{$12,300: Close to Weston, 7‘ modern 6 room home on nice _ handicap“ lot with\_oo ft. , hunt-(e, hot water heating, v Breptaee. Many extras. .“ REAL ESTATE AGENT 3:. 662 Scarlett 'td.-CH. 1697:“ l STUART MERCER, new I} 2837 Dunda: St. W. I: Was! Toronto 3:3,... down, payment: Dui, it!!! - Wilson, 5 room bun. l ghtirw, , room basement ap- ' Brtment, hardwood floors, VPMern large kitchen, 4 piece tile bathroom. Ideal family Aouse, private drive, large l lot. Full price for q Rig/sale, .311500 or but one . // in,†down pay I [if Cale! {dani- - Eglinton, t bud- '.albw, plus thr (h m base- (iii? apartrn _ spotless, j.tzozy 2iome, ir/rod floor, toil ating. /rrionthly in- hScorn from a ment. Garage gun nice g , n. Full price . YOU ARE BUYING OR “LUNG YOUR" HOME, FOR {DEPENDABLE SERVICE CALL _ US 1'. will remember thee. TOM SCOTT TWO NEW 2 storey a room modem homes at 24 and 26 FERN AVE. w mainland by _ hit-any. _ o-ca-u Butmtantiat down payment re- quired. To Inspect Call do C payment: Rogers- ' erin rooms..p1us 2 room me apart ent, hard- ood rs, mo m kitchen. Full [it e $9,000) A step ur ward better mime. f For further infformation MRS. NEWMAN Agent for I IIDIOOMI - , BATH. ROOMS "I on: will you tte, M H as us. and mommy W†Auxiliary, Coronation N '" Canadian Luion, no â€I I Home baking a 2,tlg; December 3rd, " gion Hall. Irwin It, muttown. Admission In. o-48ult ICOB Bull Chapter, LO.DI1, k having I baking sale on Fri. hy. December 2nd " 2 pm. at the hum of Miss Jenn llama 22 Lawrence Ave. ch. x-48-lt [f'lx'N, IN THE HEART OF WESTON 11,500 or but one . // 2,00. down pay l/[t/ t onl- - Eglinton, llbw, plus thr (h m I neat apartrn _ spew ozy ‘Bome, ik/rod I il ating. , Monthly pm from a ment. Ga n nice ' n. Full I Woo. / (i, do payment: Rm erin rooms..p1us 2 I mm: apart ent, h mod rs, mo m kite ill) [it e $9,000) A step 'ud better mime. '00 down buys this attrac- q M and stucco I“; my home in beautiful Pel- D Path an, hue living Mt with none flreplttce, rue 131.com tiled kitchen, ' but bedrooms and 4 It! beth downstairs, plus u buy bedrooms and 2 he. bath on second floor. “In oil air conditioned “by beautifully decorated, underful shape. only 4 pl old. loaded with ex- n, that to both public and CH. 4-5441 or RE. 2184 mu amnion: Walter C. room. ' piece bathroom. re kitchen, full basement, hating, nice lot. A real . See this may. REAL ESTATE LTD. M No minutes? to No. â€any. Only Vdsiii W. CHI us todgy. I. down. and only $8,500 Me. (or this brick .bup- w on nice strut in Law. . . Scarlett area. One “a tt. s., Weston L5502-CH. 14213 new. "r" -- .. coma WIN" PETERS Home: CB. 4-0718 3 "an.“ Tiii." N-e"- - not talcum. “AL IITATZ WEITON "'liil"iiiijiii'iiiilb AD VER 'riiiijiiii'(lil. BARGAIN 'rt if! “a: No. 340-1. x-48-lt x-48-lt CLEARANCE sole RIMES-n Violets good tteatthy punts, large tttd, my. Cheap. Mrs. FRIDAY night Specials from 6.30 pm, to 8.30 pm. PlPster's :Food Market, 202 Main St. N, ’CH. 1-0T8l. x4841 A GRAVITY fed hot Mr tur- / nacc, Howard, used 4 seasons, _ Include: all pipes, has been used for on but may be con- verted. CH. 1-1246. x484! 