_'.'," 1rrrlgt BROS. 1uytrra LOUBBCRIP‘I'ION [Ln-Es " be per Jen! m gar-nu 10 an 3.44"“ I. M " " per var h mine- to Clllld , lul- Imm- oom- be (tlil, THIS IS YOUR INVITATION'... VISIT YOUR FORD-MONARCH DEALER AND TAKE A DRIVE W by cum". in Wanna, Humb- Hugu- rl. Wham-n, Bony!" Hull-3011““. Am. I '"ataa) Kmnvmw VIII“. turn-Von. Rrrn I. “an": no deal-u, . WAN I I‘NCLAIR. In!!!" Better _ ALFRED H BIRD Kev. Etrtor _', ' _ _ . roan a. Home“ sues a. seam M tum " mom WESTON b. bh'u-umvshu-aeuuu T, V. We an: am the intersection at _ ’wmuvnmAmmwc-nu hag-comm; Inn} Weaisoagreethatthe -disms.-tarotonetstroetanetTtethe, In DING Wynn to be in error. However, btHinttqreasethelobisnotcompieiedand 'M-ttshould-be-de-ttttalto', hp“. or in reality. In the case ot the first â€and innuendo!) Metro must be absolved d in r',,t':,u"v't, "mall-non was made by ID. Tull! York Roads Commjnim - new tho whole installation. either on Criticism ot Metro traMc plannmg and “insuring a. a whole aem more than a little unfair, we think. lt must be reamed that there is n tremendous amount of uork to be done in the Toronto area and tor obvious "Mons, it cannot all be done " once. More bridges Rcross ran-mes and railway tracks Ire needed. and that Indudei the hwrence Ave: level crossing, and the pubhc should suptort Success is wished for the new summer um ot band concerts launched last week by the Weston Silver Band and asturung artists in the town park on Little Avenue. The series in I new venture in that it is to be presented every third Thursday evening instead of on '")iiistiiro And Traffic Planning Times and Guide 'tMt$d-Mtwotratll1eirtata1utioesrmtttse "ist, - ENJOY we DRIVING-EASE . Sftigiir, THAT s YOURS WITH FORD'S "s FINE-CAR POWER-ASSIST FEATURES Ltfe In I Ford an truly be I tire of use! With power “do. you drive completely Maxed. with sure, uh control on rough and. Ind llnooth . . . and you can put so My. too. With Power brake. you an stop Mftly Ind “(fly with I touch of your toe. These ettort. living lectures. Ilnng with - power lent. power window lift: and new Speed -rruger Fbrdomntlc Drive, Ink. every mile of driving I mile of plenum! “with“ " new“ cu- matt Poo! Ottre. Dunn-am Dun-n found“ In lull. "" d an Wluuh'nu» Saw-paw Ammun- IIuaxrgoru, dri,ten, aTohL.. lazy? Learn what it's like to drive _ lrF:iii'l, ' theV8 leader â€in.“ " . I ICIILLAN . OHM-:0: I Inn Mum hut. TIXOW-no CH " reality. In the case of the first Weston council last year: took steps to com~ lection Metro must be absolved ply with ttus request by setting up I planning I u this "null-non was made by board which later recommended a temporary Ind York Roads Commisim zoning by-lavibe passed until such tune as a ot Metro traffic plannmg and complete plan could be put on the town. The I. a whole :eenu more than I town council of 1965 reversed the decision ot we think. It must be realm that last years councul, withdrawing the town as cmendous amount of uork to be