an on: In a ceremony at " Andnw’s church, ammo“ “in; vows were exchanged avian June Pamela Devins William H. Dance. Rev T. B. Nun omciated. The bride, given in manage by her father, wore a waltz- - [own uf pink he. ovu- trt In Thistlet’n lewlywed Couple 'o Live lit Elmlea " sims available for any typ- roof. Helps to rid your attic of hoof accumulated during the day and makes your home no" mmfoncblm _lnstol it yourself or wc'll do it for you. Pain! and Wallpaper 46 Main St. N. 1186 Weston Rd., Weston Collegiate Auditorium English & Mould Ltd. Glasses. on/g; Credit.../ 2% l/s to duty, on nus the our» - Monday, May am, we - no. 2 thlhiturrTEuiltlilE DUFFIELD OPTICAL DEPT OPEN Daily 96 Wed. ' 1730 Friday " Presents her Students in the Annual Sprinxtllc Dance Ravi" F at the Friday, June lat, at 8.11 p.m. PLUMBING, HEATING, TINSMITHING, HARDWARE Tickets - Adults $1.25 - Children .75: Wallpaper at 1/2 Price C. BROOKBANKS YOUR WALLPAPER HEADQUARTERS H2133 - Installation Extra - .25 iBistmttirmd Lines) Next Door to-Lobluws Look At These New Low Prices On Ventilating louver: EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED FINEST PROFESSIONAL CARE "NI" MA'IIIAL low'" CO" must mum“, towm can ",1, smsncnon cuaumno Wttitttt, TONI“ " mum RO. 2-7575 tatteta, initiated on ssritus" lines with matching hat. SM carried I bouquet ot pin and white was usd sweet pe". sh- uns attended by be: sis.. ter, Mrs. Harold Parson, who were . blue oramdie gown on on DHDCEH linen and matching hat. Her bouquet wu pink roses. sweet pets and pandas. John Dal-u: "barter" of the groom was best man. --_ _ -- LAIA a. ..w... .._. ---. _,, The reception wu held " Martindale Lodge. Mr. and Mu. Dance will make their home at t Elmhurst Drive, Elwin. .15 Mt. Dennis CH. 1-7681 3 was OPEN "ttsit PHONE TODAY ca, 1.35" l Personal Notes Maureen Patricia Silverthorne Yled May 19 In Streetsville United In a double-ring ceremony " Stratum: United church on Saturday, Mar 19m Maureen Putticu Silvtnhornn ot Rexdsle. daughter of Captnin David Thomson. M,N., and Mrs. Thom- son, became the bride of Ben- jamin Maurice Sam. son ot Mrs. V. Sones of Winnipeg. Rev. L. Stapleton undated and the wedding music was played by Mr. George Lloyd. Given in minute by her brother. Robert Silverthorne, the bride won I waltrUngth gown of orgunu in tom- of cognac with matching hat and bouquet of Joanna Hill roses and lily-of-the-valley. Attends Council Meeting June 4 At the morning serVice in "-""'I' "er...-. Westminster United church on I A very beautiful wedding was Sunday, May 27, there were solemnized in Trinity United baptized: Dorothy May Jean, Church, Melton. on Saturday daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. evening, May 19, 1956 " , J. DeVal. 16 John Best Ave.; o'clock when Rev. Balsdon unit- Robert Alexander, Ion or Mr. ed in marriage Audrey M. and Mrs, A. Shisko. " Cul- Robinson of Lawrence Avenue, ford Drive; Cheryl Elaine, Weston, and Thomas Torn' Man- daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. C. ,velle, who came a few years no 1 Richardson, 24 Rose Valley afrom Sidmouth, Devon, England. Crescent; Hazel Elizabeth, lThe church was decorated in daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. mink and white Gladioli, mums H. Porter. 