EDI TORL4L October. 1956, brings an entirely new mm cent of community giving to Canada, and to Metropolitan Toronto where Canada's tir,st United Appeal will be launched October l. Under the United Appeal, 22 separate cam- paigns which were carried on in this arm last yelr have been elimlatcd. Instead “114cm are being asked to give only owe to support 89 charitable, welfare and character-building services. _ . This great United drive has come about largely " the insistence of the people or Tor; onto. Headed by leaders of business. industry and labour, they have asked that the mud economical and efficient method of collecting for community needs be instituted in the Metropolitan area. Now it is a fact. Some of Canada's finest brains and most outstanding leaders have devoted themselves whole- heartedly to the success at†the United Way. The agencies of Toronto's Community Chest now stand shoulder to shoulder with the Red Cross. the Canadian National Insti- tute for the Blind. the St. John Amhu1,anve Ind those organizations concerned with de- V'enting the dread diseases of muscular dyst- IN VIEW! ETfiEi1rrMirEirE1 II M‘ mu m _ YOUR OWN EXCLUSIVE FUR STORE o TUNE-UP SPECIAL . has! In Time For Your Fall Sewing o CLEANED o OILED . ADJUSTED Grand Opening Announcement m NEXT wssx's mus n GUIDE It's Up To You! - Mud-y, On. H, I,“ - Page 4 WESTON sjiisn CH. 1-8868 When your canvasser calls on you, at your dirk. in the plant, or at home, yOu won't be arked for cash. Loose change from your pockct can't meet the needs of 89 combined appeals. Instead. pledge as much as you can. and give it in easy monthly installments, as mm! Canadians make all their major pur- [hams .these days. After all, you gave to most of the T.'. campaigns now combined and you gave to them throughout the year. Remember. there'll be no call-back in March for the Red Cross, m April for the Blind. or for any of the other many appeals for which you were for; morlr canvassed. rophy. cerebral pals). and multiple sclerosis. Labour has shown the way by undorsing a voluntary payroll deduction plan for "fair .hare" giving of 15 mmutes' pay a week. Un- pruccdcnted leadcnhip has. come forward trnm every walk of lite to ensure the sum-e55 uf'this first United Appeal. Never before have Canadians had a great- er challenge to endorse the democratic way of service In our fellow man. This is YOUR United Appeal. YOU asked for it. Pledge ONCE for ALL, and pledge enough. D j" ' f) C,se)i , I J JOHN JOSEPH LENEHAN At his home. 29 Church Street, Weston on Monday. Sep- tember 24th. John Joseph Lene- han died suddenly. His was m his 73rd year. Born in Weston. he resided in the town all his .hfp. and learned his trade of a 'printer in Weston. He had been "‘ employed with the Cornish & _jWinpenrty Co. OBITUARV He is survived by his widow, ISadie Bailey. five daughters, ers. F. Antram (Sadie). Mrs. I. Irvine (Muriel), Mrs. G. Cal- vert (Ida), Mrs. J. D. Archer .(Norma). Mrs. L. Southorn hAudi-ey); and four sons, Gor- 1don. Howard. Lorne and Edgar; false two sisters. Mrs. T. Kava- maugh (Edith). Mrs. W. Packer lisaliie), and four brothers. Er- nest. Albert. Harry and Thomas. The funeral was from Lynett Funeral home. 3299 Dundas St. W. on Thursday. Sept. 27th. to Riverside Cementery. W e st D n Service was conducted by Rev. Keith Ridden. MABEL TAYLOR HUMBER HTS.: Mrs. Mabel Taylor. 2262 Lawrence Ave. W.. succumbed to injuries Sunday. Octohor' Tth. at Toronto Western hospital Mrs. Tavlor received serious head injuries in a car and truck crash nn Highway 11, near Gra- venhurst, and the junction of 69 Hichway on Friday. Sept. 28th. Her husband, James, and son, James, Jr., and his wife suf- fered shock and minor injuries in this accident. The late Mrs. Taylor was the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pitman, 51 Roxaline St. She was a lifelong resident of the Humber Heights area and for 22 mars resided on Law- rence Ave. Mrs. Trvlw was in her 48th year and is survived by her hus, band. Mr. James Tavlnr: daugh- tpr. Dolores (Mrs, Clifford Hud- con). and sons, James. Jr., and Lvouard. Funera! vaicvs were conduc- wd bv the Rev. R. J. Boats. of Wecmn Presbyterian church. at the Ward Funeral Home, Tues- dav. tht 9th. and interment was madc in'Sanctuary Park Ceme- ten. Also surviving are Mrs. Tay- lor's narents, Mr. and Mrs. Ern- 05' Pitman. Sr,, and brothers Ernest. Roy and Harold, and three sisters Mrs. Arthur Tip- ppt (Clare). Mrs. J. McCutcheon iDuicv) and