'trr-ry-tte and Lorraine Ritchie . 104 Main " N. (Next Fox Theatre) T CF s MAIN " SOUTH WESTON mmmmxmmmnmmmmmnu:nunmminiu‘xyuim‘mu1muâ€mm.mm."maximummaximum:mlzwummmnmmmumn Jeii"rrr'ie Hair Stylists Mon: and lofhrooms luncdollod. Hav- Yow lawman , or Attic Turned Inn a Renting Prop-Mon. Haw-midi? -r" -- "r.riiGii Fr2r JANE ST. " Main St. South WM"Hm2!I"!I1."W!â€[IIIEWWHW’W‘|1"Millhflfliimhiilliï¬lnï¬l‘inHIinmlI1|mx?mm!â€IHl{h\VIII}1H1\1IM‘WI7‘l\\Hn1!IHzllllllthhlflidfllluilir - ' "as, AUTOMOIIIE,’ Insulinâ€: mun, CALI. WES. on l ACCIDENT, WALTER BODDINGTON HOUSEHOLD CONTYNtS, GENERAL msunuc: tht,, 1-lilitlt comm: comma: , BODDINGTOIS _ INSURANGE SERVICES was“ nos. ed"ilS'rlllttMprllOltlil “57.5001“ Your Hair bountiful†, slylod . . . ht, Shampoo“ (plain slimâ€) and Sol Br W' wit-ad, My 't Pty-a "W" gtrue . s,rf mam new (if mind Rem-29n- Ilium. -IO.2-29H * SNOW suns * COAT SETS Appointment: low Available! “I. " In " in rm k ywr ‘ C time and pinion†All Mylo: a†"pom/bod by "metortt In. Mr. JANUARY SALE 25% Io 35% om TOT T0 TEEN SHOP Egon Illlhr3r<llleennors and Laundorers In _.........-..-......""""...." In. 2 - . a. , p.†no" m.....-..-.......""'... In. , - 4 to , un- DAY ___ "rr....." ,r.r....._F_rw"_ P. II to 1 - 4 o. , pm. 1' tt mm. It ' pun. - SAMDAY II can. 0, , pm 'Otter-ua-taero-tter- In Dbllvor - - - Gall £810! mu & cum ENGLISH & “MOULD- LTD. FREE ESTIMATES PHONE CH. 1-3226 oturei--te-ttroeiai-ac- v SUITS * SKI SUITS , SETS , * COATS * STATION WAGON SETS -. Frying "our: - Shirts Laundered llmmsmiltitely , SPECIAL {VENT --WE SATISFY THOUSANDS- - amount: " Smart.†to be Smart! WE no we WORK YOU LOOK YOUR Lovsuasr. FOR APPOlNTMtNr PHONE v, hungry 19, I,“ - "49.0. up CH. [-0101 CH. 1-2901 CH. 1-9601 CH. T.6061 $39.95 ( A splendid paper was read on the motto, ". “Industry is tor, tune's right h nd man",' by Mrs. Len Gardho . In“! COURT . NUISIIY SCHOOL The monthly mount; tar the parents of the Marry Court Nursery school will he half! Jun. Mth " 3.15 pan. in St.' Phiiip's pariah hall. An interesting pro- gramme has been "ranged and all parents of nursery school children are invited. llCIlVllW INSTITUTE On Wednesday, Jan., 11t the Richview Women's Ins tute once more enjoyed th cupi- tality ot Mrs. Ambler f their January meeting. After the "(our opening and the approval ot the minutes, I short busineu senion follow- ed during which it was decided to hold a "Family Get-Together Evening" in February and a committee was appointed to look after this. Delegates were appointed to the Weston Local Council of Women. V Two young men from the Bell Telephone Co., Mr. McKay \and Mr. Cox outlined the wonderful development of their company. Using a map, they showed the recent Metro development and the work being done in the Bur- rounding municipalities which will be completed in the near future. They also showed the film telling the life story of Alexander Grahlm Bell. The pr0grtunme"eonvener was. Miss S. Rowntree and the so- ‘cial committee for the after- noon wére Mrs. Hermanson, Mrs. Sloan, Mrs. Eakin, and tlr/r. Lulu Hutehinsop, Mrs. lWerd gave the courtesles for the afternoon. CW1. EXECUTIVE Mrs. F. Miner opened her home to the executive of the C.W.L. St. John's,' Weston, on January, 5th. Mrs. M. German presided over the meeting. As Mrs. C. Arthurs has moved from the parish, Mrs. N. Ostap- owich has "been _appointed Im- migration' Convener.for the bal- ance of the year. A committee composed of bi-lingual members is being set up to approach new Canadians moving into the par- ish. CENTRAL UNITED WA. - The general meeting of the WA. of Central United church was held in this ladies' parlour Jan.. 12th. Mrs. Salisbury open- ed the meeting with a passage from the 73rd, Psalm, folloWed by the, singing of the W.A. theme song. Mrs, Chapman gave the W.A. prayer