', In _ mar-men Cl. Hm MR. R. LACEBY 1 â€W701- {an In Acton idioms: In land memory of . .. dear hugband and father, Fred Morris, who passed away June 6th, 1946. Nothing can ever take away The love a heart holds dear. Fond memories linger every m u all due to illness. .uttabt. M thIn couple u MERRY Court Nursery School spring graduation of semor uudenta will take place Sat- urday. June. 2nd, at 10 a.m., in St. Philip's Parish Hall, Dixon Road, x-22-It MRS. Dorothy Bowman of Water. ton Road wishes to express her appreciation for the beau- tiful flowers, cards and gifts received during her recem ill- noss. o-2TUt THE LIONS Club Ladies Auxil- iary will hold a tea at the home of Mrs. J. Alan Bull, 40 La- mont Ave., Wednesday, June 6th from 3 to 5 pm. Everyone welcome. 0-22-11 MBS. Dorothy Bowman wishes to announce the engagement of her eldest daughter Bertha May to Charles Harland Greg- ory son or Mr. and Mrs. Char- les Gregory of Mt. Dennis. Wedding to take place, Satur- day, June mm at 4 pm. in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. o-22-lt Mr. and Mrs. James P. Me. Alhone announce the engage- ment of their daughter Loraine to Mr. Thoma Dale Black, son of Mr. ind Mrs. Thomas 'F. Black. Marriage will take place June 16th at 3 p.m, in West- minster muted Church, Weston. THE engagement is announced of Diane, daughter of Mrs. Lowens and the late Mr. Ver- non Lowers, to Kenneth Gor- don Brbwn, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Waugh Brown of Dundee, Scotland. The mar- riage will take. place on Sat- urday, June 23rd, in St. Philip’l Church. . x-22-1t Hf WW D. Jordan. (nee lacy Brum) I daughter on WM, May Mth at Port lap- Hospital. x-u-It WGLAS: Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Douglas (nee Shirley Boot) '-In happy to mnounce the birth of a son, Dopald Gordon, . brothu toe Susan Etixabeth, on May tut " Humber Me- mot-ill Hmpltal. x.2z-u{ ONLY " MXNUTES' DRIVE FROM MALTON EXCEPTIONALLY WELL DESIGNED BUNCALOWS Kelly t Kraag IE and Mm. Eric Hutchinson announce the engagement of their daughter Sylvia Mary to Mr. David Richard Harvey, son ot Mr. William Harvey, Tor- onto. and Mrs. E. K. Shaw, Weston. Wedding to take place on Saturday. June 23, 1956 at 8 o'elock at St. James' Anglivi can Church, Dundas. x-22-ltl It and Mrs. Eric Sticklee wish b announce the tortheoming mining: of their daughter, Thelmu Margaret, to Reginald James Northcott. son of Mr. and Mrs. B. Northcott, on Sat- urdly, June lath. 1956 It , o'clock in Weston Baptist Church. x-M-lt __ w,†_ w", day, Remembrance keeps him near. --Lovingly remembered by wife and family. x-22-1t $1500 DOWN NBA MORTGAGE FOR THE BALANCE Further "formation, Call in! "my." happy to m- when no birth at a son on “A! 21th, 19M in Humber "modal Hospital, a brother at Roy and Peter. ne-grit 070a" BUSINESS ACTON 'CLASSIFIED AD VER TISING CARD OF THANKS IN MEMORIAM COMING EVENTS AVRO GLENLEA REAL ESTATE ENGAGEMENTS nun-01:3 M. 5-231 1 SUBDIVISION IN EMPLOYEES SEE W638 ANtttNItM-_r. May 'ut. ma - p... " "H 3-22-19 Irlt WiNISHiD apartment in new home, three rooms. elrctrieirlly equipped kitchen. 