a planmng area‘ Thus Weston has failed to Toronto area and for obvious co-operate with Metro 1n thts matter and annot all be done at once. More would be m a very weak position Indeed in s: ravxnes and railway tracks are any demand for better plannmg of tratfic or that Lmludes the lawrence Ave: anything else, from those who are doing their g, ana the public mould suptort part I " IORTII WESTON tlil. lam 1Nlttte-tteelye3-80.t9i-,Ns" DITORIALS Numb. HOB“. Map" on“). Am. lumbar- ?alrhnvon, End-i. no human It is to be hoped that the pubiic mil grow in us appreciation of the fine work that this band has done m the past and will contmue to do, we are sure, in the future. Many hours of voluntary practice are put in by the members of the band in preparation for these free concerts, but we hope more people will come out to enJoy listening to them. Set in the lovely town park, the concerts provide excel- lent summer entertainment for the family and everyone is welcome. It is with regret that we note that the former bandmaster, Mr. Horace ’Sainsbury. who did so much to build up the band in recent years Is unable to continue in this task be- cause of his illness. Much appreciation is due Mr. Sainsbury for his unseWsh and devoted work on the band's behalf, and that apprecia- tion should be shown by supporting the Wet. ton Silver Band and its new bandmaster, Mr. Art Bergen. However, it dwuld also be ruined that “in (If. so many problems, not only Ut m. but In water. sewage and other matters because of the lack ot cooperauye planning and wor'lung m muatcupaisues and between municupahttes prior to the tstabltshmeett of new After Metro was set up Weston, along wtth other area mumcupauttes, was asked to set up a plannmg board ot us can to plan It: own was and tunic patterns m Co-opera- non With , Metro planning board, Sunday evenings such mum to unravel the trade snarl, FordV-i A v-8 engine standard equipment in every model at tt_ofqtrrcoptt nu; Beadle. uuyd: Ian-um Norm-p Amos. Ruth; Athnnn, Harald; Ber Jamey. Thoma; Bothy. Bob; Bell, nu, Janet; Brush-w, Doreen; Brig. Knhhen; Berkeu. Danny; Ben. Helen! ley, Cum; Bundled, Lucille; Brow- laodker, Sonnla; Bone. SSW“; Bortern, my, Marilyn; Brvtut. Ether. Calhoun, Tod; Both, with; Bounbee. Sundown; Curran, Nancy; can», Jaye-g I Boyce, Carol; Brnduock, 'etrfy, Butt-on. Joan; Goodwill. Gloria; (PM. Broadlool. Jim; Broaahurst, Tom; Vita; Haley. Diane; Hamilton June; are“, Jerry; Bun. Mm: rBe1tyrliaGbiaT. Marr; JennlMI. Petty; Irene: Burtigtgtort. Mary Ann; Barns. Marsh, George; Neat, Alwyn; Nair Dorothy; Busby, Slndrl; Callnn, Ed., chuk, Joan; Pltlemn, Betty; Ruwrwe, me; Callahan. Mary; Cinch. John; Pat; Sears, Donap: Smitten, Doreen: Champion. Cart; Gunman. yaPe1;,Ttuirnttrnl Hanbn; Weatherut, Jo<e mud-n... a...» rm. â€up rm.v 14.4, Peacock, Jack; PM, Jun-I; Pink, Garnet, Game-y, Brute; Rainbow. Paul: Inn-II. Anita; Inch“. Joyce; Robb. Arnold: Robin Brunt