, KERR HEATING 00 A'IVHOIIZID me wanna “mum own um . amen York Travel Bureau Open Evening: , 'o Caner-l haw-nu And All Day Sat. Mary Public MI 1-6434 Hollday tk-i'.............) 50 Fthttr-'dtstrrthettttt..........$* lil mmuimm ..........tag UOIIEVJIamrHMJIuInr“ lil BlllOK GENTURY-de Riviera r.....:........, M DODGE MAYFAIB - I ovum. nilo, “on. o..................) M OLDSMOBILE SUPER 88 - "I" low Milan. choico of 3 .....81105 M ours. SUPER BB - 4 door MI, Phone [0.9 pow 'tmrhtr, pour balm. .321“ " DLDSMOIILE Sum 88, DON LTllliijijilfjLE ALWAYS took TO lMPIIlAI. POI TH' IEST same! to All emu mum CLIANIIIS & ‘l'AII-OII in†tttk MN†It. ll We Would Like To Take Thit Opportunity To Invite You To Drop In And See Us At Our Nos. 7 and 50 HlGHWAi-WOoONtlrN" SEE In Andâ€. Pyramids, Oh. mm min" of To!“ and "trutiful Monk. Clty - “up trt I.“ Natl" Aurutr- Enlly In Old World Holiday - 00 by ke - howl». IncludVod lull {mm up. _ V IOOKINO ARIANOID FIE! or CHARGE NEW CAR LOT FINA SERVICE STATION ClEiDrEllEX1E 1043 Wm» ' - Mt. 6-1777 MEXICO M. a J Man’s Suit. 2 In. Eiif3Fa_aRELy9E.E "9. Wm It, Skirts and Sloth Mod.qooedae ALTERATIONS -cnd- REPAIRS want» we!» ' 1,,tt)t It 'tMm Minimal In Pool ammedingtda d“- t',rl'l'l'lu'l.ulllrfu'l'lht '"a"l'ld who I: tsrtut good “mu m trtttrttttaifth.t+rm._ Gandhi-dumm- t'l,h'e"trg"t'dt't".'t2.t thseaetttrgr-trDe. wmmhmmm oett-tth,qett-tr1-V- the Monday. Veda-dun M Mann-domain.- w.?1ie..ret-dirtrturrst' o/1'fNr',',t -:*MW that 1911-; ',MU'd4 so». mm... .MLISAMSIVICI MTVIIIM CE2rl5EElrCrl 01m meme MAMlm~ M. my Royal Sceptre IODE Names New Officers 1M“. E. H. C. Forbes; m Vice- 'Regent, Mm. R T. Cosburn; 2nd Vice-Regent. Mrs. F. W. Rush- ford; Secretary, Mrs. F. E. Town- send; Services Home and Abroad, Mrs. J. Kennedy; Edu- cation! Secretary, Mrs. J. Hol- land; Echou Secretary, Mrs. Ir. J. Pukhuon; Standard Bearer, Mrs, M. Goreuky. Royal Sceptre - Chapter I.o.D.R - Mn. H. B, McMillan, organizer actuary Municipal Chapter, installed the new offi- cers at the 'th annual meeting a! Royal Sceptre Chapter I.O.D.E., which was held at the home of Mrs. B. H. C. Forbes, Downwiew. The project for the you has been library books Ind equipment to the adopted school. officers for the year are: Regent, YWCA at: peeiods, Catholic Youth audition mrimming “.51:th children'- _ “new Periods for -tsetett In and wheel In chum and ftmily twinning paladin" m at the regular mu- m on It the pool. Pamitrmrtrrtrrtirtgu-eia1iy mod. In Mt. Mneh. W. My. Wotan-day, Ph6trethttmHrtsightaftom m. m no that Mom, Dad and In chlldrn can In Mm mm and hop in puma toe mt summer’- "tivities " ,cot- “a: -, Mon 9mm 2% up to I u Tren In school an boys and girls m learning to swim at the" bunny who. in the uh, chm pool with instruction from moth“: and father: who can M‘Mw mice from the kindly pool can. If parents don't tool mm "rough to do an touching, iiiif can bring the (Ilium to Inna periods for gradual." on Tuesdays and My; " , pan, or far whoa]. on children Wednesdays and may " 4 pan. Adult lu- lon periods m Mays. Wed- heady; and Fridays " 2:30 pm. Lennon: for MI II“ are given ummy. from ' nu. to 1 Pan. by appointment. -eeteutortmiiitiesettir 'emtattiretm"dmrhrtmingrots' MtiidtrtgtmsMetettett-Road. I. an Don ftrtggg O†ll Wan be the as night damJudo'eoum Inn Mort.. day tut hold-hum: will mach-Wham.- nvoothjuumc.nyl Pool Mu-. John 'tttstu In- l? u I pm. up'ugzrvéd tdr PIOIABL! "hunder will boom," phouted u soap-box orator " he described the Day ot Judgment. “Lightning will Itrikei Rivers will overflow, Slime: will lhoot down from the “vent! Then will be utorml. ttttods, "rthquakert" The crowd pondered for a while. A little girl in the crowd looked up anxioully " her mother. "Mummy," sh. whisper.. ad, "wilt they give u: the day oft trom achool!†Judo damn only on Monday Minute -enmodatq nu â€but who have and!