10!. Cl he Kostek may AND some -erter: , :ruickshank i ' Motors 1.td, _ cum . m . mu c, Oman.» . you a cad :TTER DEAL l-UIVIO -Iul Wuh the close of the year‘ Y 1956, the Rev. Keith Kiddell tt2 (l/gt ST, N. completes the first tr months of ' ESTON his rectorshlp in Weston. It has been a most strenuous work CH. "6461 that he has undertaken. He has ‘not spared himself but has granquEng ttice,,',; igiven a most positive leader- ' C on ship for the church. He is look- Bally USED CARS and ing forward to a still greater TRUCKS. year in 1957. With the fullest support and co-operation of the (In A or Used tar i; Jack“ W For A zhdrohome Concord Murk N. Cabinet by Deilcroft. 6 tube trarsfrormer, AC amplifier Garrard RC88 silent-action three speed changer with dual sap- phire Styli}, voriable reluctonce ccrtridge. Record oquulixmion con'rol. Full high HdnYity frequency range 20 to 20,000 cycles, Three rner.kers -- 12" woofer, 8" mid range and E,lectrrs-Vcire horn type tweeter, Crossover uMwor‘n sep'trn'mg boss and treble. outcrmiic volume ccmpevsclion to suit your own hsmning rrndi“ (ms, srlector switch and Jocks for TV town! ‘~'tol<-un etc, , A E r a 1 and mDrv/ JV“? nr ',sl " A le.iN tor IV tmmn C"r'rrtr Llrp 'Trr, and many 7“er vnruriol s feoysrr; â€'v’y 'n mlmc'e , In liwnj mung.†& M. LTD. 'FELEVISION - FURNITURE " APPLIANCES AT 'e'd like you Io meeit our staff . . . jiit1,,,y,!,!iriii,ty,sy.r, ll,:,ell,!yi,?,ticli; PM. Padang I t ft' - no to QWHARDSON st. John'! Angus“ parish he At the hit muting at the St. the glory John's WA. . most "ceptable he “my presentation was made to the Cl IRev. Kesth Kiddeu by the mem- This co: bers. It was a complete sur- of Prayer prise to the rector who had just consider returned from Montreal in time both mm to reach the meeting. They pre- lm. and ysented him with a beautiful Will be, isulver private communion ser- answered ,vwe set. Thrs was indeed most WHY"! timely with all the private com- But wha mumons that tn held at this that see! (ttme of the year. The rector What is' ‘expressed hts smcere thanks and tion? Th apprecuatlon for the set. Christian But how Last Thursday the annual Sunday school party was heid m the school auditorium. Mr. and Mrs. Hume were in charge and put over a nice party with a good programme. The WA. supplied the refreshments and an were happy. Over 450 attended the Christ- mas services which is a record for St. John's. $31354 CHURCH Electrohome GEORGE tt Mr.CtFMW, head M servios Aencrlmqn: and seus managu with Richardson’s for fatr years and an uxper' on major appliunus. l2 _ Oxpnriunu In ol-clvoniu field. "a hos a Hut-hand knowledgo of nervlm problems. His immune. on luehnlzul perfection and "l. cien' co-cvd'nmlion of soles and -reice enwre you of complete wtisfortion lung all†your initial puvthau. SERVICES parish he is pushing onward for the glory ot the God in whom he Brrnly believes. CENTRAL UNITED This coming week is the Week of Prayer and the minister will consider this vital subject st both morning services at 1000 mm. and 11.30 am. His subject: will be, "The Patience of Un- answered Prayer" Some ot our prayers are clearly answered. But what or the other prayers that seem to [o unanswered. What is the answer to the ques- tion? There is an answer and Christians do eventually find it. But how? The Sacrament of Holy Com- munion will be observed at both morning services one week from this Sunday, Jan. 13th. Parents desiring to olter their' children for Christian Baptism on Sunday, Jan. 10th are asked to call the minister. The Church Membership Class for young people commences this next Sunday evening, Jan. 6th at q p.m.' in the vestry. This announcement is all the invit- ation you require to attend. vibe. Recedtion Service adult members will take adult members will take placel on Sunday morning Jan. /iiiL) Those uniting by Profession of Faith are asked to meet with the minister on Thursday even- ing, Jan, 10th from 8-9 pm. DOWNSVIEW BAPTIST These days in which we live are full of trials and problems. \Wg need to draw close to God in they; dark days as we have {ï¬fiï¬timwwmm 'W# can magma!» yumaMeo you’ll eniay your vim to Mormon]. who" {on at. how high-fidelity in" '" you wovld In your own #vtntt room . . relox tn our lulurhauly demvmed stud“ and In!