226 Gary Drive: land tulips. The organist was Ian Douglas. son of Mr. and (Mrs. Mary Kay Lewis. Mrs. R. G. Young, irt Pan"? i Given in marriage by a friend, Avenue; and Judith Gail, Irs. Skid Simpson, the bride daughter “(ML and Mrs. K. iwore a navy tailored gabardine Stan, 28 Wickford Drive ,sujt with a pale pink nylon . . . _ ggloves and a beautiful feminine Mrs. Stan Wilson, of This- pink straw hat with lace and tletowq llormerly of WES- Hrills around the brim. Her cor- ton), IS spending a few days sage was of gardenia and "baby" this week visiting with Miss pink carnations. Her attendant, Jean marks at Grimsby Beach, [ Mrs. Martha Grout, chose a Ontario. i summer weight pale green suit . . . with white flecks, a beige cart- Mis. H. C. Bvigger, tor- wheel hat and beige shoes and merly of John St., Weston, ,gloves. Her corsage was a green now residing on Elmhurst 'orchid with yellow baby carna- Dr., North Rexdale, has re- tions. The following 15 the :l‘dIO of oificers and c0nveners for the "forthcoming season: President, Mrs. R. W. H. Johnson: lst vice- president, Miss M. Hadley: 2nd "'ri1i'lr"j'r'ls1'di'r'ia, Mrs. P, Ferencz: Mrs. R.W.H. Johnson Elected New President Mrs. Stan Wilson, of This- tletown (tormerly of Wes- ton), is spending a few days this week visiting with Miss Jean Perks at Grimsby Beach, Ontario. _ Mis. H. C. Bugger. tor- merly of John St., Weston, now residing on Elmhurst Dr., North Rexdale, has re- cently recovered from a very serlous illness. The Weston branch of the University Women's Club held its annual meeting on Tuesday, May 22nd. The retiring prem- dent, Mrs. W. F. McMahon, re- ported (in a successful year, one mark of achievement being the club's decision to award an an- nual scholarship ofa girl pm- ceeding from grade 13 at Wes- ton Collegiate, to a Umvorruty. Delegates to the Toronto Diocesan Synod (Anglican) being held this week include the following from St. John's church, Weston-Geo. Bull- more, Dr. Coulthard and Sam Wilson. During the even1ng. a short French comedy was prewmed by the membets of the From-h cDncersatson group. Vxhwh um warmly applauded. _ The Junior council of Wes- ton public school will be the guests of the Weston munici- pal council " the latter's next regular meeting on Monday next, June -4th, at 8 pan. Any citizens of Weston in- terested in attending the meeting which is held in the council chambers on Little Ave. are welcome to do so. A newsman OPTO- METRISY AT mun/J ssnvnc: AT Abt mus 1 DAY SERVICE ON EMERGENCY REPAIRS BROKEN LENSES DUPLICATED CHOOSE FROM HUNDREDS OF NEWLY DESIGNED FRAMES CONTACT EENSES FITTED tttrt A. T. Silverthorne in I wnlta.. tength gown ot aqua him with matching hat. sh. _ a bouquet ot pink roses and lily- ot-the-valley. Ef'rune of Toronto wu usher. The reception wu hald at " Allenby Ave., Roxane. For the wedding trip to the United States, the bride chose 1 beige suit with matching ac- cessories. . On their wilt reside Street-ville. l The. groom was attended by (Bert Harding. his childhood friend from Sidmoult, Devon, 18nd now of Toronto. The ushers were George Robinson and Pete Iaase. all the men in the wed- ;ding party wore navy suits and ,carnations boutonnaires. I For the wedding trip by aeroplane to the groom‘s home JIome And School {Assoc Organized At Gorman Park 'i The German