Times & Guide (1909), 16 Jun 1955, p. 11

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'tttbert Vinson. euphonium Io- W at tho 'P"" Silva Band ha! had I "rind mm in the angle lilo of the band. H. van born in Paisley Scab ind " yen: no and immi- and to Canada as I boy with " parents Played Four Instruments Sine Joining Band ht , Bob Joined the Weston Band " the In ot nine. He bu 'sue- unholy played E an horn, baritone, I an and euphonlum. Since the re-organisation ot the band after the war, Bob Wilson hu "reed on the band committee and in the executive office: of secretary and treasu- He has been employed by the Canadian Illinois Tool Company nine: 1935 and also operates a machine knife sharpening busi- ness with his brother. Bob Wilson bu taken In ac- tive part in the teaching of be- ginnen of the band and his present chm of seven boys will York Travel. Bureau CH. 1-1153 CN. 1-062! ell-thud Accountant TORONTO " Melinda St. EM. 4-1825 WESTON , Spam Ave. CH. 1-1776 t043 Weston Id. I N C II '5 DRUG STORE WIITON 0.LorneFraser,M.A. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR Bank of Nova Scale Cherub-rs - Wuhan owe! RISIDENC! CH. 1-01" CH. 1-0123 mull ll. Herman, " WESTON In. l4!” Monty I. “In ll You». Show. loam For ManoLS'Oamship, Bus or Hotel anywhere in the wo/d IAIII‘TER, SOLICWOI NOTARY I“ 00 NM MI Chunk-n , MAIN " S. - WISYON Surgical Salmon: Emile Stockings " J. MILES - at Ch. I“! GEORGE W. IIILI. IARRISTER, SOLICITOI. He. L Edge; Parsons 2 John St. a! Main MOITOAGI more" to [DAN Innings by 'srtt8thttttl Fire and Casualty Insurance - Open . Evenings - la! n worry about your r-aiions. It cosh no mom Wm. C. Mthido, IA. " ASSOCIAVI MEDICAL SUPPLIES TRUSSES C. W. LEASK IARMS‘I’ER - SOLICITOR * BUSINESS DIRECTORY HEAKES and MIGDOIALD lemma I “New" 29% MAIN " NORTH J. r. FERGUSON mum hilt Ann-mm BARRISTERS, Etc. E. Rlchardson Certified Public Aeeourttont 16 Iurwosh Place ACCOUNTANTS Weston Rd. no. 6-1171 Tickets and Reservations . luldcmo: CH. 1-2908 CH. 1-6071 CR. 1-9159 MU. 4593 CH. 1-5.“ CH. IJMI 0-10-57 Confined Only Day For Appendectomy later an. ycu. Robert wilen is in Arden! lhhemm and curios on with a winter hobby of tly tying. you Mann' with the Lynda was admitted to hoapr tal irgtrdg; June 1 and wu disc arged the following day. Last Wednesday the Hitches were removed and now Lynd- is looking forward to returning to Ichool in I few dayl. The opention was performed by Dr, George Culnan and Dr. Donald Cruikshank is the attending physician. Lynda Payne, ' - you - old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Payne, tl Fourthbridg. Ave, is the first child to ever be dis. charged from Humber Memorial Hospital after, being confined there only day " the Inuit of an appendectomy. SHEET METAL WORK FURNACES Oil Burner Sales ' Service JACK WRIGHT 225 John St. - CH. 1.1451 ommsmsr F. L MEBTENS EYES TESTED oncmnnlsv . OPTICIAN 3 JOHN STREET WESTON CH. 1-3781 Eyes Examined - GLASSES - P; E. STAITE. " VERN HARHOP W. J. WARD of all, description Eavestroughlng Roofing Modernizo Your Old Furnace Pip” To Canceled Square Type 1 Main St M.'- Weston Phone CH. 1-0701 GENERAL CARTAGE MOVING STORAGE GARDEN PLOUGHING toftmto " CH. 1-3.7! - CH. 1-2073 SERVICES OFFERED I25 Downsviow Ava. Corfu.