Mrs. Charles Jones ((101110) The pallbearers were Megsrg. F. PIIman. Jr, Bruce Eastwood. C Mason, C. Jones. H. Jones and J McCutchettn. MARTHA SOSNOWSKY V On Wednesday. September, 24th. Mist MarUn Sosnowsky' died at her home. 10.1 King' Sued. Weston. Born in Guelph. ‘ hp camp to Weston as a child. A memher ht St John the Phangohsi church, Weston she 11'Ftyl organist and choir leader thorn tor man\' wars and took an amw party In all church actlvlti". Requiem mnss was sung by Father J, Bristol] with Father Leo ansperger and Father Rub-rd Buuey m the sanctu- [Mormrnl WH. In Mmml Hope Cemetets. Sun Wing In four sisters‘ Smot- Mary Joseph nt St Jo- hoph , Community, Mr, W. F'mmgan (Clara; Mr: (lungs INN-Al and Rho†Following the brief ceremony, the scholars of the church school will have an opportunity to par- ,ticipate informally themselves in "he turning of the sod. It is hoped that the families of our congre- Igation of both church and church school will be well represented. The Turning of the Sod tor the new buildings at Central will take place this SWIG-y morning. The regular service of worship is at 10.00 mm. The minister's subject then will be, "Builders". The second service will be Id- vaneed from 11.30 to IL16 and will take the form of The Sod Turning Ceremony outdoors. The time of this service is so Br- rlnled that both the first Ind second congregations may unite as well as both sessions of Sun- day School tor this unique cere- many. The new buildings, in addition to the enlargement of the sanc- tuary include a Chapel. 8 Ladies Parlour, kitchen, a suite of three offices, and a large hall designed for Sunday school, mid-week so- cial and recreational activities, and a modern equipped stage. It is believed that Central church, through her new buildings will be better able to fill the needs of the congregation generally and to provide more adequate facilities for youth. "Hockey Night at Central" will begin with a dinner for the men, teen-age boys and friends at 6.30 on Friday, October 19th. For further information call Leo Sommerville, CH. 1-7030. _ The Co-Weds Hallowe'en Par- ty will take place on Friday, Oct. 19th at 8.15 Fm. All mar- ried couples are warmly invited. The Young People's Union and the Youth Adult Group will be- gin their Fall programmes next Sunday, Oct. Mth at 7.30 pm. The Downsview Baptist church opens its doors to you each and every Lord's Day for the pur- pose of giving out the Word of God, the Bible. It is taught in the Bible School to all ares. There is a place to bring even your babes in arms. We have mothers of children who look after the small ones while mom and dad. sister and brother, are in the classes for their Me, studying the Bible. We are in the midst of contest "iiAr'iir.. CHURCH 10.00 a.m.-Holland Service 11.15 o.m.-Sunday School 5.00 p.m.-English Service - The Rev Thurs., Oct. 18th, at " p.m. --ln- WESTON COlfiGIATE AND VOCATIONAL SCHOOL “Eustwurd' To Asia " DOWNSVIEW BAPTIST (Temporarily located of Weston Collegiate Auditorium) Nov. Henry A. Vonemu, B.A., Th.M. - CH, 4-0985. CENTRAL UNNBD With Rev Hans Von' Svaden, Founder and Director of SUNDAY, OCTOBER 14th, 1956 Westminster United Church SEOONO “OHBISTIAN ' REFORMEO OHOROH OF TORONTO A THRILLING NEW MOTION PICTURE EXPERIENCE See The Special Color Film on South Africa The Evangelistic Challenge of Christianity In Action Half a World Away I 9.45 a.m.--Sunday School-? years and up 11.00 a.m.--Holy Communion 11.00 ".m.--Sundtay School 2-9 years SEE 7.00 p.m.--itev. James S. MacKenzie Weston Gospel Tabernacln SPECIAL SERVICE FRIDAY, OCT. 12th AT tt 1i'ii;SSR1qCfiiei; luv. Jam†5 Mucklnxil M.A. I.D. "LAN "is Friendly Family Church " WILLIAM SYIEEI SUNDAY 7 PM REV W HARDY Billy Graham Tour Doro'hoa Mission South Africa Lippincott " W, at Main OCTOBER NHL, 1956 The Evangelical Documentary Film "cord of The The Bible is again taught in the morning worship service. It ist the purpose of the morning wor- ' ship service to lead in the wor-{ ship ot God and also to teach! how Jesus Christ may be war-l shipped, not only on Sundey,‘ but every day ot the week. The book of Colouians has been the' source of our measles these past few months. There will be two more messages from this won- derful little letter of the Apostle Paul. This week's messnge will‘ be entitled. "PRAY, WALK, and TALK." Read the first six verses of chapter four. and notice the connection of these words. We" shall remember the Lord about the