“ for t_trrttum.,he'ttnowtroteaehietg WM; 'tlgMaand8aturdnr Sammy contractors “any Ira. Lu. "edt,uttlttt" r3.iil155Trn Sop“: Yank: Pumped a mu m ' OI. bun-cu. 4-â€. it“ iiW..ieigi6it __ -- Drain. Cleaned and RICHMOND mu â€on. "ttttttatt 4-1245 IOWIM 24 HOUR SERVICE WM...“ 'hed-teh-sk Lump-n» The pron-m "Neighborly News" is one of the oldest on Can-dim radio - it bu been bro-dent continuously for 19 year: with Reid Form u the producer, I job he will continue IIs Voice. . ih Weekly. Neiahborly News Th. ion of . Wu min- hur, Mr. Phelp- wu born in Columbus, Ont., and In edu- 1cued at Lindsay Count-u and 'the University a! Toronto. und- uating in 1018 . I Following Port-graduate work ho muted the ministry. Ho Inland to Ice-pt I post " u- mum pram o! bluish " Cox-hall Coll... in low- in the Nil of 1920. A you Inter Mr. Phelps moved to United College It ttte University of Manitoba in Winnipeg, serving a held of H. round from McGill in 1063 but continue: to lecture. He in I lpodll lecturer in Eng- lish " the University of Toronto and hag Illa locturod " the Uni- versity of Britilh Columbia in Vmcouver Ind " Queen'vUni- varsity " Kingston. ihn' Eighth orditment for " you When the CBC International Service VII "tabiUhed in 1945, Mr. Phelps wu appointed Iuper- W of mm for the United Kingdom and the Common- wealth. _ HI VII named general supervisor of the International Service in INT but resigned I mm time later to lecture in the English department " McGill University in Manna-l. Motion Features Confusion - and uni-i1 aide, in an gm: you» at (“my mug", M130: all eompoties in In agreement among themselves ask for 125 toot north “it!†foot {mt-u. “But you don't need so feet or " feet In depth. I Ser- vice mum an be well built on " foot new; mud Reeve 'ttemdi-rtteMt.Ptteips due-butt» 1m whonhodid in do. Deputy Reeve Howard voted against his amendment and Councillor Florence Gell opposed her own motion in. a. waiter of confusion over a motion, an amendment, and mandment as amended. in changing York Tow- ship by-an to -pennit the erec- tion of, service stations on a minimum of 8,000 square feet.' "We've dozens of them on mush leap," put in Mrs. Gell. Councillor Linden and Deputy Reeve Hoyle felt I prohibitive minimum footage was hard on small operators. Confusion reigned when Mrs. Gen moved first to approve a by-law requiring 80 foot depth. Councillor Howard then moved an amendment requiring I min.- mum " 9000 square feet and Councillor Linden moved to amend the amendment In amend- ed requiring 8.000 square feet in all regardless of depth. Mt. Phelps In "plain; Don hit-burn who ha withdrawn ln Winnipeg. OI “Neighborly Now." he will broaden the human inter-It put of the new: from Ontario In! Quake com- " muniuu! gleaned 7 from vggkly autumn". Sophia Loren. a well-appointed lady of considerable talent. I whose mode of travel these past I few years has been eontined to! eh.uffeur-driven limousines and) {Int-clan compartments. discov-‘ cred that the assorted mules and I dromedariel of the Sahara De-j urt's tax! fleet, to be u omery' u I plzaa chef without tomatoes. l, The tum-y Sophia, on location in I the detox-t with "Ugend ot the; Lost", (at the Roxy, Woodbridge, today till Saturday), waged a I week-long war with two of the; company's animals, a camel and) a burn), whit were aingularly um i hum-med with the lady's lush: dlmenolom (38-23-30) and inter-1 national reputation. 