; I6,'aG'a7taTitTLarduGigr_" , Tire yriah to express our sincere {Minion for the kindness, app-thy and 'floral tributes â€caved during our recent be- reavement - Mr. and Mrs. _ Robert Garriock. x iN1WEi5tiftyit to meet Mr, and f nun) C. Stinson will be ; " in he home of Mr, and "rl _ A. Metcalfe, f rm South. Wood- jams --.We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks and ap- OAKLEY - In loving memory of n dear daddy, who died Feb- ruary M, 1957. ' ' w. were not there, daddy dear, To see you die, T To hold your hand or kim tWN THE i York West Liberal Candidate . ANNUAL MEETING CA,ND!OATE CONVENTION Delegates to Provincial Convention Ballots to Asociation Members (1958) t"stf $es.okirvrtteohmer,ts Or Mar him say Hello; It was; shock I didn't expect. A hm} and bitter blow. Happy and smiling always content. bud and respected wherever he went, Alylyl thoutrhtfu1, willing and well. V I do not forget Ind never But, will remember our whole lives through The last tew words we had with you. From daughters and sons, Harry, Nelson. Roy, Harold, Harvey, Carol and Lorraine kindness and messaiges of thhy received from rela, tives. friend; and neighbours during our recent sad bereave- ment. We especially thank luv. Spencer for his consoling was. Mrs. H. Myers and TtGriuiir hush-mi. Emmi, yrho died February " 1967. Déuer to me than words can These are the memories he left tradition for the yets if indnéss and messages of Irving]! remembered by his itite and WW,- __ __X behind. . Will :12“ be remembered by wife,' ltd lee x is†'ipriIiG'iiit iuia, a! , don-“hm Ind hum-3 tell, . Th: run I loxt‘nnd loved so t thinkrof him dearly and will to the end. Wherever I m, whatever I do, Always dear Ijerb I think of m; than to we hit smiling WISH to express my sincere thugs to my many friends for the Bowers. cards and tele- phone messages sent to me during my recent illness. I also with to thank nurses, Mrs. A. Borrett and Mrs. A. Kirkpat- rick, for their untiring services to me and also .Dr. Chas. D. McLean. - Ed. W. Brown, Willie: St.. Woodbridge. 0 ifiEimrk' SALE _ C e n t r a1 United C h u r c h, Saturday Ming, March ht. 9-12. “I St. entrance. not" , all Thursday evening, C an: I to to p.m. This ' - Wunity to meet t8r. m, Provost-iv. Con- *'rvettb. eahdidate for York Oahu. - one of the popu- 19r _ when of the mute. [m8 lltai'l'6'khs-csi: Euchre, ihaaTiiid Mhtr arm will x-9-tt I MINT DENNIS OILS" Euchre and Bridge on Thursday, Mm I " 8 pm. Admission Joe. Good fumes and refresh} amt]. Ibo Rummage Sale ttt', I Em. x-B-Iti "we YOUR FRIENDS OBERT M. CAMPBELL, MONDAY, MARCH 3rd Royal York Secondary School carat or mNKs COMING EVENTS COME M President 31,1950 -Aqo " UGIIIDI'Y as Hm ee" Wall-nah, content!" will ho held in the Pine Bill. Mahmud-n Church on loam. Inch l, KEELE - LAWRENCE 815,500. Attractive solid brick bungalow, located clan to n- vine on Inge corner tot. I bedrooms, large modern kit- chen with dining am. 1 block to transportation Moder-u carrying charges, air-condi- tioned oil heat. Mr. Woods. WESTON - down. 4-room rug brick bungalow. Immediate possu- iron. Close to all conveniences. Vendor very anxious. Open for any reuonable offer. Mr. EGLINTON . 'l'll'l'llW“ 817.500. Solid brick bungalow attached “use, 6 rooms. ' bedroom: large modern kit- chen. Finished "oration room with bu. Many extras. Mr. IEXDALI 8250. down. Groom lolid brick home. Modern through- out. Decorated in oils. Forced air oil, private drive with [u- Me. Immediate possession. Mr. Voss.' â€WAT! III! - 114mm“ m - man. on hat, I!» REA. In.†monthly lrteNde in. tum. In! m m. 8350. down. s-room ranch style bungalow, oil heat, alu- minum storm! 'nd screens. . lovely home. Must be Icon. Mann t Martel F WESTON $11,400. 