IEVERLEY ms ll, iiiiiiiiiiijiiir 's..,.,- III am I]... CI. 4-151. . At In and†man. tt.idltsuih1ins. whid “I n»- AND $NtttW-Tttvrsiur, span-bu 13, 1955:»... ' - .. mm... _.-. a...» and In. 1“th hunt cums an scours m from an executive. The In Dowmview Cuba and _ t . _ . lScouu hold their Annual Par- Aw Hi†who may be ,ie-),e,n,,ti',' Meeting " the Downsview mud in joinjn‘ . Ladrealvnited church CE. Centre last Bowling “In". on Thursday , yeek. The purpose_tor the meet- .gm (M 1.30 pan, please l mg t" tor registration, Ind ettettnct Florence Hull n CH. 1_'elecuon ot the new Group t88E Committee. The new committee t a o (i, as tollows: chairman, D. D. . trCMooL STAFF Hendeuon; secretary, Mr. Ger- _ 'vais; treasurer, Mr. John Sever; bit“; tgut/uct",",,':," ma: y enecmive: John Teller. Mr. Pte- be interested in knowing the‘mcufi. Mr. Woods. Past presid- - ot the various new mem- ent IS Mr. R. Lawrenc‘e.- Fr born of the MIR. 1 There was also a "Going Up At Burden school Miss Manrg'f.5',1tl,y: when two boys, _Alan m will be teaching Grade 2 Bennmgton and., Bobby Skinner ll Alle ne G Id 2 d 3>\moved up Into bcouls. Mr. Doug "its: Gelbitei TI 4l""ld,,' Benmngton was also welcomed Stevens Gradne 5 l " 'rs as a new Assi1ty/tsy0utyysler: Grade 6 and Mr Hun: erén‘Rev. Foster. Hilliard ofticiated , FG' hunch-en an: $31; at the electron 'f officers. . ' . chlldren are now on the re- We are pleased tu report that gister. Mr. H. W. Holman, 4 Parent bmud in joining a Ladies Bowling Dengue, on Thursday “moon from 1.30 pan, please contact Florence Hull " CH. 1- Flowers were put on the' teachers' desks " Tumpanel school by the Home and School: Association, to welcome them' liter the summer holiday. New teachers this year are Mrs. C. Froom Grade 4, Mrs. A. Koch- ler Grade 5, Mrs. L. Mills Grade ba, Mr. R. Eastman, Grade B, Mr. E. J. Beckett Grade T, and Po. P. Sexton Grade 8. There "e 738 children on the register, with one new portable in use. Roding St. school have 490,' children on the register and ther new staff consisth of Miss Web} lice Grade 2, Mrs. M. Hudson Grade a, Mr. F. Lunn Grade i',) Mr. M. Mihllik Grade 6, and Mrs. Fonyth half-time kinder-' linen assistant. Miss Joan) Amott who was on the staff, last year, married during the, Bummer lowell. We also have a new school in our midst. It is situated on Sheppard Avenue West, and is called Sheppard Avenue West school. This school is a pre-tab ATTENTION , GET FROM BEHIND It! your Mfietol um». Form from REASONABLE IAYES REMEMBER . . . If There I: NO CHANG!!! Mt, COLLECTION . . . There Is CHANGE " BAD DEBTS†New tinned collection "norm gin you SPEEDY RESULTS loch qteegtqnf In work-d on ovory day. MU. EM. 6-6671 Clem It kept Informed of promo“. W. will do Prompt nmlnancn made. " BANK DEPOSITS†I !, HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN BEHIND THE tt BALL . . . METROPOLITAN COLLECTION SERVICE ind is now Mrs. Hol- "M00lmT8 RECEIVABLE†WESTON AREA! “BANK mfEitMltFT8"t [iflgcfiiiifEfE u was um - stun zoo your tracing and who had nuion when Juggling Your Against building, which can be akin Apart and moved, and it has ton room: Mr. Calder is thigrrin- cipll. and about " per cent ot tho children who attend m from the Appleby Acres an. There was also a "Going Up" ceremony. when two boys, Alan Bennington and Bobby Skinner moved up Into Scouts. Mr. Doug Bennington was also welcomed We are pleased to report that Mr. H. W. Dolman, 4 Parent Ave. is home trom the hospital to recuperate, but unfortunately his wife also has to enter the hospital. so we wish better luck for this family in the future. OF A Cub Leader is needed this winter tor the lst Beverley Hills cub pack. Mr. Duffy, with his two assistants, has been taking two packs on the one night, which is not satisfactory as far as giving the boys all the time they need tor instruction and passing tests etc., so if there is someone who could come for- ward to take over one pack, the assistance would be greatly ap- preciated. Please contact Mr. iLucketi at CH. 4-0943. Mrs. Hallett is Brown Owl of the 255th Brownie pack, and this year she has as her assis- tant, Mrs. Wilkes. Mrs. Cun- ningham, Guide Captain, is looking for an assistant, and it someone is willing to give a little of their spare time to help, please call CH. 4-2633. TO and londod) BALL THE dn dunner. I Erna!