tw. Arthur; Russel. Gordon; Stu-r. r. ban Ann: Schnedu. lumen; Scott, Carole; Shaw/m. Du“; Simpson. Cameron: Smale. Brett; Sandman-Tow. Aunbelle: Sunk. Joan; Snyder. Audrey; Spun. Helga; Sup-thou, Pat; Mow, Jun; Taylor. Ronald; Todd, Allan; Tram. Btw, Truman, Joyce; Vom. Patricia; Wlkmm. Jamel; Valuedâ€, tuner; Ward. John; Web. Met. Dari; Wetland. Nina: Wm Paul; Welds. Barry; Weller. Jesse; White. Dunc-n; Wilhtttr, Mum-n; You“. Non. . GRAD! ll " OIADI tt Agar, George; Alford. Jamel; AIM. you. Violet; Amos, Noreen; Andcnon, John; Ashton]. Bernice; Barrow. Den. nts; Beadle. unydL [en-11131 ‘Nogmg; Champion, Cart; cu man, Haul; Chrlnlan, Barry; Coo, g1%'., Coffey, Michael; Cook. Jacqueline; Cook. Lor rune; Copplng, Marlene; Coward. Carol; Curry, Bob; Daniellus, Aria; Darling- ton, Diane; Denholu, Jana; Dennison. Robert; Dixon Beverly; Dixon, Doug. tas; Doe, James; Drummond, Sheena; Duplaln. Carol; hurling. Doreen; may. Sherwood; Elford. John: Ell-worth. Doreen; Ellsworth, Harold; Endersbv, Marilyn; England, Judith; Evans, George; Ferguson. Charla: Ferguson, Patraeta; Escher, Hanwlg; Foote, June: Forsythe, James; French. Brian. Gale, Margaret; Games!" George; Georga, Edward; Gibson, Gall; Gour lie. George; Gourllc. Jun: Graham. Nancy; Grainger, Joan; Grav. Halon; lube"..- Dun. Hum; Dobson, Fi"CiiGi'ri can; Domenicl. Ida; Ililiott, Marilyn;,|ns. lob "rrner, Helen; Fordham, Phyllis; GIL l Newâ€. , lather. lunar-t: Geo-n. new-era: POL 'tree, m more, Russ; Gm. Marilyn: Hadier.:BoruM; Barbara; Haley Joan; Huntington, en; W (Eileen; mu, Caron; Hm. . bm Ronald, Humhens. Georllnn; Johnson, liars. 1wr11urn, luck; Jordan. Janet; 'Lamont, gonna; q g can}: XI to anon xu Allison. Arlene; Annesa, Wanda; Bennett, cum; Chapman. Aum: Fay, Talia; Paul! Clark: Grt ' "pusiitr; Indore, Carol; Harm Mary Ann; fullock. P-tricll; Holborne, Laurens; Jefferson. Sandra: Kouk. ,Wtutam; Lam-e, Gwen; choulIu. Margo; Mowhaw, Margaret; Metcalfe, Trevor; Montgomery, Betty; Muirhead, llama; Myles. Judy; Nov", Jun; iO'BriRa, Marilyn; Onion-ac. Doreen; 1Pazterson Helen; Saville. Munro-l; Shannon, Helen; Shelley. Cmâ€; ‘Smlth. Dorothy; Sutton, Rhine: Tor- nnce, Rav. -riiiiitiiriiy1iii."iibri7 (MICIAL DI". m" Idiot! um _ nus In "I. moral-l Cop-Hunt" In as “Hui: Attila, Cllohnn; Andrew. Clrolyn; Annis, Dune; Barker, Dorothy; Bar. ton, Bruce: Benxley, Edna; Boslev, Manon; Brown, Carol Ann; Burma“, Shirley; Callas, Maureen; Clumllr. Shirley; Chant Murder, Chown. Mar. unt; Clarke. lay-mic; Chum tun. dra; Craig, Marie; Dale. Donna; Davies. Pfyy..ePte.t Davin: Beverlev; Deans, Woman troll COMMUNITY HYMN SINGING WESTON MEMORIAL PARK OPEN mun, m. m ' Jott.ttEpt To can)! XI /. nut-cu In. 36 Main St. South “Glasteel†Sunday, July 3rd at (Bi) PM. DELIVERS Under. tb. SPECIAL MUttC-MtEF MESSAGES CH. 1-1112 A Series of Summer Services Au-pku d 90-. Vienna 'optUt Chunk logirming .