Times & Guide (1909), 19 Jan 1956, p. 1

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tr " up». dunks» / a a“ an a [ m mum _ new: um i "" " request that the members of the police department receive medical service at.the expense of the town in the event ot sick- ness, was contained in the brief. .Three weeks Wnnual leave for patrol sergeants effective this year and to all other ranks upon completion of lO‘years service with the town, was asked. Brief: submiued " the end of 1955 Try 'policépnd tire depart- menu will be considered by the Weston Council at a. special meeting, it was decided at the last regular meeting ot council. An upward revision in the salary schedule for policemen, "in accordance with an agree- ment reached at a recent meet- ing ot the Metropolitan Toronto Police Committee, a committee formed from the police associa- tions in the Metropolitan Area", was among the requests con- tained in the police brief. Westeh'Couticil To Consider Police‘“And Fire Dept. Briefs ht Future Special Meeting The requested schedule is as follows with the present rate in brackets afterwards: patrol ser- geants $4,730 ($4,300); constables, lat class. $4,400 ($4.000); con- stables, 2nd class, $4,070 ($3,700); and constables, 3rd class, $3,740 ($3,400). The brief asks Jhat council consider including an issue of one pair of booty of suitable quality in the uniform allowance new granted to each officer." SERVICE BADGES The brief also asked counail to recognize department em- ployees for long service with Service _ Badges which would carry with them remuneration ranging from 15 cents per day to " cents per day. "Suspended Sentence JJESETVT“’i’“"” M"rs/d/rireViiairV Given Three Youths ( Ho (knelt for some time on, l Bench! fl Essa; . in 3mrsten' Police Chief Pleased With Response To Address on Civil Defense Other GroupsWant to Talk Councillor Jack Holley, chair-l man of the works department‘ Introduced a resolution to purg ehase the Trojan Loader whichl the town has rented for the past; two months for use in the town dump, m snow removal, and other work." _ _ TENDER FOR LUAIMJK I However, I suggestion by; Woma? Bails Eggs For Monday Lunch Surprise 'In Store A Interest in Civil Defense in Weston has mounted following I recent talk n the subject by Chiet 'dl'id'l, Webster of The youths were Paul May . of Toronto., David Forsythe Mitchell of .Oak Ridges, ttttd Robert John MrKay of North York. It wa: their first offense. _ Our etorrr.spondent reports that Mrs, Smith has decreed there will be" no ritore egg- lunches for a while. Nothing was said about chicken sand- wiehes. Wheh the noisé continued, the looked into the saucepan and then gaped wide-eyed at what she saw. A baby chick was cracking its way out of one of the eggs. Apparently the heat of the boiling water had been enough to hatch the chicken. THWTLETOWN, The fol- aniring Itory didn't hetp to solves the old problem of which came first, the chicken or the egg, but it certainty showed how fresh, eggs can A woman in this commun- ity.-call her Mrs. Smith - bought a dozen new-laid eggs on Saturday and on Sunday evening put two of them on to boil for her daughter's Monday lunch. They. boiled for about five minutes and Mrs. Smith (that isn't the real name) heard a crackling noise and thought the two eggs were hitting against one another. N ~~~>~ Three youths caught red, handed by a Weston police otficrr Jun. 6,h plondod wil- ty to breaking, and alluring last Thursday at magistrate/s court; Larnhtort Mills. The boys, all 17 years of age \vrre given two ymrs suspended sentence and p1tsred on pro- hntion. P/Sgt. Ha!!! reported that he was checking the Prem- has nt the company when he found the trio had tore4d their w” imidc. " MAIN N. (“any t.SMtt Councillor Bill Perry that ten- ,ders should be called before such a piece of equipment be pur- chased» was supported by Coun- ‘cillors Bull and Woodland the ‘councile agreed that' the clerk should be instructed to call for ‘tenders for a, front end loader ‘with specifications to be supplied _tt.the,tpyrn engineer. . "‘- w rava- T ’ n _ i "a. s - 2% " Councillor C. E. Conroy de- clued that some action,should be taken on his proposal to ex- tend Bellevue Crescent to help traffic problems ari'd provide ad- ditional off-street parking. He suggested that the mayor should