tournunnt undo: the up}: vhion ot David Knee. tourm- venom normal oil consummion, frees sticky valves and rings, "mam lost power. In can with van cylindnv walls, Happy than, or â€or vulva “on claw-nun, VIOOILUII will may oxuulv. all cnnlumpllon through In nblll'y lo ue the all from thinning and .onln'g pumpld Into th. eqtrt- lellon $.05" whoa ll would burn up. " lanomln. the Vluollly d the all at O'III'IH. human-mun. VIGOILUII malnlulm prop“ lubvlullon betw..n vlnu and cyllndun and tho ovum “can!" war .0 Iyllndov wall]. VIOOILUII " all. Mop "coma woe: of trunk shah hadn't. due I. In ability to maintain an oil "In Inn/pen hurlng wile“: "an 0nd" condlvlom of high pnuuro and hljh tompomluvo. VIGORLIIBE VIOOIKUIE’S ability to hop on all "In berw-, crank thofts and worn bmnngl shows up u inn-med puuun on on. nil yang. all!!!" Inn‘anny an" it hos "and with the lubricating oil. vnconwu's chiliy n no] the lpucu bokun rings and cylindu wall: nwln In higher communion and incroand power an ulplodlnq gel" no longer food bad In†the crank (an pun “In pinion IIN'I. Kuping combunlon pr.dus" out of the trunk to", of mm“, maintalm the "eetlort." " “in oil much long" so that all change: on roqulnd I": fuqu-n'ly, Iuldu cutting down oil cansumpllon, VIOOllUI! will “in..." I!" lurgn Mll- hi roplacenunl of bucringl at ring lain. VIGORLUII in alkaline and will avoid undue formation of In" and add alvdgu. lt will no! Duly provino gum lormcllon but will actually dilulvo gum. ladder-tally, VIGOILUIE will anally "dum “haunt much, I. not oernly all-ulna!- h, ht all can: when unnlvo Inching I: round by burning " all pumped lute tho cumbunion ehomber, a: monllonod Ibo". â€own", when "haul! Inch is duo lo faulty curbunolion and com-quot“ Incomplnn zombunlon of gololinu, VIGOILUD! should not be -etrd " "due. "making much until tho carbun'ev has bun repaind. Only an wing a quart of all ii, u" than 200 mil" "quit. mm thw, an. an of VIOOILUI! " normalln the all :onwmp'ion and Do I... "uni" Wu" oi and baudn'l. Do not put more thtsrt m can! In" I cranked-o calling for "a or nix qua!" a. lubrlmm" on. (l6-FI. Ounces) For tin Sold on Double qucy-Bcck Guarantee 260 Main St. s., Weston CH. 145221 YlllGollltutllBlllll $1.98 How much is YOUR "Light Bill"? IS YOUR CAI! Altil O". Illlllllll? Weston Public Utilities Commission 8m lip To 10% On Your on: so YEARS (t.t7kt")l or moans: Whey you receive your Hydro bill do you refer to it as the "light bill?" Actually, in today's home it is the bill for Better Living. _ Consider all the tasks that eloctricity d o e s in you r home, Not iust sometimes, but all the time I. Count the number of appliances you have, all tho other ways in which electricity serve: you. You'll rGIize iust how little your bill for better living actually u. HOW Bo" VIOOIlUII WOIK' EM" on Edmund St. 'tteat draw. loin. " ta all“ play.“ no akin: put To date. ova wittt I huvy handicap. David in loading. luau Khu- Take time to fig uro the odual cost per day, and we 'think that you’ll agree thot for service rendered Hydro is by for the best buy in your household budget. Ontario', Hydro family this year celebrates in Golden Jubilee. Fifty years of solid contribution to the art of better living. We ot Weston, Hydro are proud to have played a port in thu achieve- ment and look forward to a future of continued progreu on your behalf. 2u,g,hiiMMhugittitf, _ AettturNgqlroettmr MU tlt.wi-wltb.-ee'tr 2i2ttItgrttu.MN; may“: NuYoctm‘ Medua_.rr" '1tteodoeoviteh, a an Canadian trom an WILM- . In the U.