The mutvorr-or-houour- Mrs Bianca Uhamberlam, meter of the bride. wa> amused llt vrmh- ed strawbervv tutteta tsith a pink feathered hat The groom's The bride wore a ballerma- length, sky-blue brocade dye.» with hat ot ihe “my maternal and matching ax-t'casones She earned red rosebuds and while cautions m BD.: The ctsuivh 00ml“. biss Edna Ray was Marv' n els " Dulter- hrides-rutud m yellow crystal- y tr . h and Davenport Road was the ette and biss Eileen Gill, friend new at: very pretty wedding of the bride, was islso brides- E'. Saturday. August 18th when mod and wore a dress of white Glulu Collmge Wics muted m lac ' V tan nu: Mis annexe to Leonard Ray ace u H nge . V V Barbara and Lmdu Collinge, The bride wow tt ballermav J . br i nauis wor vellow length, sky-blue brut'adc dress mum tuuetrmea 5 e ". wuh hat ot lhe mmc materlaI‘m‘d mauve “New. respectively, and matching accessories She The attendants all more white earner! red rosebuds and white him- coronets and curled bou- ctgrttations, quets of whtte carnations and Tse matron-or-houuur Mrs mums. The nowergirl, Missi Blancg Chamberlaln. sister of Shtrley Chamberlain, the bride's; the bride. wa, dressed 111vru>h~ niece, wore a dress of apple-, t1,_styiat:berr.v." “mi†“uh a green tatteta and earned a bus- (hutch Of St Mary And Angels Steiit Of Ray-Collinge Wedding " "All " E Kitchens and Bathrooms Remodelled, Havo Your Baum-m or Attic Turned Into o Renting Proposition. w FREE ESTIMATES PHONE CH. 1-3226 1956 VOLKSWAGEN Full, ' Ivufin -- H.9h "c,',',",,,,,,','"":,'),," MtlCE 1587 (,r",t'fj,1,,""w" "Gu, U 'riekrmr-hlkstragtut Ltd. 1 I32 Weston Rd. -1NttGrdaG' lget a“YEQ"to my ( '..1Ste,,,M,,tit request? I: Mid! TMttllttt0Sht"riii" 'thi, RUMSEY BROS. CONSTRUCTION 2nd Noon . (Over Royal Bank) Phone: Cherry 1-5237 - Calvin R. Foster, YES MAN-pr OPEN EVENINGS " APPOINTMENT-PHONE For EVENING nouns loam mud. h under!" vl all orr.uruhnq 'tttenv . by": a! MM†(umpuhy of (and! ms AND ounce - T‘undcy, August M, use - rug. 3 4 MAIN fTEEEr, a.) wgsron. ONTARIO CALL DON GEVING RO. 7-7543 Payments To Suit Your Dodge? Shop in Weston tBd 310m JUST SOUTH OF EGLINTON AVE. At Downtown Prices and Save On Your Travel and Time (Nan The Post Offire) kl Wm") ly I . â€3'13 "ir" OMPANY ket of flowers, NCS", NO, 3"“! ... ioin the “swoon CLUB! li all t prnmml kmnumil m“ Hook um tttttttl 1"llr Imumnlt and \llnu 1fttl [um Let l"" (an hm Itt Hm luulgn nu}. 1):â€mean Blank-l Ilya"- mrm In: further mioorauon--and Jill" nnu‘. "my \lyil nt' trrlu, Am; A unnumu or hush In 1m rl) ulnll krumuulx lm Ir'),, hmnr or for wits, III uuL Ilrrr H (h ugnul luv Vumr 1oruririrrrtt. l “rumâ€! krmumvl IIs Book “in tet-turl l'" Imumnlt “It! xlum Sfrtt bow Lu! l"" (an in: Ill tlos, Inulgn ttret, Ihrri, Inlnmn “Lunlcl lhroar ' " Ahmur the :Iymrnv Kruunm‘l o,lour \rn] a mull ulr'mul. Hm†“(1L bv “Cd nah/1 Mr MIN ’1†Hr: Mimi/Ix tit? route.' Mt. Dennis LIN] TED KENWOOD the easy Maid of honour for her sister was Ruth McGillivary, and bridesmaids were Betty Anne Lawrie and Mary Walwin. They wore blue waltz-length cotton lace with feathered hats. and carried mlxcd flowers, Flower- 211‘1 was Laurie Orr and Donald Orr was rm: boar“. Miss Joan Hammond was maid of honour, 1n an orchid nylon tulle and taffeta waltz- length gown. Bridesmaids were Misses Ruth Bird. and Shirley Summerfield, who wore similar waltz length gowns in lilac Wllh matching headpleces. Colonial style bouquets of pink catulu- ttons completed their ensembles The bad man was Harold Bird and the ushers were Jame, Bird and Peter Sessions. of white tulle was held by a bandeau covered with lace and trimmed with seed pearls. She carried red roses and stéphano- tis. Woodbridge Aug. 25--A te- September 18th. ceptlon at Ellray farm, the . . . home of the bride's parents, ful- Mr: and Mrs, M. McCor- lowed the marriage at Knox nmrk, Manson Ava, Downs- Vaughan Presbyterian