Illa! ROAD mrrul1,g3,l Car " the Dtrwruview Baptist church wu “Applied by Mr. “cranial: It the morning Bervice and in the evening; by Mr. Len- nard. - Raiding discussed. Imam other things, mum posi- tion and how world events " they I“ happening now have but: prophesied in the Bible. A generous donation of gravel for the church parking lot and driveway has been received and tho men are requested to help in _ putting it down this coming sun umy. weather permitting. GRADE Imus MEET I A special meeting of the grade mother, ot Ridge Road school is to be held this coming Wednes- day It the home of Mrs, G. Doughner. Downsview Ave, in order that they m-y get acquain- ted and discuss future ttetisrities am WRAP DEMONSTRATION " 8Cotry AUXILIARY The November meeting of the Mlple Leaf Cub and Scout Mothers Auxiliary was held on Nov. 14th. A short business meeting was held first and then fd'.'. tGU Egg GAREIIM A lady customer who has quite done in our shop came in the other that I remembered cleaning several _ . Pieces of Bntx fabrics. such as tranr A parent fabrics and taitetas, can be used 3 TMR to make attractive covers for dressing tables. or as small padded slip cover: for straight chairs. Or, if \pu‘re not too handy with a needle and thread. you can always Just cut out a piece of suitable sire and simply hem the edges and you have a slip cover for a trunk or some other odd piece of furniture. If lt's cotton. an old bedspread u trhen very adaphhlc " l cumin, I slip cover or other uses. Even the rugged spread that seems absolutelv useless for anything in not useless at all it there Ire children in the family. All of us an remember how we used to litre to "dress up" in ridiculous continua- when,we were youngsters. Ind an old bedspread - partieuurtr a colorful one - will often (ill the bill a “rout robes" or 1 "clown suit" for an innu- llutlvo child. HAVE OUR EXPERT FURNACE MEN CLEAN YOUR HeAttNth PLANT INSIDE AND our NOWI English k Mould m HOG Weston 1td.-4Rt. omNlr-nurr" IO. 1-7575 w. of fly ash er no! depomed on' the interior of yeur comm-Non chamber will increape your "fuel " nexo winter as much as 4tt%t Clogged fitter, decrease the efficiency a! your furnact by as much as 25%| leaking furnaeee can rebate eneugh carbon menu“. on kill! Clogged undo pipe: will reduee furnace efficiency by at much as 50%| . F0iitSlll'lilrlS mums swoon When I "combed it, she aid this was probably the last time I would see lt. Soo Us For Your Chrimmu “upping of looks am. and Christmas Card- WE ARE NOT m THE SAME CLASS AS RIPLEY, BUT "BELIEVE " OR NOT" in WW I" VAIOE RIET’S BOOKSTORE AU mm cqypmous COST MONEY Tho Bruins! Bolloclion of . MUMIINO . HIANNO . APPLIANCES Ito. 7-2101 215 Main St., Weston Phone CH. 1-3308 "It's getting badly worn in spots, I'm atraid." she said, "and I guess I'll have to throw it out pretty soon." After she left I began to think what I pity it would be tor her to throw out a lovely plea of materU1 like that Just because it is worn In some spots md no longer of use u n bedspread. I lot of dry cleaning day with a bedspread times before. lThree of the players of the Weston Drama Group are depicled above as they will appear in the group's presentation of "High Ground" M be presented next Monday and Monday in the Weston Collegiate Auditorium.' Proceeds of which will go to the Weston Swim Pool Fund. Players In" to right: Jack Zimmerman, Mary Moore as Sister Mary and Cecily Campbell a: lSorav. _ Photo " Geoffrey Prue: Letters To The Editor Editor. Times and Guide, Weston, Ont. Dear Sir: Pear Sir: i pe/ “LET‘S mi FACTUAL" The following article is ses's1iietsl Mr, ard Mea. Voter: ten on behalf of some Interested YOUR VOTE COUNTS- The world's tinatt radial saw for all your workshop jobs. Features such as the exclusive Delta "turret arm" action . . . the world's most powerful 9" radial saw motor (guaranteed for 1 full year) . . .simple operating controls, enable you to do all jobs easier, faster and safer. Stop in and see it in action new. A small deposit will f , . 5 hold your gift selection . M, NOW . . (“l/q; BUY ' until Christmas. P o y k " Mr LAW? the balance on the in. "Il i 'sird stolmenr plan. ‘ A', , Q COOPER t HORTON LTD. WOODWORKING MACHINERY 86 MAIN ST. SOUTH . 