44-40 turraQoump, 7 shot, good condition. "crifiee, $38. Some shells. Phone CH. H431 " tttr a pm. 148-†A GOOD phCI to shop at my-, time: Master's Food Market, In Main St. North. CH. 1-0781 I x-M-tt l THREE rooms and bathroom, unfurnished basement apart- ment, shower, tiled floors. T.V outlet, heavy wiring. CH 440.55 after 5. Old Rexdale. 0-48-11 THREE room unturnish d base. ment apartment, sh e bam- room, private entra ce. Chil welcome. situate? Surge)? Rd. Apply after pm, " Lawrence Ave. 195st. o-4Flt THREE roo sel 1 contained unfurnish d " rtment, trig, and stov t pr: ate home. Ap- ply 22 St.†hn's Rd. East, W/ston CH. -3984. x-48-n WESTON: 113 King St., five rooms electrically equipped kitchen, and, tile bathroom, lower duplex. garage $125. Lease. CH. 1-1020. x-48-lt S E L F- contained " unfurnished basement apartment, all con- veniences, child welcome, parking facilities. Reasonable. Appl y 4? Langholm Dr., Downsview, CH 4-5193. _ ATTRACTIVE fully furnished apartment, all conveniences, suit business couple. Adults only Central. Apply 39 South Station Street. o-48-1t THREE room self-contained un- furnished bagement Ipnrtment, heavy wiring, spotlessly clean. Adults. CH 1-3180. o-4lrlt BA? "ooo. or offer down. Immo- dlato ponusi n, 6 room solid brick 1l',',','l2',2', "one bay, Open fireplace, lull ‘Jarge rooms, 3 mom basement tapartment now rented $80 m'onth. Two tiled bathrooms, air: conditioned oil heat, prieate'diive. Call MR. FORREST Ito. 1-3880 UNFURNISHEb WArtitf our store for Specials on Enday night from 6.30 pm. to f.30 pm. Plaster: Food Maiket. 202 Mun St. North, CH; 1-0731. x-48-lt BASEMENT apartment, bed-sit- ing foam and kitchenette, pri- vate bathroom, separate ent- rance. warm and quiet, suit. ttble tor one or two adults. CH. 1-0787. x-48-it THREE room sen - contained Unfurnished uplrtment m split-level house, suitable for business couple. parking space, Jane - Wilson. CH. l, 1688. x-48-1t "MI-vu'm 'U" ““h" ‘GAS stove, four burner, large runs Iv " Fret on all mate- ‘ size, “We top. good eonditi6n, grills. M 98 vnrd and up mv I SM. Phone CH. 1-2t82. mum SIX wards Best qualny‘ x-48-1t Steel Drapery track. We toot TRICQCLE CE: M. iirGT7izT. complete with fittings Muy-i Cheap P'hone "dit. 1-M15. (In Drapery A: Rug Cu, 2624 l . o-48-1t Eglinton Ave. West. at Keele m-------------------'-...., RO 6-9264 x-l7-ltt iAfyV'rt.hrxr.t, .1â€.-. M..- a MUSICAL Irustructton. Pllhb clnsucil Inc popular Actor dum, Spams} Guitar lmtru men!» rented vo beginners New 4nd used Instruments tot we CH 10781 - 202 Mum St N Weston I 40 tt $000 Down - Thu. you: ou, 8-bedroom brick home. modern. Lot " x IMI, Imme- dim possession. an... .muu. - mun wtlt m , golton on Bolton - Sandhlll‘ Raum l Forrest Raaithrrest Vine mum. a miles GAG, ALLERTNA length form-I, blue brocade and pet skirt, “form once. size 15 - 18. Phone CH. 4ai845. x-M-it EB rootn'unturnished self- 'ont ned basement apart- men. private bathroom, sep- ara e . entrance, couple pre- fezled. Abstainérs. Phone CH. 4- 534. \ x-43-lt NFURNISHE‘) basement apartment, three [use warm rooms, toilet a n d shower, heavy wiring. Garage. Phone CH. 1-1250. x-48-1t â€to h "ll-Jâ€. " WESTON KIM) PARK " ARTM SNTts ro L31 ARTtC'LEtt FOR SALE mlsnerown nu. IOTA" BROKERS RO. 9-7447 BROKERS R0. 