Im"llllBllltlllt SUMMIT Community Church with 'ter. Kingdom may no. tlt in “Pinon, Oran! "to Lord, oh. saving "ht, And "an custom coon I. won-m tut m. mania. chow the MOM. And Mompvlon: fee. mush-ad. Third Annual Missionary Conference 5.45 p.m.-S- 7.15 't.m.--'ray.r _ I.“ psm.-CoUvrod nund film "The Mid-Contvry Martyrs" dopiding tho martyrdom of the five minionariu in U.S.A. Music - Mr. W. Nelson, oceordionist-Ahr. t. Davis, organist Junior Sunday School-Mis, â€Mun-n Senior Sunday School-Miss Erickson It.00 a.m.-Mi" Polorman 7.00 p.m.-Prcyor 7.30 p.m.-luv. Hurry Forty. PIN! SHEET - WOODIIINI _ Rev. A. B. Gotham, BA., LTh. Ash Wednesday, February " 10.00 a.m.‘HOLY COMMUNIUN T.30 p,rrt.9ENNN snvncs . SUNDAY, FEBURARY 23, 1958 m" WNDAY OF LENT 8.00 Inn-HOLY COMMUNION 9.45 't.m..-80N0AY SCHOOL IT.00 PRAYER 7.00 p.m.--EVENtNG PRAYER 10.00 a.ot.--Smday School 11.00 a.m.-k'Th. First Chureh Dmons‘ 10.00 a.rc?'-"i'utiiliv%'ii"ia Soulon 11.00 a.m.--Socond sinne- - -- (Junior -..9tnw'-ttNur"rr) CANARY BAPTIST cum" WIRING r." p.m.-Ponol Discuuion on tht topiet "Hoev.n" Talent - tnstrumentol Group 1.30 o.riLdati, ',i/iiihridiiiirie. 9.30 a.m--rtrst Servlco with Junior Choir A WELCOME AWA0t You " me um: CHURCH . " TH! no! or m ROAD "nnmucn " i --"' tFWECANNOtB0A1LthmWANrtOtto-. AT LEAST at us no Au. WI CAN. Th "In DAY OF "M" tMil I. NIH In tMetirt CHURCH, Anglican, wean-am Friday, loin-wry " at 1.30 pm. - EVIRYONI WllCOMI - CHRIST CHURCH Holland-y. February tit, at 8 MI. Woodbridge lhtittd Church Thursday. February 21. it I "I. Remember theotwhgw _o_w htlp no "Huh. SUNDAY. FEIIlMIY a, I†momma SUNDAY. FEBRUARY tt, Itil' Young Pooplo'n Forum led by Mv, H. "my Soloist-Mr, J. McDonald 'Miss Ida "terrmrrtimd, "legeed film Frllu. Polar-cry a II I MI. Sunday, March 2, 9:45 â€I. Salurlay. March l, no pm. Miss Olga Erickson-On Tho Spot Slides of the Aleutian Choin-Ah"ke. Moie-r.r.c. Girlo' Trio In. Harry "rey-8eund, colour“ film â€thlngol “Rd in Africa 'ttlerat-Nrt. G. sun Fi' EV "Contra! In May" “IM- Mushe-Akt" Joan Johnston, Vlullnisv Mn. June lurker. "an!" AIILICAI CHURCH or CANADA (mmmmmm In. I. B. may, no. Mt, Ann!!! Non!) (Igno- for '9" 3.0: this SUNDAY iRichview W.|. lo Hold Mad Said Evening Presbyterian W.M.S. Plans Visitation St. Andrews Presbyterian W.MS. held their monthly meet- ing, Wednesday, Feb. 5, 1958. m Mohvlew Worn-nu Inui- hne no holding their mull social evening. next Thursday evening, Feb. 20th, at the homo of Mm. G. awning. 5 Winnipeg Avenue, A highlight of the wen- ing is I hot dinner served at 0.10 pm. A good programme its beta; prepned. by the commit- tee in chum. consisting of mm pinata. mas Ind cards. Our Int meeting was held at Mrs. Payne's 8 Conner Ave., Weston. The usual programme wu alloyed by All members present. The non meeting will be held March 12th with Mrs. L, Gardhouoe being the hostess, a. Junk Street. Weston. Motto Paper - Re who has health has hope and he who has hope has evemhinz. Written by Mn. Lulu Bumhison. The meeting will be addressed by Mrs. D. Henry, her subject being Heredity. The topic of the month being "Health." Mrs. W. H. Welch's group was in charge of the meeting and ar- ranged tor some " the members ‘of the buy Villufion Committee to conduct a Panel, the subject being “Witnenlng