- - Soaring " King St., Woman FUNERAL HOMES FUNERAL DIRECTORS CH. 1-2233 Gravity I Forced-Air PHONE CH. 1-9641 Anywhon - Anytim- WARDBOPE CHATCO OPTOMETRIC th.l., R.O. mm] CARTAGE 1rain Break Down Holds Up Traffic it Lawrence Ave. alh d mmuwwuh: on “why a tdiggtk In. Jun Codlln Vilma trund- in mm on “N.- Pedestrian and automobile trame was held up for nearly an hour last Thursday afternoon when a 62-ear C.N.R. freight train broke down at the Law- rence Ave. level crossing. Ila-uln'LCu-uuud Mr.msdMrsGttedttaCtt-ms Mr. and In. Paul Burnout-r hold open houu tot thon- nonh- boun on Monday evening June 18th before luvlu tttr neutral. Mr. md In. Keith Barker and family no holiday” up north at the cottage thi- wont. "in Durban In: was ducks] at Markham on Thursday evan- ing and n Agineourt on may evening, ind Min Beverley I'm- cett danced " Hart House at a recital on Friday evening. We are honoured to have two such tt.tl_ente,d girls in our village. Inlet-o- '1tlt,b80et Mr. and-Mm. Scott and Philip visited a Jackson'l Point with "lathe: an Sundly. Penny spent the Wonk-and thir canal. _ When the wheels ot the engine went off centre, it caused the _train tt? stpp " 12.25 pan. and it wasn't able to move oft until 1.20 pan. Before the train got moving} crowds of school chil- dren were kept waiting until the train started moving again. Trame detoured along Main street to where it could bypass the train. l WINDER’S 'i?iii'iii'i / LIMITED ©iriiriIEEf) Veteran’s TAXI cm1-1133 0M1." trip: a ”do!" AND REPAIRING WM. A. RICO! lilo JAN! ST. . Mt. DENNIS IO. "Mt Hui W 2441008 SERVICE - Rttd'stDisr"reherd - PM" Inmittt Cl-I. I " 3525 Two-way radio and phones contend Toxin stationed a! M Main St. N. 500 Mala N. a! In: Stop Hoot-h Canny Corner Jan. I Wilson OFFICES . JANE ' LAWRENCE AND MAIN at LAWRENCE ttADtoa5tspAtCHEtt BAKER " Cars To Serve You FLEETLINE from ' 1 Within“ Ave. 1311. 1-9131 TELEPHONE TAXI PHONE , TAXIS " A beautiful day and keen in- terest by the pupils and staff provided an enjoyable afternoon ot field and novelty events " Rodin; Street school on-Friday, June 3rd. Ribbons as prizes were donated by the Home and School Association. _ Junior Boris-Rufus) broad jump, Peter Young; standing broad jump, Thomas Jones; 7a yard dash, Thomas Jones; wheel- ,parrow race, Roger Hayes and Janey Epstein; 3-legged race, Jeffrey Epstein and Roger Hayes. Mrs. Gwen Hibb: RODING ST. SCHOOL FIELD DAY Winners of the various events were as follows: Intermediate Boys - Running broad jump, Frank Inga; stand- ing broad Jump, Frank Ings; 100 yard dash, Paul Gerrard; tugh Jump, Paul Gerrard; slow bicyme race. David O’Reuly; wheel- barrow race, David Smart and Frank Bradshaw. Senior Boys-Running broad jump, Peter Hambly; standing Broad jump, Bill mcivor; 100 yard dash, Norman Morrison; nigh jump, Jack Gibbs; wheel- barrow race, Norman Morrison and Jack Gibbs; slow bicycle race, Norman Morrison. Junior Girls-Running broad jump, Norma Menkel; standing broad jump, Norma Merkel; 75 yard dash, Norma Merkel; shoe kicking, Linda Dickin; 3-legged race, Lynn Cox and Norma Mer, kel. Beverly Hills and Baker Downs 1I‘M Loads 'Roxdalo Ind. Ball league Intermediate t1iris-Running broad jump, Susan Cooper; standing broad jump, Angelika Beyer; 100 yard dash, Maureen Wiggins; high Jump, Carol Mark- wick; shoe kicking, Linda Smith. Senior Girls-Running broad tnf girls, shoe scramble. Lois'will take jump, Mary Grindley; standing PIP? 12 yr. and up boys andHs due t broad jump, Mary Grindley; 100 "rirls, peanut on a spoon. Gordon tease b1 yard dash, Mary Grindley; high [Bprt 12 yr. and up. boys and ‘cream ll Jump, Mary Grindley; “we kick- >.