“ Ave. in locum“ Btggt Ch- Roman at the June mrtuninrtion' Royal Conservatory Toronto for Grade 2 Theory. .- iiiiCtumn.r received 95 marks and in u pupil of Kath- leen Carney. 3 Royuluiah Ave. GOOD unannouns The Good Neighbours Club held their weekly euchre Thun- day, September 7th It the home of Mrs. Jean Bowring, 24 Bow- sprit Ave. I scare of 73rMra. Kay Seetey took second with 72; third Wll won try Mrs. Reta Hicks with 69; Mrs. Kay Kuzick won fourth with 68; and the low more prim went Mrs. Edith Colquhoun with 45. "The hostess, Mrs. Jean Bow- ring won the lust Erin, w_ith cttruratuutie_to - Saw Mrs. Reta Hicks entertained a 139 Main St. S. WA"! here’s how plywood makes more space tusrto have! MANY OTOQIR FRI! PLAN. an available no your lumber Uetsler's. Come in and who your pick . . . they will help immov- your home, odd valuable "may. we". give you umbh units your hon-m mods. Choose horn: NIW .VLVA'LV .FIOIALTV 'LVWOO..I Now, m trdditlor, In Iamour Syhacord, Canada’l loadmg dummy" plywood, your 'umbor deal" be; but new d.etsrtstiv. plywood: for Ira" panollmg prone". IlOClUll. plywood mth ' pmern of "angular cliques. lucucmlu- hn a anthem! [um textured when "an“: mth vellum! hm 1mm: Gov I Mm'm'x decargtWt mod. "(Hillt- umed sud-ca to svmulm unit-I pinks. 92.32; SYLVAPLY SHELF MOI WINNIE ODDS All [IDS CM"!!! trtmtt SWINE mu. SENIOR“ SWIM! WALL mun mum mu "Wilt"! mm: 'iff' ATTIcs a BASEMENTS: so much valuable space going to waste! Convert them into playrooms, workrooms, bedrooms . . . do it in your spare time with Sylvaply! Free folder shows how quickly the 4'x 8' Sylvaply panels cover a lot of area, go up with a minimum of effort, are easy to erect by any home- owner. And when your project is done, you'll be surprised at the amount of added value you have given your home! SHELVES a CUPBOARDQ: every room can use them, any amateur can make them! Free plan is a-b-e easy to follow; all you need are simple woodworking tools and Sylvaply. And what a pleasure to use this handsome plywood! Saws easily, can be finished or painted in dozens of ways. Think of the uses you have for cabinets and shelving like this! MODERN KITCHEN CABINETS: orabrand new kitchen, the Sylvaply kitchen cabinet booklet answers, your kitchen storage and remodelling problems! Now you can have cup- boards for canned goods, shelves for appliances, cabinets for pots and pans . . . room for everything! It's a booklet that will save you many dollars - and it's absolutely free! Be sure to get your copy at your lumber dealer's. WORK IINCH WITH CABINETS: the do-it-yourself- er's basic need. Has storage space for everything: tools, nails, screws . . . and best of all, is sturdy, strong, easy to make. So well designed. you'll want to paint it and make it a recreation room feature! Free Sylvaply plan shows you precisely how to go about making this essential unit. DINING-LIVING ROOM DIVIDER: creates two rooms where there was one, creates extra storage space as well. And how simple to make! Basic tools and Peter Whittall's easy-to- follow instructions are all you need. Plus, of course, Sylvaply from your lumber dealer. He has this free plan for you. Be sure to see it, read it, start this unit right awayI group ot India with " such†party Saturday. September Id! at her home. an Lawrence Ave. West. Mrs. Woodend won ttmt prize; second was taken by Mm. Edna Hutchimon; Mrs. Con Mason won third, Ind the low score prize wont to Mrs. Edith Colquhoun. Mr. and Mm. Rod Smiley, INTIITAB [BEND 805 Royal York Rd. North en- tertained an old friend, Mrs. Jane Grey Prince George, B.C. Mn Grey is the Deputy Mayor of Prince George and was I delegate to Mayors and Reeves Association which met last month " Humilton, Ontario. Mrs. Grey enjoyed a day's visit and dinner, with the Smiley's in the midst of the heavy schedule of the conven- tion. WATERPROOF-GLUE PLYWOOD WESTON IEMOUIYIILI MUSIC will MUSIC All TY CIR!!! “I!!! “In.“ mm [um "All not“! '0" OUTDOOI 3mm Will WESTDALE AND HUMBERLEA in‘ly towards uhool. WI no dit- iteult to "OHIO that Who! in really with us and an and winter emulation: are :1) Martin: one. more. ANGLICAN N“! Anglican! ot Plumber!