Times & Guide (1909), 8 Nov 1956, p. 12

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Mblmke residents to start talking use of their Etobicoke Memorial Swimming Pool. on Mammary Rd. between Bloor 'and Dundas, states the pool 'management. Swimming is an “an: form of year round ex- amine and the trustees and staff ;of the public-owned pool hope . that I large group of Etobimke Entrants will regularly use the Ppool with their boys and girls gum season J, Family and group swimming it especially encouraged by the P1tot trustee: And the pool stall and Manner John Finch are fhlppy to help and advise par- Urtid who went to teach their "ttMt children to swim during ' wally unions. r . meat group using the pool yen Ire membors of the male Youth Organualirm Etobicoke and Weston “Mlle parishes. Backed by the that Owl wax neednd for the ~Bmwnie pack. and although .-they had tried to purchase one, they had not been successful. ' POT LUCK SUPPER Girl of the 255th Guide and Irownie Companv alnng wi'h nieir leaders. held a Pot Luck “peer at Tumoan! school an Tuesdav last. The nirl: brought It' club and the-men of the instay, the new t?tricet'S ol me “intention. ‘W.A, on Nov. Mth. A congregational meeting isl . . . in. to take place shortly, but Mr and Mrs. Elderiield Tor- detinite date has bean given. onto parents of Mrs. Rav Leon- Last Sundaxx Oct. '2.1st a large 2rd have just returned from a 9ttertdanee of 115 children were seven week sojourn in England, ":3: Sunday School. E. Dockrav ahoard the Empress of Britain i. W the Church of the Good The passage was somewhat therd wo the speaker. Hirrough. y,9tu" News-The Ladies" Itll', ttf St. Timothy by the: h? her has changed time of; " I trom afternoons tol . - " every second Thurs-' "Q _ . All meetings take place at', " lane of the president, ioril p, " M. N. The new executive. L t Mrs. J. Bailey, president: ‘ . GriMth. treasurer; and > r B. Kirby, secretary, a beauty clinic will provide, w interesting evening in a few! " time. The tour repre-i “Lives of the district will be " nt and I representative q .. the cosmetic company will, eh be there. She will talk onl . merits of cosmetics. beautv' I -blema. give a free facial and ' - te a door prize. 1 he Guild have quite a few - led: in line. There is a pro-i _, r of ttutcy-work in prepar-’ won for a bazaar in the future; Old nearer at hand the idea of: _'setlirtr Christmas trees Will be’ ttthed out, along with the 1'g,d2,,t doc-0. gown Alum , yonld Mm V don ot will: a up? about T MON?“ 1 t . .1 t LADIES, 3 GUIDES Due to the resistmstion ot Mrs. Bennett,. Guide Captain. a new leader is required. There must; be someone in this distric‘ who Would like to come forward and bem the Guides. 3 t LADIES AUXILIARY . t. GUIDES & nnowmx-zs " Members of the Ladies Aux- llilry of the 285th Guide' and arownie Comoany met for thcie haul-r monthly meeting at Roding school Oct. 29th. There I” I very good attendance of mothers for this medium wh-- I, Mrs., Hughes -aetivities. family And Group Swimming Encouraged At Etobicoke School iAuturnn is a good time for BEVERLEY HILLS t DOWNSVIEW Darin: ll' mPxt two “eeks lt would be appreciated it new: for this column should be an! directly to the News Editor. Times and Guide. 1A Lawrence Ave. w.. Weston. in. mbtrs, our rrrular cor- don'. will be out of Iown during that time and WM synod-i2 the ftp-O“ tton oi her ettr'aets ,'tt eerirtr the column (“P"). or should be in our office MON" " "0"\'. tbs ”all waning. On the d we I Ind. eight pupil In lam a menu. Mr. mum. and wont.- Mm. Inter and Mr. P. Morris. I . YOU‘RE ALWAYS A STEP AHEAD IN "ree CARS OF THE FORWARD LOOK ' coach-ion arrived " was. TV in no harmful mm M children provided there food and apparently there ,6serio then. end f." ism tl." up vs" were made for Christmrs I nun! control. null: and her committee [continuum ' PORSTEB’S mums swoon. 1,000... - WY, NOV. 0. "so- “RS GWEN H1388 CB. 4-15" prsidinm said needssd for the and althOuzh watch l, Mu McKillop, President of 'the Dominion Board of the lUnlted Church W.MS. give an linspxnng address, while Mrs. iDertike, President of Rwerside WM s. assisted It the service. _ Mrs, McKillop told of the work of the women of the iW,M.S. and the important put lthey take 1n the church with regards to missionary work. Almost half the support given to medical missionary overseas i" supplled by the WMS. and ‘that is a pretty big Issue, all the more amazmg to those who ‘do not realize fully the wonder- ltul work being done. Mrs. Mc- LKlllop emphasized the challenge "hat we have in our responsib- gility towards Christian missions. _especrally in these unsettled xtxmes. w, (ward s"mn31hv tn Cy PMw-r rd Cntilv. 