ST. PHILIPS cm THE HILL (ANGLICAN) Plans are under way for the commemoration of the 127th An.. niversary of St. Philip's On-the- Hill. At the eleven am. service, Rev. Arnold Wilkinson of All Saints Kingsway church will preach while Rev. Reg. Stack- house of St. Matthews, Eaton- ville will preach at the 7 p.m. service. As well, there will be the 8 am. Holy Communion service, on this our last celebra- tion of the church's beginning in the old church. Plans are be- ing completed so that construe- tion of the new addition can be commenced in the near future. A roadway is proposed to run from St. Philip's Road just north of, Dixon Road through the new cemetery at Inchcliffe Rd. . Rev. and Mrs. T. B. Butler were feted by the Weston Di- strict Ministerial Association on Sunday evening, May 22nd, when Rev. Butler was presented with a book and Mrs. Butler received a bouquet of flowers. ST. ANDREWS Presbyterian ___. The Guild went out for an evening of dinner and movies. agara On-The-Lake as a reult of the receipts from the cubs selling gladioli bulbs, and from the two retiring church collec- tions. The Couples’Club went bowl- ing last Wednesday and are planning their annual family picnic for Saturday, June 18th, to leave the Parish Hall at 10.30 am. for Terra Cotta. Bible Study Group held than last meeting last Wednesday. Twenty-tive Norway maples and I,000 nursery trees have been planted in St. Philip's cemetery. Many of these are to be transplanted to the new cemetery when it is surveyed and opened. A Boy Scout from Hong Kong is being sponsored at the forth- coming scout Jamboree " Ni- agara On-The-Lake as a reult of the receipts from the cubs selling gladioli bulbs, and from eight year: in thin pulpit. near Markham. A splendld pro- Time rum along; next Sutur- gramme has been provided, and dny will be picnic yrne again if ttood weather favours In thin when church and church school year. we will haw n momma“. unio» Mr for, It Woodland Park limo. 9.45 am. Sunday School - 9 your. and up 11.00 o.m.-0e. Jam†s. Mechanic 11,00 o.m.-uunoes, ghoul, " yeaN 10.00 am. and 11.30 o,m.-"ltoohm In Roligion" ts-rt-W-MO 9,M 'r.m.-Smdrrr Mod “.00 'cm.-Ct-el Communion and 'ermort-. Tre IIV. DIIWYN I. G. OWEN, I . Many Co"... 700 p.m.--ev-et. and Samoa Mr. W. A. DAllYM’ll, Ll. 11mm? suntan, um: Itttt .0.00 cam-Md, Communion 9.45 a.m.-Sundoy School Il.05 a.m.--Worship, The Faith and Values of My Congregations 2.00 p.m.--ltav. G. Legge Guest Speaker 7.00 p.m.--worship, Lifting Up Holy Hands 10 to ll o.m.--Sunday School 11.00 a.m.-The Local Veterans' Worship Service 7.00 p.m.-The Evening Worship A nunory u conducted during thes Morning Worship You or. cordially invited to theme urvicu tamgrttt'ttt David (Angllcan) NORTH PM]! misMmllWi)l CHURCH DOWNSVIEW BAPTIST Church 0.00 o.m.-Holy Communion C 9.45 a.m.--Surtdoy School and liblo Clan 11.OO a.m.-Hoir Communion and 'Junior Gm-ttOtter" 7.00 p.m.--Everuong - 'reoeher--tteetetr at both sch/Icon 8.00 u.m.-Holy Communion 11.00 o.m.-Morning 'retyerr-Preach.r. Rev. Georg. Young St. Matthias. 11.00 a.m.-Sundrty School 7.00 p.m.-Evertirtg Prayer - The loner 9.50 a.m.-Sundrty School 11.00 a.m.-Morning Sttrvite-Mr. Carlos-Director of tho Christian Spanish Mission Soloist-Mr. S. Porter 7.00 p.m.--Evening service,-Nr. R. Baxter 17 Cross St. - CH. 1-9533 IO 11 II II CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH WESTON BAPTIST CHURCH 10 a.m.'. 2.12 yum St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church ST. PHILIPS ftht the Hill) Westminster United Church Weston Presbyterian church Trinity Sunday, June Sth, 1955 JUNE Sth REV. it. J. noses, Rorul.Ytsrk Road, 1 Block South of Mahon Road 10.00 tnm.-bmlor Church School, " Your: 11,00o.m.-ur,itrr Church School -- Cornelius Porkwear School Ith00 o.m.-Chureh School for All Ages 11.00rron_--Motnlrtg Wouhlp - Jews and Palm“ _-Nursery and Crud]. Ra" "e. Wolf-v H. W-Ith. B.S.A. - "sid.rto'. CH. 1-6964 Ml. CHARLES NOGAIYN, Divider " Math _-Holy Communion r--senittr Sunday SehooI "-Holy Communion _-Junitrr Sunday School SUNDAY, JUNE Sth, 1955 (Angus-n) M. Phlllpu Id. (0" Morton Id.) "etor- I". t. I. Buthr, 31 M. Philip: " human Av... Nu: Juno "V H. w. SUIDIVAu, EA. mm. In" TRINITY SUNDAY, JUNE Sth, 1955 SUNDAY, JUNE Sth, 1955 SUNDAY, JUNE 5th, 1955 Koala and lawman Community Church in Goo. Anderson School s Cross St. at Church, CHorry l-l57l ' mums: "tf. G. E WILSON, BA. The Koch & lawman Com-Hunky Church Item: CH. Hm" "tr, G. K. mu. I. m.. MINISIII Ml! OIOIOI SWAN, OIOANISI KING AND MAIN STREETS an. E. B. Eddy, KA., B.D. SUNDAY,- JUNE Sth, 1955 I97 Downsview Avenue SUNDAY, JUNE Sth, I955 n. hum. "mttr cumu- " WILLIAM 'tttm CHURCH SCHOOLS CHURCH SERVICES 11. 30 WESTON PRESIYYEIIAN CHURCH t, MA" I.D.. “A. o.m.: 6-12 yum MAIN ST N, CROSS " [III I~~