9-7447 “mm ngv-s mock; x-WU x-48-1t COAL stove, used 2% years, rea- sonable; girl's white figure skates, size 5%, like new M. Ph E'CH 1-6921. 0-48-11 PIANO and bench, tTae" size, nice condition. ( ter ' pm. CH. 1-1369, FUR ., coat, grey rhusk?at, size 18-20. worn six times, like new, cheap." CH. 16155. x-48-lt CHILD'S swing, slide, water pool, baby's playpen. Cheap. Apply Lot 2, Islington Ave. North (corner' of Elmhurst), Rexdale. o-48.lt RANGETTE. two burner electric with oven. perfect condition; Metal ice bom . 50 lb.; TV 'antenna, new, bargain. CH. 4. 1624. x-4B-l' BLACK winter coat, black gab- ardine, suit, five dresses. All like new, size.18. Apply 1011 Weston Rd. Apt. l. o-48-lt GER HP if) 'hiinTzGaiTUFiF.t Piano, reasonable," excellent conditioh. CH 1-1307. x-48-It GIRL'S white tigdre" size l Price 85. Phone 1479.' CHILD'S dresser; girl's skates, sizes ten and twelve: Hoover ‘vacuum cleaner; electric lawn "mower; evening dress, size Igurteen. Phone CH, 4-2682. 1 + x-48-1t ELECTRIC janitor Yer coal TGT. nave. Phone after 6 pm. CH 1-2357. x-48-1t "eteyg, so cycle, tt cu. ft. p rfect condition, $75. Phone ELECTRIC raiyette one year giTrtKo-oM wash basin; bTGvTr with 25 cycle motor. Apply 20 _ Holley Ave., Weston. 0-48-1t MARY‘S grey. overcoat, size if; like new,' $46. Phone CH. 1- 6395. l o-f8-lt BLANKETS, $6 each, new, pure wool, weight 5 pounds, double bred size. blue, green, maroon. About 40. Sell separately or make offer-on lot. Private. CH. 1-5669. x-48-it An Ideal Lasting Gift Remington, Underwood, Royal. Smith Standard. r onditiptoed; regularly $79. , tainted $39.50. Also, 1 w 1956 port- ables with It, reduced $59.50. Addiy Machines, adds to 399.9993 i subtracts. only $1950. Ear}; tully guaranteed. De min 5, balance C.O.D. lagged/i e shipment. // { CROWN 0,ll / leury, Montreal, Que. - , x-48-3t FREE DRAW Beautiful " in. Walking Doll for I lucky girl. Genuine lather Holucr In for a lucky boy. Free tickets to all customer; Draw "he: place Dee. Mnd. We stall curry our unuul Mock of nursery furniture, carri- Mes, cribs. high chairs, cat sells. etc, Come in and look around. Auto cm. Wagons. Tutu. Doll Can'h‘cn. Strollers. Cribl. Cradles, Dolls, Router Bea, no. TYPEWRITER CLEARANCE have a few hours weekly SPARE TXME will be select- ed and offered an opponuni- ty to become OWNER-MAN. AGER of a cigarette MACH- INE ROUTE to be ESTAB- ttSHED In this area Cash Investmr‘nt of $2.950 to 313.- 800 plus duty and inventory is required as full payment for new type cigarette ma- chmes'built especially to dis- pense leading brands of PANSION to a FULL TIME OPERATION that could earn " much u 810.000 yearly. It you have the necessary up. ital - cm follow instructions - Ind a sincere dam to Mart immediately in this typo of bulinnl - write, tully sm- in: an. references, territory preferred _ teIephone num- ber, to AJAX. I.†Broad It. In. at. Dere. Ptot, Newark, PM., C.S.A. ROUTE ' CIGARETTE MACHiNES UP TO $800 MONTHLY Long established U.S. Corpo- ratinn. distributors' of CIG- ARETTE Machines, is now expanding its operations into CANADA. Reliable MEN who CANADIAN 'CIGAnm'rEs The route should have um limited opportunities for EX. