' manual 11mm Ill- Jou Wail-w od I Chil- ut Av... 13 in hospital under- going surgical treatment and we no vary happy to uy that.Joan h progressing favourably Mr. md Mri. Little and family of " Chilcot Ave., spent this no; week-end with grandpa:- Ctl It Milbrook, Ontuio. Mr. and In. Fred Archer ot We’re lot Kidding! snap EARLY run oHnISTMAs IT'S NICE TO KNOW - especially when you are alone at night - that you have only. to pick up the telephone to summon the police/0r fire department ..r- call the doctor-ask neighbors or friends for help. The speed and dependability of the telephone and of the operators behind it not only mean prompt help in emergencies large and small. but a comforting sense of security through all the hours of day and night. In time of need, no dollars can measure the value of your telephone. my; al A. '2'"iz'"i"5" Lay-Away Club Now Open South Side Stores 1217 Woman Rd. opp. Lulu-m, MT. alums They're all.as near as your telephone It you were going out today to buy a car, new or used,, what would be the three most important things you'd look toy. " Ask y'our'ull this question, and then I'Ir tell you what happened when t,ttt"t'd", 'g,t"',,t11g"i', car buyers Cs.V wr,':! h, . were asked t same que on in a te- 'ars,i""tia"c'iii.2i ,» ""7 itat can! survey. "@333 'sy, The same people, utter they had ly fight Ff bought . car, were naked why they had ' i if I" " selected it. And the answers were ex- 1."; not]! the reverse. It was style first, ' comlort second and economy third. Which only goes to prove, I suppose, how little we rally know about ourselves and why automobile engin- eers go gray. . It’s still largely I mystery why people buy the cars they do, but It's no mystery WHERE they prefer to buy them. Evert survey and report I've ever seen shows tf, people buylnt used can (9 mainly to NEW car d on. T V They know that a new car dealer has earned the respect of the nugnuNeturer he represents; he's earned his tranehtiwhieh can be snapped back at any time If he turn: to shady practices He ctan't be a fly-by-night" who not: up a sign on the nearest vacant lot. They know that the new our dealer has the servlre admin to look after the cm he sells. That's why our Goodwill war-My means something. So, when you're looking ttround for a used car. drop in to In our fine Iclection. A salesman will show you nround. but he won't high pressure you. It you don't buy today, we'll still be here and look forward to seeing you tomorrow. TOYS - GIFTS USTIN " PINK MOTORS’ MORNING NEWS loch Week Day at 6 A.M. on! CFRB -- THI I'LL TILIPHONI COMPANY OF CANADA mums 0-01“ By Jack Pink In this very broad survey among peo- ple who were looking for a car, the most common reply said they rated cars by ecfxaomy first, comfort second and style th r . " Chilcot Av... I". a tarqw.tl party on Saturday. Sept. m tur Mr. Archer's step-timer who is returning to England, Sept. 4th after a very happy visit in Canada. Rivererest church school. I Presbyterian Sunday school held in ' Rivercrest public school, Kipling Heights, will commence Sunday, Sept. ilth. For parti- culars. contact the superintend- ent, M9. G. King, CH. 60181. The Young People's Society will open their fall season next Sunday evening at the church and all young people are wel- come. A warm welcome is extended to Hugh Symonde, the new organist and choir leader at Rexdale Presbyterian church. He is anxious to build up the choir and any person who would like to sing is invited to attend the first fall practise on Thurs- day evening, Sept. 6th. The Women's Association was KATHLEEN G. CARNEY TEACHER OF PIANO Adults and Children 3 Royuloigh Ave. Number Heights CH. 1-6136 PIISBYTIBIAN CHURCH NEWS ANGLE“ CIVIC. me Cadet Wellne- Corey oh the Church Amy, who bu been assisting the Rev. H. H. Lennon: at St. Pauli Anglican clutch for the put tour mouths, in " present pn a yfsit to, his home in the church. in Salisbury, Nova Scotia. m will return to college during the latter part of this month. On Sunday. September 2nd, in St. Paul's Anglican church, Rexdnle. the Rev. Herbert H. Lenncx baptized Lee William and Virginia Frances. the twin children of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. L. Burnup. 11 Esmond Crem, Rexdale. Now that the holiday season is over for another year. the different organizations of the church are looking forward to the new season of activities. The church sehooiGiii-re- opt? on. Sugday, Sept. 9th. The bowling league-acting chairman, Mr. M. Hen1eyu-witl commence on Monday, Septem- ber 17th at the Rexdale Plaza Bowling Alley, and the Men's Club on Wednesday, Sept. 19th. Mr. John Young is president. The Teen-agers will meet Tuesday, Sept. 25th. The Scouts will meet every Monday and the Cubs on Thursdays. CHURCH PLANS At a special Vestry Meeting to be held on Tuesday, Septem- ber 11th, the proposed plans tor the new church and parish hall will be presented for approval. Mr. and Mrs. A. May and family are home from holidays at Sudbury. Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Barr, June and Mrs. Shaver of Barrie, Ontario, visited Mrs. Carbis over the holiday week-end. Mrs. Harris and Marlene are home from holidays at Wood- land Beach. Friends and neighbours held a farewell party for Mrs. Wheel- er at the home of Mrs. Stevens. The Wheeler family have moved to Oakville and we wish them all the best in their new home. They will be greatly missed in the district. Get well wishes to Mrs. Ready ot Elmhurst Dr., who is in Humber Memorial hospital where she underwent an opera- tion last week. Congratulations and best wishes to George Humphries who was married last week. Sunday school at Elmlea Baptist church resumes next Sunday afternoon. Vacations Mr. and Mrs. Fred Henry and Darlene of 17 Adele, are spend- ing their vacation in Chicago visiting Mrs. Henry's brother and will return home touring the States. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Whyte, Sr., of Desmont, are having a trip to Parry. Sound, Sudbury, and Sault Ste. Marie, and coming home via the U.S.A. Mr. and Mrs. Swanek have re- turned from a pleasant vacation in Kapuskasing visiting Mrs. Swanek's parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. Becker and Mr." and Mrs. J. Haddow of Rosalie spent the long week-end at Bigwin Inn. ELMLEA NEWS Mr. and Mrs. R. Becker and Marlene have just returned from their vacation which they spent in Cape Cod. Birthdays Congratulations to Ann Marie and Billy Whyte ot 41 Haymar- ket Road on their fourth birth.. day. Hope you enjoyed your party. [REE To Woman and mum: Make Ilse of Our Continuous Free Delivery " Main M. N., Woman PHONES f CH. 1117 Main St. N., Watery - CH. 1-0798 A Incl Independono dealer can unto you but In FURIAGE OIL - - IIII. IIIIIIEIIS Salt: and 8mm DRUG STORE Mrs. Audrey Henry CH. t.3602 OAKDALE ACRES FRNisiliil "Ut om, Call Do " All†CORRESPONDENTS: MI ISTLE‘I'OII INS tuniiy have returned from Rol- lend. We must be ready to help Mn. Albumin with the heavy winter programme ahead ot her. The saying in that lightning never Itrikee the um- piece twice; not so nootu. The first voice we heard on Thursday morning being interviewed was our neighbour, Mr. Kirby. While we slept he and " good wife had been watching the riveeaggtt over his property and crops. It must have been In ordeal after what they uttered with Hurri- cane Hazel Sorry to hear that Mrs. Reddy ot Elmhunt Dr. is in hospital. The cangregatidn of St. An- drew's Anglican church, Thistle- town were glad to welcome back the rector. Rev. F. Coyle and family after their vacation. He spoke last Sunday on The Faith We Live By, tl series we've en- ‘joyed. Intended For Last Week It has been nice seeing Mrs. R. Donavon (nee Mary Prior) from Alberta visiting here with her parents. CHURCH NEWS Rev. Ian Scott Beeeleuh preached at St. Andrew's Angli- can Church last Sunday morn- ing, giving a very inspiring ser- mon from the words, "Our Commonwealth is in heaven". He spoke of tithing and the love of money for our own luxuries. He also pointed out the danger of forgetting God and trying to live by faith alone instead of remembering that "faith withOut works is dead". Money is a trust from God, he continued, and He is not concerned with what we have but with what we do with what we have. Rev. Frank Coyle hopes to he with us.next Sunday after his vacation. Another week ot coming and going on holidays and then back to school and work with many happy memories to recall on a winter day. Last Sunday night was the closing service of the Six Points Drive-in church for this year. Canon Hunter was the speaker. PERSONALS Mrs. Gordon Cameron of Thistletown spent last week with her brother and his family in Peterborough. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hos- trawser and son of South Bend, Indiana and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. MacDonald and son Gordon of Dartmouth, N.S., visited Mr. and Mrs. John Cameron, College St., Thistletown, on the weekend. Congratulations to Wendy Abbott of Loner Ave., on her fourteenth birthday. It is nice to hear you are home from hos- pital for a little while. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. S. Hansen of Haymarket Road, on the addition of a little daughter to the family. Church services will also be held indhe basement as the fur- nishings are not completed in the church proper. ciingrau1ations to Mrs. Keen- an ot Loney Ave., on her birth- day on September 2nd. . CHURCH NEWS The Church of St. Stephen ls now completed and Sunday School will be held in the base- ment of the new church coin- mencing Sunday, Seatember 9th. The Beverley Hills United Church Sunday School will re- open Sunday, September 9th in the Crang Auditorium. The 1st Oakdale Acres Cub Group re-open their winter sea- son at Yvonne Ave. school on Wednesday, September 12th. CUBS AND SCOUTS The Women's Auxiliary of the let Oakdale Acres Scout & Cub Companies are holding a "Freez- ing Demonstration" in the new school on Yvonne Ave. on Mon- day, September 10th. Anyone interested please contact Mrs. Sallhom at CH. 1-7752. Our sympathies to Mr. Ralph Miller of Adele Ave., on the death of his father. Home 1nd School Just a reminder that the Rome Ind School Fair is getting very close-tie" Mth.. Anyone willing to bake or give assist- ance in any way please contact any member of the executive. The list Home and School meeting will take place in the new school on September 17th. Mrs. Madge MacNicol CH. 1-9287 ("iill"riiiiii Channels _ 9' ter, - A . _. The Wanton Chou cuts. its.. ch:- pieyerl u to whether to cued at the Director at Rema- "come out and meet club mem- tion'n (like, Little Avo...com- hen". Do not let such thoughts menu it: â€and: activities to- intertere with your wish tor night, September “h. All new tellowahip with iike-minded berl pluu take note, and proe- ployeu who love to play chess. pective new members may meet The first Canadian Open the president. Goorle Baby. or Championship Tournament. held) the secretary. Remy loose. who in Montreal, has been completed. will make than welcome. Eighty-eight players took part; The members do not profess 66 Canadian, 20 U.S.A., and two to be expert; in the game of trom Guatemala. We regret that chess, and any new member the hopes of Canada that the ‘need not feel he is amongst top- J. G. PrenticeTrophy remain in ranking playerl and think he is Canada has not been realized. chess, and my new member need not feel he is amongst top- ranking players and think he is out of his elm. This paper he: discovered that Iuch I complex governs thy decision ot some Pilots His Boat To (NE Record Bill Hodgson of Etobicoke piloted Miss O'Keefe at a speed of 103.5 miles an hour Friday night at the Canadian National Exhibition waterfront. Hodgson, who made I world} record of 125.82 miles an hour at Picton, Ont., a month ago, was halted by tog, and a debris- strewn course in his noon at- tempt. However, clear skies and clear water prevailed for his evening record run. He is" the first person to break the _ 100 mile an hour barrier over the CNE course. 0 . I N I'll-I. a p.m. on SATURDAYS 139 Main St. S. WHY PAY COTTAGE RENT YEAR AFTER YEAR? Build Your louver Conny. New and Enjoy lt for Your: . . THE BEAVER 3 BEDROOMS LIVING ROOM, KITCHEN, , AND BATH A Large Spacious Family Cottage At A Surprisingly Low Cos†Th. amaalvu, hand-daslgnud “any Canaan luau many sdOd havum to lulu-an livability, comfort and valva . . . a largo full-vial! thturo window, - [alaulla wlndawu hr hill and tomallnd "r,ttkstur. with adiuuablu 'lan lam, largo no! curl-an. {or more shad. comfort. . . . and many not. “an". values. Nana-d hr nomital noublo-fru hulldlng Oli- Ioavar Cana'I l! pro-cm " navu you huun " odiou- well: or high labour com . . . .xacvly the dull. malarial In Illa right qua-“Mn. Complain with oaly-Oo-Iallow plant y-u can ’Tulld-lovyaarul'" u have lt bull! . . . .ither way you «an many an Mlhrhl Ind kblvr with “M haw-r Cm... hour pro- phnnln' nonm- â€My anon. muosuaatust and - l" Main It. E, Wm CH. 1-1!" ml IIAVII carnal on can." In WI and". LOT GriEiiiEIE? IIIILIIIG WITH CHAIM“ FOR FIFTY YEARS! $100 DOWN...$34 A MONTH " Your convenience Phone CH. 1-1188 The results were as tollowszl Larry Evans and W. Lombardy) both of U.S.A. with 8-2. L. Evans) won the trophy by the break! down under the Sonneberg sys/ tem. Next were L. Joyner, Mont-) real, Paul Vaitonis. Hamilton/ J. T. Sherwin, W. De Camille and Mednis. all of the U.S.A., with Th-2h. Next came J. Williams, Montreal; F. Ander. son, Toronto; D. A. Yanotsky, Winnipeg; R. Fisher (13 years old), and D. Bokok of U.SA. (with T-3. Please note that I special meeting will be held in Bernard Freedman', office, 12 Jordan St., Toronto, on Saturday, Septem- ber 22 at 2 p.m., to plan ways and means for the 1957 4th World Junior Championship Tournament to be held in To- ronto. Any one who wishes to help on this committee may attend and be very welcome. YOU! “AV/El COTTAGE DEUVEIED . . . To ywv coma. In. or 'tserr.it nnmlm landing from oh. in": - In yaw eottott. one. [my on build, th. Ioavtr Cottag- will gin you all th. room you and without "My addition' or "mad-l- ung In the future. lulld now In the cool cummn day: for and Imam-v. . “I THE “AVE! STOI! NEAR- " tt tt DOWN Only $34 A Month $1095. " a"" 22 5?- 'lk r - ' I , q u... 0...... : l «W w.“ '.. A r Deli " red Weston “Manual-M“; W E STOW M 0 ll' 0 as i, CLEARANCE Lt Weston Motors 1,lltlMYlltlir Glmlot-OIBIOIIII I.“ Opon "grill",',"' AIR. I956 onsmonlus ASAléOW $1999 $2699 FAGTORY- FRESH AS LOW M