611361310}? â€SEER - MF. and Mrs. Ernest Fisher “a happy to announce the engagement of thew daughter Barbara Mary to Keith Thom" Hurley, son tot Mr. and Mrs. James T. Mur. dey, Wedding to be announced later. o-3rit MRS. PEARL Hutchinson an- nouncu the engagement of daughter, Ruby Aileen, to Antonino Joseph Cudia, son ot the late Mr. and Mrs. Are drew Cudla. The marrlage will take place on Saturday, October 15th at 1130 am, 1n ‘SL My)â€: Catholic Church. Richmond Hill. x-38-lt WOCLFREY _ Mr. Ind Mrs. M m AND Gum - hunky. up». a. m.- - re.- " HARRIS. HAYDEN - in lpving /ne%GFy of Bud Hayden, who passed away September 23th, 1953. EANEING at Bolton Casino, Bolton, every Saturday night, to the music of the Tennessee Valley Boys, 9 to It pm SCOTTISH Country Dancing. Weston, commencing October 4th. Phone CH. 4-5635 for information. x-38-lt LADIES Auxiliarv ot the Wes- ton Working Men's Club are holding their Bazaar Octo. ber lot in the club ,rooms. Fancv goods, afternoon tea, novelties, home baking, flow- ers. plants. Everyone wel- coma x-38-2t can "et. mi Mrs. A. Coe. "' m proud to announce an m ot their daughter, Linda Buy. on tricky. Septetyber ma " Rumba: Memorial RUIN“. . 140-1! "rtMtroesrr, and SrrT. T. Earl Creighton announcc the S'lrg'lea',", of their daught- er, "um Grace, to James Cttrtrett Montgomery, son or Mr. and Mrs. Glen Montgom- ery at Shalburno, Ontario. Wedding to take place m Humbervale United Church, Scum: Rd., Saturday, Oc- tour lst at 3 pm x-38-lt Willard Woolfrey announce the Engagement of then daughter Lois Marion to Ar, thur Edward Bowers, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bowers. Marriage to take place Fr:- day, Octobcr 7th at 7 o'clock in SL John's Chapel, St. MleMel's Cathedral, Toronto. x-38-lt ARRIS: In l.ovivg [mummy of I dear husband, Ayvirmdev,l who paned away September) M. 1955. r' A silent thought. a secret tear, Keeps his memory ever dear. Time (aka: away the edge ot) grief, But memory turns back every leaf, .--Sadhr missed by wife and family. (l-NT-IT REAL ESTATE AGENT 552 Scarlett Rd. - CH. [-9781 STUART MERCER, Realm: "" Dunda! St. W. We†Toronto His Message Come to my heavenly garden And no in perfect bloom, The hower you loved so dearly _ And thought I plucked ttyt soon. Snap: Beautiful solid brick 6 room 2 storey homo. hot wat- " hated. on beautifully landscaped lot with 80' front- age. This is I Custom-built home with patio leading from living room, breszcway, at- tached garage, modern, in quiet, high classed residential digtrlet close to Weston. This valuable property can be purchased advantageously with large down payment. 2 bedroom bungalow - 5 room; with additional room in base- ment, oil heat, 60' landsvapod lot, private drive, doublo garage. Ths la rmmnahly pricrd, requirm $4.000 down, M' bulldlnl lot on Scarlnlt Rd. ttvailable. We have omen. Call: TOM SCOTMC: Then you win know my tea-on, Though you know it not today, Why, in his promising manhood I took your boy away. --Sadly missed by Mum and family. x-', Buying Or Selling iiii'i' 'iiiiiih GEO. HOOD (mm a noon morons cu. 1-0509 w Io. 9-7447 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING “OAGIMINTI COMING EVENTS m MEMORIAM REAL ESTATE “AL tSTAtt (all x-38-1t x 3rit o-38-lt "Mo lull wloe . Four room fume insulated bungalow on tth Line - Toronto Gore Township, about 1 mile east of Manon. just I: tew steps " Rudd's Blvd., large deep lot, good well water - house not iinirhed, needs plumbing, barum fur mechanically in- eluted - full open basement - hot air lurnare - lot me 68 x 208 It. . low taxes . house in good condition. 