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CH. 4-M79, old, good condition $30. CA. 4- 4724. x-48-lt OY'S ~horkey skates, size 3, good condition, $4. Phone CH. 1-2244. 048-1! IM Main St. - CR. 1-066. (Opp. Church St.) Open Evenings 'til ' pm. x-4B-lt “new you nu bYrTch. the‘éFal'E condition. Call " TOYS 148-1: x-48-n x-48-1t o-48-1t skatesâ€; / ;56 MQDELS ,INow AVAILABLE l/nmodicn Dclivory I955 C CHItYtEttbPtYMOUTH USED CAR SPECIALS BIG DISCOUNT ON All , '55 MODELS CALL EXPERIENCED dressmnker on women's dresses, blouses, skirts, children's clothes. al- terations, mending, smacking. etc. Apply 3 Cross St. CH. 4- 4430. x.47-2t REEIAEE DAY cut to: chlldnn or baby whi" mother work. by cap- able and "ll-bl. woman. Rhom CH L10“. x-u-l , Iow- IAâ€. FUR truck pull. WI ifirr', , All maku- - new. " l built, 1400 Watch '3- 1116. C ,-u-n GRADUATE nuns, reliable, wants baby - sitting, Weston. References. CH. 1-3109. '54 HALF TON pick-up. 6.000 miles, in Al condition, $1100 or best offer. R. M. Dunlap. Nobleton PO" Ont. x-47-2t "EXCLUSIVE dressmaking. alter- ations. Designs copied. Wed: ding gowns I specialty. Phone' for appointment. Mrs. Farqu- har, CH. 4-2764. Please note telephone number. x-47-3t WESTON: housework pequired CAPABLE minute woafen In terested In regtsurrtng as prac new nurse]. home makers or baby when Wlth agency Oper lung tn Weston and surround ms area CH I 5413 r25 " ohy a; thug}. gm". 'IV ALBERT HOBSON DUTCH woman wants house- work Wednesday and Thur- day in New Aex1tale area. Phone CH. 4-3622. F o-48-lt BRITISH KNITWEAR: Oppor- tunity tor mature ladies or men with spare time. Extra income assured showing guar- _ anteed quality Knitwear. Ny- -lons, lingerie, dresses. Free training. Ntr,delivering. For interview phone 924 Listowel or write Box. 194, Listowel, _ .Ontario, x-46-4t '53 CHEVROLET, good condi- tion, hew battery Ind seat covers, $1,150 or best offer. Call after 6 p.m. BA. 1-9805. x-48-1t SALES clerks for full time and . Clerk Typist for large wholesale hardware. Modern air conditioned ot- hee. Cafeteria. 5 day week. Paid vacation. WHITES HARDWARE Rexdnle Blvd. {(3H, 4.1711 Junior Matriettiant or _ Clerical Experience for office of expanding manu- ftcturer in Rexdale. Book- keeping, Payroll. Purchasing, etc. Excellent opportunity for someone with a keen desire tn advance under competent supervision. For appointment call FULL TIME POI. nus DISTRICT To enroll applicants in top Canadian Motor Club. The men we want mun have direct yelling experieneootruN be determined to work hard tor the most profitable and satisfying 'trt' they know, Must have II car Personal in- terview; given to applirnnts with complete resumes only. Please include phone number um WEE woman ra LOIT: child's wring . was (in any cup to on. or two tan loath-r um C , Park- children daydiu. Photo CK. Chunk " IT at. Cil- um. . tt.68-lt' , nu. / “3-1. Emu Immu- rm give day can to baby or until child. CH. 1-6306. V o-u-n no. Jun; - Church gulf mi. 63.51. ' from 9:00 a.m. to.rC30" p.m. Phone CH. 4-1529. o-M-lt daily