[f'e'W RUM! SALE: Good used Mina. household goods, Saturday. June um. 10 mm. at the wanton: under lus- Flees Vegan: Auxiliary Navy -eitihuua Located: 814,000 Full price. Modern 1% storey I room brick, oil but. up". COMPLETE PLANNED COMMUNITY or 2,000 HOMES KIPLING SOUTH OF DIXON 'tD.-NAtTON RD. NEW-DIFFERENT-NHS mom $17,500 - $18,500 2ND PHASE SOLD OUT ORDERS NOW BEING mourns!) ON mum was: ALL â€.00. Down - 2 bedroom sol- Id brick bungalow, 4 piece tue bathroom. Inge modern kitchen. hot water oil heat, mm mm in basement, pri- nt. drive. In" double black lance. Asking 814.500. Coll CH. 1-5915 ONLY " many DRIVE non MALTON HOMONALL! WELL DESIGNED lUNGALOWl REALTORS LIMITED 10 .lrcnchu to Servo You WESTON - Block and Stucco bungalow, 2 bedrooms, im- maculate home, hardwood throughout. hot water heat.. ing, large basement. can be converted, large lot._close to everything. , bedroom solid brick bun- galow on Royaleigh Rd. ' bedroom storey and half modern home on Riverview Heights Drive. CWLASSIFIED AD VER'TISING on ME MI. R. LACIE! Slim-n On Job In Acton START DIGGING BUILDING LOT, serviced lot with southern exposure in 3 you old new section of York Township. Building permit and plan, 3 bedroom solid brick bungalow and attached any, lateral water line paid for included. REAL ESTATE AGENT 662 Scarlet! Rd. - CH. 1-9781 STUART Mercer, Rumor 2837 Dundas St., W. West Toronto iaFruGs-LGia an an d I Ion. David Allen. a brother to: Danny hon _ilt, Ion. Kelly l Kraag k E. LePAGE $1500 DOWN NRA MORTGAGE ron Tl! BALANCE Further woman. Call EXCLUSIVE AGENTS A. E. LePAGE LIMITED CH. [-8565 TOM SCOTT J. FORREST ACTON WESTWAY VILLAGE wane up": AVRO SARACINI BUILT T GlENLEA “AL ISIAH PILMO PA " ‘8!!me muons BA. 5-231 1 ISLINGTON BROKER A'ttrtt1trrt1trtfri?ei"i6r_'.tr" $25-11 x-25-lt x-25-tf x-M-lt i-uln x-W-it 1-35-12 JANE - Lawrence: Modern one bedroom And one two bed, room 'attartment, electrically equipped, hot water, TN out- let, janitor service, will dee, ante. parking Urilitieg, LE. 1-4998, x-za-u UNFURNrSHED apartment, 2 bedrooms. close to transpor- tation and shopping. children welcome, $100 per month, vacant July IM. CH. 1-1133. ALL kind of businesses and homes w I n ted for waiting client. Morrison Real Estate, 408 Bloor St. E. WA 4-8779 - CH 1-3464 x-22-tf Gerald l Black Solid brick - 1% storey on big wide lot, 8 lovely large rooms, extra large modern kitchen, separate dining room, hot water heat with oil, paved drive, double garage, shade trees and lambs, close to public and separate schools. churches, shopping and transportation only $14,- 500 with reasonable down payment. LAWRENCE (Near Pine) Solid brick - 2 bedroom bun- galow with recreation room, modern tiled kitchen, lovely large living room, in wonder- ful shape, lovely shade trees, garage, only $13,500 with $3,500 down payment. DOCTOI’S RESIDENCE Scarlet & Dixon Road: ‘10.... full price. Mt. pom-ion ot beautiful . room, loud brick bungalow with completely unlined buc- mont apartment. Suitable for doctor's or dentist's practre. Two modern kitchens. Two oomph!