ELM“ AND tttmn,emid.qr,_.t.9s1lb-'ea WA. 4-7704 and ' so. M Ave. iii 63- io that Ill yaw "V... du, you - a ta “you Nook†Stork Diaper Service ltd. make your home velvet your walls now with For Telephone Numbers animu- to an yaw out dirunvy for WOOOIIIMI- rnd KlllN3UIO-NASHVILLI um" Sunday. in WOODIIIDGI and KLEINIUIG - NAIIIVILLI lit YOUR SERVIcE Vlmllll um um: WALL PAINT Choose your favourite colours from the wide selection of Gold Bond Shades . . . apply Velvet quickly and smoothly with brush or roller. Velvet dries in minutes to a beautiful satin lustre. For best results, be sure to pre-condilion your walls with Gold Bond Vinyl Latex Sparkling Paste. WESTON HOME IMPROVEMENT (W310! POLK. on.) “Page General Controttor " MAIN " N. CH. #2649 Come in today for your he. "alovr card! " Per Week t lot. compam “up". rented and laundered No customer luau tncludod ammo. or 'tttgl no on! a“! can Diaper Rental Service Toronto you“. '.. ..._ -_" Mrs. W. Cotton invited the membership to attend a tea in (honour of lhe Sisters of Wisdom i, be held at the home of Mrs. ‘Cyl'il o'Reilly at 429 Martingrove Ped on November l8th. Mrs. Thomas Quinlan told the ladies of a Spiritual Bouquet ‘which will be presented tn His iEminence the Cardinal at Christ- mastime. She invited the mem- bers lo attend Holy Mass dailv ‘during the month of Holv Souls. land to keep Advent a. time of preparation for Christmas. - -- - . rr ag,_,,te_u ..|| Mrs. Martha Gibson (left), cenvcner of Doll. ot Humbar Momorial Hospitql Woman'. Auxilimy Annual Bazaar, proudly displays some of the many I."'OC"VD unit!» which war. on ml. to Annual Bazaar Bthprtluggtstsl, Residence Mrs. A. Dover, general convener. . J.“ V.......\... -"e - i Rev. J. B, Driscoll thanked all ithe ladies for helping make the 4173†Fair the success it Was. Mrs. J. MrConl. who spoke on the History of the Confraternitv of the Rosarv. was thanked bv lMI‘S. Quinlan: and Mr. William Lvon, who spoke on the impor- tance of the coming municipal Fjiii(ione in which he is a can- didale for Councillor in Ward 8, ‘Nnrth York. was thanked by Mrs. H. E. Baker, The regular monthly meeting of the C,W,L. of St. John the Evangelist, Weston, was held in the parish hall, November 5th. The presIdenl introduced three new members: -Adrlan Nelson. Mis J. Lumen and Mrs. B Sykut. The membership will fill six sun-kings for the Christmas Party al the House M Prov- dence at the next meeting, Mrs. Alfred Redmond, in the absenre of Mrs. Kloepfer, read the financial report on the recent bazaar. Mrs, J. Golber reported on the Regional Bridge held at St. Gabriel's Parish Hall, at which Mrs, N, Ostapowich, immigra- tion, urged the ladies to attend the conversation groups sponsor- ed by the Local Council of Wom- en which are held Tuesday after- norms. ___ .. “Add a goodly number of Weston members won prizes; and Mrs A. Redmond told the membership of the recent regional meeting held tn St. Edward's parish hall, Lannng. HUllIL‘. Mrs. Rita Walker reported that the Children's Hallowe'en Party had been a tremendous success: and reminded the ladies to write to their M.P.'s in van- nection with the Decency Cam- paign in Literature. --- " A: t__-ii.,.. a“, Mrs. Sykut won the baking draw. and then r-nffee was served bv Mrs J. E. Powers and Mrs, George Lynch. CENTRAL UNITED WA. The general meeting of the WA. ot Central United Church ST. JOHN'S C.W.L. Club Highlights [ Miss Lindsay reported that her committee had made over 400 calls to sick and shut-ins so far this vear.' Mrs. King told of the flowers distributed this _past month also to sick and 1shut-ins, Mrs. J. Draper report- ed for the Christian Education lcommittee and told of the need ifor two more leaders tor the growing Explorers group of lgirls. It was decided to hold a shower for the Victor Home for 'iris at the next general meet- ing, Mrs Sutherland reported for the parsonage committee. Mrc. Thornton took over in the chair tor the remainder of lthe meeting which opened with :th_e singing of hvmn 148. “Breathe on Me Breath of God" Mr; Coleman read the scrip- ture lesson from St, John Chap- ter I and St, Mark Chapter 12. Mrs. Thompson gave the devo- tional thoughts based on the scripture from St. John Chapter '14. "Peace I Leave With You" ;and followed with a prayer l Nov. 8th the Guides formed a (horseshoe and Linda Passefme 'wo enrolled. Jane Lindseil, ‘Sharon Riggs and Anna Marie ‘Chnffe received their Hostess ihadge. Anna Marie also renewed .her leader‘s whistle. , .q-t-qgIt--l..lIr-rqq.. u splendid Motto Paper on "It; The Mathers' Auxiliary of the you hive knowledge, let otheraiGuidei and Browns: 29th light their candle by it," enmngiCompuny and Pack held thew ll with the poem by Rev, Henry regular monthly meeting on Burton, “Pass it On". Wednesday, Nuv. 7th at Yvohne Mrs. Jermansen gave a most Aye. school. . ‘ixrellent paper on History at This meeting was. one of the , Ceylon with the country "as, a best attended meetings of the lg S whole -- Industries, resources/ye" and continuance of this D _edruational systems