n8. VIOLET HILES and ttun.. 'air wish to axpresu their sin- can“ think! to the many "tlends and neighbours for “lair kindness during the re- vent bereavement of a beloved husband and father. Special ‘thanks to Rev. G. Legge, River. tide Church, and International (Business Machines. o-27-lt Emma, 2 bathrooms, beautiful "eeor, lane kitchen, breeze- 'war and garage - Mrs. Mo- .pn, CH. 1-7609. i w. F. PATTERSON .’ Manors : 5313 Yonxe tlt., Toronto _ x-27-lt $10,800. Immediate polsessxon. groom. brick ‘and stucco me. plus broom baseman! abutment, right in the heart " Weston. close to all schools, " conditioned oil heat, priv- tte drive and gnrage. “.500 Down. RO. 9-7447. QtA900. Immediate possession. broom home on Main St. lamb. in immaculate condi, tkn, modern kitchen, ml beat, Ill good we rooms, mum drive and also lane. 'ii 9-1441. IE - In loving remem- F ce of John McVittie who ' d away July 5th, 1953. MW remembered by his 3rite Mary and sons John and Quart. x-27-1t TfiGirG" buy. HIRE}; béngal- Cy, 159'_ frontage, 3 bed- "e. North Weston - Re, q We): bungalow, 3 bed- ms, "tiuiit-in vanity, oil t, lot 250' X 50', shade ~30... print. drive. WESTON HOMES “W. St. John's Rd. Lovely (-bedroom home, suitable for "Lemmas, mlny extra, low n payment. 'tMoo. Wisgsh Avenue. 7- mm, 1%-storey home, com- 'tetely th1ished, only $5.000 6.sra, balance on one mort- = Down - Modern, sol‘d , k detached rroom home (Ort 2 floors: 2 bathrooms. nil stptt, hardwood throughout u Boor now rented at $100 "tttttttttly. Full price $11500. toeated in built-up new area. ‘M end. Further particulars, an Tom Scott, CH. 1-9781, m ttme. Down . I mortgagn, modern home IS close to has large living room and but, t1niMed, heated it“; room. hot tvatpr heat, " 4 - pee bath, modern .mghout. side drive and " W nun. [DIAL FOR DOCTOR OR DENTIST Call Mr. Zidner MAPLE dinette suite. 6 pieces, good condition will sell rea- '"'el1tfo,e'ON sonabl". RO. 2-3354. x-27-lt " 1.1195 - CH. 1-3288 Libfts diamond set “my. and ----------- -ee _ - diamnnd rim: $400 or best nf- ' If“! nnr-rnn “I, l for. RO. 2-2732. x-27-lt Mn we are ail alone at memory is the only thing hat griel'can call it: own Javingly remembered by his wife and family. o-27-lt In: list. _ WIS! AND MANY Amps In Further Information Call Mr. Iidner I called him home, “I us will tt in our hurt: I low him still I memory is-as dear to-day I ll ttte hour he passed awn: , often lit And think ot him 1Bl SCOIT but at “Mir daughter, I like! Dorothy Bum to In. Davin Jordon. son of at In. W. Howard Jot. d M Rope. The wedding 1 hi. place July and In my United Church. - o-27-lt CAI-D OF THANKS In Inns AGENT Gee, " - Cf. 1.97.1 M MERCER, helm .37 Dual. aw. km ' rooms and dinettr. i hick. exclusive resi- ull an. , bedrooms. ml I. full basement and at- III brick gauge. many, " Mud“. This is I very in home, cuuom built - 01...â€. Gaod down at â€suited. Agents see vb loving memory of my husband Francis William ery' passed away July IN ““0314!