'; 'miNEtii: Sale, Westminster l, Church. 69 William St. Fri- T. day evening March 29th at ' T:80 pan. x-12-2t i WCooking school to be held in St. John's Hall, George St. under auspices of . St. Bernard's" Catholic Wo, ; 'Tnen's League, Tuesday, March C 36th at 8:30 pm. Proceeds for St. Bernard's school. Admis- Iion 508. x-le-lt WERE at Tumpane School on March 29th at 7:45 pm. For information call CH. 4- 0281. Good prizes Everyone welcome. Admission 5(h.. _ Homes Wanted EDD - In loviing memory of I dear husband and father, John Todd, who passed away March Igth, 1955. A pus in the book of ' memones. ill silently turned orday, Ever remembered by wne and (wily. x-le-lt WFiCATr' - In lovrng memory at our dear mother 4nd grand- ma. Mary Mxphdl] who may ed away March now, was. '0 Happy hours we once RUMMAGE SALE - Saturday, March 30th, 10 a.m, Central United Church, Main and King St., Weston. Auspices WA, Good used clothing, huusehold articles. etc. o-il-tt RUMMAGE Sale Saturday, April 6th at 10 am. at Sea Cadet building next to the Weston Arena. Everyone wel- come. x-12-3t EXCDONALIS lifirirARig Sale: Saturday, March 23rd at Lakeview Hall, Keele and Annette St.. 2 o'clock. sponsored by Duchess of York Chapter LO.D.E. '6kt5Wrt5 Young Men's Chris-i tian Association, North West-i em Branch, Downsview Out-; I post, 2843 Keele St. North are; holding their official opening on Saturday, March 23rd. Open house will be 2:30 tol you p.m. 2'i'2-t'tl F "AL "ra" AGENT m karts" m, CH. H7781 STUART MERCER, Connor "" DundmISt. W. Wert Toromo , c. 1:12 In The Budnen R."iri.Yediif,' - Mt and Mrs. . r. Cunningham (nee Don- glldl. Karges, Lutuwell) an- ’Iounoo the btrth ot their "aughtar Barbara Ellen at tWuntrdr Memorial Hospnal 'on Friday, March 15, Frrst "randchild for Mr. and Mrs. .H. J. Cunningham and Mr. W. ;W. Karges at Lstoe ell. It. Dennis, Weston, Rexdale id Kipling Heights. iCyou Amre a home to sell we have the right buyer. Phone for free appraisal With- an obligation. for an honest straight for- ward deal, enjoyed. How sweet their memory ECDONALD W Mr, Angus ~Macdonald and [armly exprws their gratitude to everyone for their kindness. sympathy 'Ind ftowers received during their bereavement. 0-12-12 LADIES’ WEAR Opportumtv in nr-w \‘rtnmwzvz ill. for hxpm 'nvr'Y [t t n? of ladies" “our :xrd fir“ 511.3420 â€.000 down - Mndrrrnwl i'" come home on a lot in WNW amtable for:rrrchanir-trHri- man, with iM ft, drxv'wu 'sy garadE still. But death has left a loneliness The world can never fill. Sadly missed bv daughters Rosa, Mabel and Edna and grandson "ek. x-12-It Building lot In Ores; builr'mn mans inrlurlrd ltwers. We spr'tuttlize m Leauhu‘rl properties BEE. Euphemia Findlay will be] at home to her friends and neigbours on Sunday, March 24th commencing at 3 p.m., at; the home of her daughter: Ann, Mrs. Harold Libsey, 42,' Portage Ave.. on the occasion) ot her 80th birthday. x-12-1t' mu AND GUIDE - “wadoy, Monk tt, "57 - Pig. " - Call - KEN GIBB, REALTOR CARD OF THANKS COMING EVENTS he! Toronto Real Estate 1m trade-m KA,o/, Vf’rhgtro', Board 1205 Weston Rd. RO. 9-9944. 