church. now. have returned from an of Flora Jean MuGillivray, cxtomivo motor trip to Que- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gov- hvr- City. tho Luurcntians and H.011 L. McGlllwray. to Carl Murutouhn island. leb Boynton. The groom is the . . . son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mus Jm-ce Jasper. has rc- Boynton Dr. John A, Ross, as- turned from a motor (up with sisted by Rev. A. B. Cathcart. â€lends vmlmt: Albany, N. Y. performed the ceremony. _, . . . Given in marriage bv hm father. the bride wore a gown of wnite Chantilly lace and tulle over satin. The lace bodice with long sleeves, featured a scalloped neckline and the slum was boutrant. Her finpertip veil The gx'mmhman Boynton and the Norman Wmmn Orr. After a recepuun held at The Elms Golf and Country Club. the couple left for a honeymoon trip m Nonhern Ontario. The bride. who was given in marriage by her father, wore a, full-length gown of Chantilly, lace over nylon tulle and tat- feta. A crown sprinkled with) seed pearls and sequins held) her fingertip veil and she car- ried I bouquet of wtute gar-j denias and Stephanotis. . Trethewey .Pnrk United church, Weston, was the setting ot the marriage of Lois Jean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John- ston L. Gibson. Downsvrew, to Robert St. Clair Bird. son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold S. Bird. Rev. A. L. Harland omeiated. BLANKETS Bug P" Weddings M. 1-1941 u as 00mm- tcshers wow and Guido“ Homo ho hvlp Iakm. H thmn THOUGHT FOR TUBA Y Weston Kinafnis 04qu to L ~1.J lt1 tho United Appeal ('ampzuun in Ormhor by "nit/vis-_-ing the (man industries In 'he arm. Ho Htvuyuncein that hr‘ "mad au-cptod tho pm! of mun Wan-man and ho m-edvd live or 4x ('(lpiamc m assist him. These ('np’mm wnnld br' rospnnsihlo for qvlting five 01' <3): ranvas» or: for. their own teams. Thc arm of the mm: was hmmripd hy Bathurst St. Stock», AW“ tho Humbr-v‘ vaer and 1h? hmxndm'v of me'k tmrmhxp. Sm"‘:"i1 mvmhrrc nwr‘ntcd Jobs a: 1'Hr3'-' “4‘le m‘wn PN- m'w-z‘d “llhngm‘H 10 help wnh mm tho â€in Mr Mv. David Solomon has re- turned from a mo'or HID to Cape Cod where he much! a 300 lb. blue shark about 12 {L'm length. He went out 60 Index to the Tuna grounds but couldn't even pet a bite there. ll Mr. and Mrs. l. Clare have an- nouncad the engagement of their daughter, Lorraine Clare to Mr. Donald Nolan of 68 Robert sr, Weston. :n-krvd Appeal Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dermo have returned from an en- unable vacation ret Fom Cottage, Lake Couohwhing. MI: and Mrs, M. McCor- nmuk. Manson Ava, Downs- now. have returned from an cxtomivo motor trip to Que- hvr- City. tho Luurcntians and Mumloulm island. Mr and MN Cy Sc‘ligz haw returned from a 6.000 mil? mnfm‘ trm 1n Banff and nt'xrr “'vdox'u points of in- N‘IL'NL Mr and Mrs Milton Henry hurc I'murm‘d from a fishing trin in The Timmins area. Mrs, Henry. an ardent paint- er, spent most of her time (-apturlng the ,wonir beauty of that area With her paint- Mr and Mrs. E. Atkins of 183 ng St., Weston are waning relatives in England. They left Weston July 13th and were planning to return September 18th, Mr and Mr, Lin and mu Fred. have 3mm 3 motor -trip thtx Err-torn States Maritmws. H Watch for Grand Opening of our New Showroom and Parts Dopomnono for Morris and MO Can Scale’s Garage Personal _ Notes , 1910 Jane St., Wostorr YORK (Contimmd from page I) numb-m DOIIHIS vallle 101d dub mat lhm' we“)? boing “(I to 'r. ~i.