-itt-. (Continued. from Page 1) mond and Bruce came to Etobi. ‘coke'l St. Phi1ip's-on-the-Hil1 on July Ist M30. Esmond is Alain- .ant Secretary to the Governor General of Can-d: in Ottawa. LBruce is married to Jean Lucas, 'granddaughter of Bishop Lucas (of the Arctic, and lives in Ton ‘ronto. Mrs. Butler was born and 'raised in Newcastle-on-Tyne, It. "i, tended Sherbourne Ladies Col- l Iege in Dorset and was a volun- q Ateer nurse in the First World‘l War. I nun". mm; Viacom. Drum; 1iiiiriti Dunc; V-uhn “I: VOI- Nbcl. Alfred; Walk. PM: VII-slay. I Eben; Warm-w, m. Wm Betty; tin-nu nu; _ In; VII-on. >Shdll; Yostlt. Gull; Yates, Patsy. I INDU‘MIAI. DIPAIYMIN? l PM M "a “worm Oo- ‘ '"1"2'J'. G', on Minn: , f - W M Quinn-I DIM Alex-non. David; Dunou, Ion-Id; mun. severity; more. baud; dank, Donald; Davidson, Cart; Fair ‘llmu; Flynn. Donald; Gun-t, Boyd; lib-mun. Ronda; mum. luau“; ‘uulhdn, Wuhan; Hactunn. wu- lhm; Oakley. Harvey; Rickwood, I; ‘Rowmm, William; Salter. "David; Isnunders, Robert: Tum. Bruce; (rbomaon, Ronald; VIII-on. Jules; Young. Mllllr; Zevnldl. Raymond. 1 OIADI XI To Cub. XII _ Anderson, mu; Boht, Edward; Bowls. Rodger; Budd, Dunn; lulhey, David; Chapman, Donne]; Flynn, Dale; Greenwood, Arthur; Ha . Barry; Hall, Robert; Iretand, My;,Lemy, Round; Lloyd, Grant; Mathewson, Jamel; cer.1tyeuaAt1r:iturr.s,ttr.; Hagan, {in}; , Adamson, Larry; Archer. Gary; Ber. ‘n. Albert; Best, Bruce; Barman. "ttn; Byers, Wullam; Campbell. Robert; CIE cone, vincent; Clnrk, “a?†Cline, Paul; Cllyton, Victor; C, lene; 'Creech, Ross; Croohu. Brian; Cyr. {Iv-n; Donneny, Jack; Winona, Jamel; Edwards, Guy; Ivor-on. Ted; takrire, Robert; ram-Mk. Robert; Glaulord. Jerry; Grunt. m; Gray, Thom; Hum-a Brian; Hitchlnu, ‘Dennla; Hotdsworth, Bruce; Holloway, 'Glry; Hunter, Ted; Johnna, Allen; ‘Kalnr, Gregory; Human. Ross; 1Kitctteher, Morley; Lamb, Thomas: tune, Jon; Lowrie, Donald; Macho-n, [Wlmum Mama-rt. Bruce; Manny, Donald; luun. Stephan; McCarroll. William; youâ€, Jetttritt_lytter, Although Rev. Butler " retir- ing from parish duties, he has already assumed the extremely important duties as Hospital Chaplain for the Western Gen- eral Hospital and Queen Eliza- beth Lodge. Rev. Butler he: been conducting weekly visits to these hosptals since 1950, but now will be working full-time with these duties. Rev. and Mrs. Butler intend to make their home in the West- on area amongst the many friends they have made during the put 25 years. Miss Eleanor. Watts, Grade 7, pupil " Humber Heights School; took first prize in the religious) instruction class and received a} book called, "The King Nobody l Wanted". " , This prize was' presented by the Rev. Walter Welch, M. An- drew's Presbyterian Church, on behalCgt the Weston Ministerial Association. Honourable mention goes to Miss Virginia Inglis, David Bow. ring, and Miss Sharon Conway. xm'on; surtuiv,' piiiitriAtrwiijiGi;' R"ieru..T.e.rrr; Jyafr. 111.139.