‘f h - - and daughter E Jinn-not; tt “a decided _to hold E tt-iMaytttttat7pan. in Mill arrangements were , - nude to purchase I Guide it. " which wilt be presented " the banquet. J, ' mnnuw & til, LIP; tt was very encouraging tor the uncutive, to see as many as " women present. including the Brown Owl and Guide Cap- tain. and it is hoped that as many mothers will turn out to future meetings as there is usu~ Olly plenty ot planning to be done for various activities. Mrs. Cole preyiding, an- nounced that the next meeting will be held on April 25th. at Tumpane school. Tuesday, April 10th is the date of Tumpane and Roding Home School Associations meet- At Roding school a te-election of otBeers will take place, and there will be a public speaking contest by the pupils. Judges tor this will be: D. L. Bornhold. Frank Watson and Mrs. L. A. Ware. At Tumpane school. the guest speaker will be Dr. J. Leven- thal, who will speak on the dis- cases of children, following which. he will hold a discussion period. Weak, Run-down, Old? Husbands! Wives! M: at can In are weak, tircd. lack m and pe ; (Rev ml run-down. old he- bodies Eek Imn at 40. 50 60. Try m Tonic Tablets mm. Supplm insigt 'qtae you. too, ma mu to minim. mm“. h'l, energize and hnddrup calm bodn Feel I 8l"l'di"ir' "Get-acquainted" we costs m. mm with bra opular "Economy" urn “a ~'\v~ TTr, u a†'l',','.:.'.,",' M5113; m W p bodies “I Tunic onio- you. Io hi4, energize ' \uuntzr m. ttr star A†"a my†,/“i’\.'/§,. . " I|MEFOR YOUR - . . I "" :';Sli'" C:ir'ur _/IU,..'.)..,,'...',.?. cum A\ j 1'ifi))le'i st', 17mm 'uttrtiiiii.i. tod 51".?“ i'iisiiii, Ci." . law a“ can» "may. April at. m no money DOWN-U' TO 3 vans to PAY l; Lippay Motors Ltd,, . Our xyucm and installation Ibalattcing fan and burner opcrallon fu'r mmmuoux comfort, will bring _ you I brand-ncw â€use of winter M acuity and per-uncut "tisfactiom (,,Na.r, , iri'rk"i'i'ii'iiii; WE and, humidified warm air forced to all levch and rooms brings cozy mmfon to all throughout the winter. 0 Your . Do you know what you're mime! in better living when you nurse along obsolete heating equipment that's dirty, drafty. and dry? tel' en:é Ave. W., WESTON t was and Dowuswew ( (grail! deserves 1ttpte_tl11rt, heat alone. [faithfully littered if; t w. -- your old gas hauling Eg°$ plan! may co" you more tin- and many chew a modern, improved model, Inginiorod in the Joninol Ioborotori.s. WISVON . tru) 'ell'. old 1 l The latter suggestion of Mr. lLowthian was not discussed at that time by councii, although LCouncillor Jack Holley declared ithat he would oppose it. _ CH. 445M --------"". Nomination forms will be M on this night, md uekeu‘ will b- on. ale tor the dance) and cud party. ( All parents are requested to attend these meetings. Well, Easter has passed us once again, and the sun on Eaa- ter Sunday certainly made us feel " it Spring is on the way. As we look around we see lots News seems to be scarce this week but lately we have been trying to keep you well inform- ed of local activties etc, so if vou have any news of interest that you would like to put in this column please don't hesi- tate to call me at CH. 4-1516. Weston To Apply... St. Stephen's Anglican, Bever- tey Hills United and Downs- view United Churches all report capacity attendances at every service on Easter Sunday. of bulbs coming through the ground which is a good s1gn that better weather will soon be be here. . (Continued from Page 1) feet side drive, which is quite sufficient for a light area. west side is the rear of Merrill Park. provided that all were the above size and the set back from the street line extended to 20 feet." "I would like to see in future,' Vimv Avenue zoned for the' multiple family dwellings only] as I believe this street is ideal) for this type of residence sincei the east side is the rear of the-l stores on Jane Street and thei MA CH. 1-5283 CH. 1-9139 i The Home Missions Board, iaware of the growth. consulted with Mr. Heslop and arranged in; purchase a parcel ot land at ilhe corner of Islington Ave. and ‘Elmhurst Drive. The problem of ‘parking for automobiles is a ‘serious consideration even to Jhose purchasing church proper- ittes. For that reason a special [dispensation was sought of the {Ontario Hydro whose right-of- ‘way adjoin the church l property. Name Full-Time Minister At Rexdale United ready met many challenges in his yet young ministry, has been appointed to Rexdaie United church to arrive late in April. For the not tttree you. the and to: Mill guidance ii the int growing community at Ruthie in north lubieoke Township in: been m- by the United Church ot Candi ad by the residents menisci"; Three yam In only . law houses were completed by the very "resolve Rex Halon. The lollowlnz year, North lexdnle (between Kipling and bulimia Avenues north of new“. Blvd.) was opened' on ml the con- struction of another 1,100 home: was commenced. Within the next two year: it is expected that another. 