iug found to the ctuutnuis tktittttll Itirltttrttt 7ith um .omemm. should be {done to settle the mum: at (Command tron put I) .Ihe John Bt. lot so that it could " tt In..." would be inat.ll-. be m lull use m pecenxnbm. " them anon asthey were “not Clark said: I nugget“ â€mummy paved. w; put the meters on the. lot. iiittr Jack Holly ndmit- We've haahed 1t sround tor a "lttt the . "be the your and we .uv.e. to make a A, . my ."wu' ,. -- daemon sometime." - to mi orotiUn ot cm; latch. parking nun-um can In. lot: but he would Wuly who“ the Installation at than 'titching posts" on the Main Main Bt. Mayor Clare drew to the at.. tlntlon ot council that ali-Gi-l new)! 65 per cent at the lot MI bun paid for by the busir no. men and that the "socia- dnn had opposed meters on the lets although any would favour them On the Main St. “I I.“ think you ue dul- mm the Dulu- m u a " Mated Councillor C. I. _ “but only I null Mr- II. et them." no - that no ..a-oehtlon "tad not had I." than 11 number- at In noel“: during the put yen. ancillor Geo. Bull gsserted A meeting of the Municipal Electors of the Township of North York will be held in the North York Memorial Com- Tunity Hall, 5090 Yonge Street, Willowdale, on Monday, November 19th, 1956, between the hours of 7 o'clock in the anrnoon and 8 o'clock in the afternoon for the nomina- tion 6f candidaves for: At the nomination meeting, the candidates for each office shall be proposed. and seconded seriatim, and every nom- ination shall be in writing and state the name, residence and occupation of the candidate and the residence and occupation of the proposer and seconder and shall be signed by the proposer and seconder, both of whom shall be municipal electors and present, and shall be filed with the returning officer within one hour from the opening of the nomination meeting. When a proposed candidate is not present, his nomination paper shall not be valid unless there is attached thereto evidence sotisfac- tory to the returning officer that he consents to be so nam- inated. "e ' AND Iguiigl'10Bt,tlt11 Candidates are reques'ed to obtain from fore the nomination meeting the requisih mg that mm wen ot the time of th nomination muting no unpaid taxes f _ . - - r L:_L Candidates are requosied to obtain from the Treasurer be- fore the nomination meeting the requisite certificate show- mg that Hum were ot the time of the opening of the nomination muting no unpaid taxes for any preceding your against the land in respeci of which they are qualify- ing, and no unpaid taxes against them in respect of assess- ment for business. TOWNSHIP OF NORTH YORK If an “action is necessary lo fill any of the above positions, it will take place on Monday, December 3rd, 1956, be- tween the hours of 10 o’clock in the morning and 8 o'clock in the afternoon, in tho polling places designated. An Advance Poll for the purpose of receiving the votes of vonn who will be absent in the ordinary course of their business or omploymm from the Municipality on the day fixed for polling will be hold at the Municipal Building, 5000 Yong. Smut, Willowdole, on Friday, November dork, 1956 and Saturday, December in, 1956. The Ad, VCMO,'°"I for each Ward will be open between the hours of , mm. and , pm. TeWnehip Iy-law 10437 provides that "no person shall post, nail or anach any poster, dodger, handbill, novice or adverliumenv an or to any trett Or any lclegraph, ielephona, hydro-electric or fire-alarm telegraph pole, or ht any pole of the Toronto Transit Commission, or upon