Times & Guide (1909), 16 Jun 1955, p. 3

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Weston Woman Elected President o,!1r,at,It. 1,(o,,rli,, ult,te,trt,,s,,,l1s,tiytr Barbara Taylor. Weds John Sweennan at Weston _ Mimi) Cir" "C%5"Crce.erJ1' Hurry DeWoIfe, newly elected president of the Weston Lions Chris is presented with his president's pin by the retiring club president, Harold Stonehouse. Mr. DeWoIfe was installed as president at the Lions club meeting last Wednesday night. Officers were elected as fol- lows: past president, Harold Stonehouse: president. Harry DeWolfe:. Ken Johns, lat vice- president: new directors, William Burlisnn and John Watson. Club Mrs. Clarence H. Kollarg. 3 Rlvérstnnp Driu', Weston. Wily olm'lcd prmim‘m of the West York Dislru-t Wotrwn's (rvstilutv a! thmr 54th annual mommy Juno 8th, in Yellow Hall, VN lore, Ontario. Mrs, Kellam Is a tru'mber of the Rivhvlow Wom- eu's Institute. 20 members from potch group 311011de the meet- ine Harry mom iilmlloil . A: Lions Club President vml was caught up by (Towns of the mmn maternal trimmed with lace and pearls. She car tied a sidesweep graduated bou, quot of white carnations edged 1sith Guippeve lace and seed pi'arls, In an all white al'lt‘rnnnn 1sedding lust Saturday Hurhuru Mary Tarlot. became the bride of A. .Inhn Swoelman tyl the, Royal Nuvy 1H Wt’slmmslvx' United Chutvh, Weston wlth Rev. James Mackenzie olrunat, ing. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Taylor. tio St. John Rd. West. Weston. The groom Is the mm of A. Charles Sweolman of London. England and the late Mrs. Swwtman. Given m marx'xagv bv hm- fa» ther, the bride wore a dress ol white benpaline with squan' neckline edgvd with (imppen' lace and seed pearls. 0n fitted princess lines, the dress had long sleeves and a train. A fingertip Weston 5.00 “DELIVERS 0'!" "HHS, Ill. ttt ' F" unnum- I'm-nu 36 Main St. South WATER HEATERS Our Price "illasieel" 7/an ONLY $87.50 El" CH 1-1112 Ma ttit 30% [unwed Before Day Sum. Inlanu WEEK” SAVE 10.30 lnuulled all; .50 In turning ov'er the presidency l, Fifty Canadian Boy Scouts to Mr. DeWolte. Mr. Stonehoun wilt be provided with u, an- thanked the club tor their i'ii,??i.lle:ls.; trip to the 8th World port during the past 'year. The Jamboree to be held in August new president, Mr. DeWolfe i" Niagara-on-Lake, Ont. All stated that he wats" looking tor- 'costs of travel and of ten dlyl ward to a good year and hoped I" the Jamboree will be paid for the continued support of the (by The Bank of Nova Scott: for ttpor ““""""° 150 winners in an essay mute“ on "What It Means To Be A Scout." wr-'"""';, @133»uié?§,"c"ui"iif5def Hui iGlEEIJ -iiiacsuGai- Gi Mike Jones; Lion Tamer. Id Immmer. " award: in n any Rushbrook. _ ' . ', contest. The reports of the standing POHHIHHOPS were {XCI-Iiont. Sm‘vral \rm-nl numbers rend~ cred by Jhe local Vellore pub- lic srhrml children were keenly zipprm'ialvd. Vocal duets by David Ruthr?rtord.and Donna Graham \n'm much enjoyed. In the mm-mng session, the Lamb- toh Mulls W,1. favoured the mommg with a duet. Fm the reception at the church. the bride's mother my tvlved m heavenly blue lave with navy picture hat and acc m;»m'xcs. and a (visage of pink rest-xi She was arsisted by Mrs. Till» Stephenson in rosewood lam-n and matching accvssories. and wore a corsa'ge Nearoses. For the wedding ip, the bride Ware a charcoal grey linen dress, matching duster. red hat. patent shoes and bag, white gloves and a gardenia cob Hip? _ J. Edgar Brown, also wore dresses of white bengaline with >quure neckline, titted bodice, short sle-vvas and full skirts and carried wedding ring bouquets of carnations. Gmmnsman was Robert Tay, lor and ushers were Donald Kirkland and William Stephen- son. The district Institute ladies we looking forward to the Insti- tute pmnic to be held at Sharon Temple. York County. June 18. Mrs. Bm‘roll. a member of the orm'lm'lal board of Women's Institutes was m attendance and The matron of honour. Mrs, Rube-r! Taylor and bridesmaids, Mus Donald Kirkland and Mrs we 100mm: toy-ward to the lnsti- Incidentally, the warmer 'the Cute pln'nic to be held at Sharon water, the deeper should be Tomplv. York County. June 18. ynur plugs. spoons or spinners, Mrs. Bvrroll. a member of theras, the fish seek out the cooler orm'lm'lal board of Womenilevels . Institutes WHS m attendance and) Actually, the enjoyment for addressed the convention at the most people is not in catching "ftevnoor, sessmn. 