1 piece bath. laundry mum... parking. "rule available. a to r " e, Mum. CH. 1-1550. 1-11-11 POUR room Unfurnished Ipnrb ment, main floor. Ivan-bid Juqe Ist, Roungount & John Bt. Phone after , WA. 2-6543 Mr. hudson. THREE room Unfurnished base- ment apartmem. heavy wir- ing, near 401 Highway. child welcome. Apply 411 Rustic Rd. after 8 n'cloek. x-22-lt Q B."SC"H'K'RF TWO room unfurnished base.. ment apartment cooking fa. riliues. extension phone, suit two men. CH. 1-9870, x-22-lt NEWLY decaratnd trnturnished bastsment apartment, 3 large ronms. modern kitchen. heavy wlrtrlg, laundry facilities. shower, rhild welcome, Eve. nings. M Moadowvme, 4 blocks north Steeles-Yonge. x-22-lt WEs"rdNrl-i ' WAEEGvonh’ 13193.: UNFURNISHED basement apartment, two bright rooms, sink. cupboards, heavy wiring. TV outlet, rhlld welcome, good transprrrtation. C a n a d i a n home. Jane-Wilson, CH. 1- 0955. x-22-lt FOUR rooms and bath, self- cnnlained trig, stove, close :0 shopping and Main Street bus, roasonahle for quret, adults available July Ist. CH. 1- 5181. o-22-lt MODERN one bedroom and one two bedroom apartment, elec- trically equipped, hot water, TV outlet, janitor service, will decorate if necessary, parking facilities. LE. 1-4996. x-22-tf BASEMENT apartment, kitchen and large room, separate 4 piece bathroom, side drive, bus- iness couple preferred. CH, ldH75. x-22-lt TWO room basement apartment with private toilet. private en- trance, free parking and gar- den. Suit business couple. CH. 4-1452. x-22-1t BARBER shop tor‘s’a'le in Wes- ton, gotrd business, CH. 1-3464. _ x-22-It ALL kind of businesses and homes .wanted for waiting client. Morrison Real Estate, 406 Bloor St. E. WA. 4-8779 __ CH. 1-3464. x-22-tt WANTED to rent With option to purchase. 2 or 3 bedroom house, Weston or district, about August Ist. Phone CH. 1-2296. x-22-1t 5 or 6-room bungalow or Ih- storey in Beverley Hills, Rex- dale, or Weston area for young couple with good cash down. Lot, 100' frontage by 313' depth, in excellent residen- tial location. SUMMER COTTAGE Clear Lake, frontage 100 tt. x 200 depth, backing on township road, also 10 acres wooded lot, frontage on op- posite side of township road. Swimming, fishing and hunt, ing. All this for only $3,500, with $1,000 down. REAL ESTATE AGENT 662 Scarlett Rd. - CH. 1-9781 STUART MERCER, Realtor 2837 Dundas St., w. West Toronto 315,400 Weston - Three bedroom sol- id brick bungalow, hardwood throughout, ml heat, tile bathroom, 2 rooms and kit- chen m basement, lovely lot with side drive and garage, only a years old, in excellent location. Royal York and Manon Rd, 2 bedroom unfurnished apart-" ment. CH. 4-3118. x-22-lt Weéton - Block and Stucco bungalow, 2 bedrooms, im. maculate home, hardwood throughout, hot water heat- ing, large basement can be converted, large [ot, close to everything. MAIN . WILSON 88.000 Mill“! An. $13.90. Full â€EH-room, solid brick, He-storey with finished apt. Close to shop- ping, scho'ol and TIC. Ke- duced for quick