Park Home and School Association was formed ‘at an organizational meeting in “the new, portable Gorman Park ‘school on May 17th. The school IS located at Reiner Road and German Park in the Downsview 'area of North York township. Mr. Steve Swelman ot Bret The Gorman Park choir open-lair, the work of the Economic ed the mommg. smgmg three and Social Council and its >elé‘cll0ns. The officers and con- specialized agencies. venors were installed by Mrs. o . o Owen. of the Ontario Home and CLOVELLY 035 MARKS School Federation. and Mrs.: THIRTIETH BIRTHDAY Hamilton, also of the federation. Clovellv Chapter No. IM, Or- read the Home and School der of the Eastern Star, cele- Creed. Other guests included brated their 30th birthday re- Mrs. Mahon. of the Home and "may in the Masonic Temple, School council; Mrs. I. Brook- Main St. North, Weston. banks, former trustee on the V About 300 members and visi- NY. board of ecucatlon: Mr. F. for: were in attedance and we. Stinson, chairman of the North cial guests included member: York board of education, and from the following chapters: Mr. H. Gregg. school board trus- Queen City. Toronto; Bon Ac- tec. rnrd Crmirisrwdtyd: Blue Star, ed by rcmrdin: secretary. Mrs. E. 'C, Draper: corresponding secretary. Rev. Olma Lindsay; publicity, Mrs, H, A. Pager; membership, Miss M. Yeo; treasurer. Mrs. J. H. Alvarda; social, Mrs. R. E Little; programme. Mrs. H. O. Llrtvd; study groups, Miss M. Campbell. It was decided that commen- cing m the autumn, meetings mu be held on the first Wed- nesday of eitch month. thtmmll.-ilt*htttm The meeung was well attend- _ Refreshments were served _ the German Park ratepayers. Weddings PLAYFAIR Driving School York Travel Bureau 1043 Weston " no. M11 Plano, Steamship, Bus, Hotel Rnuvatlom For Anywhere m NOW-MY um: mm BOOK NOW 'oe SYIAMSHIP PASSAOI FOR "" Open Evonlnu and pl! Day in. Learn to Drive RE. 5996 Fully Inland Dual Controls Pick-up if desired return, the couple on the Fitth Line, Owned on Open.“ by " In"! 112? m on um: 'th She Wm â€out Club W Auxiliary will hold I “I at the ham. M In. JuAhn Bull, 40 Lamont Av... Wednesday, June 6th. Everyone welcome. WOVI Gm Itâ€) UNA TAG M1 The Tom» bunch d the U.N.A. held I Tu am; on Fri- day, In am tn North York and Scarborough. Tauen con- centrated their mom on tho shopping centrel between, the hours at six and mm. Among the many volunteer tuner: were the following girls from Wcuton Genuine and Vocational School: Mary Callnndet, Lillian Cayer, Margaret Day, Margaret Gale, Dorothy Kilpatrick, Doreen LI- ver, Barbara Luckhnm and Nan- ey Perrotti. This project was under the di- rection of Mn. W. W. Murpori- banks, Chairman of modal pro- jects for the Toronto Branch. WESTON CLUB MEMBERS ATI'IND EMELIM BREAKFAST Twenty members and friends of the Weston Business and Pro- fessional Women's Club attend- ed the Emblem Breakfast, spon- sored by the Council at Buslnus and Professional Women's Clubs of Metropolitan Toronto, at the Old Mill on Sunday, May 27th. Among the head table guests was Miss Ruth Bowery. Presi- Ident of the Weapon club. The guest speaker was Mrs. Jean Sanders of Woodstock, Vice-President ot the Ontario Federation of Business and Pro- fession-1 Women's Clubs. UNA CONFERENCE A number of Westonites are expected to be attending the