- bathrooms. Three spacious bedrooms. Air con- dltloned oil heat. Anrched (arm. Lovely landscaped corner lot. For appointment CMI:-- (Corner of KING) Solid brick three storey, 9 rooms, semi-detached, hot water oil heating, two bath- rooms, upper apartment car- ries house, could be excellent income home. Only $16,000 full price. This is a very valu- able site in the heart of resi- dential Weston. Commercial or Apartment site, 110 it. x 386 in. asking $25,000 (Wilson Ave. near Keck). Building lot - Kipling Ave., near Dixon Road, 75 ft. x 136 4 to 8-room properties wanted for numerous buyers with substantial down pa. ments- some all cash. Free appraisal, no obligation. For fast, cour- teous real estate service, call Gerald A. Black Elmhurst & Fourth Ave., 100 ft. x 145 ft. - $5,000. 22% Acres in Vaughan Town- ship, lot ll, Concession 7 - asking $1,500 per acre. Why not drop in and see us at our new offices, Corner of Wilson and Main Su, Weston. 43 King St., Weston 2 large 5 room suites. Deep lot with private drive. Rea- sonably priced at $18.500. Vacant, ‘spen for inspection. WE'RE OPEN FROM 9 'TIL 9 Realtor - General Insurance ROSEMOUNT AVENUE HOMES URGENTLY REQUIRED Weston, Woodbridge, Thistletown BODDINGTON 5 MAIN ST. S. WESTON CH. 1-5502 APARTMENTS TO LET HARDING AVENUE hieh Real Estate hieh Real Estate BUILDING LOTS nu. “TA" DUPLEX CH. 5-6407 BUILDER HIC. 4-3413 WALTER C. CH 4-6407 Cl. 4-6401 WANTED BROKER -or- x-25-lt x-25-H SUB-LErWNG: Furnished cool one bedroom tr,',N.t.y.t.n.t,: July and August, $90 month-CF. MODERN gas stove, Gurney, like new, very reasonable. Apply 1299 Wilson Ave. (Jane and Keele). o-25-1t BABY carriage, grey, Lloyd. good condition, $10; Playpen, folding with floor, $6. Phone CH. 1-2446. x-25-lt HOUSEHOLD furnishings: Bed- chesterfield suite, dining, bed- room suite (silver grey); sec- tional Chesterfield; reclining chair; rugs; beautiful oriental colours, 3 broadloom, lamps. coffee table. like new. Reason, able RO. 6-2141. ne-25-2t WESTON: One and two bedroom apartment available July Ist, kitchen electrically equipped, TV outle t, storage spice. ll u n d r y facilities, parking. Apply Apt. 2, 137 Woodward WESTON, 5 rooms, ground floor with garage, $125. per month. WA. 2-7295 daytime or MA. 5795 after 6 pm. BUGS: Why pay more! $34.00, 9 x 12 deep pile, thickly tuft Broadloom. While they last, CH. 4-2816. x-la-tf TWO ROOMS and kitchen, se- cond noor, 264 Main St. North, CH. 4-5467. o-M-it I RAPES If ue nee on an mate- erills. $2.98 yard and up m1- mum six yards. Best quality Steel Drapery track. 29t Mot. complete with fittings. May- fair Drapery & Rug Co., 2624 Eglinton Ave. West. at Keele, RO 6-4264. x-l7-ltf THREE piece bedroom walnut; Monarch Ice 75 lb. capacity. CH. 1 RANGETTE perfect for or cottage. CH. 1-3905, WASHING 37A§§-SI1TING. mending, eve- no MONTHLY. "tt-eoatained unfurnished basement apat- ment; sink, cupboards," toilet and-shower, extension phone (business couple only). CH. 1-2105. x-25-lt THREE room uu~conuimd um furnished apartment, vacant July In. Apply IU Guest- ville Ave., Mt. Dennis, RO. 7-2579. x-zs-n POWER mower, Maxwell Jr.. 18 inch, excellent condition. rea- sonable. CH. 1-8185. x-25-1t DUTCH drerrmaker qualified on day, afternoon and evening gowns. Neat job. Reasonable