Times & Guide (1909), 29 Nov 1956, p. 4

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iitttre ttt .'28ae Isawrzzrl ra:,',":,:')"' "tiii" m " " “To" . ' CM. I _ A a“! bot In worm amnion the! 'MI quid” ‘00 “no posmor, In man’s We m. The con- 'i-tst hum W "who: 1 Ideal hr than. or May ovum. illlt Ind, that may path pa:- a g I The Suburban Goat 43 Main St. N. htett super plenumins M-day Supply with 72-lablcl 28-day Supply with ll-Hablet Sim- All for Only $4.79 Size-All fo'r only $7.95 For children 6 to l2, ask about free'lrial offers on Rural! m ploncmlns bmtor Act now! Take adxanlage of this trial offer at our expanse. One daily Super Plenamins tablet pro- vides 9 Vitamins. plus 'w' liver. plus [I minerals fi', including Iron. ‘G tr not completely I ' satistied wrth the l 3 results you get 'lt after taking the x to triat supply. re- _ turn the regular I . packagcandgcl tll your moury 54 C11. 1-1153 O RGEGON RESTAURANT 3m JANE " tAT LAwunCI) CH. 4-74” M mo tRtt0e-tttqruqr, Ngv. 2%. "LP... a Our mom; is a marvel . . . ovary dish is o to“. thrill, expertly prepared. No mat- hr what you choose, you’re sure to pick a winner from our large selection. 2 A.M. C ILM. DRUG STORE ITEaE EVE" DISH I8 I DELIGHT Continuous Free Delivery To Women and Di'snich The limo "hem In Pig 5 k i n, Calfskin, Bearskin, Chamoio, Knitted wool: and canons. GLOVES lined and “UN- lined, Wonder- ful. $2.95 TIES Weston $6.95 z This was the occasion ot re- "urrting think. tor the recep- tion and returns received from the "every member" cenvue ‘thet was completed lust week. p It reveals that there in I deep l interest being taken in the tren- Feral work undertaken by the " rector and hie otBcers. At the evening service the Rev. Canon A. H. Davis, Field secretary for the M.S.C.C., gave a picture of the East that placed before the itiled church the con- ditions under which they live. He also placed before all the direct responsibility of the church and every Christian to " Joh" Anglia. Chum Interest in St. John] Anglican church is shown in it. uctivluu. Sunday wu another day at thanUgiving and all the m- vices were tuled to overcrowd- vices were Mad to ovate: ing It the 11 Am. service >Wmmmwmwwmwwkwxémammwmmwwveww ii,tt"'itfr, CHURCH Purest hmbs wool, quury commons, by Tony Day, Jamil, Grandmoro. Colour: and pamrm on- limited. The gift any male wilt who. M lo $27.95 though they ore a lux- urious blend of mug wool and silky cotton. tho colours on - ' and they wear More!” for over. Hath, 95 Aar6oeeth 313.95 7mm _ The” world lemon shim witl not shrink, SWEATERS VIYELLA SHIRTS 't'tS'ERp7CEs' At the tlresitie Canon Davis showed his pictures of the Eat. taken during _his recent trip Next Sunday alternoon and Evening and on Monday night the Advent pageant will be pre- seted in the church. This will depict the advent story and in being put on by the members ot the church. Tickets are avail.. sble for admission so that all will have seats. There in no charge tor the tickets, they can be obtained from the rector or members of the church. The purpose of the tickets is to limit the attendance at each of the presentations. Sunday Even- ing tickets are all taken up. . I moat forceful pretoitution. The member, of the 116 Oran LOL attended the service in I extend lid and brotherhood to these people. HU musuc Ivu Porfm for the man of leisure. Pure silk with black velvet trim. Various Prices JAGKETS c". 1'01” ; A high-light of the Corner- IStone Laying will be the partici- Ipatlon of Mr. F. L. Beeerott, (great grandson of James Lever 'who organized Central in 1812. .Mr. Beecrott and Dr. Long will jjointly lay the cornerstone. The bride and groom assisted by their mice Mrs. L. Clarkson, received their guests in the spacious living room which was tastefully decorated with floral tributes and gifts centered by a beautiful painting presented by Rev. Mr. Boggs and Mr. Cameron fwitness in the world, having re- cently visited Korea and Japan, and this summer the Executive ‘of the World Council of Churches {in Budapest and also Moscow as a member of the United Church