'LASSIFIED AD VER TISING Cl. 4-5305 IN MBMIMUAM REAL ESTATE RENTALS BIRTHS LOT nrw hiiiit-ur) pvrnvl :vrd wutnr :mrl x-12-1t; 0-12-1t tt " THREE room unfurmshed self- contained apartment, stove, mg, laundry lacilnies. Adults; only. 76 John St. CH. 1- 6384. x-12-lt [ TWO room furnished apart-i ment, light housekeeping or bedrooms, suit 2 or 3 adults, parking, near transportation. CH. 4-1975 or Mel. 3-3398 at-i THREE room basement apart- ment, self-containers, 2 piece bathroom. sink and cupboards in kitchen, trig and tangents, private entrance, available April lst, Business couple. CH. 4-0862. x-12-1t WILSON ._ Main St. North - Basement apartment unfur- nished 2 large rooms, separate entrance. private shower, sink, heavy wiring, laundry facilities. Available April Ist. CH. 1-6980. 0-12-1t Do You Want h Good Investment THREE room apartment plus 4 piece bath with shower, T.V. outlet, extension telephone, business couple. CH. 1-3831. x-12-1t FURNISHED, one bedroom apartment. young couple. wife to do partial day care of children for consideration, adults only. CH. 1-7550. UPPER Dupiéx. living room, 2 bedrooms. kitchen, bath, sun- room, oil heated. suit quiet tenants. occupancy April Ist. 5110. CH. 1-7333. x-12-lt AiriRAtyrrie eomfortable un- furnished 3 room basement apartment 3 piece bath. avail. able May Ist, garage optional. Call CH. 1-3974 eveinings or Saturday. KEELE-Lawrence - Warm 2 room basement apartment, unfurnished, sink, cupboards, phone, three piece bathroom. TA'. outlet, baby welcome. CH. 4-1427 or CH. 4-5148. $2.500 Down - Balance one mortgage $70 monthly. $65 mconm from basement apart- ment, solid brick, 4 rooms, modern kltchen and bath, private drive and garage. 100 yards to Main St. Call CH. 4-2011 C. H. M. HENDERSON BROKER MUSICAL Instruction. Plano. clagsical and popular Accor- dxon, Spanish Guitar, instru- ments rented to beginners. CH 1-0781 - 202 Main St. North. Weston. x-Mi-tf MYRNA FENTON KEN mus LIMITED Home AT. mass . no. 2-1191 RUGS: Why pay more? T x 12', $34 and up . . . trottoru, vis, cose and wool in tnnc on tone, hard twist tweed or plam broadlrrom. Rugs shown 1n your own home. Limited sup- ply. CH. 18022. x 5-tt 920 FOR your old box WASHING mach/ni/rd/r,,", T" re', mndxunned. 300 it, of 2x4". both reasonable. Phone CH. 1-2134. x-12-IT cHjLfis CHE, good condition. thm CH. 143617. x-12-lt DUFFâ€)? hr‘d, mrmq, mattress. TWO Car! Guide Uniforms, Irv'np'MI‘ approx1m'm‘ FlZP 12, pl'umnH}: mm. $9 each, lem- CH. 4-5104, x-12-lt WASHIVG CH 4-3,'t!,3 x-12-lt TOOLMAKER'S cabinet and mam. $50. Phone CH. 1-2320 between 4:30 Ind lV30 pm. all roamnahlr CH. l-3l75 " for 6 pm. nr Saturday. GlyL'S Plnk snrmz 0081, size M. prrfort cnndition: Ladv's L'I"V MN, 'T"" 20, Alma“ n’uv ck, 1-9881 x-Iz-u BABY carriage gm! mattrtssq, 1.10316: Alummum hhhy Shal- lrr, reasonable. CH +2070 ter 6 pm aimnst now' mu" Cuatm‘ wuhrr; Elwyn] Lawn minivan prarhrnH} Aw, WESTON INCOME BUNGALOW ARTICLES FOR SALE mnr CH. 45104. x-12-lt CONTINENTAL bed like MORTGAGE TERMS AVAILABLE HINC; mm‘hlnn. automatic, grand r-nndmon, I'rJamnahlo. 1630A Wilson Ave. ARTMENTS TO LET REAL ESTA“ <prmq, mattress, CH. I-3412, x-Ill-lt x-IQ-IT camera o-12-lt x-8-4t 12-1t l'2-lt 12-11 ISUMP pumps wanted w any l condition, 60 cycle. Herridge Electric, phone TUrner +3211. i o-il-tit HAVE your tur coat re-cut to anew style can, racket or Jule. New coats made to or- der reawrusbly. H. Rose Fur Co, 3102 Dundas St. W. RO, 7-2042. x-7-1t EFFICIENT typist desires home work, letters, mummies, xnch Opes, etc. Phone CH. 4-2109, x-ll-lt DUTCH girl dcsxres house- work __ hours B In 3 p.m. and baby suttmg, evcnmga. Phone CH. 1-2439. x-1'.l-lt SECRETARY, Stenographer, Re- cepttonist, Private Secretary, Legal expex'lence desires per- manent position. Phone CH. 1-6293 x-12-lt TEENAGER desires 'raby-sittinp, [UR truck pun. In Lavy's - All muku - now. wed, c.