'tish-but just in "goin' fishin'" - _ _ A , h I ll . JUNE "t,. r) , 1n . r, '1' Day 18 l A) F , anal-CH Waf V jf' Sedan strength, four-near convenience. .. . with that new low-to-the-ground silhouette lo yf RF,, - Ila, - - I - u - n I "r-ji,"') .. c.,..)' J' T aqe,'gPA'tkJ,z-,?il,l'1".rlr-> ' L {125:3 '. fri, , )3. L”: Cor. Main St. N. and John 50 M o T H E n I lk-rl-Illia- We Have Everylhing For F A T H E B Buy Him a Useful Elf” SNORKEL PENS Stt.Ts up. was BADGER SHAVING anususs $3.50 scmcx, SUNBEAM ELECYRIC RAZOIS We will meet the lowest Mil,, omens “was ASt ttt " counuuous m DELIVERY CH. 1-1153 -54 Aili prices {RUIZ} DRUG STORE, Em! Pen-mt. Prim is rm Jamboree Trip The essay st, sponsored by the bank in co-operation with The Boy Sco Association, is open to some 200 Scout: across Canada; tho eligible to ',attend .the Jamboree. Entry {forms and rules on the essay jcontest went forward this week tn the ten provincial headquart- Jr') and to district headquarters 'lin' Ontario of The Boy Scouts. The Scouts have until mid- night June 30 to mail their essay entries to their Provincial Head- quarters; in Ontario to district headquarters. Winners in each province will then be plixgd by three-men committees ompris- ing representatives of the Boy Scout movement and the bank. The 50 winners will include: two from Newfoundland; one from Prince Edward Island; four from Nova Scotia; three from ,New Brunswick: seven in Que- bec: 15 in Ontario; four from Manitoba; three from Saskat- chewan: five from Alberta, and <ix from British Columbia. Fifty Canadian Boy Scouts will be provided with In an- expense trip to the 8th World Jamboree to be held in August " Niagara-on-Lake, Ont. All costs of travel and of ten dlyl YARDLEY MEN'S COLOGNE SEA'OITH and OLD SPICE shaving needs CIGARETTES ot lawn! canon price: Every Bod luv" lama Sound I Candi” 'on Father: Day. "We are conducting this essay :-untest because we realize how much attendance at this Jam- harm: can mean to Canadian Boy Scouts and we recognize that transportation and other costs may keep many a worthy Scout from going," said a bank spokes- man. Fish bite best when they can see best. This means they feed more when the waters are clear, not muddy. The moon seems to affect the fish's appetite, too. In fact, there's a saying, "Fish bite best when the moon is bright, and this is true both day and night," T that many fishermen swear by. l Here are some portents for a lucky day's catch that you can look for when planning to drive off to your favourite piscatorial retreat. A good off-shore breeze is an- l other lucky omen. The ripple) on the water hides you from the I fish. Rough water, however, j, will hide the bait from the fish. _ Many anglers consult a barw meter before setting forth on their sport. They stay in bed if _ the barometer is low, but jump out early and fast when it is} high or rising. time to fish ”3:; If; P) , TipsonTouring BACHELOR A real man's after-shave - By Carol ' o....,....," Women] Travd Avthoritr Twenty mil- .::. ,. hon anglers :_ _ L" . can't be wrong fl. about the tun of "‘9'. fishing. But Yu' l they sure can \ TT I m a k e mistakes about the best ly, the warmer.the deeper should be spoons or spinners. seek out the cooler Hum! -Photo by Make". Studie Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Romsdin