approach the people owning the property involved and ask them to put a price on it and let them know that the council is serious about purchasing it. Mayor Harry Clark said that he would be glad to do so at an early date. V SIX O.K. NEW HALL Councuiqr coiirify said that he was yeryipleased to be re-aw pointed chairman ot the accom- modations committee and hoped that they could get moving soon on this project. _ Westgn who is also the town’s Civil Defense Dimstor. On the heels of publicity for the talk in last week's Times and Guide, other organizations have ex- pressed interest in having the Police Chief speak on the same topic to their group. More than 20 applications have been received trom per- sons wishing to do their part in the civil defense organization of the town and others are com- ing in each day. Chief Webster expects that when he has had the opporYunity to speak to a number ot local organizations he will have no difficulty in re- ceiving the desired number of applications for the civil _de- tense organizatLon. Mayor Clark reported that ap- proval of the .expediture had been received from six metro. politan municipalities already. Enquiries and applications to join the Westbn Civil_Detense organization should be made at the Weston police station on Main Street North. Harmony. Keynote 0f SucceSs President Tells Band Member»: Ascot. Elects New Officers He repeated"that as soon " 40 applications had been re- ceived, the first classes would be organized. He said that a preliminary meeting of the first group would be held to decide what night would be most con- venient for the majority of the applicants. Classes are to be held once every ftvo weeks for a timed of two hours. They will not be held during the sum- mer months. _ Chief Webster is scheduled to speak to the Rotary Club-of Weston-Mount Dennis at their meeting tonight and has alsq been asked to address the Men's Club of Westminster United church on Wednesday, "Febru- ary first. _ ' The Weston Silver. Band is unique in its harmtiny, not only in the musical sense, but in the deeper harmony of spirit: this is the keynotepf the putstand- ing success of the hand through the years, declared the newly elected president, Robert Wil- son, at the nmual dinner of the band at the Weston Legion ha“ on Wednesday, January 11th. T '1' " COQIMNO JleI The honournry bandmaster. a". "it .' Smith, .qecretttry Hence Sainsbury congratulated 'c".".. nnd .Constabie Bandmutcr Arthur Benin and 'ov MAtttt" t the band on the ftrte job they Eugene LOWE. trensurer. F (were doing 'under adverse cir- , The retiring president was cumstancrs. and "id'he wu J'.trot'Nrgennt L. a. Cowling] (Continued on Page " Mr. Wilson was speaking to the gathering of bandsmon and their ladies, and he went on to pay a glowing tribute to the lute Mr. and Mrs, George Sains- bury. c At a rm-vnl meeting of the ' W Porte Association new omtrer.q -for the 5, years 1956 worn elected. Elected Cd President wa’s 1,... t" 'Pafro Sergeant g RIP, T), Willi}: Manuel 2 tak'),,,,,'::,) If with the other 1%,.53'93 officers being i l ' tConstable Jack ERiM . . 1ti:rl Smith, sevretnry g3} and Constable New Drioinirtodrse At WC VS Popular The new driver training course at the Weston iCollegiate and Vocational school is a pop- ular one, Principal E. H. G. Wor- den repented to a recer‘meeting of the Advisory-Vocal/ld 'al Com- mittee of Education He said that some.87 applica- tions to take the course had been received and that the num- ber accepted had to be trim- med down to about 35 ak Only} one trial class was authorized. Reactions trom the people gen- erally seem to be quite favour- able, commented iwveral mem- bers of the committee. Mr. Wor- den added that it was planned to have a talk with the parents of those students taking the course to explain the program- me to them, especially since it was, _as yet, in a development stage. . - in the Metro Toronto aréa, Many enquiries have been re- celved from other municipalities The coufse. lone of three or four in the provinco, is believed tn be the only one of its kind Car (In ‘Permanent Loan' early years of _the band and how Mrs. Sainsbury tank the young boys and taught them Lhamudiments of music. This Raining generally tnnk six months and then the boys wrre jntrozluced to the handmaster and permitted to sit