_ Each Week Day at 6 A.M. our CPI. Ara. Can - M ther tt ( m um CAI cum By leading, qualified, beauty operators, adapting themselves to Advanced Newer Styles of to-dav. All. t All w. tm time aI ' supervi Fun strUctot riPersonal :9 Notes Your Hair beautifully slylod . . . hi, Shampoo“ (plain shampoo) and Sol 'usrm TO PINK Aorow MORNING NEWS Fascione Academy Of Advanced _/tfr?"'" Hair Design Ito. 2-291: _ANe6a'e.etotete-.ot-r.as-t6,trss-rao Many "antv feature, comfort and that mad-hugging feel. haw! romp about 'hrough design changer. At the "me time, autumn changes are kept to slow moreâ€, so that the car of two or three years ago isn't comp “My out of date. i' 4" g "†.5; , st' 2 c,):' il/-,rriur, _ 5‘ M" 5 s.Ar I This works to “It advantage of the used cu buyer. Me [this the safety and romfort and style even If " at is I couple ot years old. And he known Ht heh M "It l-olumn) that our Goodwill Gun-Mata AMI “waned Cam "td.'Trueto give True mammo- II In. CM. The deriu,nrvrs mark me had Il "jet than thr. wheel treads and t2rrt rm of tlrs nunmm: boards without ax- Sing the _ of tho "ar' to "tnu":: thrown up by the {a}! when!» MUM. n- a "'crrtntt advantaze. Ibis elirrunatpd the r-htry of 20 war†ago who lumped on your running hoard HI run-3 InirtyectIort.t And on In»: mtrairht highway: " is rather neces- ngy to know whrther a tar-away car " going. or romlng It you. The rhmme tells you. 'Appointments Now Available! 'rirtj2c'o"" a In movlng toward. other things wr". 4' ' (at "amped. Flywheels him to he mailer to tit in. And what happened? There were Immediate Improvements in the atrtomoMle's smooth, ness and arrrlrrntlnn. "What has mobilc. cxu-pt chrome on It?" You anon hear this type of discussion. in various forms, so let's have a look at somn- of the more im- portant changes in car design. changes "hich I think have been more than T ._ Just nights of stylish taner. _ ", Ti. dwad) (hange- in car design 1 a .i lira past 25 years has been the g3 â€" . pu»hm,; forward of the passenger v "I «may: - tt'r, named two feet since V g5 ' 'l 1027 'ee- and thn people m the back 1;, " FF ~r'zn no lnngor SI! high over the rear 'ij"-.' ,__.., A wh Pe h Now Ac'cepting Applications For Morning ' Afternoon Glasses At St. Philip’s Parish Hall DIXON ROAD Merry Court NURSERY SCHOOL tttr Main St. N., Weston - CH. 1-0793 A local ilgdopondnnl dock! can am you but in FURNACE OIL - - ttik BURNER: Sales and Sonic. "Let One can Do " All" , FOR DETAILS AND APPOINTMENTS CALL Ted Duffy. MI. 1-3343 Dr Mrs. E, Simmons, 0H. 1-2512 GILLESPIE FUEL OII. BUS SERVICE AVAILABLE By Jack Pink t' the d, ~1_rn(r-- ever done for the auto- make n fatter and lower and slap more AT YOUR SERVICE momma ttttir" ma: Contact: (WISYON FOLIO ttero All we dsk in return is your time and paviunce. All styles supervised by competent in- structor. CH. 1-3511 Mr. And In. Doug Lurk. W Av... have return" iron I nation " Like Mr. Ind In. Eddy Holst I 9. a motor trip to Nov- A charge of careless driving has been laid against the driver of the second vehicle by police. PS Glen Haner investigated the accident. 2nd Roar-Ind Collision Sui. At Main-link Mrs. Margnret Comeld ttf James St, Bradford, wu sitting in her cut on Main St. {Icing north at the intersection Ind stopped for the tmMe light' when tt cu driven by Donovln Bain, 16, of Harlow Crea. Thistle- town, ran into the rent of the Coft1eld vehicle. Mrs. Coneld suffered neck in. injuries, police said. Some $125 damage was done ta both vehicles. A second rent-end collision " the intersection ot Main St. and Little Ave. occurred list Sat- urday, less than two weeks Bt.. ter the trMte lights were in- stalled there. _ Police estimate damage It 3150 to the second cu and 850 to the lurked vehicle. " Main St. South Weston - CH. l-IIU The socond car, driven by Ru- dolph Buddingh, 27, ot , Mid- land St., Toronto struck the door and crushed in, damaging its own grill and tender in the process. An estimated $100 dunno multod Monday " 8:45 am. when the door on the driver'. side of I parked cu wu opened suddenly and a passing our washed into it. Kenneth Comm; M, of " Hearst Circle was parked out- side Kruae'l store on Main SL, Weston, He opened the door on an driver's side of the cur just as another vehicle cm: by. Three and one-halt year old Wesley Boddington, son of, Mr. and Mrs. Wes Boddington pt Main St. North, caught a four pound small mouth bass at Eagle Lake, near South River, on Sunday, August 5, while he and his father were drift fishing in a motor boat. They were using minnows as bait. {Opens Car Door 0n Driver Side Hit h 2nd Car Mr. and Mrs. William Cowl, Sr., have returned from I va- cation at their cottage at Keswick. ADS BRING RESULTS Mrs. Alex. Lawrence, 29 Holley Ave., and her sister, Mrs. Alex. Cameron of Wood- bridge, have returned after vacationing for two weeks with the farmer's son, Addi- son Lawrence, at Sioux Look- out. 5-02 "tllatttel" WATER HEATERS Weekly or Monthly Paymentis No Finance Co. Persohal Notes On†It“!!! Ill "Lt . 379.95 mam General Manager Hiram E. McCallum announced that the Fiiiii"i of the 78th year of the work“ greatest annual exposi- ltlon would be "Salute to I Na, tion". Once again the 10 pro- vinces will be featured playing up the truly 'national flavor of law EX. Included among the foreign exhibitors this oresrtarii the United Kingdom, the United States, Australia. Tindia, 'Bel- gium, Denmark, Holland, Japan, Poland, Spain. Gli Takes On lnternat’l Aspect The Canadian National Exhi- bition, ever advancing, takes on a truly international aspect this year, keeping pace with Can- ada's added stature in the world of affairs. Ten nations will feature dis- plays of their products at the CNE - most for the first time - during the 14 days of the EX, Aug. 24 to Sept. 8. This international display brings a glimpse of the wide, wide world beyond our boun- daries to visitors to the CNE. Varied displays and costumes from many lands provide a first hand knowledge of what is tak- ing place in nations growing continually closer to where we live. lt in also international rec cognition of the importance the CNE plays in the life of the na- tion. Supervisors,. .Dianne Ainslie,, Audrey Rees. All at Holley were busy last week making prepar- ations tor the Penny Carnival which was held on Thursday afternoon. It was a great suc- And 10 day. during the CNE will be specially set aside to re- cognize the importnnce of Clch provin'ce in turn in thig Do- minion that stretches from an ot In. Thus the CNE will serve I dual purpose this yelr. salut- ing the 'olidarity of Can-d: and in enhanced reputation on the world "age. , visors, Gail Hall, Alfred Cox. The children at Grattan last week played both active and quiet games, such as Dodgeball, Spud, Pirates' Treasure, Simon Says and French Cricket They are very fond of Spud and this was played every day. Crafts included colouring. painting and pipe cleaner dolls. It is hoped for a good attendance next week - the closing week of the Summer Fun Programme. ELM PLAYGROUND: Super- visors,. Dime O'Brien, Kathy Easton, John Parson. .Atten- danee was good on Elm Play- ground last week, considering the number ot children on holi- days. On Tuesday, asbestos mo- dels were made and on Wed- nesday, the children coloured and the best pictures were put up on the wall of the