followed by the Lord's prayer repeated in unison. Those attending the meeting wgre Mrs. J. A. Finnegan, Mrs. James Maurice, Mrs. J. Godber, Mrs. M. J. German, Mrs. Frank Connor, Mrs. E. Kennedy, Mrs. William Lyon, Mrs. Frank Mi- ner, Mrs. Joseph Klopter, and Ms. A. Redmond. The minutes were'read ‘by Mrs. Emery and approved. Mrs. Blayney read the correspond- ence;_MJs. Yerex gave the tin- ancial report for theoast year; and Mrs. Mercer gave the tlow- er report. The guest speaker at the February meeting will be Dr. Ashford, secretary of mis- sions and maintenance for the United church, it was an- nounced. _ -. Mrs. Christie presided during the~second portion of the' eve- ning. After the singing of hymn MI, Miss Nttttregs read the les- son from Psalm 118 followed by the devotional thoughts Ind a prayer. Mrs. Gardhouse and Mrs.. Fairies accompanied by ‘Miss Allen at the piano, sang two beautiful numbers. C The guest speaker, C. E. Cop- roy at the Conroyal Flower Shop was introduced by Mrs. Christie. Using vivid blooms of every kind, Mr. Conroy skilful- ly demonstrated how they could be transformed into beautiful arrangements suitable for any occasion, and also gave numer- oua tips on the care of cut flow- ers. Mrs. Chapman thanked Mr. Conroy and the solemn. The meeting closed with the benediction. Tea was served by Group I. f. Club, . Highlights Ito. 2-7575 Mr. Hutchison. ot the Noith York Recreation Comm. spoke of the programme available to the members of this community at Brookhaven and Hudington schools, classes to start Jan. 25th. The January meeting ot the Brookhavcn Home and School Assoc. wu Fuhen' Night. An inttretsting talk on Con- servation of natural resources was given by Mr. S. Hudson 'ot the Dept. ot Lands and Forests. A film of the way in which lumber was salvaged after a disastrous fire gave a better un- detstanding f of the work in. volved in looking atter) Canada's forests. Elmer: ably took ovir every ottice. Mr. L. Elion conducted a 20- question quiz providing much amusement. HABDINGTON SOCIAL The members of the Harding- ton Home and School Associa- tion isnjoyed I social evenmg together on Tuesday, January 10th. Lively games of euchre and court whist provided enter- tnlnment after the business meeting was finished. Julie Lydan of Grade 8 plpy- ed two numbers on the accor- dion, accompanied on the guitar by her father. Refreshments were served by the mothers of Miss Cornell's grade. The‘January meeting of the Catholic Women's League of St. John, the Evangelist, Weston, wu held in the parish hall Jan.. uary 10th, 1956. Rev, J. Dris- coll opened. the meeting with the League prayer, and Mrs. M. German conducted the meeting. In the absence of Mrs. E, Ken- nedy, spiritual convener, her report as read by Mrs/M. Good- iello. Twelve new baby cards have been sent out since the last meeting; as well as five prayer mas and one mass card. The _treasurer's report was given bar-Mrs. F. Connor, and the welfare_report, telling of the families and individuals helped at Chiistmastime, by Mrs. D. Gillis. Mrs. Jpseph Kloepfer remind- ed the membership of the Reg- ister campaign, one of we man- dates of the Cardfnarl, to beheld The bglletin convener, Mrs. R." Gilbert appealed for typists and helpers to put out the bul- letin, and several ladies volun- teered to assist. next month. Each one of the members waf ,asked to assist. Mrs. M. MacDonald will speak at the February meeting, and her topic will be The Catholic Press. . r. -' Father Driscoll then address- ed the meeting, first thanking the members for their kindness at Ghristmtsstide, and then sug- gesting a new format for the bulletin. This format will be adopted as soon as is feasible. bulletin. This format will be adopted as soon as is feasible. Mrs. A. Redmond reported that to date the League has ninety paid-up members. f Final arrangements were mhde for the Bridge and Euchre to be held in the Parish hall January 27th, under the joint convenership of Mrs. A. Batta- glia and Mrs. W. Penney. Mr. D. B. _J. Kealey intro- duced the guest speaker, Mr. Phil Murphy of the Knights, of Columbus, whose subject was the Catholic Blood Bank. After describing the project, Mr. Mur- phy recruited helpers for the Clinic. The speaker was thank- ed by Mrs: M. German. . . OM Sudden Clean." I Dyan " Main M. S. - WISTON - 'CH. 1-0583 "ll'iiiititi? 