prices. Phone RO. 2-38.15. SEVERAL Muffet hockey trad- ing cards. CH. I-0724. x-M-lt STOVE, Moffat electric, 4- burner, table top, warming oven, good condition, reason- able. CH. 1-9863. x-25-1t OIL burner, 200 gallon tank, all accessories. Bargain. Apply 114 Guestville Ave., Mt. Den- nis. RO. 7-2579. x-25-lt LUGGAGE FUR truck parts. It‘s Levy's - All makes - new, used, ro- built. l40d‘Weston Rd no n- 1115. r2541 GREENHOUSE, 12 -x" 31 feet. Phone CH. 1-9449. x-25-lt WASHING machine, sinr,d dition. $25. CH. 1-5830. BLONDE Maple Junior bed. spring filled mattress, just like new, reasonable. CH. 1- 7624. _ x-25-lt 'ivl DODGE Sedan, good a}; CCM BICYCLE. girl's red. com- plete with generator and mile- age meter. Reasonable. l7 Springmount Ave. CH. 1- 3926. x-M-lt T.V. AERIAL for sale, 20' feet, $15. New. CH. 4-6689. o-25-1t GIRLS blrycle, good cogdition. reasonable. Phone CH. 1-2088. x-M-lt GURNEY electric stove, 4 burn- ers, side oven, good condition, $20; also bridesmaid's dress. blue, size 14, worn once, $10. CH. 1-1343. x-25-1t MOFFAT Electric Stove and Moffat Refrigerator. first class condition, reasonable. CH. 1-7772. x-25-It '51 PONTIAC sedan, good fa- mily car in fipe condition, practically new tires also snow tires, air-conditioned heater, $700 or reasonable offer. 103 John St. CH. 1-9863. x-23-H Aim. CH. 4-0843. 4-5975 ninls, King St. district. CH. 4-5108. x-ZS-H very good condition, $15. ck. 1-9251. x-25-it tail gate 3940. ing condition, reésdhable. CH. 1-5056. x-25-lt EMPLOYMENT WANTED â€WWI." ARTICLES FOR SALE CARS FOR SALE nussnAimo MOTOR PARTS machine, E a to n s, trailer 4'x7' sliding Reasonable. CH. 1- o-25-1t X-23-TF x-23-1t o-M-lt x-25.2t suite, I Box, L-9094. x-25-1t x-25-lt home con- COUNTER attendant. Apply Mrs. Pressick, Fruehauf Trail- ers, Main St. North, Weston. x-25-1t RELIABLE woman to look after child hours 9 a.m.--6 p.m.. 5 day week. CH. 4-3717 after 5 pm. x-25-1t WAITRESS Wanted, part-time, day or night. Apply in person to Metropole Restaurant. 20 tMain St. North. xM-1t LADY for _ general homework, HhirtrfRTigiWii experitrngd,‘ full time position. Phone CH. 1-6149 or LE. 5403a x-M-lt Graduate Nurses OAKDALE GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB for general dhttes in kitchen of cafeteria located at Mal- ton. Hours 10.30 am. - 7.30 pm. 5 day week. Age to 50 years. Steady employment. Call Miss Sudden BU. 6-2192 or Mrs. Roberts-. WA. 2-7825 ,r-25-lt for week days - evenings or weekends. Permanent or part- time. Persons living close by preferred. CH. 1-3569 BOOKMEPER-sECitETARY Parttime week ends and holidays for front desk eleri- cal work. Some bookkeeping and typing experience need- ed. Experience not necessary tor small open kitchen on new Manon Road. CM. 1-1929 - CK. I-MM Capable tahing churn ot null balm or protections! once. hum!“ export-net. Highest Reference. baby titanium): m our‘ ating In Wazoo and surround- tng _ ce 1-5413. 2-3541 Required for full or part-time duty day or night. 