second annual conference ot the United Nations Association in Canada to be held at the Uni- versity of Toronto on Friday and Saturday. June 1 and 2. The theme will be: Canada and In- ternational Development Pro- grammes. Among those present at the annual meeting of the Toronto branch of the United Nations Association in Canada, held on Thursday, May Mth, were Misses Gladys Miller and Marjorie Campbell from Weston. The guest speaker on this trc- casion was Sir Douglas Copland, KIM-3., C.M.G., High Commis- sinner for the Commonwealth of Australia and its permanent rep: resentatlve to the United Nations. He spoke on, "The United Na- tions and the Underdeveloped Countries", dealing especially with the work of the Economic and Social Council and Its About 300 members and visi-i' tors were in attedance and ape-l cial guests included member: from the following chapters:; Queen City. Toronto; Bon Ac-l, cord, Ctmirigwdod: Blue Star, Bolton: Bayview. Barrie: News market; Fairbank, Toronto, and Mount Dennis, Toronto. I Mrs. Mary Druding. Worthy Matron, gave a very interesting, talk on the past M years in Clrr 1 ‘velly Chapter. During the eve-l ming, the Benevolent Convener,) er5. Florence Boocock, P.M.,‘ ‘gave a report on a wheel chair) {presented to the Society for iCrippled Children by the Clo- tvelly Chapter: also a wheel, (chair presented to Lambeth lodge. L The candles on the cake were I‘ lit by the Past Matrons, Past: Patrons and Worthy Matron and) Worthy Patron. During this' ceremony Mrs. Anne MacLean rendered a beautiful 1010“ "Through the Years." When this ceremony was‘ over, wonderful entertainment by Mr. McNeil or"roronto and: his troupe was enjoyed. Re- treshments were served by Mrs. Mina Evans and her committee. TOBONTO WEST PRMBYrERTAt, WM! ,"Mrs H. F. Price presided It the May meeting of the execu- tive of Toronto Wat Presby- inrmi, WICS,, which WI: held in Humhvrcrut United church. At this evening meeting there wax xhown I new set of coloured “IIIâ€: tit-picking W.M.S. Home annn work trom coast to (mid, Thr Junior Evening Auxi- lmrv of Central United church, Wnuon, ronducted the devo- ttnnr WESTON WOMEN F ANNUAL MEETING Ito. 6-1777 ' Club Highlights meeting were *reed by In. Emery and epproved. In. V. Yerex reed the t1naneut report; Mm. King told at the novel-e mt out during the month; and Mm. Blarney reed the corre- spondence. Min Lindsey re- ported thet " cent hed been mede by her committee since the Brat ot the yen, end Mm. Sutherland thenked ell thou GrGiiiirii for making the open house et the pereonue web I ‘succeu. _ iGGrGaGiatod in unison The minutes at _tts, Agytl Mrs. D. Moiklo took the chill- for the romlinder of the ovo- ning. The scripture wu rad by Mrs. J. Cub-gm. Mrs Thomp- son read the devotional though“, "Adventure in Christi-Read- ing." Mr. R. Heard wu the gun! salon! for the evening in u.