Times & Guide (1909), 13 Dec 1956, p. 13

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I. T. SQUID! ' Mit IN l MOI-nan " Main tr. N. - Westen fan IOIIU LOILAWI) DEPARTMENT OF HlGHWAYS-ONTARta 1217 Woman Id., HOW GOOD ARE YOUR DRIVING HABITS? ”Hallmark" I ttttstem" Chrlumn Cords Times have or'rtainly changed. You often hear about how people's views of variaus customs and practices have changed radically, even in the past 30 or 40 years. We all hush now, tnr example, about the view people used to take ot young ladies who exposed their ankles to the public “an. _ South Side Stores 2;; But apparently not, urordlng to an , ' item I saw the other day in a dry T V cleaning magazine. It seems that dur- _ rFe T ing the First World War the U.S. (a; Gasollne Conservation Co-ordlnator , decided that the dry cleaning industry was ntm-egtrentialur lmaglne that - even though people in those days had already come to count on the dry cleaner to take care of many of their cleaning needs. Q But, as you might guPss. dry cleaning didn't mmain om- cially "notressvntiar' mr long. lt wann't many months be. fore the Cro-ordinary-, derision was reversed, and dry clean- lng wa: officially recognized by the government as essential to public health. If you could see, by microscope, what happens to a fabric Into which dirt particles have been allowed to penetrate, why you'd have nn doubt in your' mind that dry cleaning in not only an vssential wnv of safeguarding your health, but a truly economical way of caring for your wardrobe. Of course In thls day and an we dry Home" don't have to eonvinee anybody of that. But sometimes we won- der whether people realize what false economy it is to get clothing cleaned only occasionally. IF YOU GUT IN ON TRAFFIC World Globes Tynan-Ito“ Aero-ot, DRIVER YO 'R _rqttl JJ) I131- E (r) Placing cars when more in herely enough room to avoid oncoming iraffit; causes count- leen hlgnmy atxy'dtnts Make certain you have plenty of time to pull out, pass and mum your Mace ln Ilnc. You will lose only Hound: of time but you may save a lilo. ld., Mt. Dennin, Open Every Nite Till 10 ttt US GIFT WRAP THAT GIFT But you don‘t hear much about meIc's views on the cleaning of virothes, and I think most of us take it tor. granted that keeping your clothes spie and span has always been an ac- cepted custom. I tContinued from P... I) features. When she defeated Mrs. R. Morgan of Peterborough, '4. Mn the thun it was the "st tro- phy win tor I rink trom the Wer ;ton Club, male or female, in I _ -- _-..._.-, ... - bompiel, and it was the first time in the three years that Earl Mor- rh Trophy has been in comp.- tition that it has left the Royals' club. Mrs. D. Scott won in 1954 and Mr". D. Warden last year. It Weston ladies' Wu also the third {nigh} Opp. lobluws Hi? 'd Peterborough Mrs. H. Hmllh Mrs. K. Milne , it. 5i? i9 E :2 Ct' ii I)? Granites, High Park and Roy- als each had two rinks in the quarter-finals of the Dr. Doug- las Warden Trophy, along with one each from Weston and Men- treal West. The High Park rinks qualified for one semi-Mal, which was won by Mrs. W. S. Page, while Mrs. T. J. Agar eliminated Mrs. L. P. Monohan of Weston in the other. Weston Mrs. W. Boy le Mrs. G. nunllcld Mrs. E, Glrn Mrs. Armstrong 10 In the final Mrs. Agar got off to a flying start leading 7-0 af- ter two ends but a six and a deuce on the next two ends sent Mrs. Page ahead, and she was the stronger over the last half ot the game, winning trio.' IARL mourn: "on” __, , Ioml-Fln-ls Three Royal rinks were in the Jerry Marvin Trophy sem1- finals and when Mrs. Art Strick- land defeated Mrs. E. LeMesurier of Unionville it assured a Roy- al victory in the flnal. Mrs. Strickland won trom Mrs. Ward McAllister, Ir8 after the latter had elminated Mrs. D. Warden, last year's main event winner, 12-5. In the morning "tui-Mal Mrs. Armstrong tufqatett Mrs. Cattle. 