†REAL ESTATE - BROKERS - RO. 9-7447 Iâ€. my I. Brum Down. Lippincott St. IH-storey home on t YEARS OLD 316.900 - This: KSSIFIED LARGE unfurnished electrically equipped bachelor apartment with separate kitchen. August lst occupancy. CH. 4-546d after 5 pm. 0-27-11 MODERN tour room apartment with balcony and garage. bus- iness couple. Phone CH. 1- 9204. x-27-lt BASEMENT aptrrtTent, fully tucnished, heavy duty stove and Frigidaire, two gentlemen or.business couple. Ctall after t CH. 4-1882. x-27-1t 285 MAIN " N. NEW COMPLE‘TELY FIREPROOF BUILDING KITCHENS ELECTRICALLY EQUIPPED FREE TELEVISION OUTLETS JANITOR SERVICE 3', ROOM APARTMENTS FROM $90.00 TO $95.00 BASEMENT apartment, unfur- nished, three large rooms, sink and kitchen. private en- trance. Phone CH. 14397. BASEMENT apartment: recrea- tion room and large kitchen, built-in cupboards, T-N outlet, partly furnished it desired. Phone CH. 4-248T. x-27-1t mm. A "a lowly bbed. :00!!! home cm to down- town Weston. M' living room, marble ttrettiaee, large kitch- on and dining room. hot water heating with d1. A very arr emu: home. Extra large lot. Private drive and “up. WESTON 85,000 down tor this beautiful 6 large room detached home, solid rug brick with gumwood trim, aeration room. hot water oil heat, garage, gar- den. Thil in really a lovely home. Call Rie Brioux. TWO bed - room unfurnished apartment, near Jane St., stove and refrigerator. Children wel- come. In an apartment build- ing. CH. 1-7312. o-27-1t TWO girls' bicycles for sale, both in good condition. Reason- able for quick sale. Phone CH. 1-3926. o-27-tt ELECTRIC yr. to no Apply 21 SACRIFICE: Moving sale-r-il-i-ri-l-T-c-c-----.---.------ ¥‘_._ kiddy-ear, sleigh, basqinette,:YOUNG woman (1951135 hogg- BEACH gas and can] combing- tion stove. in good rondition. Reasonable. Phone CH. 1-3757. x.27-lt LINED draprss. approximatelv 6 ft. long x 400 inches wide. RE. 4604. Westlyte 7 Ms. HENDLEY'S Tomato juice. two 20 or.. tms-- 25c. Plester's , 202 Main St. N.. CH. 1-0781. MISCELLANEOUS household furniture, mod rondi‘ion. Rea- soMtitg. Phone CH. l-0837 MAXWELL HOUSE (Mfr-n, all TULIP margarine, 1 lb. package .28c. Pleater's Grocery, 202 Main St. N.. CH. 1-0781. FRIGKDAXRE refrigerator, , cubic feet, 1n good condition. Mm red maple 3 n, bed. Phone BE. 14mg. x-27.u' ICE BOX, IM lb. clplcity. 29“x M" high, top efficiency. ap- pear-m And condition. "I. Phon- CH. I-MI. or-OT-lt BABY carriage, Gendron type. CHOICE fruit and vegetables priced right It Plaster} Store, as thin North, ca. mm. - Apply at SUPERINTENDENT’S APT. M. J. Granite Construction RE. 6354 Barford Realty etc. Phone éii."T-1niiiartl//i) work. hours pm, x-27-n‘ 4-1452. purpose grmd, I 1h. bag .97r Plaster} Store. 202 Main St. North, CH. 1-0781. x-27-lt APARTMENTS TO LET after 5 pm convtrtibb. "when! condi- tion, tto. Phone CH. 1-7991. x-27-H Immediate Possession ARTICLES FOR SALE Real Estate Broker , George sum CR. t-tt8t M. t. GRAHAM lIMITED 1132 JANE ST. - Brokers -_- , 'h, 1tffcr_1ttLk CH. 1.8591 trig., Frost King, 1 on 5 yr. Guarantee. Church St., Weston. x-ZO-H x-27-it o-27-tt x-27-lt x-27-lt It '27-lt “I. r RAPES Made Free on all mate- erials. $2.98 yard and up. . mi- mum six yards Best quality Steel Drapery track, 29t font. complete with fittings. May- tair Drapery & Rug Co., 2624 Eelinton Ave. West, It Kaela. RO, 64264, x-17-lt! MUSICAL Instruction, Piano. clmncul and popular. Moor dion, Spanish Guitar. Instruv ments rented to beginners New and used instruments tor sale CH 10781 - 202 Main TRUCKS .Wanted - Any con- dition, one-ton and unwards. Levv's Truck Buyers. RO, 2., 3381. x-25-TF HOME FREEZER - 14 cubic feet $339.00. 