25% to 50% rsziï¬ZTfl:If":| I "oi'-',-')?-,','," | Weston,' l oii?iie'i,1ilm Elizabeth Shoppe Home Improvement Centre , ST. JOHN’S C.W.L. FATHER? NIGHT AT BlOOIIIAVIN ' W", T "rr'"";:?-"?',,",:, TF,', ', M K" "s , M91», .?:â€7Ԥ*vf/ ' " " 'i);il.,t','i/to,,'rf/ T V A. Jar/r , n _ :wa , V†l _ , ' ' mil , ' T 't , m" Angora and Wool "le' Skim, Bloom, Wool buoys, “Marlo, Scarvos, Handbags, Jowolkry Reductions Women" and Chlldfon’s M_illlnory HOSIERY SPECIAL "How to Get the Moat Out at Your Dollar." Surely a topic ot Intact to many women. thought Mm. Graft and her economics committee of the Local Council of Woman. urban arranging programme for the Annual Meeting Luncheon which is to take place on Mon- day, January 23, in Creelman Hall. Mm. Morningstar at the Canadian Association ot Con, sumara, guest speaker. la sure to deal competently and interest, ingly with this topic since her society, originally organized by the National Concil of Women, keeps vigilant watch over the intergats of the buying public. The Weston Branch of the' Grenfell Association will hold a sewing meeting at the home ut Mrs. W. C. Snider, 140 King St. on Friday. January 27th at 8.30 p.m. An invitation is extended to all ladies interested in Gran» tell work to be present at the first meeting of this year. BRIDGE AND EUGENE The Mth Company of the ‘Brownie and Guide Mothesa' iAuxiliary are holding a bridge and euchre on Tuesday, Janu- ary Mth " St. John's Parish Hall. Proceeds will be used to secure camp-equipment for the Mth Company. WESTMINSTER. WA. ELECTS OFFICERS At their first meeting of the year, Jan. 10th, the annual re- ports of the officers of the Wo- man's Association at Westmin- ster United church, Weston were read and approved. Thhx luncheon, citered tor by the Women's Association of the Weston Presbyterian church, promises to be a nonble oc- casion for public-spirited women as it enables them to meemo- Gettihq Most tht Of Dollar . F can Inn, on. . . ' Prompt Automatic Delivery Topic At Council ' Luncheon _ MS “gammy om no. SP,: Rev. J. S. Mackenzie then in- stalled the officers of the execu- tive for 1956. He paid high tri- bute to the tine work of the association. Mrs. James Cameron expres- sed appreciation of the work of the retiring president, Mrs. E. L. Addy who had held that of- fice during the past three years. The executive for 19M is as folloWs: honourary. presidents, Mrs. James S. Mackenzie and Mrs. James Cameron: past pre- sident, Mrs. E. L. Addy; presi- dent, Mrs. Ernest Kent; lst vice-president, Mrs. c, J. Lynch; 2nd vice-president, Mrs. James Aitchison; recording secretary, Mrs. William Thomson: corres- ponding secretary, Miss E. leash; flowers and cent-a-day _isty,t,)y,i,y,'. Mrs. E. Ella: pr-ess secretary; Mrs. J.' Aitchison; Victor Homes representative, Mrs. Alexander Barton; treasu- rer, Mrs. Clarke Wardlaw: pi- ‘anist, Mrs. E. L. Addy; social jmnvenor. Mrs. D. Davidge: the ‘Tonaz group president, Mrs. G. iA.' Murray: the Emerald group lpresident. Mrs. R. JrEato'ugh. An impressive worship serv- ice climaxed the meeting. Mrs. Kent, the,new1y installed presi- dent, asked Mrs. Mex. Barton to read the llet Psalm which begins, "I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help". Mrs. Kent explained