44 hour week. Residence a c c o mmodation available. Pension Plan, Blue Cross. CRANG PLAZA RESTAURANT Crang Plan Shopping Centre Jane & Wilson mulling-Maggy!» For general office work and phone orders. Apply STODDART CLEANERS 65 Main St. South floors, and ‘day weeks." Phone CH. 1-8981. x-25-lt sEWiiidTrEheirerr- Required Full time position - Apply - SINGER SEWING CENTRE " Main St. 8.. Veslon CR. 1-8368 required for DRY GOODS STORE (Jane - Lawrence district) Jule St. north of Wilson WAITRESSES " HELP WANTED MALE WAITRESSES CAFETERIA WORKERS WAlTRESS Apply Director of Nursing, Toronto Hospiul, Weston, Ont. Full or Part-Time In†In person to Wm. Box 2402 TIMES & GUIDE CH. M 151 htr trarue'startt, CH. 1-0380 SALESLADY CLERK CH. 4-002 GIRL lac-3531: x-ZS-H x-25Clt x-25-2t x-25-1t x-25-1t x-25-1t FOUND: CAMERA on 401 High- THREE room unfurnished farm house on Mono Rd., 24 miles from Weston. $35 monthly. RO. 2-8702 after 9.30 PM. PART-TIME evening work for men and women at North West Drive-In Theatres, High- way 27 and Dixon Rd.) Apply to Manager after 7 pm. PRIVATE funds required for gilt edge mortgage invest, ment. Etobicoke Investment CH, 1-9781. _ x-‘20-tf National au Company Dominion Stores limited Dominion Stores limited has, excellent opening for MALE and FEMALE OFFICE EMPLOYEES Applicants should be neat in appearance with pleasant per- sonalities and have at least , year high school or equival- ent. Attractive starting rates. Pleasant working conditions. Generous employee benefits. APPLY Apply ROYAL BANK or CANADA CH. 1.1195 cm nuke puts trom druv. ings using bud no]. and the above mourns. Forty hour week. I" benefit plans, eight paid holidays and two weeks vacation. Write or phono cob led to: Urgently need extra help for holiday months. Anyone w' a would do full or part-time pantry work and dishwashLg please. apply to Dietician's ofhce between 8 a.m. and tt AVAILABLE ON HOUSES Land, hotel and industrial properties. Funds for Ist, 2nd, 3rd, and Chattel Mort- gages. For ctturtetytl.q advise, Call KEN GIBB REALTOR CH. 4.5305 All for MR. SKIPPER!) xarit SANITARlUM DIETARY DEPT. Unlimited funds available for purchase of new or existing 2nd mortgages on all cfasses of property _ also lst mom gage funds. way bridge over Wendell Avenue. Owner may have name by identifying and pay- Ing for ad. CH. 1-1648, WhW HELP WANTED and Mechanic required immediately Male'or Female No experience necessary Good commencing salary Group Insurance. Other benefits. Immediate attention to all FOX THEATRE BANK CLERK WALKERTON, ONTARIO TORONTO HOSPITAL WESTON RO. 94151 LOC. " MORTGAGE MONEY CASHIER - USHERS Apply J. C. MocARTHUR 605 ROGERS RD. HELP WANTED MALE & "MALE HOUSE TO LET inquiries. Call: MR. T. ZIDNER CH. 1.3233" after 6 o'clock MORTGAGES FOUND x-25-2t x-25-lt x-25-lt nc-25-1t x-2rtt x-25-ll x-25-lt EE i "rfiii'ii"s."ihy THREE unfurnished room and bath also share garage, one or two children accepted. Ott Scarlett Rd. R0. 