u _ a . rs “I M ANBtNlttte - "Wilden Juno tt, 1956 -- Page m " $3.; coolers Js"'" Here’s the easy. rconomiml way to have healthful air cooling! This highly attractive Carry-Cool Air Cooler furnishes an abundance of ml. filtered air. bim ly fill with - and plug into el’eclrical onl- lel! Light weight, compact and port- ou, with convenient handle for carrying. this new Carry-Cool will be the favorite of every member ol in family-- no better get two'. Special $89.95 What I: This? " The Lam! MURFIN‘ " Torbarrie, Downsview Heating & Air Conditioning Ltd. For Ropnuniuoivo and Fr» Demonstration Call CH. 1-9602 HARDWARE CM. um no: um stun RE. 7246 (60 Cycle Only) RAT? "All WIRING Mum mud-gov Walton loud!" halve.- __ 4 Your: -or- PANTS At the annual general meet- ing ot the Weston Tennix Club held Tuesday, June Wh, " the Club House, the following offi- cers were elected: president, ' John Giguere; vice-president. _ Mrs, Carol Gilbertson; sec~treu- urer. Miss Shirley Chappel: men's captain. Bill Burden; ‘women's captain. Mrs. Carol (c',iii,i,',treiiii,ysrtti; chairman of grounds. Hint Austm; membership con- <vener, Mrs. Nellie Beatty: and ,social convener, Art Williams. l Anyone interested in becom- ing a member of the club is ex- tended a warm invitation to pay a visit to the courts which are located Just south ot the Weston Arena, on Lawrence Avenue. Weston Tennis Club Chooses l New Offkers 1 JIM DOLLETT Sales Manager Ll F E Insurance . . When You Think Of WESTON Telephone CH. 1-6584' Gordon W. Alcott 945 Main St. N. Sun Life Assurance Co of Canada A Mt MMtht " Yuan Indian. in "S.r DOWN a. ' THROUGH tt MRS. ALEc Tuna THE 'tCTI,':"",':',',,,"' '.' , YEARS Ms, . I . c ' . 1,: Rem ember: no property ts too I ' C vrv T 1 ' small or toe large P. merit our 1 a: siill!l illi f 11lt iilBll (i' " . special attention. f r, Ill l . R $53?) /" 2 Call any one of these representatives at f- _':r"_s_'_",j'_"_ii,i,-__slj,, ""1LIrli,i, 'it:, a; I _ CH erry 4-24 1 o . " ( if), 'ii/i' 'l"'""', 'trt " or I x If a FIELD DAY The current heatwave' was too much for the juniors at Hum- berview Field, Day on Friday, June 15 and their races were not completed. Humberview Home and School Assoc. providéd "ice cream tor children and teachers and also small gifts and bal- loons to Grades i, 2, 3, 4 and 5. In the sixth, Aikenhud got the only hit tor the RCAF. The Avro girls got two runs to end the scoring, Thomsen and Lowe crossing the home plate. RCAF .trrrr.tr. 0 0 0 010 0 l l Avro ._.Frr.rt_ 5 o o o o 2 x " 7 Batteries: Simons and Nash; Morrison and D. Williams. Packers M, RCA? 4 On Wednesday at Downsview. the, Canada Packers girls trounced the RCAF girls 20-4. Kennedy and Smith on the mound for the Packers held the RCAF Jets to tour hits. There Wu no more scoring until the titth inning when th- RCAF got their only one u for. who walked, scored on a force out. Avro started " the an! in- ning with tive runs on two hits, five error, Ibo helping the Avro own. Moore hit I double to drive in two runs. On Monday at Hilton the Avro girls defeated the RCA! girls 7-1 and on Wednesday of [at week the RCA! we" soundly trounced by Canada Packen by a more ot 10-4. The Packet: continue to hold I du- able lead in the Weston Ladie- Sottblll Longu- standing. In the an. on my. Mor- rison tor Avro allowed only one hit and that I watch single in the sixth. Realtors Grqn!’s Collision 1999 m: 9mm Car Body . Repair: And Pointing WESTDALE and HUMBERLEA An expansion of Staff to continue the high standard of service given to/ Weston, North York and Etobicoke . . . 0H. 1-6201 By hunt-3o; Mrs. A E. SMYTH - CE. 4-0625 given by the assoc. were won by Dirk Koningen and Carol Pope. Intermediate crest winners (crest with H.) were Sandra Shearer and Allan Goulding. The two sport trophies, also Juniors completed their run- offs on Monday. Mrs. Halcrow. 