in and play with older boys. The president also rominded the members that it was their duty and privilege to hrrlp the band roturn to its formnr fame. Lloyd Sains'nury was the mast- er of crremnnirs and he con- ducted the office with humour and decorum. Gcorgo Bull, Coundinor, rcp- rosenting the town council and Mayor Httrry Clark, spoke brief. ly, to tell the band how much the people of Weston, the coun- cil, and he personally appreci- ated the band and the good work that it is doing in the community. The M.C. introduced the head table guests as follows : Mr. and Mrs. Horace Sainsbury, Mr. and Mrs. George Bull, Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Samshurf,.and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rergin. ' Wilfred Sainsbury added a few humorous incidents that transpired during his lime with the band. CALL TENDERS FOR BUILDIN WATER MAIN 0N LAWRENC Two of the students of a driver training couryslreing conducted as. an experiment this year at Weston Collegiate and Vocational School look over the brand new Ford given "on permanent loan" to the s"chool for use in the new course. At right is the chief instructor, Herb Constable, who is showing the car to the students. They have been receiving classroom' instruction in the course so far. but will n6w start to actually ope rate the car. _. . w " WCVS Students Examine; Driver Training'CE the V Westoh Board of AND NEIGHIOURING COMMUNITIES IN NOW“! AND NOW" YORK While the car for actual driv- ing training arrived only this week, the course has been in operation since November and the students have been taught safety and other driving factors in the classroom, ~They have also been given t.ests with sev- eral pieces of equioment to check the speed of their reac- tions, their ability to fudge dis. tanCes, and other, driver abil- ities. Mr. Worden said that the' car which will be used for driver training. a 1956 model, had been given "on permanent loan" by Little Bros.. Weston car degjers concerning the course, said Mr, Worden. The committee approved an extension of the course to allow) another class to be formed since it seemed to be proving success- ful. Richard _E. Hassard succeeded W. A. McArthqr as charman of the 'Weston Public Utilities Commission for, 1956. His elec- tion to the chairmanship was made at the inaugural meeting pt the commission on Tuesday evening. Richérd E: Hassard New PM: Chairman Chosen vice-chairman tor the. now year was Cnas. E. Richard, son. . , . Mr. -Hassard was vice-chair man ot the 1955 commission. RN. KHTN GRAHAM RUDD!“ BA, Uh, has 'boon appointed ne’er of 'st. John's Anglicar church, Woman and will “all. over " duties in th. parish on the first of 'Fobruory. the TIM" and Guide apolog‘hol that " namo we: incorrectly mm In a phviqm onnouncomum m'odo Ion weak. New St. John’s Rector it the end period. and it was understood that they had generously agreed to re- place the motlerwitl1 a new one The car has been equipped with dual clutch and brake ped- als, seat covers,.directional sign- als and other safety equipment which the instructors felt were necessary. by. Little Bros. . Four teachers look after the various phases of the driving course, Mr. Herb Constable be- ing in charge of the whole courSe. Instruction is given out- side regular school hours-be- fore 9 am, at noon hour, after 3.30 p.m., and on Saturgays. Philip Kotarski, 44 Lirfpincott St. West, and his brother were crossing Denison Ave. on the east-side, when they saw a bus going north on Main St. and turned back ,to catch it, Philip ran into a car driven by Frank P. Cassar, of Toronto, which was bring south on Main St, and mal 'ng a left hand turn onto Denison Ave. . A twelve-year-old Weston boy was injured at 5.43 pm. Jan, 11th, when he changed his mind while walking across the street and ran in front of a car, Wes- ton police state. T elbow Lui ritht knee. " Chie'rWebster reports that on; Friday, January 6th, a . mam went into the Bank of Montreal. Weston branch, and opthted " account by depositing the sum of $5.00. The same day, a man' Boy, 12: Hurt Ran Into Car Two Weston banks were do- tr'auded of a total ‘of $182.50 last Friday by a smooth crook who had laid his plans well. Chief Constable A. Webster is inves- tigating the frauds. . -thought to be the same person by poiice--ehtered the