Mm. Price, Dioeesarl Seere- tary M the Little Helpers met with I group of ladies of the parish at the rectory and it was decided to start a branch ot the Little Helpers with Mrs. Alan Jackson acting as parochi- al secretary. Any ladies wish- ing to assist please contact either Rev. F. W. Fry or Mrs. Jackson. Anglican W moth Guild have botn voting. "a hard tor tttr put you making all kind- ot tuna tor thcix_bauu which wu held on Saturday list " tho Cmng Plan. This VIII the tirgt annual bun:- to be or.. unlzed by thin group and they are to be congratulated on their wondegtut achievement. Anyone who visited the ba- zaar will agree the knitted goods booth ' and the sewing booth were just loaded with guts tor Christmas as was the stall tor toys and doll: clothes. ' The biggest temptation of all wan the table tor all the dell- cloua home biking, which brought a steady ttaw ot cur. tomen all day. There were many other stalls that proved equally attractive. Proceeds which totalled $825. will be usd to furnish the sanc- tuuy ot the church. Three children were baptised It St. Stephen's on Sunday, by Rev. P. W. Fry: Judith Elaine, Hutu-alibi. BEVERLY mas and bthihiiijjiihij If Time Counts, You Can Count On Us Ow apart-mad unfunny. wlll re IM. vow watch In the gruelllnn "mainâ€! you and All watch†ot.etronleol1r ton-d. (than! tank. " work quorum-d. Credit Jewellers tt Main St. N. 'W min-has. - wmon - emu-mo 'trmtrrt.teet-p.m., Offers to Purchase will be considered by the Planning Board for the Township of Etobicoke for various lots that have been obtained, from plans of subdivision. I" All offers are subiect to the approval of the Minister of Planning and Development. ' Th0 highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Enquire at Planning Board offices, 4953 Dundas Street West, Islington. Walsh Repairing Lew-eon ttquid TN mrkklr rum a damp tor dry) unenl- fUor In. a “we'll, hard, tfu.ttu urine. Brush lt, "all it or pow h on - you gel 0 floor my. chemleully llmllar to one of tlt. no" WIN! and durable forms of ttlr. Te lulu. our tft. high glen and preserve the hard llnhlr, odd a lllln qgtqt of Clear Top Flnhh. Enioy a benmenv floor thest's water. prod, dim-proof and never need; waxing. u" liquid Tile for your recreation room, laundry room, lurnaoe morn, bummer" wmhroern dud Mu null fuor. LOTS FOR SALE It lbw-‘0 New FOR YOUR HOME DOLLY Tile-Like Floor For Basemenls costs No More Than Paint Wain-Proof, chip-Proof lover "and: Waxing sum-w- Wane; An election ot officers tor 1056 took place, than elected being: president, Mn. L. Ballet; vice- president, Mrs Wny; secretary. Mrs. N. Glover; treaaurer, Mm. J. Stanyer; WMS repru‘nu- tive, Mrs. W. J. Ackerman; de- votional convener, Mn. C. Downward: tlower convener, Mrs. S. Wilkinson. Through the courtesy ot the Bell Telephone Company, two films were shown by John Me- Niece. The first one was titled, "Make Mine Football", high- lighting the Big Four games list year. The second film showed the aluminum co.'s great de- velopment at Kitimat, B.C., which was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone present. . Men of the Bev, Hills United Men's Club met at the home of Howard Gray, 5 Deevale, Nov. 22nd. Three new members were welcomed at this meeting-and refreshments were served. Downsvlew Un'lted Nearly 300 people attended the Loyalty Dinner held " Downsview Collegiate on Wed- nesday. The purpose of the din- ner was to get together the members of the congregation so that the present canvass for the building fund could be ex- plained to them. Refreshments were served at the close of the meeting. T The Joint W.A.' ttt Beverley Hills. United church hold I meeting it the home ot In. Sawyu', a Add. Ave. Noe. 28rd. Twenty-live member-wore pro- mt to hear reportr ot their team bunt which In: ' big success. After expense. had been paid, a total ot $786. wu recorded. Mr. W. Dickin made a speech on the church history. Pete Pat- hoped to have the canvas: com- pleted in two weeks. REXDALE NEWS Rev. D. McCullough and members of the congregation WW endeavour to-aid in the "efnvass for financial aid in con- nection with a future church building campaign to be organ- ized at a date to he announced. Closing remarks aha a pray- er were given by Rev. Foster Hilliard. daughter at Mr. and In. Wtb. tmd Clarke, " ateu? Av... Pour ldwud- and Carol Anne, children at It. is: in L. Os.. ler, Mt Culling; â€DIM. - Luke Bowman gave a talk on, “ngrto make your gift". Ber. nui- ulna on. who} Present Awards A nice little ceremony was