10-7, while Mrs. Morgan was winning from Mrs. C. Blenkin, ship u: High Park, 11-8. The Mal was I close affair all the way with each rink holding the lend " times. They were all square, 7-7, after eight ends but the winner counted 3 pair on the ninth and made sure her oppon- ent didn't hove any possible counters left in the house, which was vacant when Mrs. Morgan came to play her last stone. Peterborough High Park 7 By mils: V V ___ -'FP-e I I T 32:1 Mrs. H. Hmllh Mrs. Slbhald Pnge T TrTrVrqrV M6 1"" 220 2 " 1 Mrs. K. Milne Mrs. CchndIo Agar ., .. . no 010 (m " 10 ‘1 I' '"im"1"irat"Eeusotrsramm".8wttrsrsitstrscscsu'scscs'sasv.scsrssse s'.') out, g CH. 4.5591 or Busy Call CH. 1-1153 , uttry-rBr..mt-y-mrt""TNrs.NPgys.SC%9r9r,itMBrs._ puticlutod In during m in: thm min. as. I“)... I Toronto Club quartet to victory in the Chick Johnson Trophy a High Park the week below last, she wu vice-skip tor Mm. P. G. Come on tho um that won the Montreal Royale 'Iplol but week and NI week the skip- ped a rink, compoud of mem- bers of both the Toronto and- Weston clubs, to another primary SUCCCSI. 'hs-r-r-iss-r-rs-s-s-ss-e,' INGH’S CAMERA CENTRE VIEW . MASTERS. VqV Trc TrT _ _ REELS - sot Each - 3 Reel Packets Cor. Main and John St. BOX CAMERAS _vqvq V T Camera thstflts, complete " mm. CAMERAS from " mm. CAMERAS from VT VVVVr_ _ $29.95 't MOVIE CAMERAS $36.95 - $45.75 - $54.75 up is MOVIE CAMERAS $26.95 - $45.75 - $54.75 up Ji SUD! PROJECTORS $35.00 - $42.50 - $69.95 UP F, mpoos - nuns - aooxs _ CASES :2 mum: 5m _ . $3.75 - $7.50 - $9.35 a MOVIE lIGHTS - Bar and 2 Lumps .. TVV . $9.95 it',. FLASH ATTACHMENTS . . .. $3.95 up: IKII'UU) - flllll: - BuUK) - MIDI) 'li. "TWO SETS _ . . $3.75 - $7.50 - $9.35 'i MOVIE lIGHTS - Bar and 2 Lumps .. ___. V SS.9S il FLASH ATTACHMENTS V V .. . $3.95 up 5 SLIDE VIEWERS $1.00 - $1.25 - Sars - $8.95 up ii CASTLE FILMS (Cartoons, Comedies, ctr.) . .. T $7.95 k' FltMS-FtASH tiukBs--BATTEttt" it itmportttnt-Uss FRESH PHOTOFLASH Batteries) a TAPE RECORDIIS - RECORDING TAPE iv! tfgsmrrtrArs'at"trstmtat"s'susicra.rera-trsoursra.essuirs"arirsrW, t. THE CANADIAN BANK or -ei'rtCmERce Will be in the Camera Depor'mon! cvcry day til 9 pm (Except Sunday) UNTIL CHRISTMAS “Dollars and Sense" Cheques . . . easy to cash tvrytrhere-and safer than cash everywhere. Drop in and see us at The Canndien Bank of Commerce and we'll gladly provide you with Travellers' Cheques. The protection u well worth the slight cost. This in simply one of the many banking services we on" our customers to keep them free from needless worry about their money. I Don't take chances of losing your money-and spoiling your ttip--by carrying large mm: in cash. Before you go, turn your money into Travellers' Cheques . . . easy to cash anywltorr-and safer WESTON BRANCH - J, l. SIAIOIN, Manager II. J. CADWALLADIR Are you planning a trlpf High Park Mrs. Slbhald Mrs. CchndIo Toronto Mrs. S. Phllpnlt Mrs. Morrison Mrs. A. Simon Mrs. F. Cattle __T__ Reel Packets VVV TV____ $1.50 if, $3.90 - $5.90 - $8.75 up a Fr. ., $11.45 - $15.95 l? 3.: Mrs, Mrs, Mrs, Mrs, Royals Mrs. J. 