6-5548. TWO unfurnished rooms with sink, will mind child while mother works. Phone CH. 4- 3889. x-25-1t ROOMS TO LET-hJRNMHND ROOM and board tor " mm. Central. CH. 4-6680. NICE comfortable bedroom with board, quit gentleman, close to Main St. Reason-bk. Ap- ' ply " Lippincott St. West. x-M-it TWO rooms with kitchen, tur- nished, suit business couple or two men. Adults only. Apply 100 St. John' Rd., Weston. In. our"; - W868 an. no: Iguana A. 7.9 yum 'ret BUFFERIN -Glenc|1m: newly decorated unfurnished kitchen and bed-sitting, sink, cup- boards and parking. Phone after q, RU. 1-2329. x-M-lt' CLEAN, comfortable room, con.. venient to Weston bus'line, with family of three adults. Gentleman only, abstainer. CH. 1-0534. x-M-lt SINGLE room for gentleman, close to transportation. Phone CH. 1-0718. x-25-lt FURNISHED bedroom, living- room, mall kitchenette,, cook- ing privileges, $15 week, young couple or 2 business girls. CH. 1-0837, 5.30-7.30 pm. x-25-lt FURNISHED bed-sitting room with grill, suitable for bus- iness girl. CH. 1-9455. x-25-lt PED-sitting room, suit one or KEELE & EGLINTON: Two at- tractive rooms, kitchen with sink and bed-sitting, private bath, balcony over garage, suit business couple or two adults. RO. 7-6330. x-25-lt $6 WEEKLY, one young man to share room with same. twin beds, (no parking) " Queens Dr. CH. 1-3933. x-25-1t CAMP Cottage, especially for the young child, with accom- modation for older brothers and sisters available. Safe, sandy beach, 48 miles from Toronto. Literature gent ,on request. Enquiries: Peter-Pan Nursery School, 135 Harding Ave. CH. 4-2l52 -- Evenings. CH. 4-0842. x-H-u (â€01ch UNFURNISHED 2% rooms, TWO bright "rooms with sink and cupboards in kitchen, newly decorated, reasonable. CH. 1-8702. x-25-It DUTCH LAWN' tje/vie/C.. expertly cut and trimmed, etc. CH. 1-8425. x-M-tt FURNISHED room, suit two or one, apply 39 Macdonald Ave. one block north of Lawrence Ave. off Jane St. 0-25-lt FURNISHED NEWLY decorated bed-sitting room and kitchen, private en- trance. immediate possession. [ Phone after 5.30 pm. CH. 1- 8748. o-25-1t TWO light Housekeeping rooms, furniture optional, very rea- onable. Phone CH. 1-5540. UNFURNIsHED 3 rooms, sec- ond floor, kitchen with sink and cupboards. business cou» ple, adults, 55 Main St. South. CH. 1-8363. o-M-lt TRANSPORTATION August onward for female. Main St. to vicinity of Nos. 5 and 27 Highways. Approximately 8.30 NM. and ' RM CH. 1-8780. x-25-lt FURNISHED bedroom, single, suit gentlemen. CH. 1-1517. x-25-1t ACCOMMODATION mutantâ€. FIGURE SKATEBS require room and board (twin beds) or furnished house for July and August, preferably close to Arena - Lawrence and Main- Street). Metropolitan Figure Skating School BE. 1-8628 358 manual. Pun-Ho- In July. 0w ml. 8-33-31 two, near Main St. and Deni- son Rd. CH, 4-4369. x-25-lt " unpl- " “in Ord- Dept Gt Nova Rum Co. no: " Hammon. Ont 3-894! rangette, phone after 6. CH. 1-0569. x-25-lt UTCH couple one child ur- gently need house. cottage or rooms unfurnished. July lst. EM. 3-1625-unti1 7 pm. ask for Sid Vanderwerf. o-M-lt home, suit CH. 1-9870. SERVICES OFFERED BOOM AND 00m TRANSPORTATION SUMMER CAMPS ROOMS TO LET UNFURNISHED FLATS m LET SUPPLIES bedroom in adult gentleman. Phone WANTED x-25-lt (mbbc a-tbit o-25-lt x-25-lt x-25-1t x-M-lt i-lt has an a. nun ca. up]! West End Movers it lOAM FLOOR sandmg. old dark Mom made new, dunks: mlchinel. reasonable prices. Sid Galli- tord Co. RO. 9-6769. x-io-tt SCOTT HAUlAGE All types repaired and renewed Workmanship Guaranteed Emergency service Day or Night Roofing t Chimney Service , Bord Ava. Mais Haulage Full season garden mainten. nnce. Service, Sodding, Seed. ing, Planting and Pruning. All work guaranteed. No. 1 Nursery Stock used. Mixed Loam. Free Estimates. â€than“: rugby)!