patt-time. Apply Ross Stores Co. Ltd. x-48-lt HELP WANTED. FEM/ALE EMPLOYMENT WANTED mum-cumin YOUNG MAN 19-21 HELP WANTED MALE TRUCKS FOR SALE MR. GLOVEB TEK PLASTICS LTD. Box 131 - Weston CR. 1-8636 SALESMEN WANTED DRESSMAKINO BOX L265 l, mu a comm. "non RO. 2-8333' REXDALE x-M-tf Jrr48-1t x-48~1t o-48-1t ml! DOG, toy fox terrier, 6 months: good pet tor children. Phone CH. 4-1248. nc-48-it BABY Budgies and c7iiGi"TTeT. posit will hold until Christ- mas). Mrs. T. Hilton, 31 Main St. South. tr.48-4t YOUNG business man to share room with same in private home, Lawrence-Keele district. Phone CH G2485. x-48-lt JANE-Trethewey: two very large unfurnished rooms with kiteh, enette, sink, cupboards, stove and private washroom, "rv outlet and parking. CH 1-770T, _ x-48-lt POUR room an, hydro, heavy wiring, in I farm house, out- side conveniences, $9 weekly. Near Weston. Phone CH. 1- 7225. x48-lt KVGIINIC SUPPLIES (rubbor good†III-Hod pout paid In plain ruled onvclopc In"! pm. Int. " samples 250 " amph- 81 Mill Ordov Dept GA. Nova Rubber Co Box " Hunlllon. Ont 1419-1! TROPICAL itih and supplies, several varieties, rare and common: buy I small aquari- , um complete: and. plant: and "uh, or add to your already r,established units. Ron Dawe, ‘Bonnie View Cottage, Willis Rd., Pine Grove, Ontario. For information call CH. I-6692. xA6-tf FURNISHED bedroom or bed- sming room, close to transpor- tation. Phone CH. 1-6344 after ti p.m. T" o-48-lt $6 PER WEEK; young man to share room, twin beds, close to transportation (no parking facilities). CH. 10933. Apply 55 Queens Drive, o-48-1t TWO housekeeping rooms, fully equipped, stove, trig., hot wa- “ ter, central location. Suitable tor business couple. CH. 1- 7024. x-4B-lt BRIGHT furnished beds sitting room, newly decorated, near bus and shopping. Phone CH. 1-2162. x-48-lt ONE bright furnished room to rent, light housekeeping, close to transportation. Phone CH. 4-1488 from 1.00 to 7.00 p.m. o-48-1t DOUBLE rumished,'also single room, Lawrerice and Main St. Apply 44 Lawrence Ave., West. o-48-lt TWO rooms with kitchen: fur- nished, suit 2 girls, 2 men, or couple. Apply 100 St. John's Rd., West, Weston. TWO or three rooms, private bath, business couple, abstain- ers. CH. 1-5462. x-48-lt FURNISHED bid-sitting room, grill. suit business girl. Phone CH 1-9455. x-48-lt REXDALE: Two self - contain- ed, very "private, kitchen has gas range and cupboards, $12 weekly. ICH. 1-6497. x-M-it TWO rooms, light housekecp- ing, ("an optional,, adults only. CH. 1-1493. x-48-it TWO newly decorated, warm, unfurnished rooms. Reason- able. Business couple preter- red. Near bus, zone one. CH 4-1698, x-48»1t TWO unfurnished rooms re {affine bright "raTrh"irTiiGd' ton, gentleman preferred. Call after 6, Sterling 8-9195. LARGE unfurnished room, $5 weekly, newly decorated, venetian blinds near trans. portntion to Multan or West- on Rd. CH. 4-0684. x-47-t! RitR5TWai5Et5 Dutch 'eGiiirie", no children, wan! to rent ap- lrtment, preferably furnished and Mar transportation. Write Box M02, Times and Guide. o-M-H‘ ROOM with tray service in quiet home for elderly lady. Phone CH. 1-2863. 