are shown siginq the register following their wedding Juno 4, in Control United church. The bride was the former Christine Collins, daughter of Mrs. M. Collins and the late Mr. Collins of Queen: Drive, Weston. The groom is the son of Mrs. W. T. Romsdin and the late Mr. W. T. Romsdin, Main Street North, Weston. ‘day, June 24th in the Central CLUB HIGHLIGHTS 'United church auditorium by , ‘the pupils of Kathleen Rogers PIANO REC'TAL ‘and Kathleen Carney, assisted A recital will be' given Fri-lby Miss Lorna Curtis, soloist. Your Hair beautifully slylod . . . Gul. Shampoood (plain shampoo) and Sol Oman Ira/um “mum-m1 u mnlmm an ‘Wnnml on mm mm mum/n I" mm rm! on 5mm. SEE YOUR FORD-MONARCH DEALER operators, '"hmting >fhemsellvu to Advanced Newer Styles of 10-day. All m c t'.i',',.wi' THIS supervi Fun nructor Fascione Academy Of Advaiced 120.2491] Hair Design Roz-2911 By leading, qualifiod, _bonuty Appointments Now Available] DETAILS AND APPOINTMENTS CALL NOW . . . A SEDAN WIT! roan a. momma was a. 3mm: $1 "All " NORTH WESTOI Fw LITTLE BROS. [llrfri)ijir)i)i, All we ask in roturn In your time and patience. All styles supervised by computer" in. gtrucror. . Presenting Canada's newest, slimmest, most distinctive four-doorl one it MQQARM» FORD DEALERS FOR OVER TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS A.f.tllliLr2...A..tg “"be I I a ' 1.1“ f I” /s, _ 1'" “kw - (f,atii1p. I! »e , p'. . 1 .-Phesres Ly Mum". R...." -..----.-------, z:.tt..t.rtetr!me-Ntr--tui-,oa'riii'le' J1',u'llT,ia',t,t,t1't,'y-, _--- . m--- - r.xl " Main St. N. FAY"!!! DAY '"CiAk . Vqq_q_ (1 pus. hm) In navy blue "lye-I and nylon “balding; bolt loops and plan, ’0" than} ha. up do $32.30. Just 9h- thing h .in Dad' All wool Englilh gcburdhn and won- teds, In popular eoutrs.futr. $16.9}. FAIHEI'S BAY "EC'" Extreordlnarr value! mum of npon loch" 'irmU-brerasted nylon, Dorm, all sir.s. I... l, PAYNEI'! BAY SPECIAL "tF......, FATHER'S DAY SPECIAL MEN'S SUITS Budget Terms At Solo Prices Men's Sport Jackets TROUSERS EXTRA SPECIAL MEN'S 'snops up. 24.88 (.9. At!lfth 11.88 [jTiTIjijq Where a fne our matters M (march blown _ri'::TlLh.Rtt.iratrttgFau,i The completely new, entirely ditremnt and distinctive Monarch Richelieu Four-Door Sedan is the lowest, deekeet sedan in Monarch history-me-tring only 58% inchee from road to roof! Thi- bril- liantly beautiful car has been designed expruly for thoee who want the strength and rigidity of eedan construction and the convenience of four-door design with the low, slim, elegence of hardtop Itylingl When you drive this newest of Monarch models, you‘ll get a wholly new feeling of eecurity and confidence from the - power that'l innuntly " your command ___ power from a great new overhead- valve V-8 engine ass-Hp. or l98-Hp.l by the world's most expe- rienced V-8 builder. Thin ir, your invitation to see your Dealer and arrange to take the wheel of thie lithe and lively Monarch Richelieu Four-Door Sedan. V An guan- ln Thoma» "no" pm- FOUR-DOOR SEDAN ' an!“ not!“ "I. W it and! with: - In.“ hot-an that U Suede dk Leather Wlndbreakers Made of in"! and. and horuhidu. all ail“, Icy. up to $2195. fAYNII’S DAV SPECIAL (e S'yloa with lippu ttr. Wm. wk helix, in" thc thing for your round wool, all nix". leg. up to "SS. Save on Slacks! lAINEI’! DAY SPECIAL w. any I In. lawman-v " VAN HEUSEN DRESS SHIRTS SPORT SHIRTS "T" SHIRTS Make Dad Feel I? Like A King! Sunday, June 19th TIES Popular F-OMV'I Day Gihs and a rm. selection of WESTON 12" tht. 1-3521 “howl-ha. o-tttve-.- In luv-nun. M Easy Balm Tar-a Availabla To Slit Your Pam V A variety of m Met. In - dine and who In W- ' log. up 00 tt2.9S. VAIMII'I DAY SPEC I Al FAYHII’S DAV SPECIAL T .. Wall-mud. broesddottt, belt not”, ossort.d colon. I" dun. In. 31m. Men’s Wlndbreakers Men’s Boxer Shorts Budget Toma At Sula Prim CH. 1-1531 M J/iil'

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