sale. Early possesuon. -. __ APARTMENTS TO LET TOM SCOTT B. SCHARF KtPLING - BICHVIEW REAL ESTATE BROKER CRANG PLAZA REAL ESTATE BROKER CRANG PLAZA CALL CH. 1-3311 BUY OR TRADE cu. um BUY OR TRADE "AI. CITA‘I'I WANTED $13,200 x-22-1t x-22-lt WASHERS to clear from Heather Hill Appliances 765 Main St. N, Westn Wilson Ave.) x AYLMER fancy cut wnx beans, I M-or. tina, .37c. Plester's Food More, 202 Main St, N, CH. I-om. X-22-l' J1??? AYLMER choice cream stvle corn, 2 20-01. Ains, .290. Ples, ter's Food Store, 202 Main St, N., CH. 1-0781. x-22-H BUGS: Why pay more! tMoo, ' I " deep pile, thickly tutt Brondloom. While they last, CK. 6.88i& 3-13-11 REFRIGERATOR, Norge $49 95. in perfect working condition. Easy terms. Heather Hill Appliances Ltd., TM Main St. N., Weston (at Wilson Ave.) x-22-lt BEDROOM suite. chrome set. droplet! table and two chairs 3 chest of drawers. black mf- fee table and and tables. odd chairs, loop rug, hot plate, etc. RO. 6-1930 after 5 pm. or all day Saturday. x-22-lt SWIFT‘S Prem, 12 oz. tin, 37¢, Plester's Food Store, 202 Main St. N.. CH. 1-078t. x-22-lt CHILDREN'S deluxe gym set, 2 swings, glider and slide, per- tect condition, $20. Phone CH. 1-2105. x-22-it FftrGrbTWg refrigerate": 9 c'ui bic feet. excellent condition. _ Phone CH. 1-2788. x-22-lt BUFFET, china cabinet. 6 chairs to match walnut, $39. Apply 29 Ellis Ave. (off Jane) ty-22-It WrLrusell or trade good cook stove for 4 burner electric stove. Phone Mrs, Owns. CH. 1-1507. x-22-lt WALNUT bedroom suite, com- plete, $75; Chesterfield suite, custom made slip covers, $40; blonde eoftee table, tr, and table, $3; Axminster rug, 7% x12, $18; grey doll carriage. $7, cost $15. All good condi- SPACE Heater, medium, suitable' tor cottage: Single metal bed, l complete, very reasonable. CH. l 1-6368. o-22-lt BRIDESMAID dress, forget-me- not blue, taffeta and nylon to fit girl of ten years, worn once, reasonable. RO. 9-6062, after 4.30. x-22-lt GRAVELY garden tractor, Fa PIANO upright, good 'iGiiiiiiG/ $60. phone CH. 1-6064. 1 'rry pie crust mix, 18 02. pkg., . Me Piester'x Form More, 202 Main M. N,, CH I-om. x-22o11 Ind other world-famous. branded lines. You will be given full merchandising irv structions and continuous co- operation to assure success. Minimum investment of 81590 will get you started with us in this profitable, year-round business, Thqse interested in a dealership on a small or large scale opera- tion write tor information regarding our chain-store plan. In rrerteetGGhirni" condition -Easr Terms- through established retail outlets brings profits " once and will not interfere with your present employment, It you qualify for this dealer- ship, you will carry I stock of c o n d i t i 6 n, reasonable'. lm. 1-5981. 