48 Forth- bri' " C r=.. on the sur'd'm ipas"ne m szhand of Mr. Hath- away's Hthr-. talk eentgqd on "manna. GRADUA‘DON moon The Inlay Rd. Home and School Minion and tho TF. " graduating class on Oct. 17th by giving I banquet in their honour. Dr. Pmlov. Inspector of Publi. School; toe N. York wu the guest of honour. After being “touted And fed." the graduates were Dreamed With their diplomas and uhool pun. T SOCYAL NIGHT The lst Beverley Hills Aux- "iliam \'."‘i the organizer of I ',""-'-al Nitht halt! at Tumoane l v'nool Nov. 3rd. fty twin" Scout Md Cub paranl; together. to -e-t raw nelr'hl‘ours. and to (o tor a rommunitv» spirit. It "ms felt that the objectives had bwn av-HL-V'd. -rieiune and School A: bu planned a square dance Nov, Nth. liven“: United Church: The: Women's Missionary Socyety or, Rwerside United Church took the service on Nev. 6th. _ The Rev. David Gault um install the new ofticers of the WA. on Nov. 13th. was quite an acsortment. About 75 his nnjove" the fun. and as it was th'H- Hvllowe'en party thev all trok part in games and a sing-son". Bert Luckeit was MC. for the evening and the music for dancing w" supnlied tr. a trio. Variovs oriz’s were given for games plaved, Swot d'nres. and other Pvpnu, and the door nrize. a banknt ot trr".'. was won by Mr. and Mrs C(rdell. Prec-ntations If corsazes were mad- by Cut-m' ter Jar-k Duff" to the wives " the Cub and Scout Iowa's. for being so pa- tient when their husbands spend sit) man" haw: aw“: from home, to instruct the Cubs and Smut: Refreshmets were snrved at the clove of the eve-tin: bv Mrs. Jovoe Thome; {Nd when. Ev- eryone "reed it was I good evening or Mn. local Knights of Columbus, the CYO has resumed its Thursday night swimming programme and each week between I70 and 150 boys and girls get swimming instruction from CYO instruc- tors under direction of the pool staff. BABY FHOWFR l ies. NC. A shower was Wald reventlv The Guest of Honoglr ant a? thes hnme " Mrs. Cole 5rprin.cipal speaker was His Exe, Forthbridge Cres. tor Mrs.)------------------------- There are 15 CYO instructors ranging m age from 15 to 18 and their young pupils from b' to 15 are organized into small el-es, about 6 or 8 to a class The whole programme is aimed a! 2mm: as much instruction and time in the wmterls pos» sible and every boy and girl spends nearly a whole hour in the pool at etch Thursday night sessmn In charge of the programme urn two K of C members. Char. In Asmnall and Tom Calnan. both Etnhumkp residuum. A unn-ersivv student, Richard Berti. is CYO youth group leader. r'..te...2* m" In” MC. for music for tr. 3 trio. given for i .There was .qilert praver in "srrtrmbrarnrct, of the miners at ithe Soringhill. NS. mine. and also of Can‘nin Hardv who went rut this fall.frnm thrs Church Armv and was killed in an ac- ;ci"~"t out West. A wonderful party vu on- joyed Friday night in the top elm of boys and girls, super- vised by Mr. Fluke-v. Coneratutattona to Mr. and Mrs. Bill Shaw on their 10th wedding anniversary. CHURCH NEWS Recent aetivities It St. An- drew's Anglican church. This- tletown brought the following amounts - rummage sale, $40; tho bazaar, $158 57. Rev. F. Covle was Celebrant " the Holv Communion service Sunda" morning. He preached on, "The Saints", and asked the congregation to remember that the churrh had alwavs been a hmnital for sick sinners. DruStn'ey’s tathrsr died this "a" “wok-0nd an” we extend to thr family our deepest sym- pathy VISIT TO MUSEUM Sunday afternoon Mr. Frar,k Bingham took pupils of grade =even and eivht on a trip to the, Royal Ontario Muwum, Trans-", oortation was kihdh' nrm"rled[ hv Mr. 3nd Mrs Bmwnin". Mrs. Wheeler, Mr. Brown and Mr. Crane, parents of some of the pupi‘< The Cub, cnioyod 2 Hana- we'on part" on ffnrd'nx the Ladies Auxiliary providirv', the luncheon. Wendv Hmhaway and "bahv-to-btr". Nireteen 1rdies v'rwe prrsrent, indudinz six mem'm'": or the evewtive of 'he ."55th Guide Cnmnan" er‘ie= Auxiliary nf Cnmnan" er‘ie" Auxiliary nf wich Mrs. Hathawav is secre- tpet Man- Iovelv Eifk were ra- chiver' and refreshments were served. On Monday. Oct. 20, a @1er for the parishlnners of St, Philin Neri parish w."c qerwnd at the Downsview Collegiate cafeteria. Over 200 attended the dinner. half of whom were newcomers to the parish. The occasion marked the conclusion of the first six months of co!