~* in tho United York Pizza Barber Shop lpud Iml W BEST CAIR BUYS m 6 BARBERS to SERVE YOU Jimmy Genova Proprietor New IMP: Availahlc New IN THE MALL Next Leblawz- V PLAZA, WILSON AVE the p'nm a (-hlld must " Ir‘nrn from his mis- w {mu-d to mem‘ for Mr, 1andsas. Coit ied. hare rPturned mar -h-ip through Tt Fitrues and the With Every " Gas Purchuu FREE STEAK KNIFE Councillor Fred Young, Ward 5. said “Council have definitely, im my View. shirked their res- (ponsubility by this type of mot- ,ion. We should get the various repent. from the various de- partmunts and then it IS up to us, an vlectrtd ofliciuls of the township, to take the full 1‘03- ponribmly ourselves and not de- legate this primary function of municipal government to paid township nmplnyepsf‘ Councillor Young. along with Councillors Norm Goodhead and Jrve Pais- Icy voted against thta Regim'al- ion of this Plan of Subdivision. N.Y.Approves Councillor Parsley slated: "It is our responsibility to safe- guard future townshlp resulents based nn our experience of Hur- ricane Hazel and various cros- iuns caused by Mods In other arm: of tho mummpalllv. By rcmovmg those unsuitable bulldmn lots lrom llw plan of vrp'tstr't1iors He would have berm assured that no building could like DISCO m tho future unless a new plan “m wiulonutitstt 101' rep,irtratron and apprntvd' at Councillor Wood Cuunml voted to avvt'pt the fill and to send a l1-Hrzr to the erl't‘mlnn Cttntre 1ru>hm< sav- mg that the mum-II would FPP that .110 “011mm? lot “PH pr"- pm'h Ivnwd. drmlwd. and (hr ftll prmper\ (>nnlrnllr‘d. Actmg Rcevw H. Humhorger along “'th Cnuannrx‘ V, Sm- gtr'. D. Aldctrrn, and J. Walker votcd m favour of the Rvglslra- (Cnmmued from puma l) ed to council was from the pro- posed construction work of a shopping centre on Scarlett Road south of Lawronre Ave. 1955 OXFORD. Beautiful One Owner. The last and most significant blow to those on Council in op- position to this very unsatis- iictory method of handling township business was the way in which the motion that moved for approval of this plea was worded. It was worded in such a way as to preclude any pos- sibility of 'this Subdivision Agreement ever having to come before Council again for any reason. The motion stated in effect that a paid township employee was to be the sole judge to' see to It that the Plan of Subdiv- 1ston did have incorporated m A all the requirements as re- quested by the Ontario Mum- rlpal Board. As soon as the Planmn: Director of the owll- "hip ro' 5311;1le that these con- dmon; hare bran met the Plan will by signed by the Reeve and "hip to' 5311338 dmon; hare t will be signed duly executed I952 MORRIS MINOR Excellent. C (Continued from Page l; Board. A motion to delay ap- proval of this registration to as- certain thik fact was also de- feated by a majority of council. ("HE [V1719 m Remember the goodness of nsl old-Inhionod trt mom-he? Now that this fruit in wall: " its lesion-l heig t and finvourful best, we really should take I vantage and lone it in its richest form. I find with the old-fashioned shortcut: recipe that thil dessert is deliciously rich without being too Iweet. Old-fashioned Peach Shortcake Sift together flour, baking 3 . . f d all fl powder, sugar and salt; cut HI cups SI te a purpose our shortening with a pastry blender 6 teaspoons baking powder in; two knives, t','.tid,'gigg,"e' is a. i accuse crum a. m me egg , tablespoons granulated lug" Ind milk; add, stirring Just to ", teaspoon salt moisten flour. Turn into two 't cup shortening grant: 8" Yound cukeh puns . T pron even y; anion! tops 1 egg, well beaten (tet with spoon, Bake in a Ili cups milk very ot, preheated oven (450' Soft butter f.) til to 'dl mining. Remove . A . mm pans. utter ottn i layer. 