- built, 1400 Weston Rd RO 9- 1115 x-Zb-ll RELIABLE Wuman desires day} work, tti and cartare. Phone' CH. 1-1341, x-12-1T WESTON Prurtiual mm ares nut-mg (rl' baby 'e phone CH. 4-7479 or c 130 Lawrence Ave. East CAPABLE woman: for practical nursmg. home making or baby-sitting. Weston and sur- rounding area. Phone BE. "l.. 9281. x-ll-it Paper Carriers Wanted DRY cleaning more requires married woman for mm. time work. Phone CH. l-fi631. WANTED v7 Carriers for Tole- gram tor weeklv or Sunday. Phone BE. 3-8581. x-l‘l-It In new olfices at Wilson Ave. and Highway 400. We require 2 clerk stenographors. Short- hand is unnecessary. The very finest employee benefits. Good salary ranges. Pleasant sur- roundings. 5 day week. If you live near our location the bore and expense of com- muting can be eliminated. Evenings or Saturday appoint- ments can be arranged by calling Miss Strickland. GREY fund white cat, male, strrtved trom Jane and Wilson arm. Phone CH. LARGE brown lrat'wr pure, handmndn. krepe0r', wlth prrmnal pffrvris; Rrwnrd CH. 1 4-2094 days, CH 4-1862 cum. I inrr 042-1: I MR. FOSTER CH. 1-5231 BENEFICIAL FINANCE CO evemngs. Phone CH. 1 HELP WANTED-FEM' Young lady. single preferred, for interesting position in modern branch office. Good starting salary. All employLe starting benefits EMPLOYMENT “ANTED Limi CLERK TYPiSTS LEXFIELD-DEEVALE AREA Chlldrvn wantvd to ranvass CH. 1-2303, days EM. 8-4609. x-le-lt BURROUGHS BILLING MACHINE OPERATOR Firm Located in Rexdole Requires 5 dnv wevlr, Una! F'.mplroyee Bssnrfits Salary commensurate with ability SUNNYDALE ACRES HELP WANTED MALE 0R FEMALE INTERESTING OPPORTUNITIES DEESSMAKING (Over Royal Bank) MOTOR PANTS Phone Mrs. Taylor CH. 1521] CH. 4-6404 MR. FORREST CH. 4-6451 WANTED WESTON - also - [.051 sittmp, fl "mu-MN ____ call at SPIRELLA L‘mem mode {mund- ist, ation garment fitted in the x-Ill-lt prlvacy of your own home. "'s da); For appointment call Mrs. Phone' JC55, WA, Ir1035. 042-†x-12-IT TO look your best this spring SC do I2-lt It It sMMiT,uGTIJ? rent, ’Jo’h'n 'sc.’ and Mam St. area. Apply to Wtndtr's Taxx. 9 John St. ATTENTION - Wanted men to sell from door to door our 225 products: Toiletries, Medi. vines, Culmariu. Tea, Coffee. A $20 investment wlll start you in business and permit you to earn from $50 to $75 per week. Will you take ad- vantage of this opportunity? Substantial discount JITO - DEPT. le, - 5130 tit Hubert. Montreal. x-12-lt PIANO lessons: Learn to play songs m popular Chor" bus style. Easy method with quick results, Special attention given to hr-ginners 1n classical mu- m: Phone CH. 4-8137. HYGI FINIC SUPPLIES (rubber ARLINGTON Pet Shop, 48 Mat- tson Ild, Crang Plaza, cam- arms. Budgies, Tropical Flsh and all yupplnm. Birds boarded. CH. I-3'o'32. ne-ll-dt DOUBLE mum with single beds, good board, wit 2 gentlemen, near transportation, Phone CH. 1-2394. x-12-1t DOUBLE furnished room. twin beds, suit 2 gentlemen full board, near transportation, garage, phonc CH. 4-2079. rent. About 400 sq. ft. in es- tahli,hed Real Estate and In- sumnce (mice. Prefer lawyer, accountant or other similar profewon. Will alter to suit