_l Money IW-tdm AM TWO Year Terai"": 'l Demand Interest Of Local Ratepayers Benign! My December 3rd _ Weston Candidates Outline Their PlatformsI Vol.65,No.4| Woman-jammwu- D. m M, M.O.tt. Oar Yawn of Weston. ad mlnhton Salk Vaaclno hthetfon to Dyan-all Cam Draco of Iayd Ave. Cothy doom? soon a bit ponwbad above the noodlo. All eh0dr.rt I mom.“ ht " roan of ago will ho ghon tho appammlry of No â€wk-ow m local Board of - and the mom pravldod by ttte ontrrrfo Dopo, of mom. lt I: “cm "In " rhlldvon w!" hovo rocolvod their 1rtqesNtfettt by Juno. 1957. "Matlrttt.-0tttttM1rtN. tll), mm [IE _,,lol,r,',!j,jyt,s ,,gtgt,ii,r,,, @1335. MW YHUISDAY, NOVEMIEI 29, "" Local Council of Women Arrange Meeting Of Candidates Tonight. bl!" is an outgrowth ot the enthu- siasm engendered by the pre- election supper meeting held by this group last year. There will be light refreshments served at which time those in attendance will.hnve an opportunity to' chat with the candidates. The local Council of Womeniniiii'racé was fot the Gut equitr are to be commended for theirlable or satisfactory. interest in Municipal affairs; When the By-Law was passed also the Junior Chamber ot originally the Municipal m- Commerce ty their efforts toimem was $5,920,000.00 M arouse the Citizenry to get ?ytiyielded an amount for the Band and vote. But it is rath.er dis-inf $1480.00, While the assess- courazips that some senior Dr- ment fpr 1956 was approximate- ganizations in the Town of Wes-l1y $20,000,000.00, and yielded In ton and the governing Council%nount of $5000.00, the differ- deem it unnecessary to call . . public meetings to enlighten an, (Continued on Page 3) apparently apathetic citizenry. I The nomination meeting held Monday night, Nov. 19th, at the Weston Town Hall was attend- ed almost exclusively by the candidates for office and those that nominated them. After the nominations closed, the meeting lwas adjourned and no opportun- ity was given the candidates at {that time to speak an their own behalf. Apathy 0f Voters Disgusting iln Light Of Current Events There are two money By- Laws facing the ratepayers of Weston on Election day, Mon- day, December 3rd. One namely to rescind an original By-Law approved by the electorate in 1946 and the other to approve a new By-law suggested by the incumbent members of council. We go to press with trepcda- tion in our hearts due to the apathy of the man and women on the street, your neighbour and mine. Our busy lives do not allow us time out to select our candidates, nor to make our own decision as to who will re- present us in Municipal Council or otherwise. We have a Mun- icipality second to none in Can- lads and yet the indecision of ourselves and our neighbours his reduced the ranks of self- thinking men and women to a vote last year, in the Town of Weston, to the ridiculous figure of 24.65 per cent. There has been some com- ment expressed to this paper lately regarding the question being put to the people, at the forthcoming election regarding the Band Grant. In and interview this week with Mayor Harry Clark, it was It is our hope that this year. and we believe the hope of the candidates offering themselves for office, that in the light of current events the people of Westori and the Province of On- tario, and this great Canada of ours, will see the light and use their "God Given Right" to Vote as they see " but use HOME & SCHOOL ASSOC. PETE l HAROINGTON SOHO th,, STUDENT; Graduates and guests were treated to a delicious turkey dinner served by the ladies; than assembled in the auditori- um' with their parents. An ex- cellent valedictory address was given by Heather Worthington in which she reminded the nu- dents of the advantages in edu- cation to-day which they take tor granted. She,revitwed some _esutertences in I delightfully humorous vein, and itnishtd by liking the Graduates to make Mardittgtort proud of them. Twenty-one students were honoured at tt Graduation Bum quet given by the Home and School Association in Harding- ton Public Schodl on Tuesday evening, November 20th. The President, Mrs. Bridg- man. presented Graduation pins to the knowing undeml: Tom Austin, Wayne Bailey, Judy Devon, Noble Bums, Philip Ettgetschman, Hamlin-c Hal- feld, ans-n He". Fred Kerristtn, Julie Lydan, Shirley McDowell, Gail Millers Diane Nicholb. Molly Palmér. Allan Sallie". Craig SimpIpnuJigl Mtrtem, mum. may?! Wmlopp. only! VIM and 'hettter norartee 'suwnn. chum a mu, can â€in pointed out that the arid-d Br- Law was approved by the Elec- torate at the Municipal Election held in December 1946. and it 5 The ceremony of,the laying ‘of the corner stone coincides ‘with the 144th anniversary ot is now felt that there is 50m. doubt in the minds of Weston residents that the method d applying the grant against a. mill rate was not the most equitr able or satisfactory. Corner Stone To Be Laid At Central Sunday A ceremony for the laying of the Corner Stone tor Central United Church will be held an Dec. 2nd at 11.00 mm. Rev. E. E. long, B.A., D.D., Secretary of General Council of the United Church of Canada, will preach at both serivces Sunday mam- .ing and will omciate " the lag- ing of the corner stone, Along with Mr. Frank Beecrott trho ‘is the grandson ot James M: the founder of Central Unit Church in 1812. the church. that sacred franchise as I cit- izen of the Greatest Nation in the World to the best advantage of the Community and them- selves. We talk, talk, talk; on cur- rent events, the situation in the far East, the Suez problem, the Hungarian situation and right here at our own door-step we, do nothing about it. But after the elections are over, (and this year it is a two year term for the candidate of your choice) we sit idly by and criticize the efforts of our elected memb. s. Mr, and Mrs. Citizen, the choice is yours. Are you going to sit back in an apathetic man- ner and let Joe Do It, or are you prepared to give your local authorities and the many pub- lite spirited organization: sup- port in their endeavour to give YOU the best local government possible, as you see " The rest Civil Defence ', Meeting Called; Mr. Bamhold. imp-mu- for the district, spate seriouily h the graduates akin; than tlt cultivate the importditt thin? in life - things found Winn themselves: purpose, WWI:- ance, stability, and things which money ctm't buy;, health, friends, faith. The remainder of the evening was spent in square dancing, enjoyed etttpitr by parents and children. , is up to YOU. Tatum Civil Datum I nizauon, nnounqed N that I [each] mum Civil Deter“ YNunl- At this “In; none. will u my. Henry Loose, Dmty corsl mm: of Administration M.; sub-diviaion " an. " the 'testa' [In ten, tnd Floor PM Building. man it No- ri', 2 T, 'un M