‘ZIrls potato bowling, Anita {provided ing, Beverley Guerin. lee/yy; "adults: tgising and §WEDDID i Baseball is away to a good lstart in the Weston area thls lyear with six teams taking part ‘in the newly formed Rexdale ‘Indusrial League. Canada Cycle and Motor Co. has taken the [lead in scoring, not having lost In game since the season started liiv'i weeks ago. Due to so much wet weather prior to field day, the relay teams were unable to have sum. cient practice, so the relays will be run as soon as possible, after school. SCOUTING Nineteen boys from the lst Beverley Hins Scout troop were taken on a very interesting and enjoyable tour of Manon Airport last Wednesday evening. Len Playing in the tetrgue are C.C.M., General Mills, Simpson Sears, Pioneer Electric, White's Hardware and Canadian Stan- dards Association. The league isn't affiliated with any other amateur association. Doug Felkin, manager of the C.C.M. team, said they have just " good a team as any that is in the league. In the first game of the scum. C.C.M. defeated General Mills on May 12 by a score of 40 to 2; on May 18 they played Pioneer Electric to win " to 4 and May 26 the defeated Canudian sun- dards by I score of 18 to 8. Simpson Sears were trounced ly the motor téam by 11 to l ‘and on June 6 CCM. downed jWhito‘s Hardware 21 to 11. toisON.eritris pug mm, m [migrated u {linking inch} iSGei,RStira", Moffat., Limited. who usually have a baseball team are not in the lemme (his your . a. was}; an? "thaiiin." may mm TAKE. .Hihl nym.r.You--Yi'tyir.i.FeTriErriu7," hr Prompt Sank. In laying or Soul». Call R0. 6-4136 REAL ESTATE and I NSU RAN CE I!” - tteed REAL ESTATE Holt was in charge of arrange- menu. The boys were Ihown through various aircrnit includ- ing the Viscount DC3 and Bristol Cargo, and were given permit" sion to sit in the pilot’s sent, which was a special thrill. A special treat was given the boys in the airport restaurant before they journeyed home, and it seems they came home tired but happy. BEVERLEY HILLS UNITED Holy Communion was cele- brated at Beverley Hills United Church last Sunddy when Rev. Prof. K. J. Joblin, BA, B.D, of Emmanuel College, was guest preacher. Rev. Joblin was pastor at Westminster United church for some years. A duet," "o Come Everyone That Thirsteth", was sung by Mrs. Corneit and Mr. Van Os. SUNDAY SCHOOL PICNIC Despite last Saturdtty's dull skies and threatening rain every- one who went to River Valley Park for the Sunday school pic- nic seemed to be having a good time. Various sporting events were organized for the children; also a baseball game for the fathers and sons. Too bad, but the fathers won 15-10. ”gun pumw Downing, nmla j iAlpoaeus; adults tossing and 3 catching, Mr. and Mrs. Norm '; iiiiliirp"; jar rings on suckers, I larry and Kay Leonard: thread ithe needle, Doris and Cy Levers. ", Race results were-? yr. girls, Mary Daimer; 7 yr. boys, Richard King; 8 yr. girls, Dorothy Bri- don; 8 yr. boys, Allan Keith; 9 yr. girls, Linda King; 9 yr. boys, Brian Miller; 10 yr. girls, Judy Rogers; 10 yr. boys, Brian McCready; 9-10-11 yr. boys, Piggy back, Jim Braiden and Brian Miller; 9-10-11 yr, girls. ipaper plate race, Eileen Hooper 'iand Wendy Williamson; 9-10-11 iboys.and girls, shoe