- Iecfions in the three year' Funds Drive, which will ensure the maple of st. Philip's a new and hirrzer church in the near fu- tvre. A five week-long prenar- atim had preceded this event. The dinner served tty intro- duce new arrivals th the rhair- men and leaders of some 15 parish organizations who were) s-a‘erl at the head-table. Fan ther Vitus. Pastor. introduced all l the leaders. urging the nnwl parishioners to use the facilities of the organizations and to be-l come membnrs of HNS, CWL. PTA, CHOIR, em, and tn send their children to Cubs, Brown-, ies. etc. The Guest of Honour and HP LLOWE'EN PARTY sr. PHILIP NF"t CHURCH NFWS tPresenting-the AllllllHhllew Ready? Get met for a series of wonderful surprises that start with the smoothest ride on wheels. Nothing can equal revohr tiomry Torsion-Aire Ride for luxurious comfort and handling ease. A completely new suspension system replaces old- fashioned coil springs with new Ionian bars, permits a lower centre of gravity that keeps Plymouth hugging the road. There's Almost no Iway on cunts. bump. lean to vanilla. and oven quick storm Come, tab the wheel of the most com- pletely new car in twenty year: . ' b the beautiful Thrill-Power Plymouth. New Ultra-Smooth TorsigngAlro Ride! New Thrill-Power Go! New Safer 'tttp-Power.' the ALWAYS A STEP AHEAD IN True WITH NEW [OW-$10M MO SWEEP BEAUTY! Dramatically Styled Plymouth Features "Tttrsitm-lum Ride" Windsor, Ont.-Canadian auto buyers are oitered a dramatically styled Iil57 Plymouth that is longer-looking. four to five inches lower in height, with e lower centre of gravity. This improvement in Forward Look styling is made possible largely by a completely new front end rear suspension system which utilizes chrome steel torsion- bar front springs instead ot the Zormer foot-high coil springs. Because torsion-bar springs save space and. permit better pince- ment ot engine accessories they help make Plymouth's new low prtmle possible. Thus Plymouth engineers have achieved a sty- ling triumph and an even more comfortable ride. - mummmmmonwm). .,i'lihP.,hiet,,tithgt,rghtt2'tlpf,.e bani-thou I. 2s,'hag"ggtttl'/'G 'llgria'd'tdliflt,'. Tia-196730! halal] 5 inch- 10"! than tho Band." for 1966. Foatumdinthr-Pt thmunchstylo futum n tiiatinctiva, marathon". may unused gh- u‘u. M thin support pooh. The new Plymouth has I graceiul lino reorwurd from the forward thrusting headlights to the tsweeping hlrtt-mutg rear Mr. The lull-width Iluminum grille And lide-by-nde lighting rrrmumont accent- the width And stability of the front end. Prospective ownen can choose from " ttitterertt models with both six and V-l cylinder eng- ines in 4 series, Pun. Savoy, Belvedere and Suburban. The Plymouth lineup,. in l' wide range ot exterior and in-i terior colours, is on display ath all Chrysler - Plymouth - Fargo 1 dralcrs. announced Mr. John C.' McGuire, a director of the com-' pany and General Sales Man-I agar of the Chgsler-Plymouth-l Fargo division, l The push-button control that: made Plymouth Powerilitei Bishop Francis A. Marrocco. DD. His Exc. cave an address. in'erestingly illustrated with personal experiences, on the vir- tue of generosity toward the Church. Four laymen also ad, dressed the gathering to report on the success of the campalgn (Robt. Dodds). to invite new- (Continued on Page 15) 1956 VOLKSWAGEN FULL °RICE Ticknor-Volkswagen Ltd. IVS? SOUTH OF I 132 Weston ltd. IOLINTON AVE. s1587 CALL DON GEVING RO. 1.7543 Payments To Suit Your Budget pntgttttttttrttttt9grt$Mihl0ttt"lBN In smooth. without usual "nose-dive." Step on the (an. Feel that instant re- sponse. There's new Thrill - Pouer go under the hood of every big, new Plymouth, V-8 But, you‘ll have to drive this beautiful new Plymouth to discover how really exciting it in! Come in And try it- today! Red iight ahead? New TotaLCnntact brakes give you extra-safe Imp-power to match Plymouth) go-power. or 6. And it”; yours to command with fingertip use. thank. to proved-in-use push-button automatic shifting. models so popular, is continued along with