'tVlt CHURCH Street near Main, bed- Sitting room and kitchen, re- frigerator, use of washing ma- chine, garage, adults. CH. I,7803. x-48-1t but... an}. Cl. bt, my " l may. vtiinitr Wd Ugltgd'Chuuh. an. i76 single warm rooms in ad- ult home, near Main St. Phone CH. 1-0718. x-68-it ACCUMUDATION W ANTED quired by quiet lady. Phone CH. 1-6683. o-M-lt i0 unfumlshod not" "HE ed try quiet Indy. Phone CH. 1- 1039. 'te-M-it G loath-r an 39%; rar. 'BAN ITATION Vinita much " IT at ca lawman mm on nox- "M. I 343.11 we to vicinity at King and Dublin. having , an. re- IUIIOAL canon in!!!†around (.45 p.13. CH ROOM AND BOARD / anon“. FLAT“ TO LET ROOM! ro L" FURNISHED 800M! ro LET UNFURNISHED PET STUCK a tandem. Roma Tania. mum. 'ie Bt., CH 4-830. x404! 'tor Jterrl Con. o-lS-lt x-48-lt ON?! or WEWOD wing-d Anytime, anyplaco for all oc- couionu. Time "and troublo no qxtra can. satisfaction guaran- teed. . I Phone PL. 1-3103 MAKE A RECORD BESTWAY Floor Service, Mors cleaned, waxed. polished. painted walls washed. Work guaranteed. Free estimates. RO. 7-0734. x-47-tt Child Photography Our Specialty Complete line of metal frames, Picture Framing, Passpor' and Chaufeeur, Photostats, 12 Main St., Weston CH. 1-8219 Davidson Dr ‘VIUUERN F1001 Service Floor: cleaned. waxed Ind polished Any kind of flooring brought up like new Painted with wuh ed Work [unrameea Free an mates Phone A Corru CH I 0282 I-82 " West End Movers Poll-hen for rent. or% em m. AIN" Engineering Company I352 "no M.. Woman CH I "" loot' SANDERS. Edger. and alterations of all types, kit- chen units, recreation rooms. vernndah, fences, etc. in Wilton or 11115210th Vain: Met. Apply " Lockheed Blvd., CH. 1-1.“. WOO-31' PHOTOGRAPHS Painter & Decorator Specxal attention given Paperhanging. Installed by licensed Drain Layers TRENCHING LIGHT. EXCAVATING HANNA - FINDER ' FURNITURE RE-FINISHING. REPAIRING HAY FURNH’URE COMPANY tor Appomtment Excavator: Limited GENERAL Excavurows GRADING CONTRACTORS " CHURCH sum CH. 1-9041 . "ONT END LOADERS BULLDOZERS . SHOVELS GENERAI HAULAGE and DUMP IIUCKS H. C. BROOKBANKS SEPTIC BEDS t TANKS " FURNITURE REPAIRED CH. 1-7987 METCALFE'S IIIVICII ornnn ‘muuouu'non "MD “I“! Jae; Bros. Llovd Cums CARPENTER Remodelling "pas" General Construction Trim Work Having & Slang. Weston CH. [5370 46 MAIN St. N. CH. L768] CH. 18271 MR. ROEDDING GERRY CLARKE CH. 1-6337 Mule To Order noun IO. 9-7447 STORM SASH cAtistiiiiiN CH. 1-5395 -for- fair.“ - ij' l him! Woodbridge x-38-u x-38-n x-23 lt x-3htf x-48-lt 1-34-11 l- It Ht to â€.0010.“ng old dark ttttttm made now. dual-u mutants. rec-0mm. yrlou. Sic Gilt. lord Co. RO. $6709. ttutrtt SEPTIC tanks, cement ways, walla, basement etc. No job too small. reasonable. Phone CH. . in." 6 trm. SCOTT HAULAGE .-qnd - - STENOGRAPHIC SERVICE 16 St. Johns Rd W CH l-6674 x A't-tt M “I... W. W and 'ta-tm' a» cow" MOI Rt 0RD" On Budget Tom. I: Dal!