†out; Junie: Champion-Mp mm: hold in Phlludolphh. a “war-old boy wu the winner with a no" of â€Â£45 in a tUtd of " phr' m. is: all My peg and o F . "teat-t on player our h mln the "AA. Open Junior CttonNoatattir. Played in Purl: ma. IANI - I' a? I . u. hl ll. N-RI II. Bart H. NB! ll. 3:! to. N Ar. N g, tftLI ttettrf. mop»; Aer'-". alum 'IF. tif1, Fruehauf Trailer And Bouvier Win Industrial Games With all but I few rained-out games to be played, Avro, "Or- phans" Ippllfed to be a shoe-in for flrqt place in the York Town- ship Industrial Softball [AI-gut. The "Orphans" have I six-point lead on second place Bouvier Envelopel. A meeting was to be held Tuesday night by the league to decide their entry into the Met- ropolitan Toronto Softblll As- sociation playoffs "tttt Aug. 20th. The Ontario tin-is are to be played August Mth. _ In I double-header Int Wed- nesday night, Bouvier whipped Rosco 9-2 and Fruehauf Trailer blanked Dominion Bridge 5.0. Tum Avro Orphan. ..., Bouvtn __." _........., game "on! .V.....r om. and" ..Fe.' Buy “hon ,. Pruuhuul Tull" The landing: u of fund-y, August 14th are u_19_l_loys:_ __ I Mn. Audi†Henry _ CH. 1-3602 Mr. and Mrs. Les Slwyer and family spent I pleasant week at Kathi Lake neu- Graven- hunt. ' ttMg.' OAKDALI ACRES ll " " ii ii 'it T? COIIISPONDINYS: " Boll Helium ' Slum To coach 1flhttrdhridgtr " In! New at tho Nut- ionnt new WHO. win ouch Woodbddu Dod'm. of the Chstttgt. Roch, Aastreiatitttt um- Junlor I hop “in; m nu." â€mu. It wu moun- ood Tun-day night. It. “aw-old u-protn- “and via Tongan I»). but. Chleago Buck Hawk: and De- troi! Red Winn. quit the NHL n the old ot the "SI-56 anon after and“: " your- In the big time. Born in Georgetown, Ont., Goldhun will be taking his an! each " coaching. The 195- pound nix-loom wu ttmt of- tered the job " coaching the Hamilton Cube of the DEA Junior A lulu when he An- nouneed " retirement. Delplto the taet Goldham en- joyed " beat year: with the Red Winp, the Detroit club will not aid the Dodgers with play- er Inn-rid. “Wo‘n the only team in the Metro loop not affiliated with In NHL team," Woodbridge man- ner, Om: Truman laid Tuesp day night while making the an- nouncement. Eleven of lull yelr'l squad is eligible to play this season. Last year's team placed fourth and reached the group finals for the third consecutive yen since en- tering the loop in 1953. In 1954- M Woodbridge advanced to the DEA itrul but lost out to Wood- stock. Mr. Ind Mrs. George Black of Mayall Ave. spent their vaca- tion " Sluble Beach near Port Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. C. Schneder of Jethro Road spent a wonderful month touring, sightseeing and visiting. On leaving home they travelled north to' Sault Ste. Marie and through the States to Saskatchewan where they spent six days at Sutherland outside Sukltoon. Mr. Ind Mrs. Ted Wray and Tommy spent a week at South Lake Lodge near Minden. Mrs. Wray's mother. Mrs. Reeve, ac- companied them. Then on to Lydden. Sask., to visit Mrs. Schneder's parents,. from Sank. to Edmonton where they visited relatives and on to Calgary. After leaving Calgary the lucky family went on to Banff and Lake Louise. Mr. and Mrs. Schneder, while in Rossland, B.C., spent a few dlys with a siner of Mr. Schneder, whom he has not seen for 20 years. From B.C. they went on to Spokane. Washington and then through the States, stopping en route at scenic spots; finally arriving home again. They had a wonder- tul trip. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Scheffer of Montreal and Ions. Paul and Steven, and daughter Julia‘spgnt i very" pleumi week visiting with Mr. and Mrs. I. Schetfer of Maya“ Ave. _ Mr. and Mrs. Bill Thompson, " Jethro Road, and family spent their vacation It Beav- mlris on Lake Muskoka. Mr. and Mrs. John Hensel- wood and family 'of Mayall Ave. have just returned trom their vacation at Hall's Lake in Haliburton. Mr. and and family, joyed their land Bench Mam:- Ruimell Turnhull of Laney Ave. is spending the month of August with his grand- parents It Deep River. Mn. Anne Moore of White Plains, New York, is holidaying with the MICNICOI funny of honey Ave. FAO Develops Traeeine Against Poultry Disease Bangkok. .