18 cubic feet $399.00, 21 cubic tea M49 00 Discounts tor cash. General Refrigeration C o m o a n v, Woodbridge. X14 5t "4.gtt _ SINGER SIWING CENTRE 70 MAIN ST. SOUTH WESYON Phone CH. 1-8868 for FREE HOME DEMONSTRATION st.27tf '50 CHEVROLET. blue, private owner. low mileaCe, perfect condition. CH. I-8563, evenings. 85 King St., Weston. o-27-1t FOR truvk parts, it's Levy's - All makos - new. used, re- built, 1400 Weston Rd. RO. 9- 1115. x-25-1t 41 CHRYSLER, a 5:125. Apply 5 Ave after 7 pm '50 DODGE coach, vaéllen: con- '37 OLDSMOBILE sedan for gale. Phone CH. 1-5103. o-L’T-lt EXCLUSIVE dressmaking, al- terations, suits, dresses and skirts. Wedding gowns a spe- cialty. Phone for appointment, Mrs. Farquhar, CH. 1-9532. x-25-TF M PONTAIC deluxe coach, Big 6, Derfed condition, M50 after 5 Apply 209 Main St. S. x-27-lt YOUNG man desires work mi vicinity of Weston between tll and 9 pm. Has V2 ton pick-up' R. M. Dunlap. c/o Nobletun, P.O,. Nobleton, Ont., or calll Bolton 2074. x-26-2ti St N Weston BOOKKEEPER required for Golf ARE YOU INTERESTED IN A FASHION CAREER? Morgan's, Lawrence Plaza, has openings for voung ladies interested in selling fashions and infants' and children's wear. Applicants will be rev quired August 2nd. Apply Personnel Dept. Lower Floor Morgan's. Lawrence Plaza 3927-1! anion, sacrifice, $650. Phone CH. 1-5035 evenings. x-27-lt Between I8 and 25 to be avail- able for l - 5 days tt week, production line packaging, full employee benetiU. Call Mr. Cookson APABLE mature women In terested m registering as prac I “cal nurses. home makers i/ baby sitters wrth agency oper I sung m Weston and surround mg area CH I 5413. x 25 tti' SEWING MACHINES SALES v SERVICE , “nuts NEW MACHINES FROM Experienced, for general du. hrs in small office " expand- ing manufacture, located m Rexdalp Irel. District rrsid- mt preferred, Apply in writ. ing to'. - BOX 131 WESTON P.O. Must be moody Ind Iccunlt Age . 20 - " Apply " person " MRS. NEST“ WESTON MOTORS LTO. u IAIN " N. Club in Weston vicinity. Phone! CH. 1-3111. x-27-lti EMPLOYMEN" W ANTED HELP W ANTI-LU FEMALE PART TIME MARRIED OR SINGLE TRUCKS' WANTED WOMENS COLUMN CARS FOR SALE RECEPTIONIST For Doctard Office Typing Necesslry Shorthand Preferred Telephone: MOTOR PARTS CLERK TYPISTS CH. 1-1157 CH. 4-2132 CLERK-TYPISY good condition. i Large furnished front room, 51 Mar-Dnnald] near Main Street, gentleman. n. 24-27-113 CH. 1-0718. 0-27-1t 9-4. Phone CH. ty-M-lt no tf ONT. x-27-1t x-2r-lt 3-274. It le room haunt. I lower uni a upper rooms, modern kitchen. Ill hardwood, big room Iron! and back veundahl. til spick and spun. [lumen .. Weston Rd. 8115 mo. to "liable party. View! now. CR. 1-7225- LOT TO' Immune 102' ft. depth located in Weston. Sewers in. CH. 6-6818 "ter 0 Tian. tt-27-it ROOM and board tor one or two working men, Humber Sum- mit. Phone Woodbridge 417- R21. x-27-lt WESTON: four room unturnish- ed Mt in farm house, heavy wiring, outside conveniences, very nice. $10 wk. Phone