4 to 6 cups sugared and sliced Fill between layers and gap with peaches noarhnn and whinnnd rrnavu, cups heavy cream, whipped and appr the future CH. 118331 Ruin 5,13; can. acids}... by [an cerin: and Works Depaftment would now be asked tor their approval of this Plan and that the Health Department would be oxcluded trom this request. In addition hr, stated that all those industrial lauds ailing the Barrie Highuay or which HUME Plans of Subdivisum haw al- ready hovn approved are await- ing development on the approval of this particular Plan of Sub- divxsma which las Just htwn approved by COUNCIL km Acting Reeve Honsberger said: "When it comes to a matter of Engineering, I feel that I must take the advice of our Engin- eering Department and not that of our Medical 0fticer of Health. Also I acted in accordance with the requirements of the Ontario Municipal Board". When asked if he thought it would perhaps have been morally correct NOT to have implemented the re- quirements or the Ontario Mun- icipal Board and thus to haves forced the Board itself to force the Council to implement their decision Councillor Honsberger stated: " look upon the Ont- ario Municipal Board as a Court of Law and being in that pro- fession myself I do not feel that elected omcials should ever at- tempt to defy any Court of Law". ' "In mv oplnlon 11 was a matter that had been fully discussed by Council back m June of this your and all we had to do at ths “me was to implement the direction of the Ontario Mum- cipal Board." When askod If he was personally aware of the prone meaning of the Board's Dn'echve or letter w:th regard to whether ol' not the Board did give It: approval to any of those lots being suitable {or buxlduig d they were brought up to grade by fillmp, Mr. Smger stated that he was not certam if the Board's daemon pcmutlod this. This is because of the 'Mitt that this particular plan will provide the means of bringing across the "umber River at that! point the Trunk Sanitary Sewer; that will he needed to service this whole area, It was because of this one fact that the siolicitor, for the. applicants was quoted as saying to Council that unless Council approved his elient‘s plans his elient would withdraw the plan. " has taken by those present that the Implication was) that Council needed the devel- opment of this plan in order to obtain this river crossing and thus bring about the develop- ment of plans 'already approved. Councillor Norman Goudhoad stated that the Bulldmg. Engin- eering and Works Department would now be asked tor their approval of this Plan and that the Health Department would Councillor V, Singer when u>ked for his reason†for votmg m favour of this Plan stated: tion of this Plan of Subdivision, Reeve McMahon 'and Councillor A. Bartlett were not present at this meeting of Council. Sift together flour, baking powder, sugar and salt; cut in shortening with a pastry blender or two knives, until mixture is like coarse crumbs. Combine egg Ind milk; add, stirring Just tn moisten flour. Turn into two grand 8" round cake pans Spread evenly; smooth tops (tet with spoon, Bake in a very ot, preheated oven (450' F.) til to 20 minutes. Remove from pans. Butter bottn l layer. Fill between layers and gap with geachea and whipped cream. ewe warm. Serves 8. "be Woven loud o PLUMBING o riEariiif I iil1tll19, "li...)))),,,, [TE _ \ s' """..' ' 268 Augusta Ave pm Sistprt, all vorl',' m pen York Travel Bureau 1043 Weston Rd wassu... WRINGER ROllS Foil ALI, WASHERS Personalized Open Evenings and all Day Sat. General Insurance and Notary Public 1117 Main St. N., Weston A local indepertdortt clock! 1 City and Subutbexn Delivery Twice Weekly FURNAGE OIL - - OIL Blllllills Sales and Service "het One Call Do It All" Service $iark Biaper Service Ltd. Mt. DENNIS GILLESPIE FUEL OIL Owned an Operated by Bill Beach VIGTOIIAI 'itirEtt “ISIS WA. 4-7704 and 5 AT YOUR ME STONE LINED WATER TANK $233,“: $48 20-YEAI WARRANTY [my Payment. Arranged lNS'AllAYION "TIA CH. sas" maven ma out.) R0. 6-1777 Steamship, Plane, Bus, Hotel Reservations for Ahywhere FLY NOW PAY LATER PLAN Book Now For Steamship Passage for 1957 Replace Your Old Galvanizod Water Tank "mum WITH A NEW can "r" you boa In 36 Main St. s. CH. 1-H†' no, complnv dimer. rented Ind laundered 25t "an man-arm can No runomnr llam- included Mamas or ding-ow " Per Week Diaper Rental Service CH. 1-0798 lttt. 2-757! Toronto