Times & Guide (1909), 6 Sep 1956, p. 2

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it 6 My night. August Mth, 'Nlulu’ meeting at the Wo- lt; of the Moose, Toronto at”... a wu held with Br. - Grace Precious presid- ;h(_p-Mnty-eizht members were ,f,'t'a,'e Nellie Bryant ,et"iL'lte,'li'i'i"'lt' $31,325}; In" a two month tour or, . _ the continent Collegian Pa. 3 Mrs. N. u 11"1rfrf1fV'5t Kinny wu chOIOn as an attend-"'1 Int-to the Queen at the coro-' Plans were mid: for the ba- ion pageant to be held It ah. luau to b. held in November. yll_ York Hotol Sept. 14th, The draw was won by Nellle th and 16th at the convention IBryInt. Refreshments were the Women of the Moose. served by the committee. T 1' M. on the iiciuii, day a mm. 1956. the ll" of all perms entitled to van in the said Municipality ot municipal elec- float, and that Ml! lisl remains there for 'rrtspection, AND I hereby call Upon all voters to Oak. immediate proceedings to have any am or ammlom tangled according to law, the lost day for appeal being WE ARE NOT IN THE SAME CLASS AS RIPLEY, BUT "BELIEVE IT OR NOT" NOTICE in hereby given that,l have complied with Section 9 of The Voters' ”It Act and that l have posted up in my office of the Township Office, lsling- LEV OUR EXPERT FURNACE MEN CLEAN YOUR HEATING PLANT INSIDE AND OUT NOW WHILE PRICES ARE tow Yemen Of Moose [loose Attendant tr Sept. Pageant York Travel Bureau l043 Weston Rd 1136 Weston Rd - MT DENNIS _ Ph’ono R0. 2.7575 English li Mould Ltd. V“ Abet a0tet6-T$weedqr, “phi-bu 6, 1956-qu a Open Evenings and all Day Sat. General Insurance and Notary Public la" of fly ash or soot deposited on the interior of your combustion chamber will invents your fuel bill next winter as much as 40%! Clogged filters decrease the efficiency of your furnace by as much as 2SNI locking furnaces can Clogged smoke pipes as much as 50%| to kim" It's Time To clean Your Furnace! VOTERS' I.IS'I' MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ETOBICOKE All THESE CONDITIONS COST MONEY . PLUMBING . HEATING . APPLIANCES Owned on Opuavod by Bill Inch "has. enough carbon monoxide will Induce furnace 'sHirieney by Steomshim Plano, Bus, Hotel Reservations for Anywhere FLY NOW PAY LATER PLAN Book Now For Snomship Passage for I957 315' DAY OF AUGUST, 1956 COUNTY OF YORK Hembling - Gilliatt Vows Heard In Weston Baptist Weston Baptist church on hid-y evening, August 10th wu the scene of a pretty double ring mummy in which Flor- ence wan Gillian, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Gillian ot GTIOVWC Contra. Nova Scotia beclmr the bride ot Milton Cynl Hembling. son of Mr. P. C. Helm-din; at Montreal and Mn. N. L. Montgomery of Point R0. 6-1177 S. W. KKEISLIY - Clad. I The reception was held " the lhome of Mr. and Mrs. Eric M Hott of Downsview The ttet-togethet was held at the summer homc u Muskoka of Mrs. W. B. Lrsttwraale of Montreal and Coldwaser in hon- our of her brother, Arthur E. Letherby of California who ar- rived recently at Malton Aus port to visit relatives and friends in Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Lester J. Lether- by and son. Graydon; and Mr. Ind Mrs. Morley E. Yon (nee Gladys Letherby), all of Wes- ton. were among the many re- latxves and friends present at a family re-union m Muskoka recently. Mth WEDDING ANNIVERSARY On Sunday afternoon, Sep- tember 2, Miss Shirley Gerry and brother Edward were hosts at a tea for their parents. Mr. and Mrs. William E. Gerry on the occasion of their 30th wed- ding anniversary. The visitors included relatives from Clark- son and friends from Humber Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Gerry were the recipients of some lovely guns. . Four generations were Te- presented by Mr. John Lether- by of Coldwater; her daughter, Mrs. r2harles R. Wadge (nee Grace Letherby) of Oakville; grandson Charles E. Wedge of Coldwater, and me Iatters daughter, Ann. Lloyd Letherby of Goldwater, MPP for East Simcoe, a'brother of the honoured guest Arman E. Lctherby, a California reall estate broker, was among the many relatives and friends at the re-union. September 3rd was Edward Bell Smitirs birthday. He was six years old. His chums called and enjoyed a delightful time. Weston