818.900 - Main Street. Weston, large red fug brick, two- Morey home, with buck and Mone full width verandah .. 3 big bedrooms _ huge living- room _ dining; room combina. tion _ modernized kitchen with double bowl stainless steel sink and loads of cup- boards, double garage _ bus stop at door - in excellent condition - a large funuly or income 119m: - 53:: this toduv and make oRer - must be sold. $9.500 full price - Tedder sc, near Harding Avenue (close ta Jane & Lawrence), l room frame bungalow. full base- ment - ml furnace _ large deep lot, lovely shade trees, paved road and sidewalk - small down payment, easy carrying chargcs. PRIVATE: 3.3.300 Down-Lovely 6 room bungalow with car- port, overlooking large park. sidewalk. sewers N.H.A, re- sale. Full price $15,300. Own, er transferred. CH. 1-1242. x-38-It Store and Apartment - Main Street - Cumm- Int . We have a bruck gimp and apurlmont. on 40 n. corner lot at the south end of the Mann for sale _ owner must sell due to illness _ curly puy'msmn can be arranged - one uf the best Incatxom m Metropohb an Toronto. . ', EXCEPTIONAL basement, apartment, large bed-sitting room, clothes vlosev, kitchen and three piece bath. Quiet adult home. Garage available. CH. 1-5033. o-38-lt TWO room basement apartment. furnished. Frig and stove Suit business couple Aproiy 9 Victoria St. East, Worm after 5 pm. (r3rl'1' $10,500 - T rooms. solid brick - rm: and half s‘m’u‘ house with attached grunge and mm“ on“ gauze - Just north of Wc-,; r. and below (hr T30. 401 iiluhwuy _ own- er 'n1"vi"rog out of town - a very fine home in wonderful condition - clue to schncls. shopping and transportation. {FIVE mnm upper duplex. "-an I rally [0(3U‘d in racidonnal 1 Wetnn. Garage. Adults. $100 monthly. CH. 19993. with mmv‘ norti ths. after 5 pm. 0.38.]T KITCHEN table and four chairs, sTs:LF-teoNTArrVraDCiafrtaGt," iylinted (rey, ttiso r'ombina, two rooms and kitchenette non radio and record player. If you want to saw mnnz‘y CH, 1-7335-V .7 x-3rlt this is it, Apply 5 John Strpvt,‘ WEBBER piano, good condition, Mr. King. ' mas-17‘ also 2 pump walnut bedroom TWO -rodm" awrtrhgnt- 1intur-l gun", chrome tahln and four' rushed. private shower andl chairs. Moving. 6YH. 1-3625. entrance. built-in sink ard x-M-lt cupboards. sui'nhle for busi- TuRs:rrrrlece"tshesteriield sum ness couple. RO, 21-679"; in guod cotuhtiron. Phone CH. _-__ 0-38-IT; 1.3719, x-3ll-lt THREE room aprrtmr'rtt, un- HoUsrmoLrrturnitdre-it%tur furnished. sink J5l one room,, m2 tistorficld suite, dinpttc share bath. SG'FOV‘d Mor, Ap-i smite and beds. Phone RO. 9- pls' “In"? 6â€, Mmdm'l 1266 after 7 pm. x-36-lt V'F’hrsin', Ti 1". in", a! fi5) . Fr" w . - W l Hobart, y:. “NM N â€JHWOLLD you like a young duvx Fr-rt.te't ' , _ _ , - drawn. drossnd and dohvorod: A 's'N.t'.Tid". n‘.’ - runhmr‘d Call Rove Castator, glr24. barn??? rjt'i'anL' ‘hrr'F'v Woodbridge. o-38-H p "m br',', whv‘rc. oil hmt. - -- -- - k. â€gunk “7:th hu'w'Pss OAKWOOD IT"'.': “will: REAL ESTATE BROKER 5 Main St. 5., Weston CH. 1-5502 CH. 1-3213 CH. 1-8782 THREE room aprrtmrnt, un- furnished. sink In one room, share bath. Armand floor, Ap- plv chum? 6â€, Mondav V’eMnMJH'. Tiur, in", in fi5 Bohr†Ft, ',',V1. N fig-It A"i'r,At'.Tidb', (“If - vunHmOd hntemtt r_*:'i"1’nr, 4111.9» p tret br,':, 'tlv-rc, oil heat, fully furnished bachelor ap- artment, including TV, in new apartment building. $115 t monthly. I rum? In‘xrvw. s'rK and) ctt',nus-ds, Hind kihhen and) bMhrorrm Keele - Lawrence district. CH. 4-0841. HOUSES FOR SALE uh. Sega-aw. p,' 4.13:. pti, tr" heme, ‘93an than“ an. Loud APARTMENTS TO LET EGLINTON - KEELE Waller C. Boddington IIAL RITA" Pt. 7-3415 ll'? x-38-it x-38-1t 3.18 It JANE - Lawrence . two room unfurnished basement aparh ment, "parne anh‘lnco. pri- vate three-piece bath, park. mg mum“. Phone CH. 1- 5157. x-38-1t WADSWORTH Arms "trt- mint: ground Mor, 2 bed. room apartment, electrically equipped, T.V. 6iiWrt. imme- dill! poueuion. CH. 1-6550. x-M-lt THREE room unfurnished base- ment apartment, own toilet. Rexdale. Phone CH. 1-6322. x-M-lt FOUR large unfurnished rooms, mam Mor, heated, garages, also storage space, Thistle- town. Phone CH. 1-9001, alter USED REFRIGERATORS Kelvinaicr, perfect _.........,', Universal _...............', Moffat, clean .,...........! Norge, real smart _.,......,.', General, like new l, USED WASHERS USED RANGES - 1 Electric Range, heavy-duty _ A . burner, apartment size “9 USED TELEVISION ( Television RCA Victor, 10-inch I thoroughly reconditioned s39 RCA Victor, 14-inch real smart . $59 Westinghouse 17-inch, operates and looks like new $19 You don't have to know a guy who knows a guy who knows I us. We give cvrryone I good l deal. Our prlres are dei1nite1y _ lower than downtown stares. USED WASH! Thor, perfect T John Inglis, like new EbLLV-Whttyedrsijring mat- CRAPES N J9 Free on all mate- erinlR, T'. 98 vnrd and up Im- mum six wards Best qualnv Steel Drapery track. 29e font, complete with fittings May- fair Drapery & Rug Co, 2624 Ezlmmn Ave. West. at Keele RO 6-426t x-l'l-ltf tress, like new, $23. Phone CH. 1.2070. x-38-lt FUREQACE. sGTijiFe' KV‘iBgT’hot air, cast-iron. chnllvnt condi- uon. Phone LA. 8168. 6 pm 765 MAIN wr. N., WESTON At Highway 401 MUSICAL Insiructlon. Planu classIcal and popular. Accor dion, Spanish Guitar lnstru ments rented to beginners New and used Instruments for sale CH HHS} - 102 Mam $94.50 SINGER SEWING CENTRE 70 MAIN ST. SOUTH WESTON Phone CH. l_8868 for _ FREE HOME DEMONSTRATION x-27tf our war old. Phonn UM. 1 2863. $38-11 HEAVY duty Clare Jewel elec- trie Hm’ll. four hurnrr, mun. mch itmer, excannt mndi Hon, $170. Phone CH. L062! x-RR-H HEATHER HILL APPUANCES Jo':firN'firueuirr, pm, c, 4 ii".' verv stood condition rs, Phttnt RO, 7t?.495 THE WORKING MA‘N‘S APMTNINTI 1'0 Ltry St N Weston ARTICLES FOR SALE SEWING MACHINES SALES - SERVICE RENTALS NEW MACHINES FROM _ Phone CH. 1-3883 SPECIALS x-38-lt Cy (30 FORD convertible, rad").L ' t heater, etc. Just hke new JO STON , every way. One owner. Ap- I ply 156 Main St. S. 0-33-1H x-38-1t1'51 BTODEBAKER-mrmy