reluble tenant. FM month. ROOM and board. gentleman only. him-he: packr‘d parking far-W‘uu. 235 Main St, S. CH. 441151;}. x-12-lt ROOM and board, separate beds, lunwh'm p::ck"d, near' trans- ponrnzon. sun business couple or me man, Phone CH. 4-1854. x-12-1t Mum Mor office space mm. .5 In LFn--FUitNP90i" EUILNIStiELI) srr;n//otGCvvmt gin}: ilnmm. J"orkimg. Plant-e CH. 1~DIL70_ x-12-lt WESTON ROAD - EGLINTON MODERN new Tt, mimtc rgyr',s nan. CH, l-7703. x-lg-lt SID-ULE 100m, nicely furnished, Mull hrmw, mm htmness per- srm, breakfast it tierired, Phone CH. 1~9003. x-12-It SINGLE front bedroom, suit zonticmzm. an» Mock from Man 51', CH I-i37.3. x-l2-lt LARGE mam. hc'nt hr)t-ktstsp- THREE 15mm 1rslf-cot1tpineti fiat, ll, rlf"W horn, private bath, wsllIl bus mess couple. phone CH. 4-1265 after 5 pm. x-12-lt Phrrvr, CH. 4-4307 ON Km: St _-- “WI! TTC. CH 443R“, x-l2-It TWO rnnm< (tu muinned Mr lmnxrlmr‘pm: p-w atr rm- vnwn m1 :med fVrrtr, m‘ar bus stop. CH. IV3HRV x-IZ-H WESTON 2 smn‘l nirnishrd rrrCHTIs frv. r_rrttntlrmnro, New to 'rrr1irrtrl'ttrn Call urn-r 4 pm, CH #1529 x4241“ rtmshsHrifsatw, 'rGrG," “so (if . modern kitrhrn. rrfruterrttBr, parku‘}. sun, 2. Phone CH. 1- 9220. THREE WESTON- Dr‘n 'licOn tw-IO-lt FURNISHED rmm. singlr. suit gvn‘U‘rwm, qvnM, pII-aslnt surrnundmns. CH. 1-l517. wear a good foundation. your Sprucer Cdrsetiere Fern Bailey, CH. 1-2121. tip,rsrmc analysis in your home. x gnorls) mailed post Bald m plum sealed envelope With prn'e Irst Six samples 25e 24 samples Sl Matl Urdu Dept GI. Nova Rubber Co BM yl Hannlmn Ont 't..39.tt ACANCY for Plderly lady or invrdid, nun-Q‘s lmmc, tray service, good food. excellent care; also mom for elderly gtnllelmm, CH. 1-1375. MUSICAL INSTRUCTION â€FFK'L SPACE TO LET after 4 inc Pho, min-1 H, priv;rlr' 2' man only I 3rd “out 1511.11: Hui AGINTs WANTED 1204):“ AND BOARD RO. 6-4136 REST HOMES FLATS TO LET PET STOCK PERSON AL u t'tytl'rt'. RI Dixon 30 call UH. 4-4901 hr] aduH WOMEN an in: Mished rooms H 110nm rrtmi, h, 2;:"220, Rvmle’ CH. 1-0210. or. In; 'u'zlltics home --- 4 room entrancm mod- hath, close to 11‘. RI Dmrm Rd. rm Main Sts. h'droom. nnar Mum/Jump- nspnrl Minn hndrnnm in rannntto. bu,iness x-ll-l'. x-12-1T 0-12-11 x-l'?.--) 042-" for 12-lt Call Mrs. Free own gen-l CR! 12-1t‘ 12-lt RIC! tron! room in Central rub d.ntial Walton. nu: trump:- uuon. In]: gunman. PM CH. 1-6358. ty-it-ir TWO bright unfymished room], THREE housekeeping rooms G" Albion Rd., private entrance. CH. 1-7319 after ' pm. x-12-lt WANTED - Small apartment and space to carry on part- time business. Write Box 1201, Times a Guide. 0-12-21 tool-10mm ton. Please state weekly rate. Write Box 1202, Times and Guide. x-12-lt YOUNG couple with baby de- sire 3 rooms, unfurnished, prefer Weston proper, call CH. 1-9041. 0-12-lt WANTED - Weston area, 1-2 bedroom tipartment, furnished or unfurnished. couple, no children. Write C. R Davison, c/o McCulloch Co, 42 Racine Rd., Rexdale. Ont. x-12-1t MODERN r'mm Service Floor: cleaned. waxed and polxshed Any kind or (Ionnng brnueht up like new Painted wall: wash °.d Work guaranteed F'ree as" mates Phone A Corras CH l 0282. x-32 tt Muddy Driveway TYPEWRiTERg tor" tlale of rent] Terms. Open pvenmg; 1287 Weston Road. RO. 7-1210, SALES and sorvive for all Hoover cleaners and pnllshors thern Kitchen Centre, 1185 Weston Rd. RO, 6-7531. ll, G. BROOKBANKS PAINTING MOVING and CARTAGE 1710 Jane St. CH. +3047 FOR RENT: Electric floor sand- er, $5 a day; edgct SQ a dav: new equipment, $10 deposit required on each machine Hmd smdnrs and skill mwx fur rent. Beaver Lumber Co Ltd,, 139 Main St. South, Wes. ton CH. 1-1188. x 4 9t 9 two minutes from bus stop; Phone CH. 1-1568. x-l2-l‘ FLOOR Sanders. edger: and pullshes for rung, day or eve- mnz. Alpha Engineering Company. 