CH. 1-7225. x-27-lt HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (rubber goods) mailed post paid m plain sealed envelope wrttt price list. Six ample: Me, " samples " Mail Order Dept GA. Nova Rubber Co. Box 91. Hamilton. Ont. x-39-tt BUSINESS woman with 5-room, completely furnished home, in Woudbridge, will share with reliable couple, every con- venience. CH. 1-74.23 days, Woodbridge 157J evenings. FIVE room house, furnished, jut: north of Luwrence Ave. on Scarlett Rd. Apply between 5 and 7 evenings or Saturday, 1012 Scarlett Rd. _ o-27-'.lt LARGE furnished room with grill, suitable for two girls or married couple; also one single furnished room and two un- furnished rooms. Apply 236 Main St. North. o-27-lt FURNISHED room in private; adult home, near tremsporta-/ ' tion and shopping. Phone CH.,' 1-6080. x-er-u) FURNISHED room, hot plate, refrigerator, separate 1n)t1'g'. suitable tor business 'son. Woodbridge 5 M. x-27-1t MT. DENNIS - Two furnished'; rooms tor housekeeping, sink‘ and gas stove, privatd en-' itrance. 1 minute to Jane and; Eglinton bus, low rent. Apply‘ 17 Hollis St., Mt. Dennis. R0.1 2-3333. 0-27.1t; Landladies wishing to regis- ter moms call the Y.W.C.A. ELDERLY lady wishes to rent room in bungalow, preferably to quiet business lady. Meals could be arranged. Phone CH. 1-2590. x-27-lt TWO moms two men, Phone CH, COMFORTABLE furnished room with board itsaietrired. Phone CH.' 1-3094. x-27-lt _TWO unfurnished rooms and bathroom, private entranre, Wilson Ave. (near Main). Phone CH, 4-036l. x-27-lt HOUSE wanted tn adults with one ( RO. 9-6348. BUSINESS couple require three room flat with sink, rupboards «and hr'avy wiring. In vicinity of Rnscmount Aw. by August 15. Write Box 2701, Times & Guide. o-27-lt LiGHT, WANTED: selt-eontairusd apart- ment for farmly-2 children . could give day care if wanted, Wrmttm-Rexdate area. Phone CH. 4-3118, o-ZT-lt HOUSEKEEPTNG cottagrs. , and four rooms on Chandus Lake, hydro, boats, good roads. handy to stares. Apply CH. 1-1679 between Monday and Friday only. SMALL 3 room comm», must tre moved. Renmnahlc. Apply 220 Albion Rd. CH. 1-7019. 3:47-11 ACCOMODATION doors and Rcreenr, supplied and inrtalled. Summer dim count on norm windows. Satisfaction mmraMeod IGHT, airy accommodation with cooking {admit-s required for father. son 7 and daughter 8. Phone RI. 5352. 8.00M AND BOARD tn" WOODWOIKINO CH. l-lul. day or evening COMBINATION SUMMER PROPERTIES FOR SALE ' 800MB} ro LET FURNISHED LOT FOR SALE ROOM REGISTRY SUMMER COTTAGES FLATS TO LET SERVICES OFFERED ROOMS I") LET UNFURNISHED PERSONAL CH. 1-0421 grill privileges. 1-5467. x-27-lt in basemsmt, suit child. Phone, 047‘]! WANTED rpm by tr-M-lt x-27-lt x-27-lt CALL NOW AND SAVE x-ZS-Jt (f DOUG DAVII‘ , Bord Att: _ ---- West End Movers TRACTOR" mowing and lawn preparation for seed or sod. Phone CH. 1-7260. x-27-2t " Main St, s, WEDDINGS, PORIRAIYS, COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHY Chlld Photon-ally 0w ' SPECIALTY SIGN writmg to your price 1nd TRACTOR custom work, plough- ing, discing, levelling, grad. mp. cutting. T. W. Pascoe. CH. 1-0267. x-23-tf Patios, retaining walls, fire. places, walks. steps, in credit valley stone and