and tradi/rntet'est for the remainder [if . tions of the peoples. This (vis/tAe year wnuld be appreciated, was held in the ladies parlour most interesting to the groupiMNg MHCNICOI Save a denym- on Thursday evening, Nov. who (We to the fact the world J/ir/ttratio! on the I"1 of making Mrs. L. Salisbury. the president, convention is being held in Ceyntanry tea sandwiches. Retresh, opened the meeting with 3 Ion this year and a number ol‘menls were strved with the scripture reading from Ptsalm,Canariian wnmen are on their‘mmhers 'ploy/n? the sand- 130 and the WA. theme song way tn Ceylon as dalegates. :\.it-heslmade during the dem- was sung. Mrs, Irvine read the The meeting “used with the 0pstratmn.. r W.A, prayer and the Lord's Queen after which a luncheon “EVERLEY mLMir'NlTor prayer was repeated in unison. was‘sm‘vpd h" um "um“ .,.,.a . There will he 1rm"1imp"r- The minutes nt the Octnher meeting were read by MPs, Emery and approved. Mrs, Yerex gave the financial report and, Mrs. L. Blayney read the car-1 respondence. Mrs. F. Irvme, (0-1 convener of the recent bazaar,, thanked all the unnveners and} members who had vtmtributed; so generously to make the; event this year one of the most y successful ever held. , Mrs, M Dixon. prrsidimt. the huslnost part of the moi-4mg tre In. dull with, Mn TIMn [In Mrs. Murray and Mrs. Hui- cheson accompanied bv Mrs. Bull at the piano sang: two beautiful numbers, "As I Went A Roaming" and "I Would That Mv Love". Mrs. Gardhouse thanked the salonsts. the pianist and each member of the panel tor a most mtereslmg and enjoyable eve- ning. A snvial hour followed with tea being served by Group m. Mrs, Palmer. prosxdont of tho Weston Council of Women m- trnduced Mrs, Lynch. head of the committee on Citizenshm and Immigration. Mrs. Lynch in turn introduced Mrs. Taylor. Mrs. McAlhone. Mrs. Florenz Mrs. Lippay and Mrs. Albarda who gave a panel discussion on the various projects studjed and instigated by this group. Mrs. Lynch closed the discussion with a Summary of Itycal interests and projects now under studv. The 196 Girl Guide Company has resumed their fall meetings in St. Phihp's parish hall, Etn- bicoke, The October muting a! the XlIrhvmw WI met at the new home of Mo, Isabel Mather. " Burncrmst Drum. Toronto. On Nov. 1 they all met for a Hallowe'en party and great fun was had hy all, The patrols prnyided the refreshments. BAZAAR home baking, needlework, tayl, tea cup read- Ing. " In Cadet Building, next to Walton Irenl. on Saturday November 17th, Auspmas Wo- men'l Auxiliary Sea Cadet Corps. IUMMAGB BALI WEBTONIA Rehab Lodge are holding I Hummus. Sale in the Town Hill, Main St North, Saturday, Nov . m b I r Mth. Everyone welcome, CENTRAL UNITED W.A, IICIIVIIW Wd. HEARD PAPII 0N CIVLON BAZAAR SATURDAY I96 GIRL Gumrf RESUME MEETINGS u splendid Motto Paper on "It you hive knowledge, let othera light their candle by it," ending with the poem by Rev. Henry Burton, “Pass it On". The meeting elm-ed with the Queen after which a luncheon wassstsrved by Mrs. Mather a,nd the committee in charge. The November megung will be held at thi home of Mrs. H. Photo by umtttrey "has: l //',,Ci"i,iif'i',"j",,rj'y \ 'sh / AA _ We 've come a long way since 1867! Q I, I/ . . . 89 exciting and brilliant fashion years from that day in 1867 when we first opened\our doors on Toronto's bustling Yonge Street. Right from that day, fashion and quality were our aims. At the grand opening of our York Plaza store, you'll find the Fairweather look at its best. Every busy department will glow with an air of freshness and welcome . . . reflecting our devotion to the principles that have created the Fairweather look. I vi Murphy, " Oman Mn. View tan. All the mu. m many N invited to thin mum... _ Wm mm tutttVP â€I“ “III“ OMUND" you“ Dun. Group presents ‘W Grand†(Ban-venture) By Chulotte Hastings at Weston Collegiate Auditorium on Mon- day an in Mouth Dec-m7 her. Tickets available at door. Needs to Weston Swnmmmg ‘Pool. LEGION EUCHII The Ladies Auxuury of the Canadian Legion are holdmz a enam- on Tuesday, Novamber 80th in the Legion Hall. 140 Main " South. Prius - refresh» menu and door prins. Proceeds in aid of the veteran: in the Sam- barium. In a man an T Tea and bake sale at Weston Myurian Church, Cross St. My. Novunbar mh. Procueds to " to and 3rd Weston Cub and Stout Auxmlty. REVERLEY KILLS l'NlTED There will be a most impor- lam congregational meeting on Sunday, Nov. 25th and every member and adherent IS asked to attend. " Oakdalo Acres 36 Main St. s. CH. 1,1112 YORK PlAlA, Wilson Ave. at Jane St, stool Open To-day a! York Plaza reirw-urotmtroeghondriu'trt" _VISIT OUR NEW YORK PLAZA STORE ENJOY THE SAVINGS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT NEW [iT'lMiiE 20 fashion- approved styles REG. TO $16.95 "" FALL, "" WIN"! light-weight woois corduroy; worsted-look rayon; crystalline; tailored or dressy styles SALE royal blue, navy, block For Sizes; 9 to' IT, 10 fo 20, 12"i to 22%. Colours' induda ocean blue, manoa brown, beign, aqua mint, gold,