Times & Guide (1909), 16 Jun 1955, p. 9

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' ,. Mn. LL Camibéll Baried .. Late Husband Was Inspector On June 8th, we: 'giggtr,igtfft,"y, Bowes, the is survived mnea. Mrs Chum” amphell, b one broth r. Anthon was widow ot the late Archibald L, My Como . e. dumb: tIT. email, MA, B. Pied. 'pused . ." _ '. away at her home, " Church "W W 'uturtrell, principal ot Sheet, She was in her Mth year King Str 1toli,tt yin. Ken. md had been I resident ot Wet n_eth B. Camp u, dutrict SUN" ton Nt " years. . vnsor. Montreal. tor The Belt Born in Vaughan Township. Telephone Company ot Canada. youngest ot the ten chimney or and a granddaughter. Jylt the late Catharine Gilray and Eampbd} a student at McGill n '--M- tree "i'""-------'---- ' f mverSI y. may at her home, " Church Street. She was in her "th year And ind been I resident ot Wet ton {It " years . n. J. Cudwallcdu. Mgr. . Cor. Main St. N. 8 John St [REE Brownie Hawkeye Flash (Mfit . $1550 Remember Sunday, June 19 Father's Day Until Further Notice, oiled: See us for excellent GIFT SELECTIONS ! Camera Dept. June 8, 1955 A. G. STANDING TOWNSHIP or NORTH YORK Lawn Watering Itetttrittmts-- 1955 For Private Dwollings lawn ond/or garden woming will be permitted every other day from a pin till Midnight . even number hobs“ to we the hose on tbe even days of the month; odd number houses In use the hose on the odd days of the month For Comm-vein! Buildings, Fucvoviu and Aporrmer" Nouns lawn and/or 915:7: wear-n9 will be permitted - other day from 1 AM. till A.M. k _ l Ivan street numbers to use the hon on the even days of the month'; odd street numbers no um the hose on tho odd days of th. month CH. fuss two signs that say best used ' car buy! b, Clerk DO NOT WASTE WATER F J McMAHON, the following kw" watering restrictions m in Following her marriage in 1891, Mrs. Campbell resided in Fergus and Kingston, coming to Weston in 1906 when her late husband was appointed principal of Weston High School, a posi- tion he held until. 1909 when he became Inspector of Public Schools later on. Chis! in- spector of York Count.e" Mrs Campbell was a member of Central United church. Thh funeral svrvu-e. c9nducted by Rtw. E H, Eddy. was held on June llth from Ward's Funeral Horne with burial at Riverside Cemeterr, TX nephews of the rim-eased acted as pallbearers, Charles Bowes, Harvey Charl. ton, Oliver Smith, Wilfred Bowos, Nelson Bowes. Irwin Charlton. Among those attending from out of town were Douglas D Bowes of Buffalo and Katherine Richardson of London, Ont Numerous beautiful floral of- tvrmgs bespoke the high esteem and regard held for the deceased and her family. FAIR ENOUGH An HIKI'LM'UVP Surur0, Govern xm-nl lypist made a praclu-e or al'x‘lwng a! the "tiitus a [mm mm utm- lnlv e-vle dur Rive-41100 \\':umn}.:~' m hm' ~11pvl‘\'1<m him tut [Mm-l qullx he unnuunw'd, 'le Brown, i'm [nod of talk Ink about \nur tardiness I am thvannu susprndmg ~mu ml mu- duv wnhout pay. When worild Virtl hke to talur lhe dav?" "Well It It's all Huh! With vou," she vcplied. “I'd llke to we It up being late." Reeve VMON-PW :r.'.M,??:W. 3%: »‘?<:rw; "'""‘r"¢‘:‘/i5§'vvi$;3s;‘:=£§r- A... 'f:iijlitij:it, 1i.?i":i;i.iPi'.?. _ F:..c's!iWiiits':)'i1tt?si.'si1k,' 'retry/ii?, wlémg‘m Adams“; G H, BAKER, P.Eng., Township Engineer "ity'iifs, Mm provincial ridinu in the Yawn ne- - Yuk-Rumba. Work Conn and York West. In both York-tlumber uni York 't'entre the PC. candidate wu opposed by tttree other” candl- ‘dates white the York Went PC clndjdne' was opposed by two. ‘W. E. Brandon (PC) P_PPP. 14.312 ‘C. H. Millard (CCF) ..ree_ 10.220 Arthur Nagels (Lib) 'PFC', 6.873 ESTABLISHES RECORD W. Beverley "Bev" Lewis, 48, _ reeve of Etobicoke, veteran of 13 years of .municipal service, es- ltablished