cerrv ent. New work and remodel. ling. PHOTOGRAPHS FLOOR SANDERS, Edger: and Polxshers to: rent. day or even mg Alpha F1nsimeeryyvhiomer1t 1852 Jane St, Weston CH I 5275 x 27 tt LOAM, sand and gravel, too small. Phone CH “umber Nurseries Expert Stonework satistaetiod Phbne ck 4-1258. x-26-2t FURNITURE RE-FINISHING, REPAIRING HAY FURNITURE V COMPANY sum" “Iv-cs omv L....... s: FURNACE CLEANED omv .r_W__.PPP_ 3: Bork SIIVICES tr"FV'_ 31 These prices will advance after June I. it LOAM CALL-NICKi, On Budget Terms 1f Desired MT. DENNIS UPHOLSTERING A.Lyon ' RO. 2-270.6 BILL Nethery ashphalt paving, driveways scientifically de- sxgnod for durability and ap- pnaranre. Free estimate. Phone OR. 4927. x-23-1t Chestertields and Chairs Studio Couches. Davenport: Recovered and Repaired SLIP COVERS MADE TO ORDER For expert painting and decorating METCALFE'S PAINTING landscape Gardening GRADING I FRONT END lOADERS 25 years' experience ESTIMATES FREE Moving l Stony Weston CH. 1-5310 RAMMY'S SERVICE CH. 4-2159 Baby -sitting and Hounkoopin' Hourly - Duly Weekly Mature, c-pable women CHERRY 1-H]: BRIGGS HAULAGE sr. 8-5342 .for Appointment CH. 1-8271 MR, ROEDDING UPHOLSTERING FAMILY SERVICE RO, 2-8702 1034 Weston Road CH. L19†$and. Fill - Growl Crushed Stone CH. 1-0219 RO. 2-3412 ir TOP sou for ? MANURE 1-21-11 2-274! x-27-1t Wotort Wouon x-23-it (x c, tft x4841 x-M-lt x-lt-lt rs “10‘ urnlnnr, William; Guscou. David; r even ‘Henderson, Donald; Hiscocks, PMrlch; mpany iHopkins, Boy; lronslde, Alexander; ,, Unmiesnn, Cherub; Jarvis, Louis'; I 5275 Jones, Cardin; Kuuk, Joanne; Kent, 'S 17 tt Joan; Kent, Robert; Koehler, Kathryn; Lelper, James; Lawns. Keith; 'Jndswv, -T-7 Peter; Little, Gail; Langmuir, Patricia; no Job Lough, anerle: Macklem. Menard; 1-6620 1MacKenzle, Kenneth; Mnheson, David; F McConachle. Scott; MeNeill, Pawn xW-tt Mertinz, Jean; Manda. Olen; Minis, -___ Robert: giotra't,Dorottv;Moore.0mps; Mortimer, Arlene; Mustard Lynda; Nelson. Pamela; Newbigzhn, um“; Hrs Norris, Glgnda. - m a) /lt?llttlu'tL 2"'g'l'a .23 " " " " SIM) SCOTT HAULAGE FLOOR sandi ' old dark floors made new, unless mncmnes. relsonable p 'ces. Sid Galli- ford Co. RO. 45769., 1-104! -and - _ STENOGRAPHIC SERVICE 16 St. Johm Rd. W. CH l'6674 K-Ibvtf' mi Work guaranteed Free esu mates Phone A. Corras CH I 0282. It 32 tf ACCOUNTING and auditing, books kept or examined, in- come tax and other govern- .uuuz‘retums prepared. J, A. Sauder, 4 Buttonwood Ave. MODERN Ciottr Servlcc Floors cleaned, waxed and polished Any kind ot flooring brought up like new Painted walls wash Excavators limmd GENERAL EXCAVATORS . GRADING CONTRACTORS 49 CHURCH STREET CH. M0“ POST hole digging. C. Garbutt, Multan, Ont. BR 7-4622, - (Continued tram Page 1) p/il'." Rich-rd; Glen, Linda; Graham all. _------ _ .. -_ .. Olsen, Margaret: Parsons “(mm-n; Pink, David; Plumnend. Wendy 1.5:; Pollock, Lee; Powett, Maria; Prior. Muriel; Puller, Douzlls‘. Plvrssurd, Wallace; lulmord. Ralph; Reinke, Brigitte: Relnke. Monica: Riddifnrd. Susan; Robb, Cheryl; Seaznve James; Simm. Gar)" Sims, Gillian; Gummy Stephen; iskiae7, Kathryn: Soillane, William; Stephen, James; Stephens, Fred: Stephens, Douglas; Stove", Peter; Tlndall, Joan; Timon, Dovi:l; Wanna. Scott; Woekl. Jane; Whavlev, Jane; While. Robin; Wilson. Brim; Wll. ' Memorial School ttotGri Antram, Murray; Bums or "tter Bastln, Myrnn; Brady, Peter; Broadfnot. ‘ John; Brown, Christophtrr; arm-u, Douglas; Bull, David; Calhoun, B vs bara; Christa, Philip; Clarkson fre .h: Colbeck, Cl-udln; Cotton, Valerle; Creary, Barbara; Cross, David; Curry, Paul: Dnnlel, Anne; Deariore, Albert; Deller, Busan; Dixon, Grant; Dumeld' Richard; Duncan. Glenn; Dunn, John; East. Sharron; Elliot, Alllson; Swirl. Alex; Fnrquhlr. Charlene; Ferguson, Alan; Forest, Lynwood; r'm-vlcr, John; PM, Frederick; Glen. Gnu-y; Goddard. John; Gordon, Ronald; (Inn. He'rn; Grainger, Jim; Groomuridae, I van; Guest Lee. _ . CH.1';.9407 SAND nu no 2-3543. Omaha Mom. Lou. Idol and Com" Ind PROM" DELIVERY Harrla, Terry; Hutton, Pull; Heoth. Anne; "cum, George; Illscooks. Su. san". undies, Donna; Hodglm. Diane; "ook, Valerie; lineman". Bernhard; Hnriock, John; J-rrell, Wayne; Jarrett, Robert Jet0, Leslie; Jones, Barry; Kent. Marilyn; Ktne, Sun"; KolIsch, George; Kulpen, All-n; humble Jlm; Lane, Margaret; Larocque. Gloria; Imam". sheila; Lung. [Sh-ran: Mc- Cailum. Leslie; McCloskey. Rah: Me- (irolor; John; Mekmvn, Lynn; Mofot, John; Morrow, Cheryl; Mowat, Verna; Munro, Tom; Nctson, Anthony; Mjhnll. Mnrlnus; lenn. Paul: Oshorno, Ann; Page, may; Parker, [huh-In; Par-on. In)“; Petrie, Fallon: Pruyyrrthule"1 NOLAN DUPLICATING MONT IND lOADllS IULLDOIIIS . SHOVELS OlNllAl HAULAGI and DUMP TRUCKS for PAINTING & DECORATING Mm... .'.r""' ."T._ "TeV .. _ IIOM .IADI ' To .IADI I Sta-run Amm. “can“ Bums. Jon Bird. Joanne Buy, Susanne Bosh, Stephan Bales. Trudy Roth, Palm-In, Mum)“ GI Miller. Barry Bruttey, Betty Ann Rurtoed, Gar" "Inning; Peter “mutton; Knnn (‘uku- Kit-h- In! Chuverr, Karen Conn“, 151mm fuel. Allan Coopâ€. Ind Curb-n, Bm Connery, Heather Daniel, Marilyn Der. quP-lngg. Dunc-n; navld ee??.. FBrMr, YI‘rll. Hal-u“. Tlli‘VUttu‘ ..r.... Rolnke, Anita; Reynoldl, Peggy; Rodney. Howard; lone, Charln: Rush, by, Bonnie; Russell, Ron-Id; Srahnrn, Marx-"t; Mulch". Patririu; some", Wayne; Smart. Knuth: Smith. Att, thee; Snelllnc Raymond; Snider Ruth; Swan. David; Thanh-ck Kind"; Tomlinson, Bill; Wills, Sharon: War- ren, Oman; Walls. Sunlav: Wh.tler, Dunne; Hum, Bil-non: Woollrnder, Llnqa_2_Wylll:. “thls: Ten. Vanm JONES BROS. "tir' Edwards. rum-m Everett, Dmo'hv Fare, Bob Ferguson, own"... Ferguson, Guyln Ptteln, In“ ion]. Kendal] Gate, Klan-.1 - John Goya). Inhert George. we. Clubs, Shrlll Glbm. Owe-m1! Goodmm. Grnrn Gordon, Mehar6 Gramter, John nulnmanu. Ttns Gnu-nun". (and. "mum. Wayn- lubbuu Way!" Hen. ry. Mun-y Hallow Edmund Hou- tnrnn._"ttt?* Hodges. Wlmgm Hood, nunn. who Hodges, wmum I Leo mutiny“ Loon-rd In." In“. Juan inn." 'tit, W u... ..-,.v_..‘._.. -e--reiree. My mu Jana. {when Kaila. wuum Knmhum; (hr, Kn“, In†Krrr; Timothy Kuhn-r. John tattmer, Run. on Lynn. lo. Llnguh Retort yr -iGiiieGiCuiii 'ia‘é'rinom. Dunk! ?Pryolt. A "El-LI‘MJJESVA “22-32 on Locum. Joe Llnduy noun Ll.- uu. wgnlggn Lulu. iaihziiirTvktii"r, ma." tam..." Nr',iiCiGaii, Jotin' "un, trtPoleertytts, .__. . EH6.