"tad ll. liar-an. " IAIIISTII - SOLICIT" 1 John St. a. Main manual noun to to“ Evening- by uppohmnoM WESTON CH. 4-5697 M lorrlmn I Sollchon "ts MAIN ST NORTH Weston CH. 4-53 Mal-I Kennoy's Ranch EVERY SATURDAY Mm" MART KINNIY 323.23.. (M. mu: - " to" " [Ironic “not. hum * No City Driving * " Minutes from Avenue Rd. and Hwy. 401 * Free Parking * Enquire for Special Student and Party Rates * Table Reservations For All DIRECTIONS CH. l-Obil CK L290. H4 MAIN ST. S. WbTON CH. 4-6061 IARIISTII, SOLICITOI, Etc. ' "itttisrsit & goucnm J Main St. 5., Weston iOvor hank of Nova Scenic) '.' Chm-lord Acton Men nt CORONATION BRANCH 286 'CANADIAN LEGION Saturday, December 15m, 1956 1 pan. to 5 p.m. a "I "non Frau t Sim Enid»! and Solicitors link of Nova Scotia t, IE 1.EMit George W. Bull * BUSINESS DIRECTORY * Edgar Parsons (â€Mind PtrbRe Annual-m u Mull! “no! Monk 'Altltlsmts, Etc. HEAKES and MacDONALD TURKEY ROLL J. T. FERGUSON CH 4-5547 . I . 9 ACCOUNTANTS RESERVE NOW FOR NEW YEAR'S EVE ts For Person North off No. 7 Highway at Shell Station Us Mill: West of Highway No. 400 Or 2% Milu East of Highway No. 27. Jes Fun To Dance At Irwin M, Thistlelown ADMISSION FREE CH. 4-5314 Cl 1-011] 't..id.s.e. It-tbm AT The cinema committee of the ‘Wenon local council of women send the following movie guide for the parents who wish their children to attend picture- best suited to their age, etc. 15th: "ANIMAL WORLD" - recom- mended by the Ontario Censor Board -. family. "MAN BEHIND "rm: GUN" - over 12 yea". "WORLD IN MY CORNER" good. boxing story. SHEET METAL WORK For Saturday atinees, Dec, . FPRNACES _0i'l Burner Sales ' Service JACK WRIGHT 225 John St. - CH. l-ICSI OPTOMETRIST F. L. MERTENS EYES TESTED OPTOMETIIST _ OPtiCiAN I JOHN STREET WESTON CH. 1-37.! .Eves H Examined j - GLASSES - P. E. STAITE. " of all description Eavestroughlng Roofing _. W. J. WARD Modurniu Your Old Furnaco Pip-s To Concealed Square Typo 1 Main St N. - Weston Phone CH. 1-0701 SERVICES OFFERED CHILD ' M 0 WE G UIDE RISEIVAIIONS At. 8-12" Gravity I Arre.d.Air FUNERAL HOMES FUNERAI omectols CH. 1-2233 OPTOMETRIC CHATCO P’Im..., no. (Continual tron Pu. u; I wu toreed to land in Vormont due to the fog. One Inlant pink Winger died during the (light and? u In: it was thought that the baby, had tsontagious meningitis but it will lean“ later that its death wu due to respiratory trouble. horn Vermont the BowUs, manna by but to, Montreal and from there by plane} to Milton. They plan to remainl tor the holiday union. ; Ridge Road New? 'THAT CERTAIN FEELING' MT; DENNIS I III.- Vun " lupin Animal I". M. 1-7881 SMOKING DAN DAIRY “Backlash†Surfing RICHARD WIDMARK . WINDER'S T y A X I LIMITED 'rrm*hrlrlth Harry’ cm1-1133; Melt" OIERON GUM-Town Trip; q Specialty ROGER 9-9180 M4ithlit SEBVIOE "T HE ANIMAL WORLD" AND REPAIRING WM. A. 'ttot" 1230 JAN! ST. . Mt. DENNIS IO. 9-1.4! WORK WAIANTIID Mon. - Tues. " Wed. IIG ACTION HIT “Jump Into Hell†- also - - Radio-Dispatched - 500 Main St. N. MON. - TUES. - WED. "MEET ME IN LAS VEGAS" "WIS. - Ill. - SAT. Two-way radio and phone: eontrolUd , from ALFRED HITCHCOCK’S PIANO TUNING __-, ch. -. â€PRICE OF FEAR" with (AD In! Leap) taxis "mien-d a. " Main SI N. Hand's Conway Carney " World In M Corner†y â€on th- Dawn of Man BAKER " Cars To Serve You Thurs. - Fri. - Sui. AUDIE MURPHY FLEETLINE tlil. 1-9131 HEY - Cro CHAIISSE Adult IMM‘MOM (Both In Color) TAXI Jon. I Wlkon PHONE (Adult) TAXIS MUSIC DONNA