idelention returning a visit to (Religious Lesson of the Church i there On Saturday November 25th Mr. and Mrs. William Wardlaw celebrated their Mth wedding anniversary at the home'of their son Ewan, Penhale Drive. Etobi- coke. The Young Peoples' Union and YoungAdult Groups will meet as usual this Sunday Evening in Central. WESTON Couple Celebrate PF.. ., l The minister is now preparing , prospective list of those young lpeople who desire to unite with 'the church The class begins January 6th. 7 pan. in the vestry. Parettts and friends ot young people are asked to make the, matter of church membership' known to them and the time of' commencement. The class is mainly for those around 15 years and upwards, Exceptions in Me can be mlde in the light all speeitle circumstances. , The' class for First Com- munieants will meet in the ‘Young People's Room an: the ”Evening Service. There is still time to join the, clan. It is hoped that Ill members of our congregation will en- deavour to be present. Friends of the congregation will be most welcome CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH The first Sunday in Advent is being marked in Central by special services __ the Laying of the Corner Stone and Central's 144th Anniversary. The guest- preacher It both services, 10.00i Ban. and 11.80 a.m.. is the Rev/ E. E. Long, BA.. D.D.. Secretary] of the General Coundl. United) Church of Canada Dr. Longl comes to us with a store ot know. I ledge of the Church at work and' The Annual Vesper Service for the CG.I.T. Groups of the Weston district will be held in Central United Church at 4:00 Ttatt. on Sunday. December 9th. The Sacrament of Bnpmm will be celebrated at the Morn- ing Service on Sunday, 2nd December. Those wishing child- ren baptised should inform Mr. Mackenzie. WW United 0. lundly. 1nd December, puny/ill hp in tho ovum. I 1mm Won‘t-y Service 596130er by the missionary group. or' “ruminant“ Tho Women'l Mlulonu-y Society. the. Jean Gordy: torbu Auxiliary, the very active children's group! ot the Explorers and Minion Band, will all like put. Min Dorothy Pearson, ' missionary returned from India, will be the guest speaker. l On Wednesday, December the Ith vmetitrmatims Ionic. will , In“ by a. Rt. In. Bishop of Toronto. This in an adult maximum: clan of 81 and it the ' a! the work of the Holy sum In the qriritual attmiatitrathm tt St. John‘s. 10.00 ominoNIh “who 11.13 o.m.-8urtday Sehool--Children of a" no“. soo p.m.--Hotlond "rviee--0v. Henry A, Vonoma, ofNrettrtg or both "relem. llpplnzon " test Main) IN. E S. OAKIY SPECIAL EVANGELISTIC SERVICES REV. l. THIRSK Thursday and Friday, a pm. Sunday, ll am. and , pm. Come and hour this dynamic punch" of the Gospel. Bring the sick to be prayod for. SUNDAY, DECEMBER, 2nd, 1956 9.45 o.m,-8undae Sehoot-9 yum and up 11.00 trm.--Sundoy School " your: 11.00 o.m.-AmtEthAtttyN, ”EASE! 7.00 p.m.--MM CLASS SERVICE 7.00 's.m.--Musionrtr, Service. Gun! Speaker -- Miss _ thrrorhr Morton of India. (Yomponrlly Doc-90d qt.Wqqtqtt Golgi.” Auduorium) I". Henry A. Vonomc, LA., Ttot. - CH. AANM. Westminster United Church SEOOIO OlllllSTlAl BEFOIMEO OllllllOll OF TORONTO WESTON BOiPEI. TMEtiiijijEi llppln n " test Main) Sunday School, 9.45 -- Classes for All Ages DECEMBER 2nd, 1956 In “an E Mull-nth. ILA. Mt., nun. It. Mun, an» cm W -____- _69 VWIIMM mm The men of the Parish are conducting the Parish Visitation [ this week. This is not A Brtan-' cial campaign but rather a friendly welcome, on the part j of St. Philip's to the new people , and to invite them to become a part of our worshipping fellow- I On Sunday evening. students from Wyduire College, The Church Army and the Angli- can Women's Training Collegi- ate conduted the Service, and spoke at a congregational friendly hour in the Parish Hall afterward. It was a very inter- esting, and challenging even- ing when the claims ot the min- istry and fulltime service was placed before the young people. The Family Service on Sun.. day morning was very well at- tended, and very much enjoyed by all. This monthly service is obviously meeting