“ GRADE a To nun: ' Remodelling Repairs General Construction Trim Work ROTO-TlLLING A-1 sec _ CAMERON CH. 1-0305 Reasonable Rates T CH. 1-6291 C. MARTIN Lloyd Curtis CARPENTER CR. 1-08“ X-‘J5-TF I474! x-21-1t 'FNN.F ... .. i..'i'e. __r_"e-_e"9_ '__"-"-"'-- I Wendy Gaga. chquellne Greaves, '/ir,.Tlsta,i:l'/'r, Guest. Thomas Hake. Pat- ‘rlcll Hall, Richard Human, Glen Hop- ;Idna. Lynda Horn, shpmn How-M, xhTFi9er.t1f male, Lellh lronslde Marilyn ‘lrvlng, James Juno. Donald annlngn. Lynne Kerr, Carolyn Larocque, Stephen Leamnn. Susy juttle, Bob Lord, John McCallum, Shell: McGuire, mann Mc- Lean, Vlclnr McLean, Marian Melanin. . Hugh MoNabm-y. Pu Mlllon, Dorothy ' Millie, Thoma! Mllllgan. Wnyne Mor. row Wllllam Mounuov, Rlchard Mur- n \rnv. Mallndl Oak“, Robert Olhornl. LI'm-hull Omen. Marilyn Packer. .la-k Pam, Wayne Petheriek, Graham Pile worth. Jay Pollock. Ron-Id Powell, Sunnne Reid, Marilyn Rcynoldl, War- x-2-U ten Rice, Laurie Risk. Rosemary Rolfe. __,____ Judlth Ron. Carol Rumplo. Paul Rum, may. Robert Subaru Norma Scott, arhutt, w Marnie Slatcher. Yvonne Sloan, Lynda 22 ‘Smlth. Marilyn Ste. Mine, Edwnd 22-6t lTelford, Judith Thompson, Douxlal tr lTlndall. Kenneth Tlpton, Elli-bath ----- Toon. Donna Vlneham, Lynn Vye. GUI ' iWehb, Jlrey Weeks, Gordon Womb lord-on. thid Hammer. Judy Mount. joy. Shnron ff.'."%r,"g'si Barbara Nell, Timothy Oakley, T one†Olun. John Puffer, Lynda Real. Jim Sacklnkton.‘ Betty Ann Sluulhter, Ellen Suzht,‘ Patric!- Pg2t Vivien Shun Leon. Spillane, D nah Smallman-Trw. Kenneth Smith, Glenna ltovell, Graham Suv- anl. All-n Tomklnmn. Bruce THmbv-o. 'tttt 10ttter, Karen Whit., Carat Wat- lon, John Weeetq Peter Williamson, Carol Whittle-ow. CRAP. Foul To OlADII FIVI Archnr, John; Blakonon. Evan; Gol- tors, Hobart: Boom, Alan; Borrow, Rol- wtnn; Britten, Donald; Brown. Alan: Bruce, David; Byworth, Rita; Cameron. Bruce; Champ, bought Christoph", Conttnnco: Clark-on, than; Conroy. Cnrley: Copleuon. Dougie, Creary, M.riorieicurry, W-ynn; Dav“, WNW"? Dob-on. Guy; Dover, Dean; Finlay, Arthur; Gomm, Dianne: Harrison. Pat- relic, Hu‘up. R-ymond; “Mocks. Pct-r; Hodges. Ronald; Home, Petra; Jollllh. Wttom; Kllpnrmk, Robert; Kint. Paul; Kuhn, Larry; Lancuur Rob- vrnl; Llwrh. Ruth; Luann, Brunet; Linduy, Dawn; Lindsey, Charles; Mac- Lood, Marlene; Mamuon, “net: Me. ‘Flrllnd. Donald; McGuire, Lnrancc; Me'cNU, Edward; Muir. Helen. O'Brien. Barry; Parsons, David; Phil- ‘lel, WIllI-m; Qulpp. Susan; Sawyer. mums; Sen“. Donald: Sewell. Jane; Shave, Susan; '3hropshtre, Judith; Smith, Pamela: Snider, Sulan: SWIM, ing.Murtut. Townes; Spence, Alln; Thomson, Patricia: Wagner, Mary Jung: Wuhan, Donald; Wuren, Rama; w-ugn, Robert; chlter. John; Wood, www.mwN-i “WMNWM 't-tr.uuatitho'P1? ado-numb!!!†Rain} on. was WM- 10*" due July o, 1m .0 " Fm. N by." " â€y t.nder wlll not an» wily be my“. PROMOTE!) FROM GRAD! FIVE To GRADE SIX Rlchard Armstrong, Donald Ashrord, Ann Austin, Margaret Bailey, Bever- ley Barn“, Inn Barrett. Willllm Bir- mw, Kenneth Bastin Paul Elm. June: Bunch. Robert Blonke. Randy Bales, Horn Both. Hath" Brlby, John Brewer, Ellzubeth Bull. Frank Bumvunl. Bruce Burgess, Robert Bur- gess, Steven Canning. Fradu‘ek Ctarh- son, Wlllhm (7101:. Rhonda Cockwell. Lila Corbett, Fredtrick Con. Sharon Cotton, Helen Coulthard Bob Daniel, Kenneth Den-love, Duvtd Dennllon. Arthur Enkln, D-vld Elliot, 311mm roden. Lntlrle Garred. Barbara Gibbs Aim Giles. Hobart! (brig-rd." cock, l. ., ‘nu‘cmuwm "00“?!