2 STORES TO SERVE vou "I! WISTON ROAD TORONTO PM». IO. Mott 369 MIN " N., IIAMPTON PM 1948 aooit usao SHOW Tum 670x15 'T.85 u - '15.00mr Mr tyroiutttliet Ill ilil ciGiTiBar (Plus Your Sound Inc If Your Tire In Not Suitable Fer Recapping Add $2.00 November 26th, 1956 6 MONTHS ROAD HAZARD GUARANTEE M0hlll tttt taxpayers residing within the Municipality and if you care to publish the said article we be- lieve it would meet with the approval of most of the tax- payers. A group of taxpayers 600x 670 x 710x Mott 760: (Plus Your Sound tTrot NEW TREADS " " " " CH. 1-1191 $10.95 tttht E $12.95 '3 ttum lt'a " to You I Election time is upon us t again. Did you ever. stop tal', think about your representatives Il comprising 3 Municipal Council, i: Public Utilities Commission. and I Board of Education? These are 1 the Pubilc Bodies which are 1 entrusted with the various re- sponsibilities of handling your affairs for a two year term-- _ effective January 1957. Note: The two year term is‘ compulsory since it was foisted upon the Metro Area by leg-x islation enacted at Rueen'rl, Park. You as taxpayers hadi ; no voice in the matter. i Have you gone into the mat- I tor of the qualiflcations of any} lcnndidate let alone alt ot them? , ';Or do you.' i i The selection of any govern-l, 1 ing bodies such as herein} ibefore stated is your respon- ;sibility. Don't stay at home, f "tlil to vote then wake up when {its too late and lay IF I'd have {known that, I certainly would have gone oat to vote. Should ( you be in doubt as to the abil- I ‘ity and/or qualifications of any ‘candidate, why not make en- } quiries? ' According to the issue of the _ Times" and Guide dated Nov. ,22/56, "No opportunity we: igiven to the candidates to speak ( in their own behalf " the' nom- “ ination meeting. Further, that Say-that', a good fellow, I'll vote for him? Think that because an indiv- idual operates a business, that the qualifications of such per- sons are 100 per cent. Mark your ballot with a x opposite a 1ume--regartilesrr? You can do your pen 9. malt. thk campclgn a man by making 'hero you - In In SAN DINING I mttnce Ber. msron morons uatirttttrt,) CH. " FUEL Oll‘ O COAL O FURNACES r The Canadian Highway Safuy Conhnnco It Smooch. Ssh Driving Week-he. In to 7th Indus!" Mr on MIR BUDGET PLAN Consumers Coal Co. Ltd. 405 tttttte" ROAD 00AM" "Ill. “All" POI OVII " "A" " 1-2161 Speaking of candidates, it might be appropriate to suggest that candidates for Public Omee dwell within the Town of Wes- ton. Is there some particular reason for I non-resident seek-. ing Mice except tor the excuse that he or she operates a busi- ness in the Municipality. Would a person living within the Mun- icipality have more interest in affair: of said Municipality than one living outside? This ques- tion has often been raised. Think it over. mm uc u: Mic uptlnlea a Uubl< . T . _ ' ness in th_e mm Would, sithgot."eTiJ:iiJ,g,e,nt,ter',r,t/g1 a per.?.on living within the Muri- t'en--t'so schools are" imperative. iefptlity hay. Porrmt/Test m There are lots of things tax- ttlNirq of and Munimpalily than payer, think and any about (pe living outside': This Se,- Councils and we in Weston pos- IT has often been raised. sibly think the shovelling of Think 1t over. snow off our sidewalks is a If we read the daily papers. :gi-a'nd idea but how about the one will observe that the word {Council paying our taxes and "AMALGAMATION" has Mam we will I“ agree that they (the reared its head. There is some' suggestion of a committee being m--------.-'--- __ T-v "" __ --- tappointed to look into the mat- --.-r--.---.e__----_e-"- ter. And why not? It perhaps is a step in the right direction . and would eliminate taxpayers iin the Metro Area from paying _..----" (North " lichvhw Side Rd.) locl Municipal Exporionco “and Orderly Progra- Wm ' (Bill) McGee ETOBICOKE Candidate WARD 4 Main At WEEK" leio1 Cifii1iilICE tht, 1-523 A15 gin-Y a D at JACK FRASER’S " MAIN " N. JACK FRASER PROTECT Ills RIGHT '. TO â€VI! Men's a . Boys' Wear In order to proporly control your car on winter's icy food: ". 1h. shoring mun mp0,! Instantly to any mommy " be Erop'orly adlmnd and uqunllud to prevent don"t-m Lu “chock may: MI.“ skids. our famous â€Vim-line†Meedrq :1".an oettdpeeteett. Our huh ....n, vi" sums W te'. Wm: chm: 6W choose 4itsttl o ovsncons o ropcpArs q up LINED cons $65.00 Regular To WISYON Public IIIIIIIIu - SOUND - BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION DRIVE AVOID AEGIDEITS RICHARDSON c.' SAFE“ soel i45illl CH. 1-84" RRI'