shelter. The children practiced very hard all week in preparation for the Track and Field Meet and were very disappointed when it we: postponed on account of the rain. The youngsters are quite excited about the Penny Carni- val which is to be held on Tues- day, August M, from 6:30 to 8:30 pm. Some of the Senior Girls from Elm took part in the sleepout last week at Dalziel Park and from all reports, had I wonderful time. Special events next week " Elm Playground are the Penny Carnival and tt Corn Roast on closing night. I Reports ot the programme supervisors for the Weston Recre~ ation Comnniasion are published as follows: 3 DINISON PLAYGRoUND:.------u------ Supervisors. Carol Ineson. Peter can. and we are fateful hr the cushy. Although the weather help tot Mr. MacPherson, Mrs. was warm. last week was a very TUeker, Mrs. Walker and Mrs. interesting one on Denison Play- Patty. The Carnival included I ground. Acuv. ‘umem sueh " pith .Pond. Games and Rides. Blockbsll and Volleyball were Pteshie, Candy, Popcorn and played and the younger children Peanutg. For exam last week '0yed "rn" like "Here Stands the children painted and col- A Bluebird," etc. On Fridny 20 cured posters. Volunteer leaders children trom Denison attended were Bert McLeod and Peter Worship Service at the Baptist Ramsay. Church Ind in the afternoon, I MERRILL PLAYGROUND: Treasure Hunt was held. Un- Supervisors. Marguerite Ash- fortunately, the special event of tord. Charlotte Milligan, Doug the week, the Track and Field Britton. The past few days have Meet. was rained out. This will been bury ones " Merrill in be held next Wednesday eve- preparation for the Penny Car- ning at the High School grounds. nival. Boxes have been collected Also, next hastily the pit. for the booths which will include ground wilt hold a Penny Caml- a Specialty Booth, a Sideshow, val and on Thursday evening Preshie Stand. Bingo and a the closing Wiener roast will be Wishing Well. Sincere thanks to held. We hope tor a good utten- Wrigley Spearmint Gum Limi- dance " all events. ted tor donatinz a nuantitv of ANatureoettitmsStm-nanprxtgrnmurtweeeand I highlight ol the whole programme In n: us many at the chil- dren won max-nod were the “deepens" at Dusk! Park. The giruottuseniarProeuneutt_ynoanturtheParh, stared ohrnight And returned the next any. The senior boys camped " the park on Wednesday night, returning Thursday afternoon, just before a thundemtorm arrived. The track Ind field meet scheduled tor Thursday evening w" rain-d out by this sum storm and was set to be carried out on Wednesday night of this week. ('$hmmrts' lit llalziol Park Great Fun For Sr. Children NONI Ito. 7-94" mu “you In, an. tb0rttqtt H o L L E Y PCAYGROUND GRATTAN TOT LOT: Super- wall-n. nuncmo la Ke m": Inky A Smooth "do! Glendale OA. nun» Weldon .is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. (Peter Martini. I Below are the upper school ‘examination results at W.C.V.S. as released by the Department of Education throught the Wes- (ton, school in alphabetical order; Cannon, Dennis; EC. C; EL. II Alg. ll; Genm. C; Trig. II; Phy C; Chem. 1; FA. CY; FC, m. Byrne, Stanley: EC. 111; C; Alg. III; Geom. C; Trig, Phy. C; Chem. 111; FA. III; III. . Calnan, Mary Ann: EC. C: EL. C; Geom. III; Trig. III; Bot. C; Zoo. C; FA. C; FC. C. Chapman, Bruce: EC. IH; EL. II; Alg. I; Geom. III; Trig. III; Phy. C: Chem. C; FA. li; FC. C. Brew, Lilian: EC. C; Hist. C. Burlington, Rona: EC. C; EL. C; Alg. II; Geom. II; Trig. III; Phy. C; Chem. C; FA. III; FC. III. Can-bis, Walter; EC. C; Trig, ill; Chem. C, Chapman, Marie: EC. II; EL. C; Bot. C; 200. C; Chem. II; LA. I; LC. II; FA. II; PC. II. Chard, Robert: EL. 111; All C; Trig. C; Bot, C. Clegg, Frances: EC, ll: EL, Geom. lil: Trig. C; Zoo, Chem. C: FA. III: FC m Coos, Michael: EC. ll; Alg. ll: Geom H; Trig. III. Cornwell. Roger: EC. C; EL, C; AIX. III; Geom. C; Trig, C; Phy. C; Chem. III; FA. III; FC, 111. He raced through the tangled mess of branches and wires to be met at the door by his wife, Dora and son, Clifford who had escaped injury by being in part our. and we are fateful 'tor the help tot Mr. MIcPherson. Mrs. Tucker, Mrs. Wulker and Mrs. Patty. The Carnival included a Fish Pond. Games and Rides. Fruhie, Candy, Popcorn and Pam)â€. For mm In! week the children plinted and col- oured posters. Volunteer leaders were Bert McLeod and Peter Ramsay. Phy. III; Chem. FC. C Boniield, Peter Bowman. June III; Zoo. III. MERRILL PLAYGROUND: Supervisors. Marguerite Ash- tord. Cherlone Milligan. Doug Britton. The past few days have been bury one: " Merrill in prevention for the Penny Car- nival. Boxes have been collected for the booths which will include a Specialty Booth, a Sideshow, Preahie Stand. Bingo and e Wishing Well. Sincere thanks to Wrigley Spearmint Gum Limi- ted tor donating I quantity of gum for prizes. When the Penny Clrnivel is over plans will be made for a skit for cloning night, " which time a Wiener Roast will also be held. The post- poned' Track and Field Meet will be held an August 15 at the High School Grounds. All the children are looking forward WINDS CAUSE HEAVY. . . Boy Top Honour At .. Barclay, Robin: EC. 111: EL. III; Alg. III: Geom C; Trig. C; Seconds before the Austin bungalow was crushed by the falling tree, Dunthorne watched another tree split down the middle and topple on to a sec- tion of his house. Armstrong, Wallace: EL, Alg. C; Trig. II; Chem. C C; FC. m. f tree beside their frame home and the tree fell onto top of the house. The crashing tree missed one bedroom by inches and the children were passed out of a window by Mrs. Aus- tin, to a neighbour. Almost directly arcoss the street from the Austin home, Melville Dunthorne was sitting in his car waiting for the rain to, subside before going into his house. , by! and “by Conic.†"" WHOM! load! Mt. 6-10†Mt. 00mm With 'prinirfilud mama» (adjusoablo gains) _ _" mas. 'ad Io! $39.95 ItiluhiLEliN BABY tam Gordon: EC. C; Ala. l; GA. I; CC. I, Tug. C; Bot, III; FA. Hi; (Continued from Page (Continued From Page 1) CR; EL, 11; FC. II Fraser, George: EC. IP, EL. l', Alg. I; Geom. I; Trig. I; Phy. I; Chem. I; GA. I; CC. I. Gammage. Ross: Zoo II. Gault, David: EC. C; EL. IP, Hist. C; Geom. II; Trig l; Phy. II; Chem. I; LA. I; LC. III. Close to 200 telephones were digconnected in the Weston area and an estimated 2,000 were cut off throughout the Metropolitan area. A Bell Tele- phone omcial reported that crews were working night and day to restore services but were being hampered by "hot" wires and debris, and crowds of sight- seers. In some areas. telephone crews had to wait for clearance from nydro authorities before setting to work because of the possible danger from live wires. Finlayson. Bruce: EC. C; Ale. I; Geom. l; Trig, C; Zoo. 1; Phy. C. Davidge, Shirley: Geom. I Trig. l; Bot. C; Zoo. II; FA,UII FC. C. , FA. C Dowlings, Robin: EC. II; EL, I; Hist. III; Bot. 1; Zoo. li; LA, C; LC. C; FA. III; FC. II. Edwards, David: EC Chem. C; FA. II; FC. C. Ehnes, Eldean: EC. C; EL, Hist. II, Bot. C; Zoo. C; LA. Farr, Margaret: EC. I; Alg. II; Trig. 1; Bot I; Chem. III; FA. I; FC, in the mice In. Dean gave the urine-i trom David and Go- liath with backroom] tunic by Mr. Dean. Collection we: taken by Wendy Gogo and ten Kerr. The service ended with the singing of the hymn “Due to be a