“ ttt your kvmim Intuit m you a an" hoard it his" -- brought tty 'hviuing niw lifr, on nun'Hv inwumnu "producing the complete hequenzy "mg. qun'Ny inurunwno of human Mating RIVIERA Radio-Phonograph -- Cabinet by Deilcrah in lustrous hand-rubbed finishes of walnut, mu- hogony, autumn leaf mahogany or light oak. Six tube Voltage Doubler radio chassis with selenium rectifier - equal in performance 10 a nine-tuba set. Webster full Intermix rhree-speed changer with dual sapphire stylii (urnover cartridge. Auto- matic oscord compensation. Frequency response 50 to 12000 cycles. Co-oxial speaker - one twelve- inch woofer, one five-inch tweeter in acoustically designed enclosure for Full range sound repro- t Jil duction. P== inunmwnn npvoduzing tor never needed before. The Bible gives the secret ot drawing nigh to God, and it we do this He will draw nigh to us, This is the greatest need to-day. We at the Downsview Baptist church '-tlr--e"'e'"ie.r.,.-.r.'xTrrTe_e PORTRAYING UNITED EMPIRE lOYALISTS in a tableau presented at the annual Cl Association. Kneeling in front is Chris Pk Diane Hastings and Dale Cannon. GEOR? MtcaARy, Sale Manager The Bible are seeking to show to men and i must depict th awing nigh women and young people tow; bolizos, This is do this He to live for God and expei’iciice‘lwhich depicts . F the joy which He alone can give. i jom for this h us, This Is It is wonderful to have in our) WESTMINIS day. We at hearts tl peace which the worldi Our special l tist church can neither give. nor take away. 2 will take plum we,----------' This comes through knmi'mg‘inf January li. Jesus Christ as personal LrvdlFirst Commun and Saviour. Ho becomA, mir‘imvn under in saviour whrn we tome to Tr11iityil?"d to tht in the way laid down in the Church. In the Bible. We do not know wri'il.iriii'v), S, Mac) 1957 holds, but we do know,r1hc' third in ‘oor l -lel-eBrrl""""'"""/"trT...TCrzt7.TduT .OYALISTS are these young pupils of King Sires. publlc school) annual Christmas programme of the Weston Home and School, s Chris Plewes while behind him are, left to right, Terry Slalom! . Photo by Geoffrey Fraser; lt IS wonueriui up Ildvk‘ III 'Fld* wr---" hearts tl peace which the world] Our special New Year Service can neither give. nor take away. [ will take place on the morning l This comes through knowing‘ of January 6. At this time, the Jesus Christ as r),e'ir,)sorlT."L'ltil's'v'ir-),'i' Commumcar1ts. who have and Saviour. He becomes nur‘lwvn under instruction, will id) saviour who we wine to Him l admittrd to the fellowship of the l in the way laid down in the Church. In the evening, the Rev/ Bible. We do not know wi2'il.iiriiii, S, Mackenzie will deliver, 1957 holds, but We do know,the third in the series of ad-i, Him who holds the tuturv. A'dresses upon Martin Luther. series of messages on the epistle l This address will describe in de-l of I John will commence this:tail the Diet of Worms, the) Lord's Day morning. There are’mOst exciting and heroic event several reasons for the writiiigl in the history of the Protestant lot this little book. We shall seek C Church. F to introduce the book by show-l On Sunday. January 13, the ing the purpose for its cxistaroce. _ Sacrament of the Lord's Supper The evening service will deal will be relrhralcd at the morn- with a series of topics. These ins serviw and after the Men- topics will be found in some Mal"?! “liii‘ltll‘ll “'13)â€? ':,h"w)'s1i,h,in? the important words that a/il/lie.' L fe '"f:"nl? or, estmm- found int the Bible. The “Bristol, should kindly inform the word with which we will dral‘mlnmm“ is the word “PROPlTIATlON",i\ The Annual Meeting to the It is found only three times in mnm‘t-gation will be held on the Nlw Testament. but out ‘ Wednesday. January 16. and very salvation has become a l will as usual begin with a Pot- reality because of it. A baptism Luck SUPPER A sue? of re- ““4an “mums; will then be very salvation has bccome a reality because of it. A baptis- mal service will also take place. We invite you to come and join us for this sewvice. Baptism by immersion is the only scriptural method. It has been sugsscstcd "hat it is the action which inrompts baptismal that is the {impomant thing and not the mode. This is wrong. Buptirm THISTLETOWN NEWSK Christmas “we Wallace. Mrs. Reid; Gents, Mr Rvid, E, Foster; (Reid and F. t Ihlst1etown Puhllc School On Monday. Decgmber 3rd, Thistletown public school was a 1reehivc of activity. While vot- tk'r7t""v'- .1. br"""'"'" ‘ers wutt' voting in the kitchen, the Home and School Assurin- tion noxt door was listening lo a very full programme: a very full pro/ram.""" l MRS. HUGH GRAHAM [ , At hm ham 8 Victoria St Aflcr' the regular busmzws Itc' ' c, . had bten concluded, Mrs, “Ml-1E7 , 1,v,,7"',ti,h?2s,,". A. Graham hams miroritied Mr. Squibb, lie' on Sultn ay, P.ecemby head at 1hr lmanco 'io,,i"r11'iT/rityi after a “'1th illness, m who laid thr= budget before over; h†f:'Y, v9.3" . 140 momhvrs of the home and‘ Iyy Louisa A. Fulioft at In- srhnu] This was the first time nisfil in 1802, she married Hugh that thv HSSUI'iUHOn has had a Graham in 1.010 and moved to workmg mum. and MLSqulbh Weston with hrm. Graham re- and Mr. Sanrhmrd. treasurer, tirrd in 1955 from his job as arr m bv t-onp,ratulated on the 100] crib clrwk at Canada Cycle hummus-like planning of the and Mom; Co. Md. in Weston. Tmnn‘pg Amvn in Westminster United , ",L n... rumtmm “,5. g m, Mr. Praxkoy and Mr. Misr'm‘r nuthnvd in 'r,rr"rilr'r' detail the mow to Albion Gardvns school and annourwod that. duo to run- Arm-mm dvlay: how pm'pnnod I957. Mr Alm coke Inxpivmr /ry' vrry short l â€Howvd. A woman! who! to tlu, hari-‘ HTH' vnir‘os " the speakvrs was the Junmr Choir, which mm: 'ivan dnliphtful nurnlvrs unrlvr the direrhnn of Mrs. N. King and arcmmmml-d hv Miss M. Stillman. Music Supt-rvism'. The chair was‘ npprrmatvd and ap- nlamlod and trrated to soft drinks and cookie, whlln thvir nnrnnts listnnnd to a fascinating “Mk by Mr Misrrr, Supop‘mmn- 'It-n' of Srhrmla from Cpmrul 'ndia. Gm (inlays. Hm mnvo has “pnnod until Fobrunrv, r A190 Turner, Embl- mum. ('nnirilnnod to shnrt di,,cussion which AT YOUR SERVICE momma men nunses must depict that which it sym- bolizes, This 15 the only method which depicts burial. Come and join for this blessed service; WESTMINISTER UNITED l The Annual Meeting M the, \mnurngalion will be held on ‘Wednesday. January 16. and l will as usual begin with a pot..' 1Luck Supper. A story of re- lmzn'kable progress will then be llmd below the members and sthye" will be some very inter-) iosiim: information concerning, events to come. V i l The Annual Love Gift Tea of' the Woman', Missionary Society, I will be held at the Pigeon Pcnne l‘ On Sunday. January 13, the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will ho ro‘mbrawd at the morn- ing sen‘uo and after the even- ing soyvitv. Those who wish to join the {allmvsh'lp of Westmin- ismr should kindly