'l‘ulor Mn. M. Aiknmn Mrs. G. Greig Mrs, McAllister 12 Granite: Mrs. T.Auur .10 Weston Mrs, L. Monahan 7 High Park I55. W. F. Page T Hrs. Arm-{re By ends: Armstrong Morgan Mo. Mrs. Mrs. Mis, Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. T. Av!” High Park Mrs. L. De: UV Mrs. D. Poop Mn. Hawking Mrs. W. Page The new Irtmcial rink to be built at Roxdale will be the future home of the association, Skrlckland __r_ 511 010 200 2 12 MeAltister . 000 104 021 o, 8 DR. DOUGLAS WARD!" TROPHY Qucrfer-Frrta's Granite: Granite, Mrs. T, Agur .10 Mrs. C. Snolllng 3 Weston Mani. West Mrs, L. Monahan 7 Mes, N Chalmers I High Park Rivals Mrs. W. F. Page T M <. H, NeaNett I High Park Royals Mrs. Robinson ll Mrs. 5. Clarke , The Northern Etobicoke hockey uwclltlon will hold their game' In Lester's arena, Manon. The lssociation will start the regular games as soon " the ice ll ready at the rink. Lester's in I natural ice rink. Wm. But. " behind Blvd., Neighbors club we: held at tho was recently "pointed Ice coat-Whom. of an. Mary Nun. " of the Number Heluhu hoceeyriGurdlt Avenue. team tor the ooming mum of Mn. Helen Curtis won first hocksey. !with I score of 81: second 1vas Bill, as he in known to friends, ', Mrs. Ethel Fry wrth so. and third will assist Mr. Thom" (Halon in ‘ wu Mrs. Alice kinedoa with 80. Bill, as he in known to friends, will assist Mr. Thom" melon in many duties. M PR Jtortus, H. J. Cadwullader, Mgr. 3: (a? Busy Call CH. 1.1153 ti Granittms tV _ ends WEEKLY EUCHRE The weekly euchre of the Good HAlOlD 0 WA". G. Hood w. Tredwuy J, Moore Strickland I L. hgnlby Mrs. K: urnan ll Mrs Fln:l Arm-(run: 9 Mrs. G. “Emil-s: J. Muir Page when}; . 020 Iva nu o t) gan nu: um on 1 a "in! MAIVIN TROPHY Sum-HP" "tttIMO Weston s Mrs. R, M Mrs. J, Le Mrs. E. ft, ll Mrs, L. N Fittrt 15 Mrs Emil Mrs Mrs, Mrs. Royall Mrs. W. Lawson Mrs. CronkwrlgH Mrs. T. Gillespie Mrs. D. Warden , Mr; U " Unionvllle Hmi Reid anklnahlp 6 L. ‘nuru' C. I.” rin LeMesurier Agar Rhyw _ 7 Robinson Morgan Murray Leo [himsay Mnnahan , Park ita-ett huland lo ii if ‘1 The parents were givsm a brief ““outline of what Brnwnim mean Cane their purpose bv 'Brown tr6a" Mrs. M. Choife Nine i? 3 167th Brownie Pack -- Tho Brownies held an cnmlme-nt 0 corpmony on Monday, December ( Tlus was an one!) house and lthe many putvn's circulated Uncly thruughout the classrooms iiyt:'rvivwing the teachers about the many problcms of their li'r',u.'ti', The principal, Mr. Hugh Mc. CorkiruiuVs, issued an invilatiun to all parents to Mind the annual carol service by the children on Tuesday, Dec. 18. The principal smilingly, re- lated that each year the school is rectivirvr, a 'ttwater influx of parents to hear this delightful Christmas music. A successful bake sale was held in the school auditorium and who wrs servrd to the parents at the close of the meeting. Brown Owl in turn introduced them to the Commissioner, Mrs. Hammer, who heard the promise and enrolled them as', Brnwnies‘ The nvwly enroll) Brownies we: Gail Lynskey. Marilyn Goss, Susan Holden. Susan Sanderson, Nancy Huanr. Lorna Stun. Patsy Backer, Elizabeth Hallman and Jill Lindsay. .Tho, Brownies finished their meeting doing craft work, ably acsistr% by tho parents and Tawny Owl, Mrs. B. Herbert, Joan Harrison and Mrs. May Wilson. The National Vesper Service of the CGIT. will be held Sunday, December 16. Girls of the C.G.I.T. of St. Andrew‘s Presbyterian Church will conduct this candllight ser- vine at the evening service. Mrs. Beryl Cox won the low score ’ize with 38. Everyone ls ins ited to attend this illummating service. OPEN HOUSE FOR HUMBEB