Table this Lord’s Day. in which many other churches of the Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches are active. We need all of our Moms and Dads, plus every other member of the family to help us win this con- test. . The Bible is Main the source of the material comprising the message of the evening service. We are beginning a new series of message thinking of false doc- trines that are being taught to- day. We shall begin this series but showing that the doctrine that says that all men are the children of God has no founda- tion in the Bible, Other mes- sages will deal with such sub- jects as Why we worship‘on Sunday. What about sinless perfection, What about infant Baptism: and other false doe- trines of our day. You are in- ‘vited to join us for these mes- sage< and aim submit your re- marks about those messages. WESTMINSTER UNITED On Sunday, October 13, the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be velebrated at the morn- ing service at 11:00 a.m.. and after the evening scrvice at 7:00 pm. All members of Christ's church are warmly invited. Dur- ing the winter and the spring, one or other of the groups will be responisble for one evening service each month. On alternate .Sundays. the Rev. James S. Mackenzie will give a teaching Series on such subjects as the Tead Sea Scrolls and upon the .thrilling and inspiring lives of the great heroes of the Protest- ant faith. Our Annual Fall Fair will be held on Saturday. October 13th. The proceeds will be used to (Continued on page 11) Rook offictating " 11.00 o,m.--Mqtirts and Sumon "USING A IREASURE" 8.00 crm, 9.45 o.m 11.00 a.m. 7.00 pm At moo cm (Anglitun! St. Phillips Rd. (off Malta" ttd.) Rector: Rev. Howard K. Manon IA. LTh. 3t St. Phillips Rood 9.45 Il.00 11.00 7.00 20th Sunday After Trinity Sunday School and Sewing will be held in th. haumln' of tr,. nlw church 3.00 o.m.-Holy Communion 9.30 a.m.-Sundesr School 1T.OO a.ttt.--Mgtirts 7.00 p,m.-Evensong 11.00 tt.m.--Rev. Chas. Foster, Youth Director in French Baptist Churches. 3.00 p.m.--Sonday School 7.00 p.rr.--Evening Worship A Beginners and Nursery (loss is held during the morning worship. DOWNSVIEW BAPTIST CHURCH 9.45 o.m.-Sundmy School and Iiblo Clout! 3.00 'rrm--Hol, 'mtism '.00 'rm.--Holy Communion 9.00 a.m.-ch6ly SCH/kl and Sermon 7.00 p.m.-Eonsorm and "rmon-"NO RESERVED SEATS' Church ttf St. David (Anglican) 10.00 trm,--8lUE SCHOOL, cusses mp Alt A PLACE row THE FAMIW To STUDY 11.00 ccm.-M0RNING WORSHIP A place for m. fomdy (a worship "my, walk, and mu" 7.00 rrrrr--EVENING SERVICE "Ire all men m. mg, no God?" WEDNESDAY ot a pm, _ wowzex CHURCH SERVICE 1000 a.m.~$undny Smoal 1000 um -Pox llblc. (Ion 11.00 mm -Suodoy â€.15 A.M. Sod Turning Cor-Many for Enlargement of Scnnuary and the ondion a! the Quinlan Eduction Comm. 8.00 â€.00 cm - Saunmpm of Inpmm Khldorgarien and 7.00 pm - honing ttEV. R. J. 30665. EA " Cross St. - CH. l-9533 SUNDAY, OCT. 14th. Junior and Inmmodmm, a 14 WESTON BAPTIST CHURCH CENTRAL UNITED 0HIIRGH CHEM" OF " STEPHEN Weston Presbyterian church St. John’s Anglican church Divine Worship ST. MUP'8 (0n the Hill) The Twentieth Sunday After Trinity ta.m.--Holy Communion, Corporate Communion and Breakfast for Fireside Group trm.-dr. Bible Class a.rm-Sacrament of Holy Baptism a.rn.--Church School p.m.--Evening Prayer SUNDAY, OCTOBER 14th. Ymmq Pooplns Unmn and Vanna Adult Group Sunday, October 14, 1956 luwronu Av... Mon: Jun. REV H. W SUIDIVALL, B.A. LTh. Inter m. Special Sunk. all pawn. haw-n9 rouivod vellum Monty an osk.d co return "an to the Church when all offering will be rewind by the loner. ANGUCAN IEVEILEY “Ills Jane St. 2 Blocks North of Wilson ulmul limo, LA, Lam-m SUNDAY, OCI'OIII Mth., 1956 mm" " HARVEST YHANKSGIVING SERVICES -Haly Communion w-Syruhry School and Junior Confirmation Class -Morning Pray" and Junior Congregation .-EVENSONG Minister: lav SUNDAY, OCTOBER 14th., 1956 mend: of Thu Conqmgahon are Invuved HARVEST THANKSGNING SUNDAY, OCTOBER 14th., 1956 5 Cross St at Church, CHorry l-l57l SUNDAY, OCTOBER 14th, 1956 Nursery and Junior Congrcgation Rev. George Garratt--A"istuN REV G, K. IYLER I. IN, MINlSYEI MRS GEORGE SWAN, OIOANIS‘I I97 DOWNSVIEW AVENUE REV. It. W. [EDDING __ PASYOI Church hlcphcm: CH 4-157! Rev. Frank W. Fry, Rector thool Nursery, I Primary, as r" Worship Preacher; The Rector King and Main Streets 10.00 A.M 7.30 P.M R, t, Spencer, M.A., 5.0 Sermon WESTON PHESBYTERIAN CHURCH CROSS ST MAIN ST N Fl] Builders" CH.