0-22-11 tion. CH.' 4-0537' a'itinGiiii'. x-22-1t e.TE Bicycle, girl's. complete with mileage meter. generator, A once-in-a-lifetime oppor- tunity tor the distribution ot tart-selling, popular-priced. DOMINION INDUSTRIES FRANCHISE DIVISION Dtrportment A-IO " Elm St., Toronto 2. Ont. x-22-2t 3|}.le arm-rum: HEATHER HILL Appliances Ltd. 765 Main St. N., Weston (at Wilson Ave.) ARTICLES FOR SALE that sell on sight . . Our new, dynamic CASH BUSINESS 1/hl.lljBlf DEALERSHIP AVAILABLE ! REFRIGERATORS TO CLEAR FROM - $49395 1 WORLD-FAMOUS WORLD-FAMOUS \ppliances Ltd, N., Weston fat x-22-1t froin 39,93 x-22-lt x-22-1t x-22-It ""; 1m lawn ins,l (at Cl ts) " NJ 5-1...a.._ ,H‘ OZ.) AN OL RELIABLE woman wanted for housework, Saturdays, " Jane-Wilson district, CH. 1- 2507 after 6 pm. x-22-1t WOMAN to do light housework, l day week (no children). CH. 4-2859 after 6 pm", x-22-It SALESGIRL, experienced, able to type, for jewelry store in Weston. CH. 1-6181. x-22-lt WAITRESS wanted day or night work, full or part-time, for small grill, Manon & Islington Ave. CH. 1-1929 or CH. 1-8498. x-22-lt '47 CHEVROLET Sedan, radio and heater, good tires, $100 cash. Apply 26 Falstaff Ave. (off Jane St). x-22-lt '41 C HEVRO LET, reasonable. Apply 67 Omagh. CH. 1-7369. PRACTICAL nursing, willing to do light housework, 5 day week, priced very reasonable. CH. 4-0918. x-22-1t DUTCH girl wants day work, g to 4, $6 daily. Main Street area preferred. Apply 57 York- dale Cres. o-22-1t LOVING day care for child any Me. CH. 1-6316, ask for Mrs. Tucker. 106 Rustic Rd., (off Jane St.) $6 weekly with hot lunch. x-22-1t FUR truck parts, it’s Levy's - All makes - new, used, re- built, 1400 Weston Rd. RO 9- 1115. 9 p254. DAY care by graduate nurse, all facilities for a child's welfare, transportation available. CH. 4-5045. x-22-1t MT. DENNIS: Reliable mother will give day care to children, fenced-in yard, near transpor- tation. Phone RO. 9-2360. DAY care tor children. Apply " Main St. South. CH. 1-5881. x-22-lt SWITCHBOARD- RECEPTIONIST For permanent portion “nth local mantrarturintt firm, Must ho good typist and ex- periencrsd. Write - A8 OLDSMOBILE, hydramatie, good tires, radio, back-up and fog lights. Running order $295 cash. 29 Ellis Ave. (near Jane). o-22-1t '50 RlliEY sport?, salon. 21h litre1 'i71rr't'r-rTrVrFrija7sc, the TWIN baby earriage. Call CH. 1-0814 anytime. x-M-tt Smart girl or woman res quired to train as reception, ist in doctor's office. No pre- vious experience required. Times can be arranged to suit. lRAPISV aq.rqsoggtuignatq- and; $138 yud md up. m1- mum In yum Best quality Staci Drapery track, 290 tool complete with Human. May- an Drapery & Rug Ca., 3621 human Avg. West. " Kick. RO. 6-42“ x-l'l-M! BANK CLERKS Two young ladies for office work, (mo typist yping and miscellaneous excellent handition, best- Jiid'. CH. 4-0418. x-M-lt HELP WANTED-FEMALE WRITE: TIMES & GUIDE Box*2202 Birch poles, " dimensio'n. CH. 1-5931. o-22-1t BANK or MONTREAL JANE & WILSON CR. 1-1803 STENOGRArrHEit" $55 EMPLOYMENT WANTED CANADA GLOVE CO. 1191 Llwrence Ave. W. (a! Caledonia) ll. 27†1"Wftr mt Typist $50 CARE FOR CHILDREN AN OLDER Gott ARTICLE. '0. "" BOX 2201 ms & 0mm: ARTICLES WANTED CARS FOR SALE Clerical Duties RECEPTIONIST MOTOR PARTS CH. 4-4224 Local 8 xCblt x-M-lt 1-22-11 x-22 “2.1!