ox.) ' “t tru, good condition. CH.? IES was“). xx-EB-H‘ 5591 56% $79; SI 9 S39) $49 $5? x~38»lt x40tt x2ltlt en5fmiaiWMr DINING room suite, walnut, ll pieces, very good condition. $90; also white kitchen but. tet, $8. Phone CH, 1-3830. SINGLE bed, spring tress; child's crib, and toy chest. CH. SKY durseiy, gradgage mung DAY CARE navilable for two children, three years or nver, Jane & Wilson district. CH. 1- 3909, anytime. x-38-lt x-38-it DAY CARE, 2 to 4 years, Ca%. to 5 p.m. CH. 1-3327. 'x-38-lt TRUCKS Wanted - Any con- dition, one-ton and upwards Levy's Truck Buyers. RO 2. 3681. x-25-TF It FOR truck parts, it's Levy's - All make: - new, used. re- built. 1400 Weston Rd. RO 9- 1115, x-25-lv 30 'tiiiNjgone"cH. 4-4307. x.38-u IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 1935 CHRYSLERS - PLYMOUTHS CAPABLE middle-aged Cana- dian widow wants lieht housekeeping or compamon position in clean home. Phone RO. 2-7902. x1334! EXCLUSIVE dressmakihg, al teratlomr, suits, dresses and skirts. Wedding gowns a spe cialty. Phone tor appoint. ment. Mrs. Farquhar. CH. i. 9532. x133†RELIABLE man wants employ- ment cleaning offices and small factories in Weston area. CH. 1-7462. x-38-4t p, cart $3. Phone CH. 1.1453. o-38-it in charge. ‘Phéne CH. 4-5045, x-38-lt RELIABLE German w 0 m a n wants housework. 5 day week. hours 9 to 4. Phone CH. 4- 2348. x-3R It GARAGE: Frame garage fur Illa (in sections). $35.00; Jacket heater with hot water boiler, M.00. Anply 169 Main St. South, Weston. o-38-1t INDUSTRY ST., MT, DENNIS R0. 9-4101 CARE FOR CHILDREN AITIC L38 NI BALI for progrcssivt, mmnufm-tm'br [heated mar Jam & Wilson, Dunes will i'wrlnrln m'nlmyz, filing. opt-ruling dupllvalmg machine and mm“ tvping Good working mndlllnns and employs henrTs. Apply m M2. N. ROBERTSON BULLDOG ELECTRIC PRODUCTS CO. HELP WANTED. FEMALE SQUARE D C). CANADA LTD. EMPLOYMENT WANTED Expvrirnred fnr hanqm-l work - Apply __ USED CAR SPECIALS CLERK-TYPiST for Salcs Dept. Good salary and working conditions. fry? {ow hours on \VMnuAm: Phone um. 0071 or CH 1 1-0090. w3rul RO. 2-8333 Residence; CH. 1-1589 BIG DISCOUNT ON ALL '55 MODELS TRUCKS WANTED Call Albert Hobson manna Ltd.) M Clayton Rd., Weston WAITRESSES CARS FUR SALE MOTOR PARTS DRESSMAKING JUNIOR Apply J. B. WALKER CRANG PLAZA RESTAURANT " “ï¬lm Ram JIM I Wllmn CH. l.0380 CH. 1-8601 GARAGES air, ici",' tto; aid that wardrobe 1-3335, MI x/ul-tt o-38-lt x-38-lt x133 tf-BOY’S SIGNET ring, vicinity rad,"-) Senior Public School and [ED Boyd Ave. Reward. Phone Taxi“ CH. 1-3tth, x-38xlt xatlt 33 It JAPABEE mnuro woman tn. "mud at rental-1n. u pnc ttcat nurses. hum. mu»: " baby utters with agency oper- uun; m Weqon an tuneuna d White Hardware High School Boy! For _ Alter School and Saturday mornings. Pleasant, clean clerical work in modern omce. PART-TIME male and female help required in Jane-Wilson area for office and factory cleaning during evenings and early morning hours. Apply Box 31 Weston PD. Ont. FULL OR PA" TIME WORK in; HYGIENIC SUPPLIES trubber goods) mulled post paid m plain sealed envelope with prurre tlst. Six samples 25e 24 samples 51. Mail Order Dept Gt Nova Rubber Co Box 91 Hamilton, Ont x39-tf CLEAN comfortable room. pri- vate home, girl