â€qu mag. chmy 1-5231' . chm- a. ruin. as MAN-p: OPEN MONDAY YHIU THURSDAY 9 TO 5 ' FIIDAV ' TO I . CLOSED SATUIBA' W .aiikc' 1'tttgy "ftir.r,iflttt, mall! “up loam mud. n mums o! oll wuoundin' mm . "mull Fin-m (Ann-y I (not Tttt "ll "limo." (ONIIY or CANADA it SiiiriGr, «our Rat‘s] lung , MAIN STREET: Myra: 9t1, may. N. M. Numb, “than “Within. The luv! 00 "and†"whoâ€. M Honk Volt. , luv-uh “to", Vllhwd-h. Omani. " t.tMt 'Helln.Daddg.' Coming m "M" At the end of the thy than] nothing no" "citing than Did] voice to report when ht " be home for dinner. It nukes Inch I lug dderenee to' little people who have waited all Any for DIddy'l voice. " link. I difference to your wife, too-she likes to tum mm: warning when you have but! idlde This it just om of the cannula. nun rose, telephone pm in way u it nah. life hm enter, more mare. A mud-bum an. mull-I‘D. dumnll." In. W all. "te-ttGs-txt-tit-d u: mm. autumn“ ‘mdnu'ho’oomlorm coum. It VII than I amt-yin: mm; now it u tour nut." was having more club room and mm mad-nu. w- Milla- all! the department ttae hld I luv number at an MI- ‘chlnu and equipment added- undo-h In and. II a! - on] eon-crow own. an grt "m I! CIA. Veil I†- butâ€. manila. Id- Mitt" Idiot "tt trttt "etaittV In! hmgtr m "can!" to the not.“ " “puma. um I - I!" mm: on mi! from an "tyt i In 1939 she took I trip to the Scandinavian countries of Eur- ope. Publicity pamphlets from Mint country advertised this part ml the world as the “Mancini ‘countries or Europe". War with ;Germany was already looming 1on horizon and the any the iteacherl arrived back in Mont. (real liter the trip, war broke 3;?th Tiie"truru around oceasionsiin" tho continual. Miss Miller laid that the In! no definite plans for the future. She does not intend to luv. Weston immediately but even- tually she will do sumo trawl- ling. During her summer vacations Miss Miller has loved to (run! which, she maintains. is her tn. orite hobby. When she had acquired her Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Toronto, after studying at night and during her summer vacations, she decided to reward herself with I he". day. This was in 1937 when she and Miss Mullholand, another teacher at the school, took n trip to Jinan to the attend the World Education Association conference in Tokyo. They were able to spend three weeks In Japan. out. The war curtailed any Exten- sive travelling for the adventure- some school teacher until the summer of 1952 when she took a trip to Vancouver and sailed along the Pacific coast to Alaska. Again in the summer at 1958 Miss Miller took an extensive trip through the European coun- tries of Norway, Denmark, Bwit, zerland, Italy, France and Eng. land. During the trip the at. tended a meeting in Stockholm of the International Congress of Business and Professions! Wo- ‘men's Association. During the summer vandals that Mill Miller dldn't tnvel. she spent her time attending courses sponsored by the Feds:- tion .ot .,0ntarlo “Natural!“ These were held u Camp all“. Bear,' IT mites from Hum}.