held last Thursday when the children Ind teachers were u- umbled in the school grounds to nee the winner: of the Field Day we“: receive their awards. In. King made the presenta- tion: end Mt. Binghun con- gratuUted each in turn and spoke briefly to the assembly. Am The McClllums got a badly mnhed cur last week but we aroitrtrgHdrtootterr.srerG not. briefly to the assembly. Am The McCallums got a budly smashed cur last week but w. aroitrtrgudrttrttttew.srerG only hurt. EtteetMrt on Wednesday, Nov. 33rd. the 1ticeme%eieiv0iétiaiiii so nuteful to the employees who took them around and ex- plained the works to them. Scouten M. Dimmiek, Hill, Por- ritt, Ridden, and Persons were responsible for the 18 boys and Mr. Porter looked after the transportation. Mrs. Pearce and Mrs. F. Whitehouse were co-hostesses at a miscellaneous surprise shower prior to the Bowles- Walters marriage. The gifts were opened by the guest-of- honour by proxy, Mrs. Frank Bowles and later shipped to Halifax to the bride-to-be. tht Monday evening I had the pleasure of seeing the first of this season’s plays put on by the Weston Drama Group. Our own Miss Ann Field had a leading part and was praised for her efforts by the director. Scouts vun Bell On Wednesday our Boy Scouts were the guests of the Bell Telephone Company. They are More than 20 guests assem- bled to extend their good wishes. Mrs. Bowles expressed her appreciation on behalf of the bride-to-be and her son. PERSONALS Many happy returns to Wayne Bracken who was six years old on Saturday, along with our wishes for a speedy recovery. Wayne under,went surgery this past Friday,/Nov.-25th at To- ronto General hospital and is reported to be doing-tine. GOOD 'the MOUNTAIN MUSIC . . . These boys aren't up in the Ozarks fighting the McCoys, they are part of th'e Pioneer Platoon of the 2nd Battalion, The Royal Canadian Regiment, ‘serving in Germany. After their daily training‘they have a get-together in the evenings and practice on their mountain swing. All are winners of the beard-growing Competition held by three pioneer platoon: of the ht Canadian Infantry Brigade and may wear this growth of "shredded wheat" until their return to Canada. Left to right are, front row: Sgt.' Joe York, Toronto, with lug; Pte. Al Selig, Hansport, N.$., with musical law, L/Cpl. John Karmasinuk, Winnipeg, with accordion, back row; Pte. Ken Durant, Montreal, with violin, Pte. Allan Crane Belle Isle, Nfld., with hor.. monica and Pie, Don Johnson, Mimico, Ont., with guitar. mAnoNAL DEFINP! ounwu Mrs. lien BiGiiiie Glee-Shells on, the birth of a son. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Postill mo- tored with friends to New York this past week-end and did some Christmas shopping. At the conclusion of his talk, the audience was divided into groups for panel discussions. Mr. Mnedowell, principal of. the school thanked theunembers of the association for providing the graduation banquet and men- tioned the "open house" to Je held Tuesday, Nov. 29th. He also explained how to interpret the report cards which the pu- pils take home. The refresh- ments, which are being taken care of by the grade mothers this year, were served at the close of the meeting. The De- cember meeting is to be a MP cial one. Miss Marie Bracken attended graduation exercises on Friday " the George Harvey Vocation- al School where she took a course in hairdressing this past HOME & SCHOOL The November meeting for the Ridge Rd. Home and fichool Assoc. was held Nov. Wth, the guest speaker being Andy Thompson from the Dept. of Immigration and he discussed the problems and benefits of newcomers to this country. His talk proved to be quite interest- ing and timely as there are a number of these people in our midst. . WEDDING Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bowles who were married this past Friday at Halifax, NS. Mrs. Bowles is the. former Elizabeth Walters from Newfoundland. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bowles of this di- strict, parents of the groom, left by plane Thursday to attend the wedding and were to have re- turned Monday, Nov. 28th. MES. L 'TBATtMtRgNGToN Cl! [-3291 Coggratgatigns to Mr. and RIDGE M. AREA Thistlolown News By Mnr'r. puma bus picked up a load in Thistle- town and Westmount. The Gold- en Age club of Stratford put on the programme and it was won- derful to see these older people put on such a programme. A dainiy luncheon was served. Hockey On Saturday morning, the boys began their first period of hockey with coach Cheale and manager B. Evans in chaue. Church New: Rev. Leach officiated at the service Sunday morning. He spoke at the ABC: at Christi- jnitx - A: Abandonment of self: B: Boundlesa belief; C: Consecrated convictions. Mm. Now, everyone's thoughts are on the festive season ahead. and the Westdale Guides and Brownies are no exception. They are looking forward with eager anticipation to their Xmas party in December. The Mothers' Auxiliary have the busy but satisfying task of pre- paring for this. mom: AND SCHOOL Board of Education - Ronald Hastings, or Raymond Hoag. As the saying goes - May the best man or woman, win. THIS AND THAT ' Visited with the Timmins family, formerly of Hawkins Dr. in their beautiful new home near Weston last Sunday. Also visiting with them were Mr. and Mrs. A. Kitcher and Susan, also formerly of Hawkins Dr. over 60's to an evening's en- tertainment at Jslipeton. The -Will sign oriiir now, but how about giving us a little news now and again. Humberview Home and School meeting took place on the 21st Nov. Mr. Webster, the principal, gave a talk, as he has done at the last two meet- Sorry to hear that little Da- vid Aiken broke his foot re- cently while at play. Get bet- ter soon, David. Councillor - Allan Bartlett, of Flamboro Dr.; Del-Ray, Mrs. Iola Brookbanks: Hugh Biuce of Ridge Point Crescent, Glen- dore Gdns.: and Joseph Gould of Maple Leaf. "Reeve-L" "iiiirkii, Hook or thd McMahon. The elections will be held Dee. 5th with all of Glendore Gdns. voting at Geo. Anderson school. The polling booths for Del-Ray will be at 39 Arrow- smith, for those east of Ames.. bury and at 11 Hawkins Dr. for those on the west side. The condidatgs- "iirthis area, which is a part of the new ward eig_ht are as follows: 45 women were present with Mrs. J. Harrison, acting chair- man, assisted by Mrs. M. Hills. Speakers for the evening were Ray Hoag, Hugh Bruce and Al Bartlett. Hi: I feeLlike 'spilling the beans" to young son, David about S. Claus. We took him downtown Saturday and after waiting in a Very long line, he was told to ask for one thing because Santa was in a hurry. When his turn came, he leaned up and whispered in his ear, and Santa said, "OK sonny, a box of tools! When the poor little gu me away he said, lookiuyVefg/rtgad. "Mummy, I asked for a box of soldiers and Santa didn't even hear me." C Gone are the days when you could sit on his knee and have a personal chat. Hear Candidates A meeting was held at Geo. Anderson school last week to give the women of the commu- nity an opportunity to hear the candidates for council. About Next!" um wu mom -___e It wu white An _Sunday for Dei - Ray News [he Armstrong. CH 1-1787 WES‘I'DAll,‘ HUMBERLEA AND HUMBIRVIIW MRS. ALE. SMYT}! - CH. 4-0625 lea tings“ Parents find this more than interesting as it concerns the children, schools and the particular system used in Hum- berview school, all from the teacher's point of view. The children have made a wonder- ful success of their coat-hanger project and Mr. Webster was enthusiastic about their willing- ness to help. The Home and School let) ciation will hold a Fowl Euchre, on Thursday, 8th December.{ Donations have been given by; Westdale merchants and in ad-g dition there will be door prizes. ll On Dec. 12th a version of,) "What's my Line" will be en-i acted at Humberview School iv| the course of the usual month" ly meeting ot the Home and) School Assoc. It should prove) interesting as well as entertain~| mg. The Mothers' Auxiliary ot the 36th Humberview Guides and Brownies can rightly feel proud of the successful organization of their bazaar. Their efforts realized around $56 and every- thing sold so quickly. but who can resist buying when it. comes to home-baking? Items on the sewing stall were also a popular buy, possibly with Christmas in view. _ Donations in baking and sew- ing were really appreci?ted by the auxiliary. L o 0 iv (NATIONAL DEFENCE PHOTO) EXPERIENCE NOT PROMISES . 4 YEARS EXPERIENCE DEPUTY REEVE . Efficient Progress & Im tsgirnth0dmirdstr,tthstt ELECTORS N ORTH YORK REE} BAZAAR ION" YORK ELEGTIOI "r- â€HAY, IR.“ [55:03:33 VOTE KI] TCSiiiTi'"ng your WANT A BRAND NEW ‘55 . SEE 'ttom Clough Motors lid. MI MAIN ST. IonTH, wasrou . ChryslerGr Plymouth 'l Stand-Trans, Powerflite, Sportone, Solid Colours F " or br-IN Humiereil Sets bill From $1,30 lo $1.95 TT Oil Frames ' I II. C..BréokBun 49 Main St. N. TOYS (and Qi, Oil Set: From $2.95 lo 630 lnhrior and Exterior Duormor and Art Supp“. Oil 1riirii"il Artist Suppl!“ 'aintings Walsh" WESTON CH. 1-7“?