- By developing a vaccine immunizing poultry to Newcaltle disease, experts train the Food and Agricul- ture Organization have made it possible for Thailand to step up Ita chicken and egg production In a menu of overcoming protein deficiency in the diet " many of the people. WILCOMB We would like to take this opporturtit to welcome Mr. and Mrs. Bill linden to our district. M'r. Hum VI: born in Orillin, Ontario, and went to England as a child. in hu now returned to Canada with his wife, Ind they are living with Mr. Ind Mrs. Scimitar. ' '"rstl Ave. We lin- m-oly win you the bake! luck Ind hope that you w I enjoy living in our minimum. Without the vaccine, the dread Newcagtle disease had threatened to wipe out Thai- land's poultry flocks. Mrs. Madge Mchicol CH. 1-9237 Mrs. Jack Williams 18 Laney Ave., en- holidays at Wood- The “can Little Big Pour Football will "tum open- tion this you under the joint Iponlouhip of Mann’s Ltd. and the Lions Club ot Wer.. Mm, n it; announced this All games wlll be pllyed on Seturdey mornings at the Wuhan Recitation Centre which is in excellent shape. A successful season in antici- pated end it looked forward to with conlide'nble eager- ness. particularly because of a forced absence during the an: two senior“. Hurricane uel was the villain in this cue. Hoffa Little Big Four Rugby newâ€: After 2-Yoar Mum Starts Practices Mon., Aug. 20 Players for the league are' requested by the league offi- Seeking Men For In Northwestern It seems hard to believe that the football season in again fast approaching. It seems only yes- terday we hung up our cleats after another hard-tought sea- son. Between seasons the football, committee of Northwestern, Y.M.C.A.. consisting I of Bill; Point: (Chairman), Claude l) Brundage, Fred Hinton and Bert i Hinton, has been busy getting, things lined up tor the coming: season. The league structure has' changed somewhat and it looks as though a Senior League (160 lb.) is definitely a possibility," but the Junior League (1401b.)l looks doubtful with only two? potential entries. l, Home grounds for the 'Y' Club H will again be Keelesdale Park} lilltirlilllr', morons up, 32 BUFFER"! ST. um... 1amikie The Argonaut Football Club Ltd. has requeetod that the Hoff-t League eupply two turns to play " halt than during urn. of their home game: gt Varelty stadium. The league has stated that they wilt be very planned to do this, and with the eo-operation of Mel Thompson, Art Bell and Brig MacMillan of the stall of Weston Collegiate and Voca- tional School. practicen an to start early this union in or- der to be ready for the first Argo gem in the latter part of August. [through the kind co-operation 'iot Dave Appleton and his York [Township Recreation Depart- }ment. This is true for home fgamen as well u practices. By ithe war. practices united Aug- can to upon " a. Weston Rocreation Centre on Mon- day, August 20th. It 1 pm. Senior Rugby YMCA league 0.I.E. GRAIDSTAID TIGKETS NORM GROATS " MAIN N. CH. 1-5131 hr Solo At LCxfrE an Mth and with. my ‘mumm fttd.utrt,lumet Hanan-43m Clair Ave. on the lamb. Hun- ber River on the was! and Shop- pnéuce'on Auiust Mth it " in. on the football laid a eele.tut. Partc Eligible to play m In In. in the Northwest-n “T It. (C.N.R. m on tho out. it in: nuke no lbs. on Septem- ber “h. 't-aratootete-rtt-A-e- So if you'd like to play foot- (i,)hsss i. ARE YOU GETTING BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA SERVICE' “but!“ 551nm EEXECE up up "no" - I - in. "77 WESTON Ito. rithtkrNBt