North York Cutting Maples Called "Vandalism" One of the saddest sights I have seen in a long time is King Street without those 'won- derful maples. Can there really be men with souls so dead to beauty and to the gift of time and our distinctive climate who would give an order to cut down a row Rrrmttgniflcent hard maple of which few other countries can boast? Any European country, poor " they are, would have spent enormous sums‘to hgve prf- The Editor: Letters To The Editor To met this expansion ot the town in years you by. department: have had to b. shined Ind plied in mnkeshm or temporary quar- hll. Tho police and works departments are hand about two blocks away from the town 11.11 in a separate building. The recreation Fttv.e.e by um". m “mm; Numb.- mum- "ue. Hum-man. naval" um. and“. Vrm. F h; Wont-I. Klnmlni VIII-n Fnirhnvrrt Rum " “-ulll! Ill." doll-fl 'bUtlrttN u SINCLAIR. Mum-In. "Ho! ALFRED " MRI) N... can" Whoa “1‘“ " w w. mm * «mm: w my in". I- an“. " In on nu m .denrtrre to value In". smxlo mum In â€In " a. ennui-n w..." nut-mp.- “um-um perm: t Mun In... soun- Tubman Ctt I 'tit (Annual " urn-nu elu- mm Poet 0mm Don-"mm Orv-n) Found!“ In Iuly. IIII Puma-nu by l . I “EMILLAN Pun-Inn" a - municipal hall was built in I“ Ind In. outgrown its usefulness. Since " emsstrttetirres, the town bu grown trom I much ot has than 900 to something more. “in um Annulment in mm was less than new while meumcnt for the town in 1955 was “MOMâ€. Times and Guide 'l"',' EDITOR A/rt/ir. WATER FIRE HALLS POLICE STATIONS GARBAGE COLLECTION I 1 per week I 2 per week ARTIFICIAL SKATING RINKS SWIMMING POOL BOOKMOBILE LIBRARY PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD PARKS DEPARTMENT INDUSTRIAL ASSESSMENT RECREATION BUDGET trees such as these.'0n n "W." cm holy themselves to "ttgtemie mention and much ' Wanna tor. recreation by vot- '-ethetm-tatsuiidsttew 'ew Town Hall N eeessity Sharp's Travel Service 92 Yongdstreet, Toronto 1, Ontario Nov. 24, 1955. who trutidinCtor the town of MARK . THE FACTS MARK THE BALLOT "REE YEARS tr PROGRESS VIII“ 1tctalloti ttttthit SPEAK lWDER THAN WORDS. Humbo- Hugh!- Maple Onkdalu 40n- Hummer rl‘lhIVRn thdllo I'M hlhthlililll0lli, men J. I X 'tt very narrow thoroughfare around Lake Como m Italy. the road twists and bends to avoid 1trees of far less value/Land is ‘purchased at outrageous prices to preserve trees in the midst of European cities and along the highways. We have only to see the main streets of Paris - London - in fact. any Euro- pean city.,Hundreds of thour ands ot people every year spend $1,500 and more to go over and teast on the beauty in Europe which public men have 'pre- served for their lands. Every year, our Canadians ask me why we ean't have ..similar beauty here. Unfortunately, our children are being starved in this ex- F OR REE VE t, "55‘ I there is amalgamation at some future date, the building would be a town asset and taxpayers would be compensated; and we are cerium that this accommodation would still be needed for district police oMcei, and other district administration omces The Times and Guide strongly recommends a "you" vote for the new town hall. Vote as you like, but vote December 8rd. The estimated cost of the proposed new civic building, $282,000, includes the demoli. tion of the existing town hall and the old, former tire hall on Little Ave., and the tur. nishing of the new building. This amount amortized over a period of 20 years would amount to approximately one mill per year to the average taxpayer or 8 cents per week. Accommodation for the vurlouu deptrtmenU is tar from adequate. Each dopu-tment hu it: needs but to mention but a few: the police department requires cells for overnight prin- oners, the health department needs facilities which are almost entirely lacking at present; better recreation aeconttnodation ll needed; and larger oiRces are necessary tor the general administration oMees. cum, while in the town hall building has no connection, with the main one“; and the no tivity centre is the reconvened (armor are hall on Littlé Ave. The Publlc Utilities Com. mission is housed in “temporary" ucommodl- tion on the out side ut Mun St., at lt hu been for a number of years. Altogether, ftve different buildings, including the the hall, houw the town municipal departments. 