for Christ". The Panel wu co sed of the t1olowing men, Mr J. Craigen, Mr. G. Gibb, Mr. Hicks, Mr. W. Cotter, Mr. M. MncGuire, Mr. G. William and Mr. H. Graig. enter. This discussion was very in- Ipiring and interesting, and should prove most helpful to the women of the W.M.S. who are plmnlng to have a Lay Visita- than Group similar to the one formed by the men of our church. Mrs. Allie Black thanked Rev. Watch Ind the members of the Lay Villtation Committee, on be- hill of the W.M.S.. for the help- ltu1_ttttor1ntlyon they had given. Rev. W. H. Welch closed the muting with a prayer. Tea and ‘Imdwiches were served at the conclusion of the meeting by the ‘noup in charge. WOODBRIDGE Pine Ridge Prubytorian church KNOX AVENUE, NUMBER SUMMIT lav. Frank Slavik, B.A., lb. - Phone CHorry 4-6732 DIVINE WORSHIP . T-_., _ "..r.w_w'.e.r.t_ ,b. T 9.30 an SUNDAY SCHOOL 10.35 am I". Wm. Weir, B.A., BO., of Brampton, Inhrlm Moderator A Guest Minister will conduct the servic- KNOX-VAUGHAN Church School Preaching “Mn amounts" , I John and , 1W CM tant WESTON, ONYAIIO WWomeMIM'IMgM Pray» Sonic. ". W. H. Welch acted as Mod- accrual!“ church of Jun Ohm! of tailor nay Salnls P. E. STAITE, R. 0 [EjilnlEir(tnIsIfj [TLaiirEiiriE "ISCIINIONS Flu. - CLASSES RIPAIRID Ilh Anna. in! North " Pin. CHURCH SCHOOL H MORNING SERVICE [Hm Sid-(old Wu! of Highway " CHURCH SCHOOL ___. P_rv_ AFTERNOON SERVICE _.. F FF» A COIDIAI WIICOMI “KNOW '0 All Pastor-Elder Wm. Archer Work Noadqvmmh, Indcpuuunco, " Maker: Harry Priee, Prion Pine Street, Woodbridge" The blue an» ot (In. in the window: til red the bright IW light to the lam-lou- d the church and yet from the inside one looked mouth me blue we nee God“. humanly colour in. mauled. What would be old in thi. mung? The convention, ma armp- but manly the mm, la of the faith, tor no menu how recently nude the wmbola reach beck into nlmoet itttlttity, no Crone Comm-tel the not well of an "laud alt-noel. ua‘ hm the build». In" tree ed the not hick work with miniature "can, no "and; that the irregularity of their form does not form I pattern but merely conducts the view- ers eye to the centre ot build- _dttirirrsamsattBtMattsus waabemtaaagBi"IttatttSt. rhitu..iesttteaertttiatsdot there. , A: a My mart grow and mu- ture, so m M. Math“: And My wo' the out!“ at n m pm ot growth. The put of the pariah church, whjax numb new on it. an loan on " m m i M York Rd. N. and ta M. Av... will ovu- be mind. Pee the all mm; m the In no (“In will now II MB. Inn “I. mom mm. m and with]. _ A: man bride- ". “and with mama; on. medium new, 'otnettting mm mo- thing blue, no w on. new bride or m. Mum:- adoenM. Nor, u now numb. no new that men at new lam twin“. mi in: poll-h rerun: the air. New, to upon-I ttttarg And gunning on): pm that had AduItGroup Will Discuss Immigration The Minister will introduce his morning series of Lenten Ser- mon' at Central this Sunday. en- titled, "Jesus It Lite's Summit". The tir0t sermon will be named, The Break-Through. The other sermons in the “tin are. Beyond Doubt, Beating the Temper, The Turning Point, Blessed Assur- (ttce, The Long Procession, and Me Lives. . The Sacrament of Blptism will be administered on Sunday morn- ing March ttth for those who have children to present for bap- tism at