prII Bunk of Canada, Weston branch Ind opened (n account there by depositing the sum 03 $10. , A Week later, on Friday. Jan- uary lath, the lime mun pick- ed I busy time of thy to return to the two banks and pretent- ed cheques part of which he de- posited,'ttthitte the ‘bnlunce in cash. , Weston Banks Defrauded, 0f $182.50 By Cheque Forget At the Bank of Moritreal, he presented a cheque for $163.75, "depositing" $40 and taking the balance ot $103.75 in (.Th. tlint. mm " the Royal Bank, I Philip suffejed a bruised right Photo by Geoffrey Frazer human, JANUARY n, nu of the first training ‘eretro to Tunnel 'Ilnder Humber River »\And Railway Tracks The main will also cross the Humber in a tunnel under the river and consequently will not affect the Lawrence Ave. bridge over the Humber which is at present in the process of being widened to four lanes. Te'nder: have been called by Metro tor the construction of I M inch water main along Lawrence Aire. between Jane Street and Rtfyai York Road. It is expected that the contract for the project will be awarded early in February and work will com- mence "as soon as possible." Weston Man Member 31-Man Team Testing Equipment In Arctic A time-consuming portion of the contract will be two tun- nels that will be built for the main. Plans call for tunnelling under the CPR and CNR railways tracks at the Lawrence Ave. level crossing to a depth that will permit the construction of I subway at a later date without the necessity of disturbing the water main. _ The only proieé that it is anticipated the water main in- stallation will affect will be the widening of Lawrence Ave. be.. tween the bridge and Main Street and it is expected that this latter work will be. delayed until the completion of the in- stallation of theirtaer main. _ . Deputy Works Commissioner A. U. Sanderson anticipated that the project will take a minimum of five months to complete. 1 Later it was discovered that the cheques. which appeared" to 'tre born tide companyréhmtues. ,were forgefies and thit conse- Auently the Bank of Montreal ‘suffered the loss of 8103.75 less 'the, deposit of " made the week ‘previous, and the Rtyrf1 _Bank The 31-man Signals field in- vestigation team is under the direction of Majbr Frank Rid- dell, M.B.E., CD., of Ottawa, one of the Army's foremost ex- perts on the North. A Weston man, Sgt. W. J. Miller, of 1579 Jane St., is among the. personnel on the Signals team. The tests began this week with the concehtratiim of the team at Fort Churchill, Man., but the men will see little of Churchill until mid-April since they will spend most ot their time in the northern wilderness, at distances up to 500 miles from the Army outpost. A wide range “(equipment will be included in the test pro- gramme. Included is a powerful new mobile long-range trans- mitting and' receiving station, completely self-contained in a single 1200-pound "peclqge", which can be dropped on a sled by parachute from a transport aircraft. The station offers ade- quate shelter for its operators and is quickly assembled on the ground from a framework of alumihum tubing and canvas. The 1200-pcund package in- 'ctu"iies long and short-wave transmitting and receiving as- semblies"and is complete to the extent of roviding chairs and tébles for gs operators. The Signals team will also conduct trials to determine the performance 'of radio - teletype circuits under extreme weather conditions, and will test other Signals radio and line equip- ment, including the new Army field telephone. OTTAWA, Jan. 16-A three- month programme to éest Army si 314 ui merit ‘un and} m way in the Far North, Army Headquarters announced today. cheque for the same amount ($143.75) was presented, $60 being "deposited" and the re- maining $93.75 being taken in cash. . Weston Council Meets Jax 23 ion tgshs less the tit deposit made the week before. at the Weston Tm (>de h a be held an MONDAY. usury Med, In (to 00nd] Chanson. Mn Inn, Wu- ton. at no ”a: Any an... In "let-o I. “all no “a. F Construction of the water main was approved by Metro council last year as part ot 'a programme to supply additionali water to the suburbs so that severe shortages at water dur- ing the summer months would be eliminated. Another contract will be Jet to install a water main from Jane and Cawrence north on Jane St.'to