HEIGHTS December meeting of the Home and School was held Tutu, Dvr: 4 at Number Heiehts school. tweenirs" were lro,t in the ma- gic forest where they were found by their Sixers, The sixers show- ed them the "magic pool" and then look them to Brown Owl who heard the Brownie Law. FAIRVIEW GENRE - NEWS - Flowers Telegraph“! Anywhere CHRISTMAS CORSA’GES that are different. BOWL BOUQUETS already arranged to place on your Christmas Table. FRONT DOOR DECORATIONS ---ORDER . EARLY-- PLANTER NOVELTIES and DISH GARDENS superior to any you will see elsewhere and at very reasonable prices. VISI’BR SERVICE SUPPLY IS lIMITID 3 He reported that they had had I I very good response to Mr. Wel- lington’s meeting: which were from Mondlv to Iridny of this (past Week. _ The Chrinmu Tea {or the mothers and children of the Cradle Roll Deptrtment in be. ing held on Thursday, Dec. mm at the church ttt 5.15 pan. '1 Rev. nodding was in charge of 1 the services "all put Sunday It 'iDownrview Baptist thatch and y: Ridge Road I News The Pioneer Girlg made gifts for their mothers at their last meeting on November Mth and their next meeting, a Christmas party, will be held December Mth. " morning sermon wu con- cerned with I very timely sub; ject, “In Santa Claus "plum; Christ m our lives?" The annual Sunday School concert will be held Monday, Dec. l7th at 7.15 pm. We under. rtind all the children will be taklng part and everyone is in, vited to attord. , CUB PARTY The amiual Christmas party for the Marie Leaf Cub pack is to be held on Wednesday, Dec. lath, at Maple Leaf school and the parents are invited. The Cub Mothers Auxiliary has can- Brownie Movie Cameras $36.95 Thanks for your kind ' u p p o r t, congratulm lions to Councillors Elect Ward 4 Etobicoke. HALL’S DRUG STORE LTD. Camera Dept. 14 Dixon Sidu Road VOTERS A with range of Mavis Camera: for Christmas Giving Wm. s, (Bill) McGEE CH. _ 4-5577 Sure To Please Are The JAWS FLORAL GIFTS From me “M18 AND tNIttte-' 'mtled tho Don-aha and“ it P'6U" it would be choc In to Christan say. at this. by will - t,tLe"e1"g',t All the Cut .1 rs m Flag asked to don”. cookie; "NI ID. PM“! Mr. and In. lob Howls. and baby daughter, Vinny no vuit. ing with the Jpnner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bowler Ind 'ttttily of Ridge Road. Bob in in the nuvul service and ll station. ed at Dartmouth, NS. They had a rather trying journey. nan. ins out bv plane but their plum (COnlluued on Pu. 15) , Cor. Main St. N. and John St. RONSON ELECTRIC “was C Reg. $21.95 for $11.95 Seven Piece ANSCO DRESSER SETS Reg. $14.95 Elisa”; LAURA SE00“ BARNES Contlnuous Delivery To Weston MATCHLION TOYS 29e lllCl-I'S [ live Oran "and tarion,' Dusting Iowa", lath Mit and Hand Soap F .35.” blue Grass Flow-r Min ant Hand totiort for satin-smooth hundx..... Vrer T "Sas I” , " , aape . 'FA' Ilue Gran Howe! Mist and Gtstirtq Powder $4.25 Iluo Grttss FUN-Pu" Dusting Powder, til Petal Wuhu cm: Hand Soap t2.rs Iluo Grass lath Cubes iat and Hand Srurps (2) $2.50 A Terrific AT THE LOWEST PBIBES and Outs!“ Dlttrlcts tm, MIN-“~55 GIFTS [120frTr? Assortment Of Blue Grass Fluffy Milk lam. FuH.Nff Duning Powder and 3th Soup . $6.50 Bins Grass How" Mist with deluxe atomizer.... $3.00 Blue Gran lath Sal" and lath Soap Frrr . $2.50 Blue Gross In"! Sum with Puff-Pu" Dusting Powder and Hand Soul. _ $3.M Mickey Mouse Club Toys lumbar lull’s REXALL BATHROOM SCALES Reg. "ft' A Host Of Mattel Toys Sou Them On TV um" 1, CH. taht. i., terr'

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