thirtlme, The next reception service for new members is Sunday morn- in; March Mth. _ ' A __, The Young Adult Group will have a discussion on the general subject of Immigration - m Purpose, Benefits and Problems, " their meeting on Sunday evening at 7.45 putt. in the former Ladies-Parlour." "Frtm' Small 'Mission' To. which“ In 30 Yéars; Open St. Mathias' 'tteaottt_ttuththBoetttettiteittothtttat buiuit:"wartututrsoett--tht.thv.Mt.0etttt. Ymuta,ro.tora_aaraeiat_r,PiteudrvNsttto -ttat-vieteintu--0ulldirto 10.00 A.M 11.00 A.M 11.00 o.m 10.00 am L30 RM 2.30 P.M, 7.30 pm W.M$. degeq United Church United Chum} undies hun The hbruny meeting at the afternoon luxmlry of the W.M.s. tf Woodbridu United Church Wu held in the church Parlors on Wednesday, February It. The bro-Mont Mrs. J. l. Andaman imam and open“ the mon- Inf, with pnyn. ‘YMLCn- 0n (“who had nAO o- mom} tis mum and not to Ourselves" u the theme tor the young; lemme, _tondueted by Hm. I. tune. The Icripture lawn from Phimpimn ado-16 Wu ma mponeively Ind name tttte-ting questions were dis- cup“. Mn. Robert Wet-on re- viewed the fifth chapter ot the ltndy Book "Ci-cu and Crieis in "pan." Thin chepter dent lune- ly with achooll and college: end the mom innuenee ttur Ire hevin: on Chriltiene and non- Chrlltienl alike. Although Jinan in the most highly educated country in the world, practically nothing but been done tor the lepers, the blind and the mental- ly deficient end there in still a nut need for e minionery " togt in {hut eoutttrr.. . III" will Oh Cr... no dd. ’1‘»: mt mm:- d on. mm om - and cum of building. the crux:- int mum. mg it was old music. Mrs. Crane, Mrs. Wat-on and Mrs, Anderson brought the high lights of the annual meeting of Welt Pnlbynrlnl held recently in Erskine United Church. Mrs. H. Sawdon gave some valuable information about the work in India of Dr. Helen Huston, who is our milslonlry for prayer this week. H.M.S. Pinafore By Westminster Church Choir Februlry 23rd is the ftrgt of three Sundays of celebrations at Wertmiruter United Church. The Rev. ProfessOr K. J. Joblin. a former mlnlater. will be the guest-preacher at, the Morning Servlce, and Dr. C. A. Gowlns, now of College Street United Church and formerly of Mt. Dennis, will be the guest-preach- " in the evening. Other special events in connec- tion with the centenary are the Operetta, “H.M.S. Plnatore," and the Family Night Supper Party. The operetta is being rendered by the Westminster Choir in the church auditorium on March l 5, , and 8. The Woman's Associa- tion is sponsoring the Family Night Supper Party on Friday, March 14 at 6:30 pm. There will be as entertainment a skit. bas. ed on events during the last 100 years; there will be a special orchestra, under the direction of Jim Armstrong: there will be I corneal-n to rival Bob Hope: and there will be separate entertain- ment far the children. The meeting clased with the hymn, "O for I thou-Ind tongues to sing" and the Mispah Bene- diction. T Delicious refreshments were served by Mrs. Crane and Mrs. Robert Watson, the committee in charge. WESTMOUNT GOSPEL CHURCH (Anglican) 3.. Phillips u. (on Mam» u.) . loco-r: lam Howard K. Manon, BA, L"... 31 It mum " SUNDAY, 'MM', " "" m" ‘U , M MT 8.00 a.m.