REED [EX IAIKEI gummy; to be nbU. to be up We're sorry to report that MUM» extended but we hue 'un" - and Imuhd the house 'Catherwood entered hoapxtal rule 'to get any Inton‘nxation. The um. when Price of anainjhll â€new and do road n being widened pt the l, Road spent I week in the North- magnum renewed health. (Hid-1M“! Ann of Down-“view - western hospital with pneu- Lammortsq: "family visit- Ave. but at Ridge Rd and this d mania. She was placed on tttret' with friends in Oshawa Hibi- an imprpvempnt, too. In the critical tut when as. was ad- pm sunday, part, this party: the mad had mitted but rallied in . couple lil f LOCAL â€WVIMEN’I'S inever been milntu'ned by the din Ind u slowly cortvalescing Many ot the residents are township and coniequently was at home. ' _ .~ minted to see the sewers bung narrow and bumpy much of the The Godfrey funny plans tolinstallod all along Oownsviewltime. The results at present is Have on I motor mp to '1oritulAve. We did autumna- to find an awful lot ot mud. critic-l tut when the Wis ad- mitted but rallied in t couple of dayl Ind u slowly mmolescing at home. ' r The Godfrey family plan: to leave on a motor mp to Florida in time to mend Christmas there. Mr. and M11. Kama Sr. plan to spend the holiday season vis- iting with their eldest son. HIP ry Kama and Mrs. Kano and! Hold Back The light " Behind The Gun KEENAN WYNN TAXI BEST SERVICES LOWEST PRICES JOHN 'ArNE--MONA FREEMAN IANDOLPN 8CotT--PrtIt CAREY REWARD 61 MAIN ST. N. JOHN AGAb-MAeA CORDAY CH. I-ll33 TAKE NOTICE THAT: 1. The Council of the Corporation of the Township of Etobicoke intends to construct as a local improvement the following work, a sanitary sown within the Township of Etobicoke Sanitary Sewer Area on;A A‘_A.-I Ko.'--.-" M..,."-. 78â€, IO" Sanitary Sewer Albion Rood MON. - TUE. - WED. Tarantula Mn! har., mvoudlhmlly " Port Arthur, THUR. - FRI. _ SAT. Running Wild “I. " Main The Council intends to specially assess a part of the cost upon the lands abutting directly on the " ark and the balance of the cost including the Corporation's portion of some upon the whole of the rateable property within the said defined area as provided in Sections " and 64 at the local Improvement Act. . The estimated cost of the work is $47,000.00 of which 534 602.50 is to be paid by the Corporation and charged to the Township Sanitary Sewer Area. The animated toot per foot frontage ls as shown above The special assessment is to be paid in ten annual instalments and the estimated annual rate per foot is as shown above. _ Application will be made by the Corporation to the Ontario Municipal Board for its approval of the undertaking of the said work and any - may; within twenty one days after the first publication at this Notice, tile with the Board his objection to the said work being undertaken. The said Board may approve of the said work being undertaken but'betore so it may appoint a time and place when any obiectlon to tho all work will be considered. , _ DATED at Islington thts 29rh day of November, 1956 (Adult) Township of Eiobicoke local Improveme n! Notice MAMIE VAN DOREN with CK. l-llil 'tiii-i,:;,,,, Sanitary Sewer Lavonia Drive Nun"- of Wart pm Sand»; r LOCAL wleMlNTS Many ot the residents are elated to see the sewers bung installed all along Oownsvjew Ave. We did endeavour to find The Municippl Council has, by "solution, deer-0d that Boxing Day ‘shall be observed as a Chic Monday. Thou are thanfoio to make known that, an Mayor of the Town of Weston, I hereby proclaim and respectfully request all citizens to take no'ico hereof and to govern themselves accordingly. I956 VOLKSWAGEN 531%! 