Daniel," end I prayer by Rev- erend Tyler, WATER SAFETY INSTRUC- TION: Instructors, Mardl Hagen, Sandra Johnson. Gerry Cope, land. Attendance in the swim.. ming program has been in' the high 80's the put week. Tests will be held on Wednesday and Thursday of next week and the children have been practicing very hard. It is hoped that many of the swimmer: will pan these tests. Geom. II; Trig. li; Zoo LC. C; FA. 11; FC. C SR. BOYS' PROGRAMME: Supervisors, Dennis Barrow, Bob Britten. Dennis Snider. The re- sult of the softball game on Au- gust , with Thistleground Play- ground was 9 to 8 in llvour or Thirtletown but in the return game " Weston last Friday, the Weston boys defeated Thistle- town by a score of 18 to 10. Last week's activities also included basketball, swimming end an overnight sleepout " Dalziel Park which was the highlight of the week. SR. GIRLS’ PROGRAMME: The big event for the Senior Girls last week was a uleepout at Dalziel Park on Tuesday. The girls met at the Activity Centre at noon and were taken by bus, to the campsite: Program in-l, of the house farthest from where the tree struck. Some stores reported a heavy sale of candles during and im- mediately after the power in- teruption and one store pro- prietor said he "could have sold hundreds more if he'd had them in stock". 2 Maw-d- VIOBIIIIP any: tht.': no the - "It: - 'dll in nu In th- I'm - Chunk. It. loan cou- wod (In an!“ rim that but» and In; loom play“ the piano. m VII follow-d by an Seri tun Ian-on med by Ilia ax to: " John. chap- ter M:t-0. Mr. Boom introduced m.mdlnbomwhommh- don-rh- mm. tar [cu-dot next you. Mr. Dan told a story " gnu tut m1“ and tater QMMMWM Denholm. Alexander: Trig. C; (LYLE. BBANDSTAND TIGKETS (Continued on page 3) MURRAY " ALLAN PHARMACY "I. Wow." ' 606 Yrothoway Dr. Mi. 1-9189 1.) . PLUMBING 0 Hawaii 3 aTrniiiciii' EJ1ill,ml lrllji0lll,,0 LTD. III; EL, I; Zoo, II; EL. Bot. II; ftgt',, to a. Artihtr caik at a: pan. on WM. Ah. and I â€II-bl - windy-d -......"-"-*'5 WOIKINO WWI CANADIAN! IN IVIIV wa" '" "" 'mer I", _ WA. 4-7704 Ind ' 268 Augusta Ave. PM um I. that “Whirl 1h- you can but to F 'ascione Hair Stylists 1101 Weston Rd. Phone R0. 2-1332 Look as young as you feel . . . in a flattering hairstyle, designed for a refreshing approach to summer cool- nus. BANK or MONTREAL If your proposition is sound, you cm get a B of M Farm Improvement" Loan for" any type of equipment you need on your farm. Why not talk to your nearest B of M manager? He’ll gladly show you bow a Farm Improvement Loan ' . cm help you in your MY HAN" operations . . . and how uranium little it com. mirrN A B of M Fnrm Improvement Loan can put you at the wheel of the latest model very quickly. And there's nothing that saves money, time and work on I farm quite so much " a modern tractor. If you need a new tractor on your farm. but haven't the ready cash to buy one . . . FU. may be the answer to your need. [90 1toupouub a, "I" TRACTOR? Suburban Jane St. & Wilson Ave, Branch, 1674 Wilson Ave.: ARTHUR BEGIN, Manager Weekly Twit. SUMMER FRESHNESS Stork Diaper 8min ltd. MT. DINNIS Weston Branch, 48 Main Street North FLEMING GiLMOUR, Manager Rexdale Blvd & Kipling Ave. Branch: V1NCEN_T S. GRANT, Manager STONE LINED WATER TANK ""2. " NY“! WARRANTY lily Pawn†In.“ mumm- “A Boplm Your on Ialvaniud Walk Tank “magnum J8tlyetrtAurarftfotdt"tmtmt WI?" A NIW 'h'ra'tml'da%' No Mm! It... Mu“ (emu. or diam I“ out: “Inland “I. " Per Wool: Diaper Rental Service "I. - the in . .. his full nun. h Farm Improve. ment Low. Give him A chance " hell: fix up you hm . . . he's can nomicd, comm. ient,versatiie He can do glam-I Anything in mu. ins your fun I better hm.