2,000 homes will be bullt. A tuWtime, resuient, active when! tttati" " Clrreuia& in minim.“ in the pet-pan pt â€Y‘IVWE Presbytery. Again In spite ot the problems at- tached to settling into their new homes, a group of about 25 de- voted church people who visual- ized the great need for an es- tablished United Church in the area have been working dili- gently over the past year in co- operation with the Home Mis- SlOnS Board and have made a marvellous start on this import- ant work. It had been felt that a mistake would be made if thisl group were allowed to grow; slowly over the next two or; three years without a tull-tire pastor and tor that reason the' Board have made the appoint- ment ot Rev. Shorten. , The minister is the son ot the late Rev. A. F. Shorten, while his mother is presently living near Kingston. His brother. Rev. A, Lloyd Shorten is now pastor at St. James United church in Peterborough. Born at Carp, Ontario, near Ottawa, Rev. Shorten attended school near Kingston and ob- tained his BA. at Queens Uni- versity, and later his BO. In' hlu final year, he was awarded a Travelling Fellowship tor post graduate work at another university. . During the summer of 1948, he performed very valuable Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Evert Fledderus, now of "hdrtrsn St., who were marriml ion Saturday, Mar. 24th at the (Christian Reform church at ITrenmnr The bride was form- erly Fijge Veltman of Trenton and the groom formerly resided at 348 Downsview Ave. These two young people came from neighbouring parts of Holland but had never met until after they came to Canada, The re- ception tor the' wedding was he'd at Carrving Place Hall, ne'ar ‘Trontonr Guestt from the dis- Itrict who attended the wedding ':included Mr. and Mrs. G. Eggs-n- vgorwr and family, Mr. and Mrs, lg. Asmann and Helmut, and Mr. and Mrs. L. Heatheringtnn, Elmo, George and Glrmn. We certainly had a lovely day for Easter Sunday and many people took advantage of the good weather to go for a drive. Mr. and Mrs. Tanner of Downsview Ave. visited rela- tives in the Port Huron district (near Sarnia) over the holiday weekend. RIDGE w, AREA Friends and relatives dropped in on Mrs. Robt. Bracken of Wilson Ave. Friday March 23rd and held a surprise stork shower for her. About 30 guests gath; ered to present their gifts. Sev eral'little contests were held and a lovely lunch was served buf- fet style. Prepared by Mrs. Bas- sctt (Mrs. Bracken's mother), the tT freshments were served by Marie Bracken, Dorothy Pearce and Pat Godfrey. Mrs. Bracken expressed her thanks for the gifts and shower. [ Sunnathv ts t‘xlt‘ndt‘d lo the McCullough family In the re ‘cent death of thnir fostcrthild. §Wayne Holliday. Wayne had ileukvmia and while it was 'known that he wasn" expected ‘tn recnvt‘r, his death came un- ',rsxpr'rtr'dly In his sleep while ihe was at the Sick Children", hospital on Saturday, Mar.. 17th. when he had been overnight tor checkup. Hts was to have returned home, that day. Ws nice to know that little Warren Bracken 1s frtw to he nu' again Warren was hospitaliz- ed riwvntly for nearly hlx wow“ with complications resulting from pneumonia. The Hoathrrington family at- trndod the funeral of a dear friend and former noighhonr, The Push†family vuzilrd auth Mr. and Mrs RM Taskor and family m tho Napanrc (“shirt Terry rnmained for a week's holidays. Lillian Buchanan on Tucsdav Mar. 27th at npranno‘villv. . . . Mrs. L. Heatherington CH. 1-0297 rxlt‘ndod lo this. durihi {he sander b: 1.56 In went wtmt to the min-ion tield in southern Saskatchewan " Expense, near Aasiniboja. Through the tinal you ot col- lege, he wee student minister at Calvary United in Kingston and after hi: ordination in June 1951, he served a charge in the Kingston are: for the summer. In the an he went on to New York City and studied " Union Theological Seminary, In 1952 he was awarded the degree of Master of Sacred Theology. In the spring of 1068, I". lob shorten Vas appointed to the talk at pioneering dumb work in Seven