scramble, iJudy Rogers: 12 yr. and up, boys tend girls, shoe scramble. Lois Lightning Causes Thistlétown Blaze Well the"provinciat election is over and done with for another four years at least. An average of 65% of the eligible voters turned out at our local polling station, as compared in 20-25% other years. This shows a healthier interest in the affairs of our country. About $300 damage was caused when the home of Jack Fenton, 315 Albion Ave.,Thistle- town was struck. by lightning and caught tire last Sunday at 3:15 pm. Mrs. Fenton was able to get out of the house with her two children. Mr. and Mrs. Frank O'Donnell, other resi- dents of the house weren't home at the time ot the fire. The fire was noticed by tour Woodbridge residents. Rexdale Fire Department and the Thistletown volunteer brigade were summoned to the fire. They answered promptly to pre- vent. it from spreading to the United Church next door. Dowmview Baptist Church is holding their annual Sunday school picnic on Saturday. June Mth at Woodland Park, Mark- ham. h Local residents exrreriencr/d another water famine this past Thursday from 10 pm. the night before until 3 pm. that dtay, While residents on Wilson Aw. and Ridge Rd. were ututftected. If mlny more of these breaks occur. folks will be getting I rain-barrel for such emerlen- cies. We're glad to report that Ridge Rd. school In: lumnful in their ball game and we under- cut-Id the they are to play for the championship before long. Best of Luck. ‘We would like to extend our Imp-thy to Mr. and Mrs. Prank Bowie: tn the bereavement of Mr. David Bow father of Mrs. “win, who recently moved to New South Wales. Australia. Bob Bowles, h on I month's In" hom the Navy, he I: vilmng with " family, Mr. and Mrs. Prank Bowie: of Ridge Rd. mus. L. nurnznmmou - on 1.0297 RIDGE M. AREA 1tutll'v"e't1l'rr'/u',t' -You' have more hut, CH. 4-1516 Mm. Cook um! Mrs. Bernard kindergarten telchen tamed the youngsters in their rhythm band ulecuom. They were ac- companied on the piano by bus. Cook. The music supervisor, Mrs, Suntan was presented with a bouquet of roses in thanks tar her co-operation in the testi- val. The ten wrist watches, which were the big attraction in a draw sponsored by Westdale shopping centre, were stolen last Tuesday from the barber's store window where they were on display. The glass door had been smashed and it is conjec- tured that the robbery took place around mid-night. We are sorry to hear that Mrs. Today, assistant principal, is ill again. Registration tor the kin. dergarten is in the sixties at present but will probably rise in September. ROBBERY For a five week, period, two watches, a lady's 'nd gent's were to be drawn. This is the third week and no one has come torward for the numbers drawn so that the prizes were intact. The Molly McGregor school ot dancing held a display last Fri- day night " the Weston Collegi. ate and Vocational school audi- torium. Among those taking part were: Julie and Patssy?eryuett, Karen Storey, Beverley Jones and Joanne Page. DANCING DISPLAY GRADUATION DINNER Following their tour of the Ford plant the previous week, Grade Eight students of Fair- haven school last Monday night were treated to a graduation dinner. S. S. PICNIC June 25th is the date set for St. Andrew's Sunday school pic-j nie. Will barertts please note that) it is hoped as many parents and; friends as possible will