1852 Jane St., Wes. ton. CH. 1-5275. x 29-lt Roofing t Chimney Service J. E. O’FARRELL, Prop. All types repaired and renewed Workmanship Gulrmmd Emergency and" Day or Night CH. 1-6953 Chestertields and Chairs Studio Couches. Davenpnrts decovered and Repalred SLIP COVERS MADE tO ORDER On Budsev Perms If Desirnd M1 DENNIS UPHOLSTERING A.Lyon R0. 2.2706 Crushed stones. gravel sirw, spread free. P delivery. 35 Years Experience " MAIN ST. N.. WESTON CH. 1-7681 HOURLY-DAILY-WEEKLY BE. 1-9281 Old dark Iloors made new '25-60 cycle dustless machines Bid Gullllord RO. 9-6169 PAPER HANGING A _ Z FAMILY SERVICE Mature housekeepers and SERVICES OFFERED MOI! T0 at - UNI'UINIIIIID HARDWOOD FLOORS ACCOMMODATION WANTED UPHOLSTERING RICH'S I034 Weston Road baby-sitters CH. 1-1850 x-35-tt Prompt ( x4', ttr x4611 4-47-tt x-42 x-3-tt 9-H 8-84: tly lt FURNIYURE HAVE your furniture and rugs cleaned by Humber Lea. Phone CH. 1-7361. x-2-tf Wecf Fnd Movers PAINTING: Interior and exter- lor. reasonable rates, no Job too small. CH. 1-3464 AVON Painters. Good fast ser- vice using good quality paint. Large or small jobs. Very rea- sonable. Office, stores, apart- ment, houses inside and out. CH. 1-6173 or RO. 2-7494. outside work now. Business Have your cstimatss cn your offices done at nicht Cl. ttt CONVIIIIONI Watt-null, Gaunt.“ Tun-III. "' l...-. part. CLOSED All Day MONDAY E, W. COOK 103 Gary Drlvo TN. I RADIO SERVICES Latimer Heating il Plumbing APPLIANCE SERVICE TELEVISION, REFRIGERA- TORS, RADIO, RANGE. WASHER Made-over drapes a specialty Top grade workmanship at rock bottom prices. New work and repairs to plumbing. hot water and Steam heating. METROPOLITAN HEATING COMPANY RE. 8955 24 HOUR SERVICE Prices uncd without obliga- lion on new building tttith, tions, alterations, etc. PAINTER & DECORATOR Brcsvtront anuvfmrM», rm! ings, Noon, rupbonrds. Russ nnlble. Work guarlntN‘d. SERVICE!) & REP/“RED PICK-UP & DELIVERY W. M. WYLLIE GENERAL CONTRACTOR call Mr. Roeddlng CH. i-MO HAY FURNITURE CO. x-15-U 15 years repair specialist SAND. CRUSHED STONE GRAVEL, CINDERS Immediate Delivery CH. 1-2190 ALUMINUM DOORS & WINDOWS SPRING CLEANING ? Him-I 0m Drapes and bedspreads custom made. DRIVEWAY MUDDY ? CLEAN WORKMANSHIP 35 YEARS EXPERIENCE i. L SMITH PHONE CH. 4-6159 Alterations CARPENTRY 53 GENTHORN AVE. REXDALE CH. 4-1929 FOR FAST SERVICE Moving . Ntorage Weston CH. H5370 SPRING FURNACE CLEANING $7.50 (h lil/ll REFINISHING SPEClAL Got rid of it CH. 4-4160 w. MERCER ca. bu" RO. 9-9927 CH. 1-7081 ACE REPAIRING Repairs x-IO-ot x-37~tf x-ll-lt DOWNSVIEW PAVING CO CH. #2181 DRAPES AND BEDSPREADS CUSTOM MADE DOWNSVIEW BAPTIST Rev. Redding was m charge of services this past Sunday in Downsview Baptist church. Visi- tors at the morning service in- ciuded two former pastors, Mr. Baxter, who will be making a visit to his homeland, ireland, in the near future, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pyper and two sons. Special music was supplied