“ Mt. DINNIS UPtt0t8t"tNG Llyon IO. 2-1706 um Wooten ma HAVE your drapes custom made trom your material. Free esti- mates, prompt service. CH 4-0674. x-M-tt SHOWCARDS, window banner: by qualified showcard writer. Prove! service. Mrs. lGorriIl, CH. 4-1025. x4644 Rev. T. B. Butler, immediate put rector, delivered I nonal- Tie and inspiring sermon in whiph he briefly summed up the highlights in the history of the church; the herd work and ne- rlfices of each member of the convention who [we time, talents and money to make the new church I reality, end the mixed feelings of the older and the new members of the parish. He entruted the congregation to assist the new rector. Rev. Howard K. Matron. with their work and priyers. Rev. Butler compared the feeling: of joy in the hearts of the congregation with the feel. ings of the Israelites when a new sanctuary originally de- stroyed in a war was dedicated by God for their use. This link of the old and the new ho been 'teetrtttplWted in St. Philip's - there In enough of the old church and in memories re- maining to link with the put. and a beautiful. enlarged church in serve the growing and en- thusiastic eon|rezaiion hen-r. Congregation, Fills St. Philip's ht Opening .. Week Services Two hundred and sixty-five members of St. Philip's OrrThe- Hill (Anglican) church congre~ gallon f1lled the beauliful newly extended church on Sunday. November mm, for the open- mg servme. - H v. .., '____..F..r. w. ..-.. m. mm. u. On Tuesday of In! Inch. clam workshop or 3:11;. or to! mid-week nryicc wu held for clout linings m- kitchen cu.- the - and communal " boards. Roofing, Gardening, Concrete, Brick and Block Work, Windows Washed Any General Repairs a Also Snow Removal Contracts Repairs. alteetions, tile floors, valance boxes, custom-built cupboards, etc. _ SAND FILL iiiiG"i"i'ii' Reviews NOLAN DUPLICATING Crushed " Stone. Loam. Brick Ind Concrete Sand CH.'i"T'6‘407 SAND, GRAVEL EXCAVATING, GRADING [CAM & FILL DORVAL COPITHORN WOODBRIDGE 373 Btttrvaittintt ma Housekreping ' Hourly - Dailv Weekly _ Mature. capable women PAINTING. CARPENTRY PROMP1 DEuvenv FAMILY SERVICE CHERRY l 5413 cow REG HARRIS CH. 1’5590 CARPENTRY -. ... .. ""“ml Toronto " l trt drive- floors, Price 1-3497 x-43- tt x-46-21 xA6-tf caulk: Ah.Hraiiiiruiaak: duly at Ttimhtr Wanton in- H91 on Sunday. Novnbc he married Charla". Mn In 1008. “to; Min. in Canada sight you. Re In: raid-d In Water: tor " yum. Ho VII I CPR, gatetnatt In Wuton and Toronto until tho time ot pl. reuremgnt ten years no. He is survivod by hi- daun- ter, Once (Mn. M. Donn-1y) ot Toronto; and two sons. End ot Toronto and Gordon ot Wu- ton. The funenl lea/ice wu held Tuudly in the chapel ot the W. J. Ward tun-n) home with in- terment in Riverside cometary. Arthur Guest of the Jehmmh's Witness» anointing. With Christmas drNine In: this column will keep In on open for potential gift unau- tions. Not only is the variety of music available on records " leidoscopic, but things other than music can be had too for just as convincing entertain- ment. Collections of poetry us coming out, one of them being "Poet's Gold" on Vie. LM-18l2 in which Raymond Money, Helen Hayes and Thomas Mitch- ell recite 21 flmous poem! " such stand-by: u Longfellow, Swinburne. Stevenson, Whit- tier and Kipling. Most of the things on this dise are slanted to children or the adult love of children, but that is not p re- stricted Emma. only a plea- sant