a point north of Wilson Ave. The main which will’ feed these two pro- :posed main: is now being in- ‘stalled and work is proceeding ’west of Keele St. at the present; i'"li,i,i,ri,oiil"iilil1 rtiiiliiiiti jii"iiiiiirid Model [II General Assembly. ‘For the. seeond sueeessive' year, secondary school students in the Toronto area staged a model Ypkted Nations General Assembly on Friday and Satur- day, January 13th and 14th, months of preparation and study preceding the actual ses- sions. Students from 33 schools acted as delegates from as many countries, those from Weston Collegiate and Vocational School representing Poland. The sessions were held in the Legislative Chamber, Parliament Buildings. Queens Park. The Metro Traffic department said they will be given a month's notice by the works department to arrange any nécesséry traf-bwhich was asked to a fie plans in' connectien' with the own chairman at i project. ' I meeting. -"-----------r--t--------------. Weston Secondary 't)1ittrt On fridéy evening, elections were held-and the agenda de- Have the public no respect or decincy for the resting place of the dead? . The following is a letter to the reditor‘ signed by a Weston citi- zen who requested that her name be withheld from publica- tion. ' The Editor: Riverside Cemetery is a dis- grace the way the property is used both outside and inside the gates. Outside is used for a parking lot and a car polishing and repair area which should be done in their own driveway. Dirty-rags are left there too. You don't see. this at other ceme- teries. Inside it is used " a play- ground in summer and right now it is quite evident that it is being used for a short cut. Charqe‘Man, 37 After Break-In At Supermarket letter To The Editor. Criticizes Lack Of Respect For Cemetery I‘myself have my Dad, two grandfathers, a grandmother, three aunts. an uncle. and three cousins in Riverside. My father's and grandparents' graves are William Martin, M, of Wilton Avy, wu charged with bulb ing' Ind entering, thett Ind re- ceiving mt Wednesday liter the Lobllw Supenmrket at “he St. ind Wilton Are. In Molten into. The smut e me only {our hour: the: the rob- bery was discovered. s.----" North York policy laid fhe building was "ttemit mm; In”. hr in root. he“ of can; an} eigarttt" u "I! m {and h may cut. pone. and. in! m “In chanc- man 'ttm a uh 'n i-i-sity, in: N22; “2..-“: smoucovmmcim 1mm umufapuubu. [7 Auto Mount: cam Hit: Wall And Post, , Police Chargo [Irina A 1049 model on: was molished and its driver init last Thursday night when car smashed into ' Impact. driver, Victor CW, 28, ty, Maria St., Tax-0mg, not treatment at Humber Meme hospital tror a deep cut on back of his head. Police state that Cassar' , driving north on Main se when he lost control of hit I at the CNR underpass, mount the curb, hit‘a'stone wall, I crashed into a lamp post. A .charge of cardieis dri, has been laid. PC J. Smith vestig'ated the accident: _ Mayor, Wee Ch% Of Metro Traffic ’ Mayor Harry Clark of West“ was appointed viee.chairrntui a the roads and traffic committee of Metropolitdtripsiat th, inaugural meeting of the Meta Council last We‘ek. Last "* Mayor Clark was a member a the planning and paths commit tee. ' . 7 Reeve W. B. Lewis of Etc coke retained his chairman] of the planning and parks co mince while Reeve Fret? Mel hon of North York was appoint to the works committee. I latter was also named a meml of the civil defense commjt which was asked to appoint own chairman at its ini1 imeeting. um Jan 3 h OI. um bated. A boy from Upper Cal ads College was chosen pm dent, and "India", backed' t "U.S.S.R," forced the inelusit of the question, of"rnembersh of the People's Republic l China. The keynote .addre: given,by Mr. Vincent Price, q tt past president of the UNA ', Canada, referred to the oth, problems to be discussed - un versality of membership, Isms -Egyptian relations, need of world food reserve, and the rig] of nations-to self-determinatim On Saturday morning,, "tie General Assembly debated re. Continued on Page 6) planted solid with"tulips every week there are fr large footprints across tl graves. A bush on my um grave has been stepped on broken. T .. I was brought up to ram grams. and I hope I am sueeeat, (Continued on Page-4) Wins Award

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