“- CH. 1-9407 WOODBRIDGE 298-R-44 x-13-"I‘F Crushed Stone send rm -drqvet Crushed Sign. GRADING & FRONT END Lawns J. E. O’FARRELL, Prop. â€Am-ma h 30!)an LAWN MAINTENANCE T SEIVICI Complete line plunked N'Ilsln! STOCK _ WALL?! LAWN MAINTENANCE allVlCl .J. h. Turner ' Sons by experts Fast Courteous Service Baby-5min; um! Houukecpln; Hourly - Dally Weekly Mature, capable women PAIMING DECORATING landscape Gardening Roto - Tilling Sand Fill - loam Excavating & Grading ' Crushed Stone F Gravel and Brick Sand ' Front End Loader: F General Haulage GRAVEL, BAND FILL LOAM. PIT RUN Lloyd Cums CARPENTER Remodelling Repairs General Construction Trim Work FAMILY SERVICE Sales & Service Inspection Contracts & Rem-ls RO. 2-9095 Mom; l sung. Walton CH. 1-5870 up TO 0" mm DOUG DAVIES CHERRY 1-5418 Prompt Delivery it TOP sou WESTON TYPEWRITEBS CH. 1-7548 CH. 1.6953 .5 751’. 3-5342 CE. 1-0874 Cl. 1-1â€! CK. l-lMI CB. 1-1850 * MANURE Wm» (x-l-u) x-5-lt 1-1541 x-IO-it x-16.tt 3-214! x-15-lf x-3-tt an!†Franklin wa, Adm.- mm. H†Woven toad, Tum... by lg, “IMO", l F. C. Manny. IV.. " Aide“. tum Wot, Yet-Mo, theme" FURNITURE All per-om having tlalnu again-O Oh. luck of Glow. Elmer Walling, lab of â€it Town of Winona Sv the County .5 Yeti, ilqvlvo, who dud on 01 about m. 26th day " Aprll, WN, in It qulnd Do Me clam“ wlth th. undu- 'irnid by Jun. 22nd, tM6. Of!" which duh Ob. undonlgnod io, you“ I. dl-Mbuh â€in an." of the dmaud, having vogord only ttt the Helms d whkh " the" then have had "ertu.. BAND ot Weston, tts. MOI dcy M 1m. nu. MO and cu- m - mm W In lap-Ind sup COVE†MAN 10 one. On W run tf - Mr. DENNIS UPHOLSTEIINO Alyon IO. 2-2706 mu Weston and HIV. your garden ROTO- TUled, the modem Iced bed, in twitch gnu and weed problems. It is then ready tor planting. "ALL - TIME" ALUMINUI STORMS. SCREENS, DOORS Specialists in kitchen' cabin. ets, recreation rooms, etc. All types of remodelling and re pairs. Free Estimates Painter & Decorator Special attention given to Paperhanging. " MAIN " N. CH. L768! Concrete Flagstones, Drive- ways, Walks and Basement Floors. MOVING and CAPTAGE mo Jane St. on. 4-3041 Antennae Installed WORKMANSI‘HP GUARANTEED Mon. _ Fri. 8.30 Ran. - ' pm. Saturdtyl 8.30 mm. - ' pm. E. W. COOK 163 Gary Drive CH. 4-0084 HELLO FOLKS! HERE IS SPRING AGAIN! Be sure to make unnu- ments NOW for your spring Decorating. T.V. & RADIO SERVICES GuarapteetlorkPanahir FURNITURE REPAIRED CH. 1-7987 tor ' LOAM, BOD, SAND, ASPHALT and GRAVIL CH. 1-2190 Ed's Garden Supplies T CLARK’S _ CUSTOM CARPENTRY Continued on Page , H. C. BROOKBANKS NOTICE TO CREDITOR! AND OTHERS Call Mr. Roedding CH. 1-8271 ' HAY FURNITURE CO. Mining ' More?!" Reasonablo rum. CLARKE’S CUSTOM CARPENTRY CH. 1-6887 GERRY CLARKE CB. 1-6337 Insoluble his MA. 9247 Hobbyists Reasonable Price RICH'S STORM SAM, “FINISHING FLAGSTONES CH. 1-6291 C. MARTIN CH. 1-2437 After 6 pm REPAIRING xar4t x-22-tf x-M-tf a-U-te 1-16-21 x-21-t! xalrtt x-6-tt