[ 't't We Are Expanding Our llsed Car Facilities " And Are Forced To Reduce Our Stock In A b ' 'illraanrrlllrrt Order To Make Room For 'rheeorrr. ' ":. tractor. = l We have reduced the price on a number of our out- standing a" USED CARS and TRUCKS " practically WHOLESALE PRICES; _ 1llii:Xlll?'AllhillSl0til 'li-tgl-tMl" 'tll MAIN ST. N. -' CH. 1-3521 WESTON MS MAIN ST. N. " CH. 4-3661 '52 CHEVROLET FORDOR ‘I'I"I'I.E BROS.- I-lMI'I'ED ’05 mm. W a. "66--Ne " Radio, heater,' slip covers." A steal ot this price. TI MORRIS OXFORD HE A 'reol good second car. 1,jlll'ilr'llll'1,,E BROS. 1,jllllllllf'ilrllt0 CEIE Have Many, Many More To Choose From At Both Our locations So Hurry In Now For The Best Selection and Value FORD DEALERS FOR†OVER TWENTY-EIGHT YEARS LISTED BELOW ARE ONLY A FEW OF THE OUTSTANDING VALUES TMT WE ARE OFFERING FOR THE NEXT TEN V DAYS ONLY Radio, heater, signals. A real good car for a family with children. giCEiiTiE 'M METEOR TUDOR _ FORD-MONARCH SALES & SERVICE THESE CABS‘ARE now 'i'i','-i.'c"if.!,la.l',ll;s,i, on DISPLAY AT nun .7 w(s,"i--v--ci"ii,"' USED CAR LOT 1iiiiiiji 245 MAIN ST: N. A 3-ton with lumber body. Including rollers lriEIlIEE 'S2 DODGE PICK-UP 'S2 FORD PICK-UP For cheap trcmsportation this is it. ’48 MERCURY 'li3 PLYMOUTH FORDOB '52 HILL'MAN FOBDOR" ,Hecter, signals. A real clean cor. CIIE $695 $495 $1005 $495 This is a car you would be proud to, own. EirEE '53 FORD FORDOR 'M ME8MLET' TUDOR 'Sl CHEVROLET FORDOR Heater, signals. At this price this car will go fast. trriT% A steal at this price. $1395