other optional power features such as power steering. power brakes, and two-way power seats. The new three- speed Torque-Flite transmission will be offered in the Belvedere and Sport Suburban models. Plymouth" 1957 driving thrill is the "Torsion-Aire" ride which results from the completely new suspension system and a new frame that is a toot longer and " pounds heavier than last year's frame. Incorporated in the new aus- pension Iystem Ire . multitude of outstanding futures that truly "cushion" the ride. In- cluded in these are newly de- signed ball joinu which replace kingpin: to reduce steering ei- tort and to quicken steering wheel "return" liter cornering; special rubber bushings in the suspension and steering systems which minimize the noise and vibration, and cushion against jolts and noise. These bushings are frictionless and, " I result. need no lubrication. Lubricat- ion points in the entire front iend have been reduced from 20 hm 8 for six cylinder models and from 23 to 8 for the VB models. There in I longer, 118 Inch wheelbase, Ind new 14 inch tubeless tires which have wider treads for better trlctlon and control. The wheelbase on the Suburb-n is IM", This low- pressure tire puts more air, at reduced presure, between the body nnv' the road thereby. greatly reducing road shock and noise. In addition the wider tread provides greater surfaces for smoother, quicker stopping. Also featured in the new ride is the rear spring design and axle mounting. Springs are mounted on the outlide of the frame for body stability and ride control. and improved Ori- Bow shock absorbers control the springs for a better ride., The Oriftow shock Ibsorber will cushion v, times more spring impact than will an ordinary shock absorber. Intludu ' Plymouth engineer. have also positioned the upper control lit-mo, 6,000 Mil. Warranty. Gas huh and he". High bumper Guards tearl,elttneg',gi'tal"atlt The 1962 Plymouth hum- an nil-m "'roetsion.Aige rid. which Jig,', it a "limoudu"fod. AaouofitatorV tStd mail-bl. to: 1957, with Pawn“; In“: a FY optigll. In the .Boyvodgn 'uriu QR?“ rfiATiFiitoTiiGniGia ___. GiGYiurdaaia " option-l oquipmont. Mt. Dennis l All engines have been equip- 1ped with the new Mlcronic " ‘cleaner. Chrysler Corporation is {pioneering with this revolution- ‘nry air cleaner which is not '_only more efficient nd easier to lmalntain, but which has also (allowed for rcslyling of hood ‘lines and is easily cleaned. l Plymouth provides additional Judy with the new Honing- shoe Total-Contact brake which jive: " percent more Duke lllnlng wear than do ordinary arm inner pivots differently and eliminated nearly " percent ot brake dip " sudden Hopi. More horsepower Ind higher compression ratio: have been achieved in the redesigning of the new Plymouth Hy-Fire V-I engine. Displacement of the engine has been increued to 303. cu. inches giving higher power. Idling has been improved by use of camshaft; with longer duration valve openings New engine mountings reduce vib- ration. noise and engine move- ment on All models. brakes. Insurance.. Gordon W. Alcott MS Main St. N. WESTON Telephone CH. 1-6584 When You Think Of Sun life Assurance Co of Canada LIFE an See Us About Your Heating Problems'. [III] English & Illksiihllrl,tiL Rabi. Simpson Co. Canadian Tire Corp. Winder'sGervice Station, Cor. Jane & Weston Rd. Does For You ----- q Actually reduce; engine wear up to 75% . O Prolongs oil lih up to 20 times or 20,000 miles . Saves you money on oil changes . Prevents corrosive crankcase acido . Saves you money on expensive engine overhaul, . Reduces sludge formation in crankcase: . Forms its own detergents . Greatly extends life of oil filters . Helps keep hydraulic valve liners free Sold an unconditional money back guarantee Simply replaces present oil drain plug Install when changing oil and filter. Mrsnuferrtured By New 33 Oil Drain Plug v In Your Furnace! 0 Go! More "out! 0 Save On Fuel! rPLUMIING q HEATING . APPLIANCES Do " Yourself Or We'll Do " For Your Positive Meials ' Alloys Lid. The Only Plug in Canada that I: Manufactured Under Direct license HERE'S WHAT THE OII. DRAIN PLUG 21 Sablo St., Toronto 15, CH. 4-6476 Pas - Met Acid Neutralizer and Oxidation Inhibitor And Sold By Change The Air Filter How’s the Time To Makes Am till Good Up To 20.000 Mil»!

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