-HOty CTbMtruJNioN-eorporate Communibn and Bro-Han h" M. Junie BIN. Clan and Fir.ald. Group V 11.†mum-FAMILY “IVICI 7.00 pot.-tWNiNO PIAYII [30 p.rrt.-mNIN 0'01†10.00umvllIlE SCHOOL _ Clunu far all 11.00 o.rn.-M0RNING wonsmr - an". for an "ml FOIOIVING cumsr‘ I†Downuvhw Ave "0rrs-tHE mu SCNOOl mm cussss roe IvIRVON! 7.00pm 4H: wousmv Illvuc: DOWNSVIEW BAPTIST CHURCH A0tpi-tvtNINtr IIIVICI mm of all BOOK or REVILATION INTRODUCED _ anIAL SPEAKER " t, tr, MCKMAN or LONDON, DNYAIIO mucus WEICOM! - to: runsronunon â€an. Ot 4-0921 ST. PHILIP’S (0n the Hill) 1Associatea Gospel Churches of Canada) " I-ownl» Avt. af Ruymoro Dr. Petstor-MV DONALD G HAMILTON, m. SUNDAY, FEERU‘RY 23, 195. Midw-ck Church Sonic. _ Wodnalday - "It put SUNDAY, FEIRUARY 23, 1958 "v. R. W. lcdding - Pam: May Decide; he Missions Necessary? Rev. Busby first divided the audience into tour group.-ethtne- ly Clttrifiers. Ilnrieherr, Imple- menterl and Challengers. He then gave a short talk explain- ing how any Church would mm to consist of a core" of devout. fully committed Christie; a further group of regular church- goen, who gave of their means but legs of themselves; those who were nominal Christian- and finally thou who had I slight connection with the Church and rarely attended Services - these he called Fringeâ€. mu In an In. at St. “105:; but more, it w I service tt think! ot the congregation. mum: to in: . humble nut In‘ghh Iggy-My " lite. In an We: won up My mu, their M $6ttt.ttfe and "tow, tusttittg that crin~ non canoe}: Ind mu m. Nieet, (0qu by an new member: ot the choir. Mr. Young': addrgu w†pointed, to the futility of mu! muvm‘ b no mum. by him“. an mun “my. hm and with him, if he tttttld cue- eeea in hit manna. Then in no room (or pecun- t-m itt me. we mun may; look tom"! and 11de. not: in no mm to “um um. mm mm Ilwnys " tom-rd or slip Nahum, concluded the m- tor. The M. Philip'n Church School teachers mu .pnrenu hld l wry cumulmng evening on Mommy. Feb. i0th when Rev. David mn- by, Director of the Anglican Conference Centre at Aurora, woke on the work of the PIrish Church particularly in term: of Religious Education. He pointed out that teaehing the Christian gospel rested not only upon the Clergy but upon everyone and that we should all strive to grow in our Christian lite--thus increasing the 'core" of our Church and making it more effective in the Community. On Sunday evenings during Lent there is to be a series of Dialogue sermons instead of the conventional type. Each week two members of the congregation will discuss in a eonvernmtiottttl manner a specified t,opie. On Sun- day, Feb. 23rd Mr. R. Carder and Rev. Howard Manon will discuss "Are Evangelistic Missions Ne. canary?" After this Service the Fireside Group are sponsoring a film-mi the development of children in the 6-9 year old group to be followed by a discussion. Following I short period of discus-ion each group selected Bl spokeumen to tepresttet their; views, specializing in the tunction Illoted to them-the Clttrir1err, making the ideas presented more l lucid; the Enricheri mpplyinl.‘ further suggestions; the mote-t menterl showing ways and means I of carrying out an education-1' programme and tieqhiii)eltij.Grj seeking to find flttwg in the dis- 1; cussion. 