preferred. Phone CH. 1-3455, x-38-H TWO furnished sinwle bad-sit- ting rooms with board, suit gentlemen. RO. 6-2300. INSTRUCTION in oil painting by quslified artists. Adult class now Started. Phone CH. 1-1468. X-3R-M WWW mu The Ontario Department ot Highways requires JUNIOR DEAFTSMAN to be trained in topographical and survey drafting. Gr. XII maths useful. Fair pay. tho, rough training and opportu- nities for advancement are offered successful candidates. Apply to Personnel Branch, 9th Floor. East Block. Queen‘s Park, Toronto ROOM and board, TV, in com, fortable home, business girl preferred. Abstainer. 155 Omens Dr. Phone CH. 1- 2804. x-38-lt COMFORTABLE bedroom, hot water, breakfast and pack lunch if rnquirpd, suit refined pprmn. Abstainer. Phono CH, 15164. x-38-H ACCOMMODATION for work- ing man willing to share rmm, single beds. close to Jun" and Lawrence. CH. 1- 2904. 3:33-12 FLAT§ TO LET 1 REXDAIJ): Two room and1 kitchenette or one room and} kitchrnntte, Unfurnished, pri- vntp mQrancc, sink, parkinql freilitirm. CH. 4.1425. x'38-111 RE?iDAr,E: Two rooms with sink. suit rnupie. furniture aninnal urn washing ma- Clmw. cu, I-RTGG. .x~.'|B-H FURNISHED hOdrnnm and “L 1mg mam in apartment, kit- chm privileges. suit business or!, "F,etrutter, [\lean Or. mhnr e Arrril. (mam going mum Phone CH. l-1656 ROOMS tc' LET FURNISHED BEDVSITTI‘NG‘rnnm and mm» m. rrfrizcrntnr, use of tte or. nduHx‘. CH, 11301 'r.38-ltl an 1701, LARGE do FIVE nun!!!" ,-onCV; 1.1-va Hun Mich! "Mm 1w; 'rrxeh “uh hrMHm' LA HELP WANTED MALI Required immediately by C. A. DUNHAM CO. A RGr, Telephone Mr, Caroline by NIH and ham", rem of!" 7 pm "iTlEVAN tn dnvr, h'u- metlt lunrfmlm, ' avgfn was, hrMHut it d "l M Phone Câ€. 14913. an: OFFICE BOY Wendell Ave., Weston Mill: " N., Wu“- tr-NI-it REXDALE BLVD. CH. *-tT11 HELP WANTED MALE UR FEMALE If)": APPLY S. s. KRESGES “HUM AN " BOARD WANTED SALES Gills to: CH. 4-1107 SI. Gintoman. CH. t, k"?, 's nr-M-It kitchen and bedroom, man] How in Mu": rem rrutqomrhlts. Call 7pm. CH 1-9552 CH IM18. ttag tt turrvshod room PERSONAL (-vén.<'1ad t Hm: n ’4. M! ~. tter, r'â€. 1:0, Phone CH, , LOST x/y8flt x-38-'2t x-YI-lt x-36-3t x-38-lt o-M-lt .mnoar " " H 'iMtmrgr, room. suit on. or two [it]. o: manna. fe. u TW6 unfurnished room; home, nun business near tratuporUtlon, CH. 1-0262. EXEC: Kitchen 'iiiiCt bedroom, bright and clun in adult home, rent renunable. Call attar T pm. CH. 1-9552. in YOUNG couple would like to rent two room. to same. Suit businen couple. Alter a pm, CH. 4-4323. x-aa-n RELIABLE elderly lady re- quires furnished bed-sltting room with grill privileges in Weston proper. Phone CH. 1-0506. x-38~lt FOR SALE: Kashlange Lake, 6 miles south of Haliburton. Cottages, 16 x 32 - 4 rooms, 2 bedrooms, living room, kit- chen, electricity, furnished, well wooded. Access by land and boat. Approximately 400 yds from road. Lots around 260 x 400. Price $3,200. Phone CH. 1-5947. x-38-H TWO rooms and kitchen, fully furnished or electrically equip- ped desired by young couple with school age child. Wes- ton vicinity, close to schools Phone CH. 4-4818 between ll am. and 2:30 pm. o-38-lt ACCOMMODATION WANTED LIGHT Manufacturing Space required, ground floor, ap- proximately 3000 to 5000 square feet, Write Box 3801, Times & Guide, Westcn. want; u: animation; Call after , ttatt. CH. ‘-.957. TRAC' mg, tng, CR, West End Movers We†large rooms on bath floor, private bathroom, in new home, light housekeeping. suit couple or two business people. CH. (-1332. x-SB-H LOAM. sand and gravel. ton small. Phone CH Davidson Dr, Painter & Decorator Special attention given Paperhanging. 