1 With fieree hall-n determina- tion, Sophia decided to make a fight to the (huh and remained atop no named: for hours--, pleading. prodding and swearing In Amttie--nn to no avail. In the end, with a conveyance less lmpreuive than the mull tame charger. co-mt John Wayne came to the rescue. The tangy $1,500 DOWN $86 MONTHLY $11,785 SELLING PRICE am it. Dalton. Phone " I†LOIIN GETS A LIFT O CINEMASCOPES o 3 BEDROOM BRICK HOMES "tttt to: It The second Innunl election at officer: to the nine advUorr board: and the nppointment of new members took place " Maple. " the 1958 inaugural meeting ot the Metropolitan To- Tonto & Region Conan-tied Authority The MTRCA “ministers the watersheds at the mobiooke. Mimico, Humber, Don, Rouge, Duffin Creek, Highland Creek and Petticoat Creek lying within a 050-Iqum mile tree. The Au- thority in principally concerned .with the etrtattliattmeett of con- urvation tree, “demotion of flood plain and wasteland. land we. historical 'item "torerttrtitt and flood precautions. Now chairman of the Author- ity is Dr. G. Ron Lord, hold ot the department of mechanical engineering " the University of Toronto, and an authority on flood control and hydraulic; He succeeds A. H. Richardson, who will nerve in In advisory camc- ity " senior officer. New vice chairman of the Au- thority is B. Harper Bull at Brampton. Elected as chairmen and vice chairmen of the nine watershed and functional advisory boards are: JM. C. Davidson, chairman; W. Wand, vice-chairman, Hum- ber; H. M. Griggs, chairman; Maurice Breen, vice-chairman; Etobicoke-Mimico; Mrs. G. A Klinck, chairman, C. Clifford, vice-chairman, Don; C. R. Pur- cell, chairman,' W. H. Westney, vice.ohairman, R-D-H-P; C. Sau.. riol, chairman, Mrs. J. A. Gard- ner, vice-chairman, Conservation Areas; R. G. Henderson, chair- man, C. W. Laycock, vice-chair- man, Floor and Pollution Con- trol; J. A. Bryson, chairman, S. S. Pugh, vice-chairman. Land JJse and Reforestation; Mrs D. Hague, chairman, J. Bannigan, vitxrehairman, Historical Sites; W. S. MacDonnell, chairman, Mrs. P. Gall, vice-chairman, In- formation and Education. Tho~members of the 1958 Authority are: J. K. Parker, Ad- jala, Caledon, Mono; C. W. Lay.. cock; Ajlx; E. Little. Albion; W Leavens, Bolton; B. H. Bull, Mrs N. Horwood, both of Brampton; D. J. Reddington, Caledon East; R. P. Reid, Chinguacousy Twp; R. Jennings, King; C. Clifford, E. J. Harper and Mrs. A. Walker, all of Markham; J. Bannigan. N. Boylen, M J. Breen, A. M. Campbell, F. J. Cornish, W. C. Dnvidson, Mrs. J. A. Gardner, Mrs. F. Gell, H. M. Griggs, Mrs. D. Hague. H. S. Honsberger, Mrs. G. Klinck, F. T Kortright, Dr. J. W. Kueherepa, W. S. Mao‘ Donnell, N. McKay, G. J. Moore. ’, C. R. Purcell, C. Sauriol, A, T. .‘ Seedhouse, C. A. Tonks, C. Wardlaw. K. G. Waters and A ll Macdonald all of Metropolitan Toronto; S. S. Pugh, W. R. West. ney, both of Pickering Twp; M Mr. Wayne, who's been making I well-paid profession out of saving damsels in distress, ap- peared with the Africin version of a rickshaw Inch trundled Sophia awly. leaving a smug camel and I "nugget burro in the wake. Guests of the Week It Mr. D. B. Jolly, R.R. No. s, Woodbridge, will present himself at the box office at any time other than Saturday evening, he will receive two passes to the Woodbridge Theatre " the guest of the Woodbridge News. "I no that up. are forbidden here. waiter," uld the Item- flced dinner. Dr. G. Ross lord, I958 Chairman M. T.& It. Conservation Authority "Bleu you. air. so were unple- in the Gnrden o' Eden." Agatha Chm-tits 3l 0 u I o Tnp" my not be I bet 'nml" mp but in u: irttarmtirtg one and the my that no Weston um. Thur: â€an“ the play Tun-o any night â€than ma '- masterful. 'ritt_i-uaisiriiirts. group II with; In" “In: I: was]... not. w. Molhdrhhlhlumh- Notes: This pass for two must be used on or before March 6, 1958. This in . churn writ“. Ill- Pee tot., well pol-10M DuMnbetmmountnpud authowmuwilib-taritttto yourdoor. Term Maudie» w. memmTh-m PAY NO AHENTION of Pickering Tio; Br mom s. "A"! J. M. hawk. My Village; D. a. Plums, Mei-m mu: M. B. Burk. trteuMetiie, . Wild. Toronto can: In. M. Wx; It",?,, 12tltt Twp; can. . J. A. Brynn. . A. Kirk. both of Vaughan Twp; t let-mun, Whitehumh Twp; It. G. K..