“ and district have chasm "St. Tim- only by the Humber" u the nuns tor their church. The Rev. Keith Kiddell said how approp- riate the name Wu. For such I young district the people have shown . faithfulness akin to that of St. Timothy who accom- plished much in his life I]- though he died so young. ...u-... ..- -___ _ _ __ Sunday, Sept. 9th was the start of Sunday school and church services in Melody Rd. school after the summer vac- - "i'iri'aTEauFi'cr'i."iad. Our editor -iitd m 'ryyse.tiey,?rf1r, CR. 1-1188 where to store things ? Canada's biggest home problem! Sylvaply supplies the perfect . Answer. For this handsome plywood is easy to use, is available " lumber dealers' everywhere. Actually, it's Canada's busiest home-making material, used in thousands of ways. from roof sheathing and surbMoring to cupboards and cabinets. And wherever it is in use, it adds strength and beauty, adds long life, utility and value! Yes, Sylvaply is the engineered miracle in wood . . . for homemakcrs, farmers, contractors, industry! SYLVAPLYI 'ttHLA" A ILOIOIL DALI. VANCOUVEI CALGARY (woman WINNING [ONDON WINDSOR {ammo 0mm uounm aumc Sl.tgt,ti have "tatriUh.d the Ives and have bun help- ed incl menus-tad by Mr. Naviue Bishop. The older group in the Assoc. have taken the younger onus under their wing and In far they have met " Trudy lunroe'l on Pinevlew Husbands! Wives! Want WNW “In? Mudldmplnm weak, W.“- luulugl with bonus bodyluln Inn. Form vb. whiny, try 01m: Tonic TAM. Suwlln In. mum. my land toe pop: supplant»- gg, In]. “hall. I... 'iet,irdtdit!'i It coo . will. as! quit thrifty u'ly. Try 'as,' 31. At " W- nah! by lumber dealeror.frotn coast to coast WALL To WALL VANITY: just what your bedroom needs! Even has fold-away makeup table, is easier to make than you think. A vanity like this answers your where-to- store-it problem) from undies to bed linens. Even the drawer design, so often the bugaboo of do-it-yourselfers, has.been simplified. See your lumber dealer for the free plan . . . and proudly present this vanity to your wife! LIVINO ROOM ENTRY DIVIDER: a boon for the home without an entrance hall! Gives your living room new dimen- sion, gives you storage space for books, records, glassware on one side . . . has a closet on the hall side, and uses only a 12" strip of Mor space! Be sure to see your lumber dealer for a freé plan . . . this home improvement project is a beauty.' BEDROOM STORAGE WALL: solves clothing storage problems from suits to socks! Designed for easy building with 4'x 8' Sylvaply panels, can be built to any size in any bedroom. Has a "his" and "hers" section, costs about one-third the retail price to make! Average skill with ordinary woodworking tools, and the free plan can create this unit for any family. Start on it this weekend! BUNK BEDS: just what youngsters want, has a built-in storage cabinet for toys, clothes, bed linens. Strong, handsome, will serve from the early years 'til way in their teens. Needs no springs, is assembled with ordinary butt joint construction. Actually, if you can handle a hammer and saw, you can make this long-life bunk bed in your spare time. FLOOR CABINETS: for dining room, den, everywhere you need counter height storage space. Beauty of building it with Sylvaply is the simplicity of construction . . . and the free plan tells precisely what to do. Peter Whittall, Canada's Mr. Do-it, yourself prepared the plan, so you know it's easy to make! "srvqr-r.6qrottltrr, Inn In" enjoy-d he - nmm~¢ym‘mq,_muxum aTrTidirGaithk ___ jg! nun-VIM (In with Watch for Grand Opening Sept. " GI " of New Showroom and Pam Department for Morris and MG Cars Scale’s Garage I910 Jam St., Wulon DIST CAI Ill" gel lree plans for these handsome, easy-to-make units at your lumber deaier's. Then do it yourself or have if done . ‘. . . . either way, you save with Sylvap/y plywood I WESTON BLDG Buy Your New Merrie or MG with Confidence in Service titer Sale. I “Service Ptue- That's Us" T Lawrence Ava. E., tht,, 1-5291 With [vary " Gal Purchase FREE STEAK KNIFE 5:23:13] WATERPROOF-GLUE PLYWOOD PRODUCTS FOR FOR CH. 1-8381