2045 Wilson Ave. had a delightful home party, a lingerie party, with Mrs. Elsa Drew in charge. Mrs. Drew is the president of Legion Branch LA, at Swansea. It was all very enjoyable and there should be more of these parties in the dis- trict during the fall. "tttt but in the sixth the Pack- ‘01 chalked up two more on I triple by Guy. Do'ublel by Cur- ry and Formosa helped to drive in three more runs in the t1nttl Itlnu. Packers ..VV_r.... l 3 5 5 l 2 , 20 RCA? ...rrr..mm.. 0 , 0 0 l 0 tt 4 Batteries: Kennedy, Smith (3) and Brunner; Dyment, Wiley (4) and Nash. League Executive At an organizational meeting last month, the following om- cers of the Weston Ladies Soft- ball League were elected: Mur- ray lekins, president; Pauli Phinney, vice-president: Ann Kovak, secretary; Dorothy Wil- liams, treasurer; Bill Ireland, referee-in-chief. Board of ar- bitrators. Ian Standing. Chick Lee and Val Hill. The summer tea which took place on the lawn at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Price on Wednesday, June 13th was very well attended in spite of the ex- treme neat. There were some very nice comments on how well everything had succeeded. A NNO UNCE MELODY RD. LADIES GUILD CHerry 4-2410 ROger 2-1127 HOME PARTY t SYMPATHY Deepest sympathy is extended l' Mr. and Mrs. H. Price on the death of Mr. Price's mother on [Wednesday, June 13th. THIS md THAT We are pleased to know that Mr. J. Moreland of 1 Burrard Ave. who suffered a heart at- tack May 20th is coming along as well.as possible. Mr. More- land lives at the residence of his son, John. Report From Rexdale REXDALE: Gary Miran of 38 Chilcot Ave., East Rexdale is the winner of a slogan drawing com- petition and received a reward of $50 for his efforts at a pres- entation Monday night at the Etobicoke Memorial Swimming Pool. The drawing is a symbol to accompany slogans for water safety by "Wally The Safety Whale." . It has come to my attention that the roads in East and North Rexdale, particularly the ap- proach on Kipling Ave., are in a shocking state for such a large and growing subdivision. DANCE EXAMINATIONS The Iris Farmer School of Dancing wishes to announce the The penny sale proved ex- tremely interesting and very pép- ular. Proceeds go towards the church funds. Rexdale Boy Wins Contest TH! FAME!) SWIMMING COACH, GUS "on and his wife were recent guests of the Pax Bible†Class of Wenon Presbyterian church. John Taylor of the Pax class, left, introduprd Mr. and†Mrs. Ryder while Linda Slaght, right, presented the flowers to Mrs. Ryder, and also thanka& Mr. Ryder for his irtterrersting address to the class. Photo by Meteatf. studtol On Sunday, June 17th, Janet Mary and Robert Alfred, child-, ren of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Heath‘ of 56 Fordwich were baptised l MAGAZINE DRIVE The lst Rexdale Boy Scouts and Wolf Cubs are planning to hold a bottle and pocket magK zine drive this week. Those liv- ing in North Rexdale who would like to contribute, please call iGeorge M. Hacock. CH. 4-1475. The East Rexdale and Elmlea districts will be canvassed from door. to ddor. The proceeds will help the group to enjoy their camp which is being held July 7th to 14th. recent successes in the Royal' Academy of Dancing Examina- tions. Results were as follows: Grade one, Glynis Walker (high- 1y commended), Sandra Young (commended), Monica Luedicke (commended), Joan Dale, who successfully passed grade V (com- mended). Judith Seabrook was unable to take her examination due to having the measles. June 14th was the last meeting for the season at the last Rex dale Cub Pack when a Wiener roast, sponsored by the group committee was held for those boys who attended the Cuboree. ST. PAUL'S NEWS Limited WIENER ROAST Several You" "parka“ In Incl hm. JOHN PARIS Meetings will resume the first Thursday in September. It was held in the garden of the were ser.ed by Mrs. Archer and Mrs. Hacock and Mrs. Thomp- son ot the Ladies Auxiliary. Phum: Cherry 1-5231' . chin-Ii; -rGiitikiiiiia- OPEN MONDAY YHIU YHUFSPAY 9 ro 5 . FRIDAY 9 To I . CLOSED SATURDA' Kitchens and Bathrooms Romodollod, Huvo Your Bouillon! or Attie Turned Into a lamina Proposition. FREE ESTIMATES PHONE CH. 1-3226 RUMSEY BROS. CONSTRUCTION lulu tttah te "Mann I‘ I" “moulding Mum . Puma-I ou, ($111143; 2nd Floor, . (66.: Icy-I Ink) f. mug srrgqg, N_.,_V_VE§T9N, ONTARIO Our representative in Weston for 4 Your: RAY M088 Seven Your: Real lush lxporiomo MY. DENNIS JEWELLERS ll72-A Wuhan " (A! lglinhn) RO. 2-3563 mum aim-s AND mu 1mm!" llhadly lu-