- demon, Woodman The Merrie tau km and School Anne. in holding their annual birthday puny on Mon.. dly, Much Nth. Than v!!! be louchrc starting It I pm. with print and birthday au and ro- mshmmu will be unwed Mus.. wards. held theirUat meeting on Tue-- day, Pets. 18th end there we: I large turnout in mite of the trigld weather. The major pert of the evening wee devoted to the “multiple runny dwelling" situation in thin tree. A number of members from the council were present to apron the views of council on the mutter end there were other: to defend the cue or homeowner: who rent to tenants. The member: were informed that taxpayers are paying twice the echool tax that they mould hceeule the people who ere renting rooms are paying no Ichool tax whet- eoever. Also that the laden! government grunt per person is cut down due to en inucurlte count of residents Many people tailed to report their tenants to the enumereton tor the voters’ list. in leer would be charged extra“ ti§ There'were some who fevou the routing of accommodation and who claimed that those who rented did so out of neceuity and would be under extreme hardship it re- stricted from doing so. The ma- jority leemed to be in hvour of opposing the multiple dwelling situation and upholding the by- law which prosecute; home- owners who attend. Under the by-law prosecution in only cei- ried out after I written com- plaint has been received. The "soc. plans to have all candi- dates for the forthcoming elec- tion speak at Maple Leaf School on March 18th. Invitations have been sent to neighbouring rete- payers associations to also at- tend. *mwbb. ‘MJu-u't-vub magnum-(man. tiuhuutr-iat-i Who-shunning... 't'fdtt2'erri, h t2he"l'llW,'lttl'fall! 1y debut-bk chm. when 1y debt-bk W. “in my!†- - new FUSI- OII. AND STOVE OIL Ridge " News foc_ {4191. uat muggyâ€- RAY REILLY AGENT WOODBRIDGE IMPERIAL dn. All Petroleum Needs For Your Farm (Slurry 4-3231 "I M NO - Jim, Far. 27. iTrio Entertains Central United huitary Mm. Gudhouse, leader of Group 8 presided for the lecond portion of the meeting; follow- ing the ringing of hymn 149. Mrs. A. Thornton [an the devotional man. A Indies' trio, composed of Miss M. Allen, Mrs. o. Bridg- man and Mm. Inirlea accom- panied by Mrs. Coulter, an. two beautiful leiectionl. Mn. Gardhouse introduced the The monthly meeting of Cen- tral United Church Wornln’n As- mum was held on Thursday evening Feb. 13th, in the “Church Parlour." The ttresident, Mm. F. C. Irvine opened the meeting by reading from the trd chlpter of Ephelhnl, vom 19; followed by a prayer and the WA. Theme guest maker. Min Bernice Chalk ot the "Ontario Society for Crippled Children," Who gave a man informative talk on the work at the "Boeletr." Mrs. Nix. on movod 'I vote of thunk: to the "lldlu' trio" and Min Chalk for her address. Meeting cloud wit hymn 888 followed by the ben ction, at, in which retreshme were and hr Group a. ‘ lepanl of the gecretariea Ihd 12m were read Ind lppl‘OV- . â€wulmwatvuu- "lurstttmneurtainrU.toeur, tatrtntund-ehtndivuua1per- Mini-Ila. lbw-â€lotion..- hymn-immun- man-mun. wwmdblm- bcl-uhl. who your“ Tho Can: Hollie Hinton, Ce- oily Campbell: Gnu Rattan. Jack Zimmerman: Chrutopher Winn. m Iona; Mm. Boyle, Jill Linton; Mljor Mate-ll. Al- ian Mum; Min Cucwell. Sylvia Woollcy; Mr. Put-cw. John Haw; Detectivo Sergeant W. David Quinn; Stage Manager. Ron Carley; Ant. sun 81‘. brevity - "When saving for old an, be sure to lay up tuttsattt thoughts and I few good _ trevifriin" " mm lu-IM "I; but.“ -iNql â€annrtudngdu gunning; Mitch‘s)“; t_1detrettvsandtrstt" 'mta=Aistrmtstormntimsw" NOISE IS KEPT TO A MINIMUM, WHEN YOU INSTAL CEILING TILE IN YOUR HOME. SEE US FOR JOHNS. MANVILLE CEILING TILE AND DO-IT-YOURSELF . ADVICE. . 'f.iii.i.ariiiiiii=ikLtl iii"di,iliWtri'i 6;]1238 NO MONEY DOWN-THREE YEARS TO PAY $355.9 631%: RAVEN’S LAWYUJCAN 909mm. U6EOURBt9rTUD GAéFORCOOKDKS ups mull) AND wuss urns T STAN MAX“ ATUs m an.. g-tSgt