“: x-?li-lt x-22-1t x-22-1t It RECREATION room, furnixhpd. private ontrahrn, 3 name bath, oil hr'atrd, tt block trom Mam St. CH I-5070,e x 22-tt LARGE, nPBt room for two, was» to hm Apply after fi thm, 21 Denison W. CH. 12068. " EACH weekly: Two mm to share twin both, rlnso tn tram- pnrtatioh, (no parking). CH 1-3933 or M Qurten's Drive. rt-22-lt COMFORTABLE room. gnntlr- mm. near business sminn‘ Weston. Phone CH. 1-14tl5. 0-22-11 0-22-19 ROOM I prwate'hnmn. close to trarlsportatinn, 2 bathrooms zenheman preferred. CH. " 6080. 0-224! SINGLE mum In now hnmn sets-private kmhnnrnp, lol- v-phnnn nxtamion‘ private on» man. laundry {admins par- krng, garage Availahio. rehned young man. CH. 1-7550. 1-0534,s n 22-11 CoMroR'i'AnLr," room" fur prn~ tlvman. also garagv. Apply 106 Roscmnunt Avr. CH. 1-822R. x-22-lt CLEAN, comfortable mom. mn- venient to Weston bus, with family of thrce adults. Gcmlv- man only, (Hummer. CH. RGOTAV and board for 2 young ROOM and board in new home with young people', suit rc- fined young lady. reduced rent for help With (Waning dishes; parkmg, garage avail- able. CH. 1-7550. x-22-lt ROOMS TO LET-FUR.NihmFm HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (rubber goods) mailed post can! m plain sealed envelope wnh prlre "st Sax samples 25t 24 samples $1 Man Ortier Dept CIA, Nova Rubber Co Box 91 Hamulmn Ont x "tt APPROXIMATELY 200 sq. ft! light and heat supplied. CH? 1-7670. x-22-31; FiiCir7ilfundCreqlrrrcd -irir gilt edge mortgage invest- ment. Etobicoke Investment x-22-1t SIX room house for rent, Main St. North, turn right at Aura Lea Blvd., then left to " Strathburn. Close to school and shopping. CH. 4-4818. FIVE room brick house, Law- rence Avenue, between Jane and Main St., CH. 1-2235. CAR. WINNER of Toronto (400 Lions Club) contest held at Cram: Plaza, Saturday, May 26th, was No. l7817. MISS BARBARA FATLES, M Reuben Ave., Toronto o-ZZ-It TBU_CK deliytrrfte)tr page! smgle men. Phone CH. 1-0014. x-2'2-lt Unlimited funds available for purchase of new or existing 2nd mortgages on all classes of property - also lst mort- gage funds. Land, Hotel and Industrial properties. Funds for lst, 2nd, 3rd, and Chanel Mortgages For courteous advice rail KEN GIBB - REALTOR CH. 4-5305 Ask for NEW BUNGALOW For Rent 5 rooms, Unfurnished, 1 year lease, garage, Apply " CRAYDON AVE. AVAILABLE ON HOUSES for North York and Weston Family Service Centre, 5248A Yonge St. Qual'tftcations M.S.W. degree, plus social work experience. Salary commensurate with training and experience. Phone Miss Gwen Oliver BA. 5-1)“ ' Ban. to 5 pan. Maud-y to Friday CH. 1-9781 Immediate attention to all Inquiries. Call: MR. T. ZIDNER CH. l-3288 OFFICE SPACE WANTED any man cub - opu- ating In Weston and unwound in. Int cn t-64t& pun __ uni} 35mins ' †Help Wanted MEADOWVALE GOLF RANGE Highway 27 & Melton Rd BU. 6-2051 t-tetr-.u-rrdir delivery. no] 6-1521 Rim '0 pan. x-tt-it wwwnnrnuu MORTGAGE MONEY PROFESSIONAL CASE WORKERS ROOM AN!) GUARD BIL!) WANTED MALI HELP WANTED MALE & FEMALE MR. SHEPPERD HOUSE TO LET MORTGAGES PERSONAL Mt. Dennis a-M-lt o-22-1t x.22-lt x3224! x-20-tf o-22-lt 22-11 Polisher, for