46 MAIN " N. CH. [-7601 BOOKKEEI‘ING and Income Tax Service. Financial state ments prepared, Evenings and weekends. CH. 4-4796. Complete line of metal frames, Plume Framing, Pauper: and Chauffeur, Photestots. Child Phottteraphy Our specialty 12 Main St. s. FURNITURE RE-riNIsmNG. REPAIRING HAY FURNITURE COMPANY alterations of all types, kit. Chen units, recreation reams. verandph, t?nces, etc. Installed by licensed Drain Layers . Frank»: 0de GENE-17.“. VX’CAJATORS GRADING CONTRACTORS " CHURCH STREET CH. 1-904! PHOTOGRAPHS l H. C. BROOKBANKS PICTURE FRAMING and ARTISTS SUPPLIES CONSTANCE STARREVELD 1339 WESTON RI). RO. 9-1005 / SUMMER COTTAGES SEPTIC BEDS il TANKS TRENCHING - LIGHT EXCAVATLVG HANNA - FINDER SERVICES OFFERED CH. 1-8219J FROM! END iOADERS BullDOZERS v SHOVElS OENElAl HAULAGE and DUMP YRUCKS WANTED TO RENT JONES BROS. NONI T0 Ln UN'UINIBIID MEMFE'S TGR custom work. plough- thstung, levelling, grad~ cutting. T. W. Pascoe 1-0267. x-23-tt Moving & Star-3e Went": CH. 1-5370 CH. I827! MR. ROEDDING tor Appointment GERRY CLARKE CH. 1-6337 CARPENTRY CH. 1-5395 ' far -- Woodbr-idg: 'tao-lt in new couple, "rtig.. x-38- It ttMO-it x-23-lt Ema-n x-M-tt x-38-lt Weston x-34-U no 10!) Hit?!†x I? tf (L384! 'T tt to , Boyd Ave. BILL Nethery ashphalt paving, driveways scientifically de- signed tor durability and ap- pearance. Free estimate. Phone OR. 4927. Xv23-ll -and -. STENOGRAPHIC SERVICE " l6 St. Johns Rd. W. CH 1-6874 x-tlt-tt SCOTT HAULAGEi MODERN Floor Service Floor: cleaned. waxed and polished Any kind of nnnrnng brought up. like new Pamted walls wash ed Work guaranteed Free est: mates Phone A. Corras CH l 0282. x 32 tt Naming and Pruning. Tron Nikon down, All work guar- amud. No. I Nursery Stock mod. Free utimam. FLOOR 'siindirili, old dark 'inor's, made new dustless mar'hrnes rwasnnahia pres Sm Ham l rord Co RO 9 HM!) l in t! "LUDR SANDERS Edgt’rs and Pnlmhsrs for rent, dav m avon rug Alpha rmgirerserintt (‘nmpam MS? lane St. Westrm CH l 5275 - 27 tf On Burke! Terms " Duns-d MI DENNIS UPHOLSTERING A.Lyon Ito 22706 '3rplir' Tanks, Crmrnt F'lonrg NOLAN DUPLlCATING FURNITURE REPAIRED CH. 1-7987 Now k a good time to clcan up those little jobs around the ttttttte. It may only be A Inky up or wrham a new rup- board. Or you may wmh to have your home newly pammd. Whatever " the job mu with done won't you ngr u! a run. I am .Iuro that we can holp you and satisfy your wishâ€. SODDINO A SPECOALTY SAND FILL (Thesierfwlds and Chairs Smmn Cnuvhes Davsnpmt: Recovered and Renau’ed SLIP COVERS MADE TO ORDER Crushed Sidne. Loam. Brick and Concrete Sand PROMPT DELIVERY PAINTING & DECORATING Driceu ay CHI-9407 CH. 1.2190 ODD JOBS UNLIMITED LOAN. SAND, GRAVE]. & FLAGSTONE landscape Gardening Weeklv Mature. rename women CHERRY 15413 ED’S GARDEN SUPPLIES A.1 SOD M Cell Ch. 4-"94 Lloyd Cums CARPENTER Remodelling Repairs General Construction Trim Work CH. [-0374 DOUG DAVIES FAMILY SERVICE Made To Order STORM SASH UPHOlSTERING CH. 1-1915 I 034 Weston Rand Reasonable Rates Bahv 'tttting and CONTRACTING Hrtusekeemne Hourlv -- Dally xery ROTO.tlLtlNG A-l SOD CAMERON CH. 1-0105 CH. 1.6291 C. MARTIN CH. 1-3497 PHONE FOR reasonabtr for Drmus, Prrce Weston x-37-tt X-'.'