any howo, building or ovher eredion, unless with the (on- MM of the owner of such home, building or other eru- vion," and, further, that any person convicled of, a breach of m. paid ly-law 10437 shall be liable to o ponally nu exceoding (enclugive of costs) the sum of $50.00 for each offence. DOOM! of WilIowdoh, this lerEtETiEiiE% I'IV'. Ono Councillor for ouch of Wards 1 to I Two Hydro Commissioners. Ono mombor of the Board of Education " Words 1 to I inclusivn. Rave. On. Councillor for IOTIGE To CANDIDATES A. G. STANDING, lemming Officer ADVANCE! POLL ELEGTIONS l It Wu then agreed that the commune report would be withdrawn and Councillor Moore introduced a motion that council mutate tor the in- ‘Itlllltion of parking meters on (the John St. lot immediately so that puking might be control- "ed during the Christh rush. Coucllhr Bert Wood and that the lot it the Humbu- Blv- or old Lawrence Ave. (north “6) be will for all any - jut " won as possible. In all. an“ that the town should “he our the lot on the â€nth aide In the recreation ren- tre, surface " and put lights on It. Still on the sumac-1 of purk- ing, Weston council cmmdered I letter from T. C. Ruum, a real 9th day of .Novembtrr 1956 .Wnrinl} a lul on I inclusive for and: Councillor Wood pointed out to council that he had brought this lot to the attention of counv ul some months ago when I price of 522000 was put on it. Mayor Marry Clark deemed that he w“ certainly not later- ested in the lot at the price of 1.535.000 but agreed with Coun- clllor Perry that it might Be "- lated to next year’s council. Councillor Wood truncated that the town might be Ible to rule It: lot on Jane St. lor the lsmere lot. The letter was filed and in- ,elruction gwen the clerk to lbnug the matter of the lot to the attention of the 1957-58 Blame" Ava. anything about one uni one-tenth new at level land, for sale to the town a I parking lot. The “king print was sumo. The letter aho said, "Al-o "th is I strip at land Mrrtht trauma. on Km 'et., pan at lot 38. and backing on autumn)! “twine! “.000. This would give two entrances Ind exits to the park- ing lot and with the mm lights at Main and lumen. it lot." The letter would have re- ceived little response trom council except tor Councillor Bull's “instance that the matter be considered seriously ai- .though he certainly opposed the high price of the lot. He said that the town had to (ace the future it it was going to pro- gress and its shopping centre continue to nourish. Because of the amalgamation bt police forces at the end of this year, PC Smith association lsecretary. said he anticipated that this will be the last year that the association as such could run the project but he hoped that come service club would take it over and operate " next war with the assistance of the police. (Continued form page 1) max-dad for prizes. Weston and District merchants generously ionated other prizes and re- reshments for the young cyc- ists including hot chocolate, toughnuts, biscuits, soft drinks nd orange juice. Mayor Marry Clark paid a isit to the roadeo on Saturday naming at Weston Senior pub- ouacul The roadco was divided into 'we riding tests and a question- 1irc. the latter including 15 lucstions requiring true or false mswers. The active tests inclu- ded an intersection, figure eight. serpentine, balance, and straight riding. Home and School Association members assisting with the pro- ject included Jack Hodge, Colin Kerr, Bill Snyder, Gerald Lynes and Murray Reynolds. Cuuncil- lor Jerk