SUPPORT" IE5 FROST Ml-lr. VOTE TOM [ilj'IIjl[Ilffi teamwork. ; . . tits' same spirit of Hallmark is _',',,,, essential at Queen’s Park to safeguard York {Centre’s ' progress and prosperity†A -_. w " I w---_ working togothu' to - ttorth York- - .. -__ ttorth York outwit. some thrush tho math! oi htotropoiitan Tore, u. -..__ Provinciat Bororanont. V To koop this now titling oi York contra saio -- to saio¢lant our progross and our prospority -- t argo you with att tho conviction at my command to rootito that this sans spirit oi _ loam work/is ossoniiai at QIoon’s Park. Yiith in motion and ths capabilities oi the ProgrosSiyo email" Part! owl its honourohio tailor; Lostio ll. Frost. a Prograsiyo Gomorrah“ monitor can do much, l hotioyo. to hoip " roaiiro oIr ambitions ior tho over-inoroasiog doyoiopmotlt amt expansion oi our titling. Yiith all, hlnitity t "ggast to you that wo hayo so much to aooonptish, horo. that wo ' hood mars than a one-man toarn. Yihat wo lo nooit out what we do want is a spirit oi i-ttttl.!!.?. and toam work. in tho hroariost - oi those words. at betty.. Park ior York Miro. " those roasoiis. out " tho porsonai roorosontatiro oi tho iiouolrahto Losiio Frost in this titling. t sinooroiy ask your support on Juno thts l do not mako any impossihio mmioos oi a tttteat" poriomanoo. But what t do promiso you is - work amt oo-oporation on my part to tho iIiiost oxtoat. in this way, and in this way only. can l hopo to roprosoat this hidinsrio tho mannor -- -.-I.I “not no to sons York (iatro- Farttarsattdhamatueittttr.tatittT.- " 14m- , 't'"rud,brt""e*eetthot-oe-atma-- C on.“ AWN“! was In. "" " tmio' . " tam - " I“ Progrouln Conan-vat!" Gandhi-to - York Centre . . . TOM GRAHAM