15% or ASSESSMENT , 20% or Asssgsiaimr $8,160,344,ooo. 3,500,000 $13,500 I953 No wonder our children run along the streets taking indi, gestible gulps at sandwiches. throwing the crusts'ald often half their lunches with the wrapping papers on private lawns and in flower gardens. They have so little example in seeing or preserving beauty. In- Brussels, over a thousand years old. has beautiful sub- urbs for labouring people of tree-lined streets and 'round- about patches of green with benches where older folk sit and children play (a service road runs behind the houses) pression of beauty we could so easily have; we give them ugly, utilitarian streets to be killed in; Mwerless, dreary school yands without even a bench to sit upon in the autumn sun- shine - let alone sit alpng the highways or in pretty squares or parks which are scattered everywhere in other lands. l 3,000,000 (60,000,000 in 1957) Underway $50,000 l 955 CENTRAL UNITE!» w- The minister, Rev. R. E. Sé‘en- oer. will preach at both services stead, they are given an exam- ple of vandalism. u this deg. truetion is, of something our forefathers had the thought and care to plant for us, a heritage which should have evoked time, money and ingenuity on In in- ner walk which people trom tar and near could have come to see and to copy. What was more Beautiful than those maples in autumn? When I lived in the parsonage on King Street, I felt that benehet should have been placed for people to sit upon and enjoy them, as I have so often done in Paris and Vienna. Instead. we have one more ugly thor- oughfare which makes a Euro. pean gasp as they always do " the pictu " of our streets with the 'l',fl'J'i poles making our towns look like the outposts of civilization. Good lovommont la produced when the people hoop clooo tab on than elected and go to tho poll' with donnlto knowledge of what to "quired. Thu: now to the time when \ovory one at our cltllona an collod upon to "amine carotully tho room-d: ot thou who an "ohm. omco. Remember thou oloctod have the authority ot 'pending tho funds collected from the tax doll". They have tho - to control the and" at tho municipality. Thay have tho right to diroct tho future. Thornton ovory ono who dooa not uproot their vlowo by the moons of the ballot are leaving the way upon to: a "no" group or I few to run the attain for which the toxpayor is called upon to foot the bill. Plan to vote and vote with" a" Gaua; what you In doing, "-.----r---.---a.-L=uf.==2r_i"fr! [Stray Thoughts 1 than never walk along King Street "sin without a feeling of pain - pain for the loss of those wonderful maples - and pain to know we had no men with feeling of pride and ima- gination to do as the men m Europe do to preservu their heritage. h “I mutttt r F “unbound-cum Mme-mountain!- tfeetttfireiioaturVt$_tdeuiia.' Tttiris the an to: the We“ mm: doom York My will hold 010cm“ will). hall on Mttrtday, the “I. The. will .tre no clocuon In lulled. u they have a two you but. Shia, mom tlon u drum to the duty at all. to upm- their “an. in volume. a an nunlolpnl ennui-ta. A an» may In. bun widen during the put low you: In an an at the ballot. This has cauud much comm in the mind. ot people who have lol- lowod the ovum ot Maury. It atom that when the electors show um. interest In civic mull-I the" in u tentuney tttward wry qua-clonal. Bdminutration. CHURCH NEWS Yours very truly, Marion Walwin, President. this Sunday morning on the theme, "The God Who Cares." The Sacrament of Baptism will be administered " the morning service. December ll, at 10.00 am. only. The Young People‘s Union will hold its regular meeting thin Sunday evening at 730 pm. in the Ladies' Parlour The Young Adult Group will meet at 7.30 pm. this Sundav in the Sunday School auditorium