join thel picnic which is to be held at Centre Island. Chartered buses, will take care of the party which is due to deave at 12.30 p,mij Please bring a picnic lunch. Ice' cream and beverages will be WEDDING PERSONALS Last week there were two weddings attended by members of Kingsview Village. _ Mr. and Mrs. Ken Wilson and Carol were guests at the Wilson- Triekle wedding at which there were many guests from out-of- town, including Winnipeg, Ham- ilton. Stoney Creek and Galtd The beautiful candle-lit ceree, many was held at the Redeemer I Lutheran church at Indian iid) and Bloor St., Toronto. The bridegroom was Kenneth Rowe Wilson whom several early I builders in the Village remem- ber as "Pete." _ Attending the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Nerstcheimer at Westminster United church were Mr. and Mrs. Keith Corbet. For week of June " to June 22 BLACK SHIELD or FAL, WORTH-very good, DOCTOR IN THE HOtME-rntt- ture, but very good. GOLDEN MABK-very good. but mature for some 8-12 years. G U N F U R Y-mature, but of good ethical value. Mh AND PA KETTLE AT RACHEL AND in: STRANG- ER-excellent; Family Medal Award Film. SAL0ME-excellent but mature for some; Silver Medal Award Film. Kinysview Village By MRS. W. A. “BRILL CH. 1-1843 GEO. BEEGHAM DANCE BAND "Modern with tt Sci"! - I now mums mm ivory Sal. light i run at the '; W“! carnation Drank i, mm caulk. qua m IRWIN no. mlsuqown l, 'e'"' Sudan now hall. lira. (no IIIIIVI. pupa. N no». man In .9- “£12.24 Child Movie Guide ROME-very good or M. 1-6700 honing. For Further tM.rrrtetuat Il " When?! 'tqrtMe6At.d1ttttr-Nmd-.It- HIV“ 1iBi.rl,t,rztiljr,, COIPjEl WILDE RICHARD CONT! Friday and Saturday All COLOR SHOW JAMES STEWART GRACE KELLY "NEANDERTHAL MAN" ‘1 pm x... " ulnmu mu . sum "DONOVAN'S BRAIN" um was roan "Hawks in the Sun" Mind-y, Tunic", VchMMQI "QUEEN OF SHEBA” "REAR WINDOW” "GOLDEN MASK" Wednesday and Thu-"day III. mm; W“- ' m t own» I tri--.- MH 3 . “I!“ :W“" m I “A“ m I ME 3 'dam..-... . I nun-mu. I "_-.. Self, ' I I 'WT--.-. tlNrdf?a I mm mum ' P.rteef, Purple Sago” G EOIG E MONYGOMEIV * ”SAM“ I” my * I “PM“ A“. "m" “mus w " "I “I.” - “mammal” mum PM * can: In": " the I“: “not!“ Ion-york ard SH. Show! ___---- Monday and Yvuduy FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE EVERY SEAT A RESERVED SEAT "BIG COMBO" 'Salome" RITA HAYWOIYN STEWART ounce: Ind no my "Bait" (Add!) "fiiiiiiiiihC2iiiiiiiiifiiiii:' "OKINAWA" with VAN "HUN Att STAR CAST (Adult) ROBERT SHAYNE - alto - with ww AYERS - .u.- -td"-- CH. l-llll o--------.' -ORDER BY MAIL.- “MOON II coma WILD? Nam " “In JI..-.,...-.----- ”min-tum" Ringlln. Immuodkmmllolncm M ommt DEF/RY. 7m, CANADA If. IMll8illrll mama lo. " CZirrrEirri? II JEFF C HAND“. Friday and Security, Jun. " all " Monday and my", 'tttpred " “LI-35 Wodnuduy, thud-y, Jun " " row cums HANK Lovuov _ MARY MU!!!" ”“01,, HM Ciao-chop. SIGN OF THE PAOAN TON , Melton ltd. I Hwy. " Phone CH. 1-6701 fan-37.7 BLACK smith or “mom "MA a PA "ou AT HOME" huh“, Mad-y. he. " "JOHNNY DARK" (Technicolor) T. CURTIS "bLowmé WILD” HEIDI! Munoz»: MAIN and PERCY mum: "RACHEL & THE STRANGE!“ "T HE RAINBOW JACKET" "THE SYSTEM F. lOVUOY "GUN run" II Colo! . com JAM I” DAVID IA” BEACHHEAD ”PUSHOVER" "PASSION" ROM" Moll" ‘H-Nm (Add!) F. MchUIIAY I. HUDSON G. COOPER (T admin-luv) [ll JACK INA GM l. MITCHUM

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