inform the mmister. VOBIWARVM on Wednesday, January The evening concluded with' a thmvinq at the Danny Kaye film, “Assignment Children" whi h dvscribes in a very mov- ing: WHY the work Unicof does [or the children of Asia, This contribution trn Uniccf at Christ- ‘mns timc has become a tradi- 1{inn in this school, and emphas- izes most strrctely the Chnman aspect of Christmas. (WESTON 'OUC! or", Birthday grvetings to Char- lene Bell, Dov. 3rd and Bob dedlc who celebrated with birthday irartivs. Burn' Louisa' A. Elliott at In- nisfil in 1802, she married Hugh Graham in 1.01!) and moved tol Weston with tum. Graham rem} tirrd in 1955 from his job as [no] crib clrwk at Canada Cycle and Mom: Co. Md. in Weston. Artxw in Westminster United Church. Mrs, Graham was a life member of the Woman's Mis- ‘sirmarv Smirk of Westminster and of tho Ladies' Auxiliary of sttrm Branch 3i3, Canadian 1,rscr,irtn, She ly surviwd by her hm-! hand. one son, Francis E. otl, Brandon. Mann. a daughter“ H370]. Mrs, Roy Hamilton. Rnxm dale: thtuw grandchildren; two) brrdhcrs Fwd M Big Ray Pt..) On! and Harrv of ApnlcwoodL Arrow, Ont: and two sisters,; Mrc, H, Weâ€; oi HamiHnn and‘ Mrs, Clara Andrmvs of Town-1I tn. mTho (â€norm was hold Mnnday. Dmvvmhor 24th from Ward's Funrral Humn In Wcston with intormrnt at Glmodale Como- tprv Rev. Jac Markonzic om. muted Thr, pnllhmrrrs were Al- Inn and Bill Corras. John King. a nrphmx, Jim LNth. Clarence Smith and [Pram-xx Thompson. CH. 1~3511 gth, m mm mo auttte-8ttur% (Anglican) . w' . St. Phillips Rd. (off Multan Rd.) Rector: Rev. Howard K. Manon, I.A., LW., 31 M. Philip. " Church Of St. David (Angina) EPIPHANY OF OUR lOID 3.00 a.m.-Holy Communion 11,00 a.m.-Holy Communion 7.00 p.m.-Evening Prayer 3.30 p.m.--riresidts Group DOWNSVIEW BAPTIST CHURCH 11,00 a.rn.-Holy Communion and roccption of no members. 7.00 p.m.-Evening Worship Beginners and Nursery Class is held during tho Morning Service. 10.00 a.m,-818bE SCHOOL 11.00 o.m.-MORNING WORSHIP introduction to I John - The 7.00 mm.-rVENING SERVICE What is Propitiation? Baptismal Service Wed. at 8 - Midweek Church Service for I0.00 'nm.-Sundrst School H.00 trm.--Morning Wnnhip Kindugunnn and Primary, " r" tthoo o.m.-hut bible Clan 1.00 pi-even-rs Worship wasmu Mrns'rill8htth1 REV. R. J. IOGGS, BA. 17 Crest St. - CH. ‘-9533 SUNDAY, JAN. 6th. [widow and {Mom-diam 3-H yn. sudfiii,r)'hiiiiett 6, 1957 ST. PHILIP’S (0n the Hill) div-Iv". , lnlvvnn I v, - I 9.45 o.rn.--untor Sunday Ochoa Service, , Pe"' and " 11.00 trm..-"A New Cremion" t' 11.00 u.m.--Sunday School 2-9 year: 7.00 p.m.--Martin Luther (3) "Here I Stand" EHTTRAL mum cannon SUNDAY, JANUARY}, 1957. Weston Presbyterian 9'1th Westmlnister United church 10.00--Ho0and-"e. F. Guillaum- SUNDAY, JANUARY 6, 1957 SE00â€) GHRISTIAI BEWRIEI cannon or 1mm , (Tompomrily loan-d M Woven COIN". AVâ€) 5.00 p.rrt,-httrl0-Pr"ttrr Widows. _.' I". Henry A. VIIIOMG, It, th.tt.iett. SUNDAY, JANUARY 6, 1957 SUNDAY, JANUARY 6, 1951 10.00 and 11.30 am. "THE PATIENCE OF UNANSWERED PIN“. Sunday School: 10.00 u.m. 2-12; 11.00 a.m. 12-15 yo"; 11.30 cm. 6-11 yuan SUNDAY, JANUARY l, 1031 s Cross St. ot cinch, CHorry 1-1571 lawman Avo., Nu! Jan. H. W. SUIDIVAll. IA. LN., "v. Gaorgc Garrett-Assisting King and Main 5mm Minister: Rev. R. E. Spencer, M.A., " REV. G. K. XVIII, B.th.. MINIHII MM. OEOIGE SWAN. ORGAN“? 'ter. "no: I. Mulmnk. EL, B..., nu. In. M Italy (but " NIHIAM ("In m oowusvuzw AVENUE R. W. REDDlNG - PASTOR Young People's Union and Young Adult Group , Will Preach at Both Sorvlcu gunk Yuhphom: CK 4-15" to I John - The Word of Life 7.30 pm. and Junior sundny Sthool of" th; . -Sundqy School WESTON FRESBVYERIAN CHU RCH School Ind Nun.†dtb, "57 - Prayer and Study CROSS " MAIN A. N. C'""'"', Ft