Holley also was there most of the morning and assis- ted with the tests. _ Members of the police assoc- iation conducting the project included PS Wm. Manuel. PC John Smith, PC J. Leyboume and PC J. Oliver. IC school grounds and spoke sriefly to the children and ad- .rised them to observe the safety vles. Sealed under: clearly marked on ttt under number will In rewind for the tender number will b. rewind for the supply and imstvllrtrion of a Public Ad- dross System, Specirtcorions and under forms may be obtained from tho Pur- .L,..:..,. nmnnmmc. huden dam No. chewing Department. Toads" close No. nmbor 23, 1956 ot 3.00 pm. The lowest or (my tend" WI" mot "roundly be occrpurd A BA.1a43t. _' 'lit) Dodge Sedan - $595 . " 'll lit-tetra Coach 'itll nonct to cannons , 395 or oac _ . AND ott4ett' lil! Meteor Coach S 99 '48 M C h tIN I mw,.esrorroiMorrsl-lr"G"a"'"r 50 Studebaker Sedan $1 egcurys :ac $199 _ deceosrd, _ 'M Plymouth Coupe $495 '48 De oto e an -tv :;'°::.P:f;3:"o.1:33:12:iitfflfr': ’50 Olds. (automatic) Sedan $595 '47 Ford Express 1/2 ton Pick-up $195 i-ty',,',,",',,:'::',',"":,",',',,:',',",');": ’49 Austin Sedan / $149 '47 Mercury Cour gl, :ir.:s:it'r/".'t,'1"'o,","r,1"'dC.1','i '49 Ford Sedan $299 '47 Pontiac Coac '48 Dodge Sedan . tlMr y, Chrysler Sedan " t :1:“1..‘:;:."°;t:.' £139.“: io."',,,":'.',', ,’49 Mercury Sedan $299 Mi Olds. Sedan S199 5212' '49 "W091" Sedan $399 '41 Ford Tudor " : --- - - _ L,. ï¬g] All pormm henna claim: anoint! the Emu. of Mary Alexandra Gibson, late of the Town cl li<hmond Hill, in the County of Vault, Widow, doc-aged, who dud on the 30tr, day of January, ‘956, or. have!" notified to send to the un- dOrsign-d Eneculon of the lum- of the laid dQROOECd, on or bnfon {he lst day " thumb-v, 1956, full particulars of hair slainâ€, duly vari‘itd by esffi Jaw! lmmadlcvely all" th. mud date vb. human ml! diurnal". the an": of Mn laid dotoaud, having "gnu! only on (lawn of which they shall Nun have "and, and "my will no! be liable " any ptulon of when: claim they Bikes, Radios undo: Gihson, C Emu. Inna-nu, nu Wanna, Onhvio‘ PUBlIC ADDRESS SVSYEM TENDER Wellington human 00 the of 7h. ma Mary Ablandr. C o Mum. he": and Shunt m, m , MM" 5m" South, H M, B‘ZOWNLEE business Administrator. The Board of Education for the Township of North York, 7 kenneth Snub Willowdalc, OHM-um, IA. 1-345). REDUCING 'M Chev. Coach $1595 'lili Pontiac (automatic) Coach $1695 'M Meteor Coach $1295 'lit Chev. Sedan $1095 'lit Dodge Coupe $1195 'lit Ford Sedan $1095 'lit Pontiac Coach . $1195 'Sl Plymouth Suburhar _ $1185 'lit Dodge Sedan $895 Tt Vanguard Sedan Sat-35 SPOTLIGHT 'M Plymouth Coupe ’50 Olds. (automatic) Sedan ’49 Austin Sedan I ’49 Ford Sedan ’49 Dodge Sedan .’49 Mercury Sedan . ’49 Plymouth Sedan 169 MAIN " NORTH “THE DEALS BEST LIKE} USED LATE Ill FliW' CAR ARE STOCK _))""" rumour" COACH "i'"ikii," 'gr'_1'iriajrHItt as V ' B "ire, - . C a x ME), a“. K «W f', "f?)"sr,':'5"'"/ctF ". i , . :22)‘; s.s' Ji 35 Ct $219 I950 Sl Mayfltmer Coach $295 'Sl Pontiac Coach $895 'lit Plymouth Coupe $395 'lil Dodge Sedan $795 'lil Ford Sedan $695 'lil Chev. Sedan . $795 "il Plymouth Sedan $795 TI Pontiac Sedan $795 'lil Studebaker Champion Coupe $695 'lit Pontiac Sedan $595 '48 Meteor Coach $395 ’49 Ford Coach S199 '48 Mercury Coach tIN '48 DeSoto Sedan S199 '47 Ford Express 1/2 ton Pick-up $195 '47 Mercury Coupe " '47 Pontiac Coach " ’41 Chrysler Sedan " 'Mi Olds. Sedan S199 '41 Ford Tudor Mt Tttg Why not play it smart ? SPECIAL DROP II All) LOOK THEM OVER! tii5