Families Attend Reunion At Muskoka Moreen Byers had a party on Monday for her sixth birthday. Some of her little friends helped her enjoy a nice afternoon of fun and refreshments. Claire, Quebec. Rev. G. K Tyler calcined. For the wedding trip, the couple travelled through New York State and the Luurenm-n Mountains. ACTIVITIES RESUME Well. school has started by the time this, article ‘goes td prersl and the Exhibition is nearly; over. The fall meetings are about; to‘n-sume aftvr the summer va-' oattrm. I-do hnpo you all had a' real nice xummer and are ready! tor the activities coming up in our various groups. Why not let' us gel to know better some of these grnupx Just give CH. l- 2081 a can and toll nm a nule' nm l Mr. C. R. Gillmtt, Jr.. otesti brother ot the bride gave his sister in marriage. She won a street-length gown ot embroid- ered organdie with full skirt, and a white picture hat She also wore n coruge of orchids. The bridumaid, Miss Kath- alun Woxlolk ot Toronto wore I street-length dress ot pink umn with matching head- dreu and a casage ot [It- denil and yellow reset. For her gems away outfit, the bride chose I blue suit with pink blouse. wmte nandbag and shoes, and hat and gloves matching the suit. Mrs. Gerry Mr. Gordon Cooke of Mon- treal was the best man. Mr. and Mrs. H. Byers of 30 Blue Springs Road have had I new baby daughter recently. Mr. and Mrs. White of Maple Leaf Drive are in be congratu- lmed on the nrrwal of a daughter lecently. MAPLE LEAP NEWS They are residing m Toronto. ARRIVALS CH. 1-2081 E A Frenchman will never for- (get the day in 1948 when, just W5 he was about to take a bath fin his Paris flat, he suddenly iremembered he had forgotten to iput out some bottles for a wine (delivery man who was due to call. ElGHT-YEAR-OLD JO-ANNI KAIUK, quilted by father, Williaml Kazuk of 51 Que-m Drive, Weston, holds the big Pike which', she caught recently in the French River. Said to be the biggest; caught at Camp Maciac this year, the Pike was 35% inches‘ long and weighed 9% pounds. Jo-Anno showed up the rest of the family for she was only using a June bug and worm as bait while her parents, her brother, Gary, 10, and her uncle, Jack Potter, were all using $2 or $3 lurel. At first the family didn't believe that Jo-Anne had a fish on the line, thinking the hook was only caught in the .weeds. But once they glimpsed the bigl fish, they all lent a helping hand. i As he cautiously sterpped our side to do so, a gust of wind slammed the door of his flat be- Weston thri, 8 catches Big Fish Cheese A Popular Item In Its Various Forms An Odd Accident? I956 VOLKSWAGEN Include: -v High Bumper Guardt. 'ht, " 587 ',t'"L,6tL."" Wtrrronty. Gas, I Titskrttsr-hlksmtgert Ltd. Cheese in its various terms is I popular item with many families, but some of these families think that cottage cheese is the only type that can be used in salads. It's true that cot- tage cheese is a delicious addition to, or base for, a salad, but any variety of cheese that you like can be successfully used in salads or dressings. CHEESE IN SALADS 1. Toss 1 cup slivered cooked ham with 1 cup slivered cooked or canned chicken; 1 cup shredded Canadian Cheese, 3 cups mixed greens. Add dressing made by combining Im cup mayonnaise, 2 tbsp. French dressing, Its cup crumbled blue cheese. Toss lightly. Serves 6. 2. Toss drained canned‘pineapple chunks with torn mixed greens and thin strips of Canadian Cheddar Cheese. Use a French dressing with this mixture. ' CHEESE IN DRESSING-S Kink-m and Bathroom: "modelled, Have Your Basement or Attie turrtod law a Ranting Proposition. FREE ESTIMATES _ PHONE CH. 1-3226 1132 Weston Rd. 'lh'mya'"avof. WE SELL... WRINGER ROLLS FOR All WASHERS Mix 4 cups shredded cabbage with one diced unpeeled apple, lig cup each of chopped nuts and raisins. Sprinkle with onion salt and celery salt. Toss with a dressing made of 1 cup Sour cream, 2 tsp. prepared mustard, 2 tsp. horse- radish, ltsp. salt, 1 small minced onion. V: cup 'shredded Canadian Cheddar Cheese. Dash of salt and pepper. Serves 6. A piquant dressing for fruit combinations is made by blending one 3 oz. package soft cream cheese with 2 tbsp, mayonnaise, 1 tbsp. minced green onion and 3 tbsp. fruit juice. Another popular fruit dressing is made by blending one 3 oz. package of soft cream cheese with 3 tbsp. currant jelly. 