theme for a worthy col- lection. part issues for the 1956 bl- cen _nial is well under way and t choices will be bewild- lering .w added to the "large Mozart repertoire already avail- lable. I. think the commonest Mozart enthusiast is not so lmuch an admirer of. his utter 1mmtery of technical problems, ‘thnuah every composer since ianart has felt very humbled lin his ctsiiTemplation, but an ad- lmxrer of his Very human quali- ‘ties, His music shows not only lhis acquaintance with humour, idrnma and passion, but personal muttering and an almost inef- fable tenderness. It is . more itrue to sav he is loved than ad- Lmired. even. when the admira- ,tion is iustin'ablv. irlnlatrnus. 1 Looking at his symphonies lfor the moment. there are " lnresent only cinele issues of the lfirst 18 in LP format with in- lereasing duplications as we ap- proach the 41 (Jupiter). There ‘lare l4 "Hatfners", four of the l"Linr", eleven of the "Prague", (six of No, 39 in E Flat, thirteen .0! No. 40 in G Minor and eight of the "Jupiter". These are {bound to find competition, but 'mrew Mozart conductors will not If, born overnight, so we can (keeri our eyes on the Toscanini, 'Beecham and Bruno Walter is- Isues for the most part. Toscani- ni will highlight the workman- ship, Beecham the drama and passion and Walter the warmth land tenderness. Our own lean- ings will take us to I favorite lei-inductor. mine being Bruno Walter who has so far recorded lllos. M, 28, M, 40 and 41 on Columbia labels. -. On an extended-play 45 RPM disc, Victor offers I smaller col- lection called,' "My Dog", ERA- 217. This is a set of eight literary mks in praise of dogs, all recitid-by-d%ym9nd Massey. Vest', "Eulogy of the Dog" opens the set, and will be remembered for its remarks about the "one absolutely un- selfish friend a m"1.can have". If you were ever "sentimental over any dog, this collection won't seem a maudlin mistake, but long over-due praise. A strong trend in the future reloau of music on .records will be the recognition that Mozart was born in 1156. The flood of The annual bunt and ten held on Saturday. November Mth, was opened by Mn. Brit- ton Oder. niece of the renown- t-d Sir William Oller. It the children have played havoc with the panel. ot their bedroom door, cover the marred surfaces with the wullpn used to decorate the room, T. ing cure the pattern linen up with that on the walls. the Anglican Deanery of Etch- icoke with Rev. Arnold Wilkin- son as preacher. A service for the clergy and congregations of the churches of Weston and district was held with Rev. James Mackenzie of Westmin- ster United church of Weston " preacher. On Sunday, November Mth, the sermon was delivered by the rector, Rev. Motion. Md th. anthem was sung by the Trin- ity School College choir of Port Hope which was begun by Dr. W. A. Johnson. one-time rector of Bt. Philip'a. The even- ing service on that Hate will etmdueted by Rev. Ramsay Armitage, principal of Wyclih College. Perm-ted Hardin-rd. yum. ed w 3/10 inch he!" " one inch and one-half inch centre! is excellent for hanging tools in the workshop or at“. Or {at By lhrold A. Miller. UNI! liiit 8