a record in his first bid for election to the Ontario Legislature as a representative lfor York-Humber, a new riding carved from old West York. 1.mm;v-te&h.mm§r ... w t" F L, H , " Ihtttttltittttht swap 1'lltt'trtr0ittrlttt Elli-w -Clos¢st contest was in York Centre where Tom Graham, Deputy-Reeve in North York, defeated his Reeve, Fred Me. Mahon. I strong Liberll hopeful. by . margin of L095 votes. This successful candidate's home was mobbed by his supporters And well wishers Thursday evening " soon as it appeared that he had won the election. "It seemed as it all North York was there," declared Mr. Graham the following day. ltwuuchnnlvo‘optdrm greuive. Cunnin- in ttte Fighting his way through the dense crowd at PC Campaign headquarters. Mr. McMahon con- gratulated his successful oppon- ent and promised him every co- operation in the future. N. M. Parks of the Horticul- tural Division at the Central Experimental Farm in Ottawa, ‘reports that both compounds were effective in controlling an- nual weeds and some grasses. However, 2,4-D caused certain ldistortion and abnormal growth in the potato plants. This is url- ‘dosirable particularly in fields grown for seed production and (certification. YORK CENTRE FINAL Thomas Graham (PC) ._.. 12,648 Fred McMahon (Lib) .... 11.553 Fred Young (CCF) ___.. 8.710 Stephen Endicott (LLP) .. 846 Arthur Nagels, Liberal, and toimer' Thistlettywn trustee, ran a poor third. Millard is National Canadian Director of the United ‘Steel Workers of America and often considered one of Canada's top labour men. l The PC contestant was elected' by a plurality of 4,130 over Peter ' Sleight, Liberal, Weston, his closest of three opponents. The, vole Was 48 per cent. . L The Marines! use of Arool as lrxlile is not known. however. people of Babyhn had “ready mastered the arts of spinning and won/ml wool cloth in 300 ttrc. _ _ . When results were certain, Reeve Lewis drove with a 16- L-ar cavalcade. It was nearly 2 am. when he arrived back at the home of Murray Johnson in Parklawn. his home area. after visiting l4 "fighting points," in- cluding his Weston committee rooms. Chemical, control of weeds in potatoes can be effective and cause no apparent injury to yield or quality of the crop if applind properly. This is one of the greatest labour saving advances sine? mechanization in potato production. Out - of the large number of weed killing chemi- cals available at the present time two groups have been most thoroughly investigated for po- tato crops. They are the Dinitro's and 2,4-D Compounds. BRANDON ON TOP w. Elmer Brandon, York West PC member for 1951 to 1955 cetainied his seat by thumping majorities in Humber Valley Village, Islington and the Queensway over Charles Millard, CCF labour powerhouse, who be,sted him in Long Branch, Thistletown, Rexda le, West, nmunl and Alderwood. Brandon outpolled Millard 14,312 to 10,220 for a majority nf 4.092. w. Bev. Lewis (PC) 11,814 Peter Slaght (Lib) _p_v. 7.684 Wm. F. Stroud ICCF‘) .... 6,254 Arthur Jenkyn (LLP) .... 913 chemical Gonlrol 0f Woods in PoIaloes The overall vote was about 52 per cent. Dinitro compounds are coil- sidered very effective used strictly as a pre-emergence treatment. The recommended practice is to apply Dinitro spray about twelve days after planting the potatoes. A couple of days prior to the chemical application the field. should be levelled with a weeder or drag harrow This will also destroy any young weed.. that have germinated. Mr. Parks advises that pre- emergence Dinitro should be distributed over the field at a concentration of 4 to 5 pounds in 40 imperial gallons of water per arm A regular patina sprayer 'can be used and uni- form coverage at moderately high pressure is important. Weed control results will be best if