that it was called a Pilgrim's Psalm. Robber bands knew the seasons when the Is- raelites .were travelling to the temple to worship. they often waylaid them. The speaker pic- tured them camping for the nightUn a valley and asking as they looked up at the star- crowned hills, "From whence does my help come?" Then cOmes the answer, "My help cometh from the Lord who made heaven and earth". Encouraged by this theme, the Woman's Association of West- minster United church 3 now launched .on another year of endeavour. " . GBENFELL ASSOC. Elinhelll Shoppe Local Council strives to co- ordinate w o m e n's activities maintain and stimulate com- munity spirit, and disseminate worthwhile information. It ha been maximized in 1955 under the Ipresi they of Mrs. John Palmer, his a router of Ible WO-' run: to be presented on in slate of otticers, and anticipates a year of useful work, worthy of support. Tickets for the lunch- eon may be obtained through ari attiliate or from Mrs. H. Hud- son, CH. 1-0348. V men " many animations. to hear of splendid work axiom- plixhod by wonion ot Weston and district during 1955, and to diaplay the loyalty consistent with Local Council affiliation. Relaxation Topii At Hospital Aux. Meeting Jan. 23 Former Leaf Ted Kennedy To Speak At Weston' Dinner' Ted Kennedy, formerly' of the Toronto Maple Leafs, will be guest speaker at the Pax Bee Cee Dinner on Sunday, Janu- ary 22nd. He will relate some of the high spots of his illust- rious hockey career. Rev. Wiht- er Welch and the St..Andrew's Young' Peoplefs will also be guests for the dinner, the church service and the fireside atterards. Rev. Welch will give the evening address. Dave McKee was chairman last Sunday morning. Dianne Ainslie 'and John Boyce read the scriptures. This Sunday morning, Gayle Vineham Will beqin De chair and the scrip- turé readings will be taken by' Jennifer Smith and Dave†Mc- Knight. _ At the next regular meet- ing of. the Humber Memorial Hospital Women's Auxmh, to be held Monday, January Mrd, Miss Dorothy Clark Madge", a graduate of the University ot Toronto' in phygiotherapy will be the guest 'speaker, Her subject will be, "The Art of Relaxa- tlon". The meeting, which will be held at 8.30 pm. in the Con- ference Room of the hospital (new entrance) is open to the public. Your West End Representative sovlngs "wic- Refreshments will be served, FRANK ROY MI,, 1-1067 'dh - New 19E 2:? are. $1.95 $1.95 " Melt! St. N. cuss Km 1mm Lmn iEt SOLID ALUMINUM TUBULAR LATGH SET Spetial January _ Inirocluciory Offer ----,mtetiIt" LGiig "TIS-------'-- Ans-nu Now $1.49 25': GLASS KNOB No. 33607 New $1.49 25? Your best auto insurance buy is see or phone (wMs,spirtdu) In Dull Bran No. 33647 " - WESTON - . Neat To Nit Offtee Phone CH. 4-2649 (We tNrttvery' ' ( WESTON PLUMBING AID HEATING llMITED Delco Gas th OII " Coridtuortintt And Hot Water Unlts Plumbing & Heating Repairs Contract Work --FREE "ESTIMATES-- _ 6 John St. Weston CH. 1-5661 T DON'1 " MISLID _ . . "In. an only We Fania†""atfortv. DI" own. Fusdono Hair hymn. and branch. Marni-"0. ot 346 WII'OD load.\ _ - we SELL... _ WRINGER ROLLS FOR All WASHERS 1101 Weston Road ts-sie)"-'---:: Fascione Hair Stylists F, _ G. J. Whitney, Manager IA Lawronco Ava. Won, phono Cllorry T-et" WISYONI ONT. HOUSEHOLD FINANCE no. $1.50 REG. $2.50 MI 6-I~"Ii Inu- Bathroom Door Sets _ To Match All Designs SOLID BRASS KNOB TUBULAR LATGII SET '. Now $1.98 if? ALumuuM TUBULAR men SET _ "mow $1.29 'df PRICES up... nun" DOWN? Why not borrow the money you need to put your ihmneg back on a sound, budgeted bum At HFC you can Itet $60 up to $1000 -umtally in one dly. If you have I steady income and can make r-gular monthly puy- menu. no endomn' In nudd. "on. or droe In Iodcyl No. 33706 (Cmion) 36 Main St. s. CH. I-IH2 Phone no. 2-1332 363-2101