I need in this Parish where there Ire so many young couples with small chil- dren. Sunday was also a white gift Service and the children brought many gifts which will be sent to one of the mission stations in the West. Mr. Wurdlsw wu born on the WIMIII hon-stud in liohicoks Township and on Nov-aha: um, p001 vss united in and“: to In Anne Purm by the Ins :M. While: no“, minister of the Pruhyurisn Church at which may m an: Incubus The inp- " coup]. continual their farm- ing operations until their to- tirsmsnt twenty-av! yarn ago when they moved to " Connor Ave. when they still reside. Many congratulation: were re- ceived among those I message from Her Majelly the Queen and a Testimonial Letter from the Provincial Government. ST; PHILIPS ON THE HILL daughters Mm. Harold Stone.. house and Mn. Ross Ansell. eight grandchildren and three great grandchildren were present as well " two of Mm. Wardlaao brothers from Essex County. no“ iv candles. Pouring an a mum at the an. m In. . hunch. In. P. mono- hulu. Mm. E. Devine, In. . Anal! and Mes. A. Wuhw the 9t" Mums" of the happy Public Iltilithm - SOUND - BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION IRE-ELECT The immediate member, of the RICHARDSON "CHARLIE" WESTON 'tti.Tttirwiilbes'lim_ bruit .mmmwm': 'uWetre"rs'eaaartttarra" In on wound-y. WI Wit"?! ” manor-l sum-r1 00 TM um" Church " (and. BL Lon. "can"! "mm“ "on a lolllloul VIII. " Ind-u" mu M) Sunday Schools.. 10.00 o.m.-2 . 12 years. 11.00 o.m.-12 -15 years. It.30 any " - ll years. 7.30 p.m.-Young Peoplo’s Union SUNDAY, DECEMBER 2nd. DOWNSVIEW BAPTIST CHURCH, Wednesday a! Midwnll Chunk Somu ___ lot. F, Walling)": VII and“. 0.00 ..rm-Holy Communhn. 9.30 a.m..MaOim & SumonvSr. ant of Sunday Sch”! gll.00 cum-Choral Euthcrm and 50mm - any...» Armour - Jr. Dam. of Sunday School and nurury. . 2.00 'r.me44oly Iopmm . 4.00 pmt.-"" Advent Peg-on! 7.30 p.nt.-The Advent Pagan! T.00 pm. -'rr.Comrrumior, Sonic: (Anglican! St. Phillips " toff Milton Id.) Rotter: luv. Howard K. Manon I A. crh. 3t " Phillips loud 11.00 a.m.-Holy Communion 9.45 o.rrt.-Surtdoy School 11.00 a.m.-Holy Communion and Junior Congraga'ion Preacher-oe loner 7.00 p.m.-ev.r"ors--tttre. R. Dwelly, rector of the Church of the Annunciation. REV. It. J. IOOGS, IA. 17 Cross St. - CH. 1-9533 CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH 8,00 a.m.--Holy Communion. First Sunday in Advent Corporate Communion for the Church School Toazhors 8.30 p.m.-Fireside Group suNDAYcecEAeErt 2nd, use church th St. 1kvidOttttitmt) WESTON BAPTIST CHURCH SUNDAY, DECEMBER 2nd, 1956 will SUNDAY, DECEMBER 2nd,'1956 Weston Presbyterian Church SUNDAY, DECEMBER 2nd 1956 CHURCH OF ST. STEPHEN M. PHILIP’S (0n the Hill) St. John’s Anglican Church Min " Noni .0 km Av. MV. FRANK WEIllNGYON _ THE MUSICAL "DIV MAN (unduu thildun'n muting: Donn-bur 2nd 05anth m (an 6.M EM. ttt 7.6! P.M. Beginners ‘and Nursery Class is held during the Morning Service. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 2nd. ”.00 tcrn.--Mtsrrting Worship Ring and Main Shun Minister. In. I. E. Spent", M.A., In 1000 tcm,--Bible School lawman Av... New Juno REV. M. W. SUIDIVALL. IA, Lth. In." Rev George Gvetrrott-Assistmg 7,00'p.m.-Euning Service -- In. F. Wallianon moo and 11.30 mm. . Guest Puncher The REV. E. E. LONG, BA., 0.0 ADVENT SUNDAY, DECEMIEI 2nd, 1956 MEIER STONE LAYING A ANNIVERSARY SUNDAY 5 Cross St. a! Church. CHorry 1-1571 Sonic" wilt be held in the new dumb. 8.00 a.m.-Htsir Communion 9.30 o.rrc--Svndor 5:th 11.00 c.m.~Sunday 'ehoot -- Primary and Nun.” "DO o.m.-Holy Euehurm 7.00 't.rn.-Ev.nsontt ANGLICAN Ilvmiv mus Jane St. 2 Blocks North of Wilson 11.00 a.m.-Communitsn Service 3.00 p.m.-Sunday School 7.00 p.m.--Evttning Worship "e. G. R. In", B.. m." Mum!“ Ml! GIOIOI "IAN. cumin Mv. I. W. "DOING - VASTOI Him SUNDAY m ADVENT Chunk Yul-MIC": CM. 4.Mrt REV. FRANK W. FRY, hem "r DOWNSVIIW AVINUI ADVENT SUNDAY “VIN! sumo" and r; I.A., WESTON PIESDYTEIIAN CHURCH and Young Adv" Group In. F. Walling!” MAIN ST. N, CROSS " |_I] CM.

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