5 Gum arabic, is so called brs cause the tree flan which it is derived, a species of acacia. is found in Arabia. The Book of Knowledge says Lhnb it in used for mucllage and for calico print- ing; it also provides site (tillert This panel provided all with food for thought and it is hoped that thought will result in action. toi, fabrics GUM ARABIC CH. LIGII 8.30 a.m.-CFRI Broaden? â€The Back ttt God How" 10.00 a.m.--Enol'ah Service 11:15 'ot.-sunday school 5.00 p.m.--Hallund Service . Pattor at both services 11.00 o.m.-"htsus at Life's Summit" (1) the Breathrough 7.00 trm.-tVENlNt1 WORSHIP IN CHAPEL SUNDAY SCHOOLS 10.00 a.m.-mtl-C CLASS FOR TEEN-AGERS 11.00 a.m.-CLAS$ES FOR Att AGE GROUPS . ' CENTENAIV tEaMAttoNt . 945 ts.rn.--SUNtpAt ICNOOI. - ' VEAKI AND I" 9.M errn.-fATHFlNDEltS BIBLE CLASS 11.00tcrn,-"DeFEATtNO DEVIL!" the In K, J. “Min I.D., "LN. â€.00 I.m.~IUNDAV KNOOl .- 1-9 VIAIE 7,00 p.rrt,-"ME0ING THE CIISES or UP!" The "v. C. A, Gown-u, It, In FRIDAY. FIMUMY Mth. 10.00 tum-HOLY tOMAtuNItyN-ceM" break 3.00 p.rm--tENtEN vt$FEtts-"Th. Ads M‘Juus" Q) A Divino touch Main Siren North at Fern Avenue . "CroR-ittV. K. G. KIDDHl, KA., Lth. C Ataimtnh-REV. N. I. "SHOP, EA. _ SUNDAY, FIBRUARY as, "" 11.00 a.m.--AhtNtNING semes- 3.00 p.m.-8undety School 7.00 p.m.--EVENlNG senvuc: ' vou WILL FIND A "AIM WILCOMI IN 7m: IAMILV will." 8.30 mun-HOLY COMMUNION 9.30 mm. and ".00 c.m.-MORNIN6 PRAYER and “IMON "It". - “(I lit!“ ILD a.n.4apmmul sunk. - Nun-r7 _ Sen'ior Sunday School H,00 a.m.-Morning Servicc and,Junior Sunday School 7.00 trm.--Evensong 3.30 p,ttt.-ltdhy 0mm 7.00 tr.m.-aeeNNq "Am AND summon tttt mm rm» In CNAttt" 'lot ‘UNDAY IN LENT no ..m.-How CtVAMttNIt5N 9.30 mum-FAMILY COMMUNION and â€MON Iv. 0099, 30nd†Mal NuttMr 11.00 e.m.~MATTINS and SERMON tr. Iupr. Iva.†We! ttottttf "Gold I: Worth $45 on ..Ouner' or "What the Win Man Did Not know" 3.00 p.m.-HOty BAHI‘IM 7.00 p.m.~IVINSONG and SERMON ' "Money Raising in the Modern Church" Cubs, Seoott, Raven, Guides, Brownies Parade um mun-Du DIN- Cl-u. lulu. and lawn-um. Sunday Mod. WestmEr. 7.†p.rn.--pr. Cm†SONI- Church th St. David (Anglican) 8.00 1t4p.--Holy Communion 9.30 vtw-roly Comrnuhurt, TUISDAY, FEBRUARY Mth. 4.00 pi-emttMtN't SERVICE “WISDAY, FEBRUARY 26th. roo a.m.-Mhf COMMUNION followed by braaHasO " Cn- II. ~01. IMO! WESTON BAPTIST CHURGI'I Sunday, Feb. 23, "" Rev. Henry A. Vanna, BA., TILM. - CH. 4-0â€! New boeatfon-1t0 Albion Road SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 23, "" CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH Weston Prulytorin climb SEOOIO OIIBISTIAI REFORM“ Ollllllll-l OF TORONTO St. John’s Anglican Church 'taerahoi.mittioikts luwnuu Av... Nut “no REV. H. w. SURDIVAll, I.A., Lth., " SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1958 FIRST SUNDAY IN LENT . King and Main Struts Mlnlmn I". it. I. Spout", M.A., 3.0. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1958 my... him oi Ind-b an. locum-m. mun a. mom HI" SUNDAY IN “NT Khan's-ha. 'rhtty and I can. h. a and, Clary mm an Jami! l Mack-mu. MA I.D., Th." IN "loudly family Chum. " WILLIAM " SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 23, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1958 Including Chgrub'g Corner for Infants, Easter United Church " . "" I9: A q ' 1958 CH. 4-5443