51587 {33:12: jisi',lc"cutt'"'cl _) Ticknor-Volkswagen Ltd. i, I 132 Wdston Rd. 'lh1Aa'1vos'. 3 DAYS CLEANING SERVICE Humberlea Rug & Upholstery Cleahers CH. 1-7361 WEDNESDAY. DEDEMDEB 26th. 1956 €36 {W ' Iv Ei; _ , F 'i'tiS)t"i,is1 “WP _,i)?,,i?tiei,. CIVIC HOILDAY Can you think of a BETTER or more wanted gift for these chilly Winter evenings iust ahead? And you’llfind it such a pleasure to choose slippers here . . . because we have so many different kinds (at all prices) for mother, dad, the children, everybody! - WESTON .L Sm" TOWN OF WESTON PROCLAMATION GOD SAVE THE QUEEN RUGS AND FURNITURE IN THE TOWN OF WESTON CALL DON GEVING RO. 7-7543 Payments To Suit Your Budget Metropolitan Trunk Sewer Albvon Rood or on location HURRY DOWN FOR BEST SELECTION l From "Picked Up" to boa Inciudn - High Bump" Guard! “can", '.000 M". Warranty, Ga: Jack and hell STORES SHOE 60" East of Second Avenue ' 7,790.00 ' 534000 31603 Elmhurst Drive $39,210.00 $28,662.50 $15.45 " CH. 1-2981 H. CLARK, Mayor Mt. Dennis $4r,000.00 $34,620.50 Vow-l (an 10000 PRIZE we. um WHEREAS at a meeting of the Council of the Corpora- tion of the Township of North York held on the 10th day of December, 1956, it was resolved lihat Wednesday, Do- camber 26, 1956 (Boxing Day), be and the some is b.1157 ftxed as a Civic Holiday for the current your and that the Reeve be authorized to publish a proclamation in cannot- Non therewith. In Prio-ADMrRAL T.V., Ticket No. 945’, R. Simpson, Purl St., It"... 2nd Pru.--m.Ft, Ticks! No. M53, G. H. Crows, M4 Viewmoum Av... Tor- oMo 10, Ont. 3rd Prig.-BiCYCLE Ticket No. "tr, Mrs. P R'rsttrw, no Main " I. Weston, Ont. "h Prim--ELECTRtC KETTLE. Ticket No. man, Jack KIM, " Main " M. Weston, om. 'th PriEF-MAN'S SHIRT, Ticket No. 56M. Mr. Elwood Wilma, In m. Wuhan P.O., 0M. ttit Prig.-Cu.AToNE 'AINT, Ticket No. I494, E H. Pratt, Bank M Mul- Irul, Wuhan, Ont. rm Prhq-TWo RED "ATS ll B. GAMES Tick“ No. 5127 Mrs. D. Kicks, " Lukhnd Blvd., Taronvo OM. "h PNg.-M.ito CERTtFtCATE ttmust, L Mouln, Yuk" No. 5143. G. K. ' Young, 91 Queen's Dr., W"tttrt, om. 9th Prim-Mott GIFT CERTIFICATE htr chrlstng Plan! "on ous-. Grumman. Tlcket "" J. Grnnhoh‘, Lungsn", om. These are, therefore, To make known that in compli- ance with the aforesaid resolution I do hereby proclalrn WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1956 (boxing Day), a! u CIVIC HOLIDAY. DATED AT the Township of North York this 11th day of December, 1956. Electors Of Weston THANK YOU!.. A". Chow. WES. DEG. "TH, I RIC, Irth8.tldht9hrtrittiit' llM"MlLAllllllA'rlllOK' CIVIC HOLIDAY WEDNESDAY, DEGEMBEB a, 1950 Boxing Day Lawrence Ave. th Next lam his All Proceeds For Thir:' Weston & Dlstriet ...,i," ' swmmme POOL '.:'c" iirillcrl" "an! COMMENCING WED. JAN. 9th. BINGO EVERY WED. NIGHT And I Wish You All The Compliments of the Season NO BINGO XMAS AND NEW YEARS WEEKS : ' Disiricl SWIMMING POOL DRAW The Winners Of The Weston "Jack " Holley Announcing Auombly loom (Upshin) At Woman Aron- FOR YOUR GONTINUED GONFIDENGE. Held at the R.C.S.C.C. Illustrious F. J. McMAHON, - "GOD SAVE THE QUEEN" Cost he! an“ Annual ruin-Md Member an. lihvimo of - no: Foot " wool ill-hm inmost your: ' MP, 301. S. W. ECKERSLEY. . CLERK. 30 30 1O 10