2 tsp. lemon juice. Fold in le, cup heavy cream (whipped). RUMSEY BROS. CONSTRUCTION _ CALL DON GEVING RO. T.7543 Payments To Suit Your Budget Ilium Inn-uni AT YOUR SERVICE woman" on“ mass: ”um (WESTON POUCE DEPT) After forty-five minutes of ex- plantation, the man was allowed to return to his flat, wearing a pendarme‘s cape By that time his bath had overflowed, dmn- ching his flat! CH. 1-3511 hind him. He found himself out, with nothing to wear the doormat. A woman saw shrieked and told the police arrested him while he hunting for the caretaker had a duplicate key. 36 Main St. s. CH. 1-1112 Mt. Dennis shut but him, who was who Corinne Churbonnenu along with hu- uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mn. Melvin Ford spent the homily week-end at Fergus, Ontario. . Mrs. Tom Dougherty, Main St. South, Weston, is vaca- tioning at Clinton. Ont., with her daughter, Mrs. Harold Campbell, and Mr. Campbell. Mr uni-Mrs. Wilt” Cal- van are on a motor trip to Northern Ontario. W.O. 1 Walter Storey and Mrs Story of Downsvtew have returped after visiting trip to Western Canada. Dr. H. C. Roof and Jun. 'l) Rm have returned from va- il, eationing " their cottage in [ Muskok- where they enter- ', mined their daughter, Mrs. i Edwin Gallagher', Mr. Galla- gher and small daughter, Dorothy Mary. . I Out-of-town guests at the Wallace-Lawrence wedding last Saturday included Mr. W. Cook. Sudbury; Mr. and Mrs. R. Wallace and Rev. and Mrs. Heathcote of Burlington, Ont., and Mr. and Mrs. P. Heatheate of British Colurn- bin. Personal Notes Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Duffy and son, Donald, Queen's Drive, Weston, are on a fish- ing trip to Jones Falls, near Kingston. Mrs. M. Coghlan and daugh- ters, Gail. Judy and Patsy have retruned after visiting relatives in Kirkland Lake. Mr. and Mrs. William F. McCormick have returned from a motor trip through Northern Ontario and the Ottawa Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Inch. Carol and Bill have returned after spending the summer at Parry Sound. Messrs. Wilt Reeves, Art Webster and Frank Murray spent a day this week fishing at the latter's summer home at Oxtongue Lake near Al- gonquin Park. Miss Rosina Gallacher is vacationinrr in the Lake Sim- coe district. Mrs. Mona Newham return- ed from a vacation at Hunts- ville. Mr. Don McMillan, Bank of Nova Scotia. Weston, is holi- daying at Moaford. on Geor- gian Bay. Mt. Dennis ADA-MS All the newest shades to wear with your fall out- fits. All weights-- Service-Sheer-Stretch. " Main ti. I. TIP TOP TAN-OBS $Eli0-MltlW. Men's & Boys' Wear 1177 WESTON RD. m,.,.,....,------'": “7° ('" s at YOUR NEAREST flflsw DEALER R0. 2-5892 The Cpl-dim uranium minlnq Industry --r heading tor world production leadership by 1958 or earlier -- u: standing by tor u 268 Augusta Ave. Wo nu tho nun! pin system so that .11 your Mby'l 4n- yum Weston Masonic Temple " Main M. N. Weston, Sch, Sept. IS, 2 to 4 pm. TAP-Ac-Ties-BATON BALLET (Classical-Grades Cecchettl Method? Nursery 8 Kindergarten Classes - Private & Semi- I OM PANY LIMITED Parsonaliud Sendai THE Tiiii'iiiiim'tE-Miit DUFFIELD we: ACADEMY :NYLONS 5% l) A I 4 City and Suburban Dolivory Twin (Canadian ch-Taira, Tiiiiiiiuuighumd Dunc-x) Weekly Stork Diaper "I - ""'â€""0 Private Classes - Business Girls Classes. Limited Registration All above classes will be taught by CHARLOTTE-ANNE DUFFIELD C.D.T.A. Bullet, C.D.T.A. Tap HIGHLAND and SPANISH will In taught by: ELAINE BISHENDEN 77 _ - REGISTRATION DAY SOILED CLOTHING S'lll0lltllltARr CLEANERS t mans WA. Vrroe and 5 LIMITED VACANCIES For "FRESH AS NEW" DRY CLEANING CALI. a,%2iiili (i" Sale! 6E m lam-um max-tum. pm. pects,aa"zGmtanetiiRtds . Service Ltd. All an regular stork, a chance for you to buy I supply of this quality has. at great servings. now $1.00 to $1.40 Beverley Hills Crang Plaza Super Marker Pioneer Room, Thurs., Srpt. 13, 2 to 6 pm. RES Piano tlil. 1-1941 Regular Price: 1.25 to 1.75 tvuod-iiCdi-r - mm as. " In Wonk No cumin-ll Diaper Rental Service rt

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