by a mixed quartet of young people. which included Bruce Lee, Sally Burgess, Dorothy Field and Donald Bowles. The pioneer girls went on a mystery journey at their meet- ing last week, and ended up at the manse. Congratulations to Ron Ander- son, who placed fourth in the piano competition at the Ki- wanis Festival. SOCIAL Many happy returns to one of the olden residents of this dis- trict, Mrs. Davies, who was 84 years of age this past. Sunday. Mrs. Aiscolt, of Arthur, Ont; aria. a former resident. visited for four days this past week, with Mrs. Mariam. of Ridge Road. ' The residents of Rsdge Road are pleased to sep, street lights installed last week. The annual banquet of the Maple Loaf Cubs and Scouts, is to be hold on Wednesday. March 27th. A mot-Lin: wlm-h was tlw for- mation of the grmlp mmmitxcc cf Hmhview Scout and Cubs was held on Wednesday, March 13th at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Vaur'hun. Those elected Into office weft: president, Jack Grime: vice-pres., Jack Brown; t-sutive members, Mr. Hons- T' 1.der, MIX Nowton, Mr. G. Vaughan. Mr. L. Htrathcrington, For best job on Driveways, Car lot, Apartments. All work guaranteed. Free esumules. The first danvc in [hr now H..?1\'L(u :L'hool was hold on Friday night, and was quute >uccussful. Approximately 140 people attended Made-over drapes a specialty. Top grade workmanship at rock bottom prices. Music was supplied by Les Clark and his rocmds and um- Ridge Road News Authorized Hoover Dealer RE. 5833 - BE. 3.0157 JET RAILINGS Open for contracts. Porch & Interior railings. No job too small. " Lippiaeott E., Weston ME. 3-510! EVERYTHING FOR THE CAR Weston Auto Supply WESTON VACUUMS SALES & SERVICE 41 Main St. S. New, Used And Rebuilt IIIVIOII om ME. 3-8383 DICKIN TAXI SAVE MONEY Install a MAYCO water softener. PAVING CH. 4-4160 CH. 4-7674 H I: ti DANCE Please Note Our New Phone Number tEffective March 17th) KEELE 8. WILSON WESTON WE DELIVER pills at In "eetUd - - ignite I number of lively an". Mr. Ben Man, with“ mum " Ridge Road school. and two ot his friends enur- tained with uvorll was: RM piano. selections. Among the many prize Witt. not: wen Ted Alhton ind Kill Carruthers. Refreshments were wowed and served by the Homo and School Executive. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MAYTII Ctr tHE ESTAYE or William Francis Willard. In" of tho Town of the Yawn of Weston In the - of Employ-n. All panom having clam: again" Vb. Estate of Willlom Francis Wllluvd, I... a "he Town of Wuun In oh. Count] of Fork, (LIA. Empoyn who dlrd on or about uh. 22nd day of Duombor, nu, are required to fill proof oi mm. with the undauignod on or b.0070 the lith day of April, 1957. After than dot. the Adminutratrix will proceed Co distribute the mom having "gard only to th. claims of which sh. xhall than ha" "ONCE. KATHLEEN WILLARD, Admlnutratrb, by George W. lull, Baum" and solicilov, 7 Main 5"... South, Wanna, Ontario, h" Ioliclior. DATED at Weston, Ontario, the "Oh day of March, 1957. 50'. III for the on". print: you'll 's..d Will give you a better deal oh a new or used car Headquarters for MERCURY, SAFE-BUY USED CARS and UNCOLN, METEOR CARS and TRUCKS. Gruickshank Motors Ltd. M. J. CADWALLADII, Mgr. Cor. Main . John 50. Joe Kostek with yew [mils and SNAPSHOT! camera Benin [REID 122 MAIN ST. N. WESTON CH. 4-6461 --.AT-. CH. 4-5991 CH. 1-3538