- eompanied by Mn. Weilbrod " the piano, he delighted with his "leetioru, "He Smiled On Me," and the popular, "You'll New: Walk Alone." , Mrs, Forsyth, member of tho' nery formed Christian Educa- tion committee of the church, spoke on the alms and idell of this group for improving the education offered to the children of the rhurch. and with I hlm, followed a child's progress in the church school from early infancy Ao teen-age. Mrs. W. Sinelair ithanked Mrs. Forsyth for her very interesting and informative {talk (rm suffering from a hand-nail. ‘And that's far from being dead; iBut it would be nice to turn in, }And spend the week in bed. Group V were hostesses for the social hour. Next month the meeting will be a luncheon on June 14th in the auditorium. The speaker will be Miss Bev- eridge of the C.N.1.B. Tickets available from group VI. For week of June 2 to 6th: THE MAN, FROM LARAMIE, good for family over 12 years. MR. ROBERTS, good for tant, ily over 12 years. THE VANISHING PRAIRIE, PRIVATE WAR OF MAJOR BENSON. very good. CHIEF CRAZY HORSE, excel- lent. INTERRUPTED MELODY. ma- ture, but good, excellent tdr young people. MONDAY MORNING BLUES excellent. 10,000 PIGKETS FOR SALE " A NEW LOW PINE - 60TH"! OB SQUARE_ TOPS II THE FOLLOWING SIZES ONLY: PICKET FENCE SPECIAL POST HOLE OIOOEIIS FOR RENT ' ' . . d SO! per day POST HOLE OIOOEIIS FOR SALE . . . . . . at $4.98 a. CHILD M 0 WE G UIDE tt-A...e. WESTON BUILDING PRODUCTS " 'x 3" - 3' " at - lh ea. l x 3" - 4’ M: at: lh ea. I 4" - 3' long at - lh ea. It 4" - 4’ " at - lik ea. J,ei1?,p,tqttt,ts . ityul,l,l!!,i!1U!,?!,ll?ir '1 e9 --Armour T. Irwin FOR A LIMITED "MI ONLY WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH PORTLAND BRAND OPEN SATURDAY UNTIL ' PM. It-cts-rest-h-thd-s...')-' -‘S'VICI HUI-INA“ tte"-. YOUR II" lOOKINO MIMI - PLANT ONI FOOT APART 24" to M" _ T . _ _ 2tte ouch CLIMBING ROSES I .. .I St." out?! DWARF and STANDARD FRUIT TREES Enormous stock in SHADE and ORNAMENTAL TREES 500 FLOWERING CRABS in pyramids-half and full Handed “UMBER NURSERIES QUINN-w,†In an and Nov-thawing?†an" 1-9!“ Iran: 8 FLOWERING SHRUBS many 3' tall w.............',"""'. “.9. CLEMATlS in 6 varioriel ' _.. ........._rrr_ __...... a.†PHLOX, Delphinium and Mums -t.rFV'» u 3 for ‘1.†‘Boxes of Violas, Swen William & Primulus , for $1.00 PEONIES T _ ..r. _ _ __.......'. 3 for 51.50 FRENCH HYBRID llLAC and AZALEAS, _....r....wr.r._" $2." GROUND COVERS - lehnm varieties ANNUALS (flat) V ___-w-..--.----:""'""'"""" $2.00 GERANlUMS __. l. trr_rr_P_""_ _................"-' s for $1.00 ROCK and BORDER PERERNIALS ............ $2.50 por than FEAT [CAM and MANURE , _ w.,t.rmwrW....F.. BI" por 5-:an GRASS SEED - fonts! growing mixture .____. s1.1° per lb. WISILL... 50,000 PRIVETS AVAILABLE al/A/Gd _'. ‘_ V "r",""" _.,....,...,....', _ .. 3 for 31.00 2CK and BORDER PERENNIALS ...r........ $2.50 pot d-tt EAT LOAM and MANURE , _ w.,t.rmwr_....F.. SI" pot 5w. RASS SEED - growing mixture .____. 31-10 per lb. Complete Line of Nursery Stock WRINGER nous, roa All. WASHERS CEDAR 'ttsts-M" TOP It 6'6" d '_'........ SOt EA. CEDAR Po6rS-a" TOP It W " .......... "t IA. 4. x 4- mm mass» “(can main. ft. 2 R 4 CEDAR DRESSID . .____ __. __. Whe Runnin. h. CttEosorE-art $1.65 thd. (Planting infraction bookUt fro.) . 209 BUTTONWOOD AVE., MT. DENNIS (hm! I." " it. Inn-00m N EVERGREENS - MIORIINS .... 'tatttNtMt" So. Us At Our 3-Acn Salon Staflon . IT ma 8tMME h Itttthttuut IIIII um "GUI-HGLD FINAHCI mm†Mim-I-3 Open - night will dork Open on Sunday during the moon R0. 2-8102 WWW.) PIIGII " a . o IUD-If DOWN? Walks-hm†nun-punch.“ 'llA'l'l'l - big In _'-'d'2r,tyt."2,t't','t', hnthn-End'll uh - “My ny- start-d-mr-ded. "01...!th t " Main St. s. CH. 1-1112 $1.25 ouch