†Amy grave, wuum; summary, wmmn- lul- ter, John; Sawyer, luck; Shut, boul- In; Shawna-u. KIWI; Sop-r. In}; Spencer, Dual; stony-1m, mud; Steele, bound; Stwholuan. How-rd; Tudor, Bari; Thornton, John; VINE? Veen. 1iltr."topter; yy?er, Allin; Wil. mm; iki tjstuaitCGiFsC'iiait'. -iiiii,Y Vin? Pfh"1; Wank. Imam; Wilson, OIADI tt TO GRADE Dtt Alexander, Scott; Baker. Keith,- Binns. Douglas; Broadtoot. Donald; Bushey, Kenneth; Cldger, Alfred; Campbell. Fruit; Charm“, Wilhce; Colyer. Gary; Coal. Kettlr, Davidson. Donn"; Day, Robert; Down, All-n; Saw-M1, Hurry; MInott, Sunny; Podsn Bruce; Puncher, Hun-y; Gan-nu. Robert; Gnteley. Glen; Groombridge, Fred; Grundy, Brim; Hun". Knuth; Hayward. lungs; Hook, John; Hop croft, "mer, Janos, Lyman; Lenny. George: MacKinnon, Donald; Inklin- Ins, Rabat; Muller, Keith; Page. John; Piewes, Raul; Richard; Hugh; Rown. tree, David; Clivenon. Robert; Smith, Ronda; Swanson. James; Terrell. Rotr en; Welderhola. John; Wmuhoule, Ron-51d. Dean; Wilson, Duncan; Wlllon, oivid FRIENDS FETE WINS FIRST PRIZE - IX To GRAD! X “huh. In'. Jttittt'trMtiu0lilt GIIIIBGII waster: annulus mthEiit ' lawman Ave. t. - msfou - can, av.a ll.†mun-(hora! Communion and Sermon "ttitih% 'uls--tMAt's us" WI NOW HAVE tors OF - , I "" PARKING 10.00 a.m.--Sunday School It.0t) a.m.-Communion Service 7.00 p.m.-Evening Worship 8.30 p.m.--Open Air Hymn Service in Weston Memorial Park . IF you NEED MASON"! Church Of St. David (Anglican) 11.00 a.m.-Holy Communion During July and August 8.00 am. and It om. service" only Corner Main and lippincon St. W. MlMsmt-ttw. E. S. OAKEY lav. C. [alto visiting minister will take the follov 9.45 o.m.-Sunday School ".00 a.m.:\y.orship 7.00 p.m.-Gospel Service 8.00 p.m.-Tuesday -- Prayer DOWNSVIEW BAPTIST Church 11.00 a.m.-The Rev. Leslie Millin of Toronto moo a.m.-Moly Communion 9.50 trm.-Sunday School 11.00 a.m.-Morning Service - Mr, R. Baxter 7.00 p.m.--Mr. it. Baxter 4th Sunday after Trinity, July 3rd. Ir Cross St,' - CH. 1-9533 JOINT SERVICE with West- minster and Central United Churches lawman Ave., New up. In M. W. SUIDIVAll, IA. Lth. I'd! 4th Sunday trfter Yrinity July ltd, 1955 [00 o.m.--Holy Communion ll a.m.-Morning Worship THE GOSPEL IS THE locum SUNDAY AFTER YIINITY. JULY‘SM. Evening service discontinued through July and August WESTON BAPTIST CHURCH ST. PHILIP’S (On the Hill) Weston Presbyterian Church Evening Son/ice cancdlod during July and August AND CAN USE FRIDAY, l' JULY AND SATURDAY, 2 JULY HAPPY HOLIDAY TO YOU! JULY 3rd. REV. it. J. noses, Weston Gospél Tabernacle (Anglican) si. Philips Rd. Joff Multan Id.) "etor-e.e. T. B. butler, 31 St. Philips ltd. SUNDAY, JULY 3rd, 1955 s Cross St. at Church, Cturrru-lsrt IEV. G. K, I’VLEI, lt. IN. MINISIEI Mtts GIOIGE SWAN ORGANâ€! SUNDAY, JULY 3rd, 1955 197 Downsview Avenue E51333 POWER OF GOD UNTO SALVATION WI wo " Plane af Eda/n. l 6, fee istimatt WESTON PRESBVTEMAN CHURCH 4'x6' 4'xI’ 4'x4' WE can All sues m srocx ' 4'x3', 4'x4', 4'r6' "IT and 4'!" SHEETS SHEETS SHEETS SHEETS MAIN St M. CROSS SI following services Lin M "e-H..' at a! SI." $2.16 "