sprays are applied during warm :sunny weather. Under normal ‘weather conditions. the recom- (mended treatment with pre- ‘emergence Dinltro will control lannunl weeds for a'pproximately five weeks or longer in dry weather. This is usually About the_time cultivation begins. YORK-HUMBER YORK WEST FINAL FINAL but new life is born to die noon our joy wull fade, and I Thomas Grah'am, who yep the new seotpf York Centre for the PCs', receivéx conoratuiatory kiss from his overNyed wife following the election. LOVE SONG Come anueiheari, aims: .in”: we are m the midst of spring when tender things are born (one is the wintry storm No mow let your heart be cold look. the penis all unfold and fragrance fllls the air it is springtime everywhere. The chains of love have woven the links to your heart Mroven, come and seek sweet freedom', spring , from the well of the eternal fire hnd love and a new desire. Behold. flowers are in bud and the air: with sweet musk ring from the depth of the living Successful candidate in York-Humber, Dev. lewis, well known Reeve of Etobicoke towruhip, toured the riding on the evening of his election, stopping, among other places, at Wenon. Here he paraded up Main Street praceeded by a piper and followed by a crowd of his support- ers. Afterwards he visited his Weston committee rooms where he was enthusiastically-greeted by his many campaigners. Beside Reeve Lewis are, left, his daughter, Beryl, and his wife, Mrs. Lewis. _ _ Photo by Jack Mitchell It's difficult to think, F Of things to write or any. We'd better leave the rhyming To the next dull rainy day. ttH WELL'.. A poet's Mk is" hard, For who could but be gal}. With garden jobs a plenty. On a rich, warm, sunny day Who reads the newspapers For atom war and doom? This m the time for mulching It we hope for summer bloom. Why write of bharacter, Or beauty of the soul? There's a fish pond to be made Let's get busy with the hole. Poet 's Jorner --Armour T. lrwm York Centre PO Receives Victory Kiss 1ltrtit Weston Vow "htte 9th _ 13I 132 ‘Weston 1134A 11343 135 136 137 138 '139 140 141A Sun mvmon Mt. Dennis For Weston and Mount Den- nis readers, the Times & Guide publishes below' the voting by sub-division m the norm sec- tion of York-Humber riding. 151 like the spring will plan ley ' sure " night follows day. _ . So ere death succeeds Me's bliss. _ twme. my "Hahn: with a kiss, I 3 W. . .Brndohnw. s. f MLChurch a, l ' Weston. L 418 42A 428 43A 43R MA MB " MB 139 107 22 10 10 57 1518 24 M 44 44 53 99 73 52 M 49 48 so so 53 " " u M " 45 M " 1414 55 M 66 64 59 44 30 63 39 " M 43 M M " M 95 B8 41 47 M " M l M 30 1 " " 31 722 , H M M 30 33 16 M 21 23 39 16 18 " 23 20 I7 27 M ' I l3 El ll Tt Moro-I1 30m . "tit0ttorrtidttr. . ' Tt cm. Sedan .' .. T3 Ford ttttttmilitia 81150 Tt Fire 80in ' . . WE NEED THE noon ' Our 'I'IIEY Go " 50 MORE BARGAINS CE ,t-asasttotot:-'sritrrnriidit That is where a York Room Air Conditioner is indispensable. Cool: without chilling in sum- mIr, worms without fuel in spring and fall. YORKAIRE is a miracle of air manipulation. Call us for a de- mtsnstrafion todety/ _ Heat pump availabie on deluxe models. t . J, A. WARDLAW & CO. LTD. ' 102 MAIN ST.. SOUTH . _ WESTON BY VIRTUE of the power vested in no by tho Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Etobicoke, I horoby dock". thot Juno 19th to June 25th, 1955, be proclaimd "WATER SAFETY WEEK" in the Township of Etobieokes. 10mm"! 63‘ “canon Proclamation 1106 1195 GOD SAVE THE QUEEN '51Ford8dan ”.305' T3 Ford sun Dal. ttN I T3 thm. AND LOOK AT nus ’40 "UNI SEMI W. B. LEWIS, have. you“! Add I; MquomodOl-MMN" wlndw Ii", hi- .lmuv is “a. VOIKAIII - 5-7” Sink dial "rmtmhsrttttiol"CH" wh.rtit's hoe,"Hoor'th-I If.“ CH. 1-9130 ttitil"

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