.,',-'" x-,36-5t Kim-H a!!! " non. who has: want. that mien. Pe, uble. In. Guam. Cltm WESTMINSTER WA. The regular meeting of tho Westminster United church Wo- m-n'n Anoe'utlon was held in the church puloun on Tut-thy afternoon, Sept. 13th. Mrs. I. L. Addy, the president, conducted the business meeting, dealing mostly with the plans tar the Pall Inir to be held Oct. 15th. Mrs. P. E. Ault's group then took the worship services. Hymn 383 was sung. Mia. J. A. Living- stone read the lumen. Ephesians Chap. 14. Mrs. L. S. Huron gave the lesson thought and Mrs. J. Cameron led in prayer. Mrs. Ault then gave I brlof history of Algonquin Park and showed beautiful coloured and“ of the park. The -meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction. " Wilson Avenue lying kahuna Main 3m" and tho "unlit: lint. TAKE Nona that the Municipal Council of The Corporutitrn cl tho Township of Rank York mono-u 10 pan tl lyrlaw to do" and "on up that portion of Wilma Anna. lying between Main Street and the Numb" River. The sa;d Bylaw will In doe" with n! a meeting of the Count" M b. held for the puvpcse of considering the said 'r-law an Menday, Ouch" Irth "" and. m 4.30 n.m. at the North York Community Hall. 5090 Yang. Sm“, Willowduh. " All documents in relation lo the told ' allowance may be examined at the olhte of the Cloth cl the Muniri- Polity, Municipal Bullding, 5145 Yang. Street, Willowdnlo. DATED at Willowdole this 12th day of September, AD. 195.. A. G. STANDING. township Clerk. First published Sepnmblf "th, 19M NOtiCE OF ClO‘INO of that uni" of Palm. CHICO!“ on Ihuwn on Plan 2372. ly’ng lawman WiI-on Avon». and th. northerly limit d lands awni'by thm Ontario Depummm of Mlghwayn. TAKE NOTICE that the Municipal Council of Tht Corpcrallon of m. lawn- ship of Norlh York pmpam lo pas- a Iy-Iaw to den and "up up that portion of Pclmo Cruz-no an xhawn on Plan 2372, lying buwetn Wilson Aunuc and lha northerly limit of lands owmd by Ms Ontario Department of High- wuvs. T the mid Bylaw will be dealt with mt Ct muting of the Council to be held for the puma“ ef crvtsidering tht said By raw on Monday, Oclobtr 17th. "" “x9, at 400 pm or the Nanh huh Communi'y Hall, 3090 Venue Street, Willswdme. All Amman in "Imam to "te mid rand r-lloxverrre - be examin’d a! the arr“. (sf he. Clerk of the Munich nanny, Municipal Iu?|dlng, 5145 Yang. 5mm, V/ichdn'e. outs at Willnwdole this 12th day of September, Art 1455 Township Clerk. First published September ism, m5 NOVICE OF CLOSING of Ohm â€Mon PET-MOI! CONST. CO. u. was! TOWNSHIP OF NORTH YORK 5.00 _ _ BELWERS Inuta 36 Main $t. Scum Wan» CH. [.1112 TOWNSHIP OF NORTH YORK WATER HEATERS Weekly or Monthly Payments No Finance Co. EtuiatWii' Tronchlng. Omaha. in! , “(-3 Me.. gun-1Q , f p M l 2w '& 3 ', a .C'/1s'r,eo"1':Kptryrru , “wasted" A, G STANDING gt-M-it Cum Id". Inch-d SAY!