rent, ts/ot wen mg Alpha Engineering Company 1852 Jane St., Weston, cn I 527.5 FLOUR SANDERS, Edger: and (H n "".HN Finn: tier l Ice Floor: cleaned. waxed and 00.1mm Am kmd ot flooring hrnugh 1p llke new Farmed walls waSh tri Work guaranteed F'ree esn naws Phone A Corras CH I I982 F T 3? tr ERECTED OR REPAIRS!) F. mm Rowntree Mill M. RM. No. I Weston Woodttridre '" III Have your garden cultivated with our powerful " H.P. Howard Rotovntor up to 9" depth. Wed End Movers R 0 N ' S ROTO " TILLING CAMP Cottage, especially for the young child, with acqom- modation tor older brothers and sisters available. Safe, 'sandy beach, 48 miles from Toronto. Literature sent on request. Enquiries: Peter-Pan Nursery School, 135 Harding Ave. CH. +2152 _ Evenings. CH. +0842. x-H-tl THREE room summer cottage on M o r r i s o n Lake, electricity, good beach, phone CH. 4-0880. after 5. x-22-lt cqtrhiiE _Springhurst Beach, TWO adults (abatainers) mu!" 2 or , rooms. partly furnished. no basements, Weston area. CH. 1-0947. o-M-tt "w-h-ia/teip-tiz-Fiji-i-e" for rent. up: is7imF7iiiiiiiiia i-RAY N)iEE'%i'fGiGiiarriaiti7'TIc chem with link And cupboard. OILM In", wiring, a). (loan. "can June Ind. Suit tuaiyq._toupu, an Main at ACCOIIODATIOQ Hm bigis Haulage proximately {200 IQ. tt. piGG CH. 1-7870. 1-12-31 Georgian Ny, 0207. DECORATING by experts Fat Cottrtruous Service ing tyriiiilhuifTs Douala Ave. I bedroom furnished or untur- nished tut. Wile. 2 when) no son: arrive from England June Mth. Please write 8. Mom. " Nickle St., Mt. Dennis. Sand Fill - Gravel Crushed Stone GRADING & FRONT END LOADERS J. l Turner Babrsitting and Housekeeping Hourlv - Daily Weekly Mature. capable women LOAM Expert workmanship Remodellmg Repairs General Constructhn Trim Work CH, |~0374 WESTON TYPEWRITERS Sales & Service Inspemon Contracts & Rentals RO. 2-9095 SERVICES OFFERED FENCES fit in"; of tum FAMILY SERVICE SUMMER COTTAGE! PAINTING Reasonable Prices CH. 4-2782 610 MAIN ST. N. Movint & Storage Weston CH, 1-.5320 SUMMER CH. 1-7548 CHERRY l<5413 SPA Cl TO LET t Sons Llovd Curtis" CARPENTER ST. 8-5342 AND TOP SOIL if MANURE Phone CH. CAMPS non-2t 3-154! x-5tt ot2tt x17 M (x! v" x-15-tt x-22-1t x-n-n 0.3M: 21-]t Fit Painter a. Decorator Special nutrition given to Paperhsnelng. HELLO FOLKSI HERE IS SPRING AGAIN! Be lure to make arrange- ments NOW for your spring Decorating. Call: Have your garden ROTO. Tilled, the modern seed bed, in twitch grass and weed problems. It is then ready for planting. 7 Boyd Ave. SCOTT HAULAGE TV & RADIO SERVICES Antennae Installed Workmariship unconditionally guaranteed E. W. COOK 183 Gary Drive CH. 4 0084 J. E. O’FARRELL, Prop. All types repaired and renewed Workmanship Guaranteed Mon-anew and“ Day or Night CH. 1-6953 Chesterfield: and Chairs Studio Couches, Davenport: Recovered and Repaired SLIP COVERS MADE TO ORDER On Budget Terms it Desired MT. DENNIS UPHOLSTERlNG A.lyon ttO. 2-2706 Rodfing t Chimney Service Full season garden mainten- ance. Service, Sodding, Seed- ing, Planting and Pruning. All work guaranteed. No. 1 Nursery