Island: " Labrador and tor a long time In! the only United Church plum" in this vat are. of Quebec. " was Iron Seven Island: that Rev. shorten started out in No- vember 1952 to establish the United church in Knob Lake and unite people ot various faiths there. . Burnt Creek was scarcely even heard of by most Cana- dians prior to 1952 and never did appear on most maps of Labrador. However, early in 1953 it was learned that this centre (then a group of shops and dwellings tor geological crews) was to be Canada's iron .ore capital. The centre of Burnt Creek has vanished and in its place has risen the town of Knob Lake, known to every stock broker in North America. Knob Lake has more than "It; ESTIMATES 'ttll- N__o_ OBLIGATION 'iht_llllhtrzrtc.Ps1nott1t.ettt.t - Weston Building Products WILL HELP YOU PLAN NOW FOR ALL tHE HOME IMPROVEMENTS YOU WILL MAKE IN THE SPRING AND , SUMMER. 7 lAWREIOE AVE. E. WITH OUR WIDE RANGE OF TOP QUALITY MATERIALS AND OUR FREE EXPERT ADVICE IT IS MUCH EASIER THAN YOU THINK. OUR SUPER- VISION IS TOPS. the Experienced Salesman _ _ 'ret “up FOR , , HOME ItagiiNItotnytjtjlll1tjl.lllll,ll',l,,,,,t,,,i. PLAN " DO . IT . YOURSELF YES, VIE HAVE THIS IIIHD OF MONEY AVAILABLE TO " YOU Til GO AHEAD WITH All THOSE PROJECTS YOII v? HAVE BEEII WISHING YOU COULD M. winters. new the you 'round, " daylight hour: in manner days, end a United church that he: more volunteer workers than it cm use. The story of Knob Lake is a romantte and exciting one. It's the story of modern pioneers conquering the sub-Arctic north, overcom- ing perils and handicaps of deep snow, shitting rock, miles of muskeg. bitter winds and sub- zero temperatures. " Paar: United church In Knob Lake, the only Protestant contention In the community of over 3,000 â€mm. hu re- ceived pledges 1nd cash total- t0O0Ot)0 ling $17,000 lot building and loo-l maintenance in 1958. It cune from " oi the " Protest.- ent families. which new In even-nu contribution at $817.75 per funny and sacrificial giving on the pan of many. A church man; 130 people will be hum Ai,) Now-Deliver - - - can WESTON FISH & CHIPS 6 MAIN ST. SOUTH -Fryittg Hours TUESDAY w.....t...e..r.rm.-'r"'""""'e' II to WEDNESDAY w................-'....."""""' ll to THURSDAY TeV V _r____ T, V_____ II to FRIDAY tl am. to 9 p.m. - SATURDAY ai {cost at 815.000. For ponies, for children, for solid comforl and con- venionco is a must for Ooduy's living. ivory dollav men! in in consvrudion is rewrnod tenfold anyway you figure it "Service Pius - That's Us" A MODERN KITCHEN Will bring your home up to date the most effective way. If you sell your home, a smart modern kitchen is often the deciding factor. _ Is a capital investment that will increase the value of your home mivuy beyond the low cost involved, and it will keep your car looking new. To unite than p.091. ot uri- oul faiths. monthly visit: ind been made by Rev. Shorten dur- ing the winter, Ionic“ being held in a log cabin in Burnt Creek. In 1953 I divinity student was tent to Knob Lake and worked under Rev. Shorten. Since then St. Paul's United church has been constituted. The work at the nearby tish- ing village of Seven Islands went on under Rev. Shorten who was pastor of the Communi- ty church, a joint Anglican- United venture. Mn. shorten, no less talented than her hubnnd, and I moat energetic woman It also very active in Young Peoples work and in various phases of girls work in the community church. It is understood that because of these ties and commitments. Mrs. Shorten will not be Able to accompany her husband but “I tollow. in June, when school closes. _ A GARAGE 2-4to 2-4to It mm. to , p.m CH. 1-970! WESTON 'its BM 349 For ' lmmodlatc Delivery 1132 Wooten ltd. 1"GGia"GE MI CALL non GEVING Ito. 1.1543 1956 ,reuqtllIAfglt8).l 3195 um 349 For loath II I " I III-v Mr..-""""""'""" 46 Main N. - wEsT9tirr.frh 1-1681 'y.1ee.cjll.lhitlh.it..atrr miiiiFiiiiiiiiiuui ml _-_--- - -Nsxr DOOR TO lOBLAWS Your Paint and Wallpaper Headquarters " Prepare a list of materials and labour or our staff will assist you in this. When tho estimate is complete and approved, we will deliver all materials to you. Ono month after completion of above details, you will be billed each month for tho amount of the monthly payment. " as easy as that. T Here‘s How Our Plan Works We can xecommend an expert builder if you would prefer to have the job done by a professional. His fees in. eluded in monthly payment. BUILT Ptt0FE$$ltNil.Lr N" MNme 0' PLAN " 2 tht. 1-5291-24-