This group is open to all young men and women from is years and up. The young married couples of this age are invited also to join with them. WESTON PRESBYTERIAN On next Sunday the sacre- ment of the Lord's Supper will be observed at both services, 11 am. and 7 Wm. On the fol- lowing Sunday there will be a service of Baptism. The Men's Club are holding their second meeting of the win- ter on Tuesday, Dec, "tth. at 6.30. It will be a Past Presi- dent; Night when those who have served in the chair will be remembered and honoured. The guest speaker will be Mr. J. Miller and his Meet is, "Be. hind the Curtairjuof Blindness." Dave Watts will be in charge of the musical programme. The ladies are serving a turkey din. ner. It promises to be an out. standing meeting. BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION --SOUND-- RE-ELEGT DOWNSVIEW BAPTIST Church Main so. '4lo no Fern Ave. Print-ln-Chorgo: [odor Canon J. D. Pam-on - Ito. 1-4970 I97 Downsviuw Avenue R. W. IIDDINO PMttNt 10.00 A.M.-Il|ll SCHOOL - Clam for ovovy member of your family “.00 AM.-MO!NINO WOISHIP - God’s Means of Ffmatte. T r.oo P.M.-rvmmG SERVICE - "v. Ivor Gnomladn, Minionary-Olm 9. South Amulet. Coloured nlldu of the Fitld. 7.0tt P.M.-TN' SIGNS or TNE TIMES 8.60 'ot.-Holy CommJnion . 9.45 a.rm--8undar School and Bible Clan 11.00 't.m.-Choresl Communion and Sermon K00 p.m.-Ev-tit and Sermon Canon Pour-on at all Son-via» The Power of an Active Faith by John B. Helm, ca. -, " 00..., trRrtote Member trf the Board of "etur.sttip of The Moth-v Church, the Hm Church of Chrtst,, klonviu, In Boston, Man. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE: RICHABDSON ggcond___5u_nday ht Advent, Dec. Pub": Illilillos T. JOHN'S ANGLIOAN CHURCH BUor SM Won, a Jan. Sunday Aha-noon, Number 4, 1955 " 3.1! (boon upon at 2.8th THMtt CHURCH or CHRIST, SCIINYISY, TORONTO COIDIALLY INVITES YOU WESTON onion Hum: mum "tte HOLY NILE WHOllV tAOGHt" Free [than Entitled There will be u meeting of the Fall Pair Committee in the Lndiu' Parlour " bttn n“ on Monday, December 6th, Come and hear the wonderful rosull of this combined effort! The Jenn Gordon Forbes Auxiliary have organized I Pot. Luck Supper tor Tuesday, De. camber B, when the spenkor Will be the Rev. Dr. W. Harold Young, Secretary of the Colleges & Students Committee of the United Church. Even if you are unable to attend the supper. come and hear this inmiring leaderpf our church DOWNSVIEW BAPTIST The Downsview Baptist church, which is located one block south ot Wilson Ave. and about three-quarters of a mile east of Jane St., invites you to its services. Someone has said, "H we are to do Gods work. we must have God's power; It we are to have God's power, we mu" know God's will:. If we are to know God's will, we must study God's Word." The Bible School is for A native of Ohio, Mr. Pickett we: educeted in Georgia and North Dakota. Formerly presi- dent of his Own investment honking firm, he liquidated his business affairs in 1942 to enter the full time practice of Chris- tian Science. He was a Christian Science Wartime Worker during World War ll. Prior to that he had served in active field ser- vice on the Illinois Flood Relief Committees of The Mother, Church, The First Church of, Christ, Scientist, in Boston» Massachusetts Since beeoming, a member of The Christian 'K/s-) ence Board of Lectureship, he‘ has travelled throughout the) United States and Canada. 1 “we" v. uncut... “Minus, Mr. Pickett will speak in the Odeon Humber Theatre, Bloor Street West at June St. " 3:16 pm. under the auspices of Third Church ot Christ, Scientist. Tor- onto, His subject will be Chris- tian Science: The Power of an Active Faith. The public is in- vited to attend without charge. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE How health and individual usefulness can be restored through spiritual means, a. il- lustrated in the Bible, will be brought out in a public lecture on Christian Science to be given here December 4th by John D Pickett‘of Chicago. Illinois, A elm tor tir" communimutts will meet tor the Mist time In the young people's. room enter 2f evening service On Sunday. the purpose of studying the Word of God. In the adult Bible Class we are studying the Book of Romans. Why not come and join in this study? The message of the morning service is the fifth in a series of messages on the church. We will deal with God's method of sup- porting the local church. Tithlng is 'something widely misunder- stood today. Is tithing for the Old Testament period only? Can I. afford to tithe? These and other questions will be ans- wered. Rev. Ivor Greenslade and his family will be Byirur to South America on Dee. 21 tDV.), These missionnries will be our guests at the evening service. The nnnunl Candulightirm 1nd Vangu- Sorvleo ot the tun. Milan in: in 1mm. of Woodbridge. mum“. Cm- tral and Wutmlmtor United Churches will b. Mid in Wu:- mlmtor Unltod Church on Sun. day, December t. " 7:00 p.m This iI the itrat ace-lion that this beautiful service has been held in Westminster. sunuy. tte-ter A will to col-mud u and. â€Mann the MIDI and". "Ho HAM." ot the new will ho. “The Book a looks." and men will be A routing club; on halal! at the work ot the Bibte Soon- sly. “.00 'r"".-9Urtttrttt Wenhip 8.00 p.m.-hmdar School T.00 p.m.-Mr. lab-II S'mchan l loginnors' and Nurury tthoo a.m.-Fo' Bible (Ian H100 mum-Sonic: Sunday khaol It.00 u.m.~Tho lord’: Supp" ILOO ts.rn.-'.ltrnto, Sunday School H.00 'r.m.-Nvrs.r, and Cradle loll 7.00 '"'-rl" lerd'n Supp-r It.00 REVIVAL SERVICES _ WM Rev. J. W. loam (London. Ont.) CoMIIwIn. mvw'h Dumbo: Ttth We“ alum ' pm. (hem Sunday and Monday) SUNDAY II.†A.M. and 7.†AM. INSPIRATIONAL SINGING â€KAI. MUSIC AND MINUMMALIS‘I' RAY- OOI "I! SICK NIGHT“ 000 "o' AND HEAL! YODAY luv": I". Sunday School 10.00 am 9.43 trm.-sunday School, , year: and ufr 11.00 a.m.-"Tho Book of Books" 11.00 a.m.-3unday School " yum, 7.00 Vesper Service 8.00 a.m.-Holy Communion 9.45 'ot-Nuo" Mu. Clan 11.00 a.m.--Holr Communion 11,00 u.rrt.-Sunday School in the Parish Hull 7.00 't.m.-Ever,ing Prayer Puncher: the Rector, at both sorvicl In. VIII!" M. Wolch,‘I.S.A. - laid-nu: CH 1-6964 mt. CHAR“! NOGAIH, Much: of Musk 9.4S,-Churrh khool, age: 5-14 yuan â€.00 A.M.-Praoeh.r Wilfred Jagnundun, Prssbrtorian Couch!" In Smith Guiana undying at “Knox cuugerii/LL." 3.00 P.M.-sr. Bible Clan Innquu - Spook-I Mayor Harry Clark of Wuhan 7.00 p.m_.-Evomong r I Proud!" at both urvlcu - The [actor 'lunuo Av... Nu: Juno - , ' ' uv. n. w. smwm, u. Ln... lam 2HDâ€SUNDAY IN ADVINT DICIMIII 4th ' IOO o.m.-Mety Communion 9.45 emu-Sunday School and Bible Clan DECEMBER 4th REV. It. J. 50665, IA. " Cross M. - CH. 1-9533 church 9f $t. my“ (Malian) "Our 143rd Church Anniversary' SUNDAY, DECEMBER 4th. "" V Church Services.. 10 and 11.30 am. Sermon: "THE GOD WHO CARES" Church Schools: 10.00 am. 2-12 years; 11.00 cm. 12-15 yours; 11.30 a.m. 6-H years 7.30 p.m.-Two Young Peoplu' Unioh'n Young Adult Group wastes BAPTIST cannon SI. Andrew’s Presbyterian church Royal York Rood, 1 Block South of Mahon Road " PHILIPS Jthi tidiiiiri Beglnnlng Sunday, December 4 Lutheran Church Semces - a. _ Human HEIGHTS SCHOOL 2245 lawn-once W. (Just West of Scarlett Rd.) Weston Gospel Tabernacle Weston Presbyterian chum Westminster United Church " GENTBAL UNITED BHUBGI'I SUNDAY, DECEMBER 4th KING AND MAIN STREETS Minister. Rev. R. t. Sponcor,__M.A., an Sunday, msGniirdirath 40TH ANNIVERSARY SERVICES 5 Cross " at Church, CHorry l-l57l (Anglican) ' . - SI. Phillipa " toff Melton Id.) 3 Howard K. Mama I.A. 3t St. Phillip: load DECEMBER 4TH s' and Nurury Clan is held during Oh. mornln‘. wonhip YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED 0M Am)“. a. Canon) Com-r Main and upMrtearet M. W. Holy Communion and Primary Sunday School lid. - A In. It" I Mule-lit MA. I.D., “A. a. "had, "any that The Rev. Albin Stanfel, pusvor Everyone ts Cordially Invited IV. a. K, "It, I. m., Human ms “one: SWAN. autumn " "Hull """ Rector, at both urvicu WESTON nesnvruuu cnuncn Worship Service 11.00 bun. MAIN ST N CROSS SI CCI t