Stock used. Mixed Loam. Free Estimates. CH. 1-9407 WOODBRIDGE 29841-14 x-lS-TF PLANTING & SODDING LAWN MAINTENANCE SERVICE Complete line ttuaranteed NURSERY STOCK WALLY'S LAWN MAINTENANCE SERVICE H. C. BROOKBANKS Ed’s Garden Supplies . for Crushed Stoné LOAM, SOD, SAND, ASPHALT and GRAVEL CH. 1-2190 Made To Order FURNITURE REPAIRED CH. 1-7987' Petirttirtit I tteettrtrt'rng Reasonable rates. .Excavatirtg & Grading . Crushed Stone . . Gravel and Brick Sand . Front End Loader: . General Haulage Landscape Gardening Roio " fillhg GRAVEL, SAND FILL LOAM, PIT RUN Prompt Delivery on. 1-1850 Said Fill - Loam " MAIN ST. N. Reasonable Rates MA. 9247 (kdm Hobbyis1s 1034 Weston Road UPHOLSTERING up To F' DEPTT DOUG DAVIES CH. 1-629t STORM SASH C. MARTIN CH. 1-1203 on. 1-1915 o-M-lt Weston " 4) t!) x-37-tt x-15~tf x-rlt x-21-tf x444! x-l9'If x-M-tt 'r.elfietstion' and render hymn My be angina in!» the punks-1n} " "rtmsrtt. Ton-lion Clan JUNE 11ttt, "" " " pm. The Inn" on any Md" will no. manly " - "AtEtting." Mil be nah-J “I the wpply and dullvuy of Shh: Cue! and fuol Ol on Oh. v03“: "hooh bn oh Township of Nod! You! Car the "56-1957 Int-"n. m- Ion FURNITURE IA RECORD of You-yon: it». all Dues 'tsash " your "nd.r, do" JU NI the lowest or any' pecessoriiy be tseteiatrd, For complete detail: of "ecifkation, and under forms canton the pur- thuling dapanmonv. own Bonn. Tape " PA SW for rat. SEALED under: will be "uh-d for the Iupply and delivery of PAINT & PAINVER'S SUPPLIES. then received, uumr of said Enco- on at bah": th. 30th day of June, 1956, of!" which date the Estate will he du. tributed having "9an only to claim: All p-uom having claims again" the Estate a! John Cargill, Inn of " N, Alanna St., Malian, Ont., who did on April Ath, 1956. are required ttt file punicvlan erf the mm. with the undunign-d Solicitors for the El- Specialists in kitchen cabin- ets, recreation rooms, etc. All types of remodelling and re- pairs. Free Estimates "ALL - TIME" ALUMINUM STORMS. SCREENS, DOORS Guaranteed Workmanship Free Estimates CLARKE‘S CUSTOM CAEPENTRY CR. 1-6337 MOVING and CARTAGE 1110 Jane St. CB. (-3047 IN THE MATTER OF TH t ESTATE OF Complete oil burner service FURNACE CLEAN-OUT! " BEFORE JUNE 30th CM. 1-0727 . CB. 4-0930 Concrete Hutton“, Drive- ways, Walks uni Basement Floors. NOTICE TO GREDITORS All) OTHERS JOHN CARGILL, OI MAUON, ONT. y E N D E It _ Paint and Painter's Supplies KENNEDY a McKINNON HEATING (Continued on Page I ll Walk!“ Gregg humor, Paisley, Ont. Stoker coal and Fuel Oil CLARK’S CUSTOM CARPENTRY TENDER nu. mm a "it Call Mr. Roedding CH. 1-8271 HAY FURNITURE co. K. M. IIOWNlI! lull-mu Admtntstrutor, I0.“ 01 “new!†On In Yowmhlp " Ntrrth Yul , loan"! It. Wdet IA. 1-3451 lulinon Adminlstrator, '"I. [and d "uerstusrt, Tho onnuhip of North York , Ktnneth 'st., WHlowduh BA. 1-3451 H. M. IIOWNLEE GERRY CLARKE CH. 1-883, Reuonlble Price CH. 1.2437 After O p.m. RICH'S REFINISHING FLAGSTONES Foiled" & Ftserest.r " Nil Salititon, Pululoy, Ont. Ink. :0 ' PM. tertder will no! REPAIRING x-22-tf x-22~tf x-WU x-N-tt x-lS-tf