2-storey sotid brick; square plan, modern kitchen, 2 washrooms Aun room. 1 large bedrooms, divided bllb ment, hot water oil heat, " tached garage. Nick Swirla. REXDALE - "t W down. lbs-storey solid brick, 3 bedrooms, cozy living room, modern kitchen. Lovely 3-roora, apartment with wagh- room and shower. Air condi- tioned oil heat. Plan and schools one block away. Nick Stir-la. .. , _ 81500 DOWN - 812,200 A Three bedroom, solid brick, 2- storey, new automatic heat. “M Buttonwood-Jane area. Im- mediate possession. Mr. R. Naster. Mann t Martel l ___ 2 815,900 buys luxury two-hm- ily home, panelled recreation room with bar, 2 baths, 2 kit- chens. aluminum storms and screens, Bee' this bum-in, call Mr. can“. Solid brick bungalow with " tached garage. Asking only 315.500. next door to minim dollar Gran; m, school. and buses. Kurry an Mr. Carson,- 32,500 down, 3-bedroom brick bungalow, private drive, llu- minum storms and screens, owner anxious, calLMr. Cul- ver. $1.500 down detached, 5 rooms m A-l condition, private drive, oil, carries less than rent. Call Mr. Lueek. 81,500 down, detached 3 bed- rooms. oil, private drive, ur- Me, low carrying, 'teprto everything. Call Mr. Lueck. it tgat All Mum and â€much " welcome. [ x $2900 DOWN _ ATTACIID 0AM!!! One my morgue for the balance. Brand new broom rancher going fut. Be start. Mr. Hanna. . JANE-WILSON INCOME m. " LTO. ENOUIIE ABOUT OUR, TRADE IN PLAN CH. 6-21" WESTON RESIDENTIAL Members Toronto Rn] Estate Bond LTD. DOWNSVIEW STEAL Mlilld and I ll",".":',':',';":' TOMLINSON jji.hitiry JANE-LAWRENCE R0. irnn (h 6219] JANE - PILMO JANE-WILSON DIAL IOTA" REALTORS RO. 6-7273 REALTORS REALTORS mid-null Urea. x-9-1t 't-F tt MrnaiBR5ji in Nashville. 'an. Noblmm or 2t lorn M, an: ooh I. ( MCI. 1-100. and 50 ACRE farm on main road within driving distance from Manon, good buildings. Con- tact MtI..Violet White, Grand Valley. Ont. ~me , Room brisk, conveniences, gar- COMMERCIAL properties on Main Bt., Weston and Scarlett Rd. now available. INDUSTRIAL. Two acres in Etobicoke in heavy industrial Bren fronting on Main artery to 401 and 27. Suitable ottice building on property. Win-nouns. 3-bedroom modern home with , rooms. modern bunulow $9900.00. Immediate nonunion. Bil-net curries ttl I month. REAL ESTATE HANDYMAN'S OPPORTUNITY 8995 down. Two bedroom bungalow on acre lot. 3-miles north of , on Highway M. 3 piece bath, large living room. Owner must sell. no touch-up or than. u- -.rttrturtrety"y for d.iupttttu um; â€LION. New modern solid --irtfutitet 'beiee for this wondutul homo. Mtttme mums. 2-bodroom Gerald h. Black ii. E. longhouse wow. 1 iioLAspit-Nre1 1sesuit init- maui‘gwx. Loyexy up. dern bdrm-low on large lot. Garage. ' bedrooms, hot wu- ter Gating. 1015 " ft. ravine lot, Davidson Drive, Woodbridge. lO-acrc lot just off Highway 27, Noble- ton. 137 acre farm, all priced to sell. loo-n‘_mnuu pt. thu, p; 2 Modern, 3 bedroom Ih Morey solid brick bombs. Price right for the family man. at $14,900 each. $3,500 down. Real value at this moderate price, with oil heat and pri- vate drive. TOM SCOTT REAL ESTATE AGENT 662 SCARLETI ROAD CH. 1.9731 swan: union, mm m1 bum st., w. Look, then Thin. charming 8-room Ith- norey solid brick home, litu- ated on I beautifully land- :clped lot. Close to all con- venienees, also features spa- cious living and dining rooms. Modern kitchen, large bright bedrooms, beautifully decor- ated throughout. $14,000 full price. Roule.. Nannie: in the Woodman. 1r“. We need hon“ farms and Ion-go in the Woodbridgo are; Nine experienced salesmen to servo experienced nieumen to servo Wo. ' 'Mtyittl.Pt Ave. Ar. .4303 " CH. 4-6407 36 LlPPlNCOTT ST. W. 11 STRATHBURN BLVD. "ts,qarde.n. Immediate pos- m. beautiful location, Other properties. N. Penman. linker, Beaverton, o-8-it Call SYDNEY SEFF BROKER CH. 4-972! . ll. Hilliard . “AL - WANTED URGENTLY REQUIRED CALL OUR LOCAL REPRESENTATIVES $3,000 Down WESTON no“ AT. I-IMI then all In Johnson, to inspect inside. "" "ra" WESTON wt HERB Sills [MI/['0' CE. (-6407 REALTOR x-D-lt x-9-it x-9-1t TitREriNaG Rd. 1 bedrvom modern, unfurnished. clocki- cllly equipped. Parking. Avail- able Much I. Business couple. $92.50. no. 7-1486 after Tao. o-D-n ONE bedroom apartment, va- cunt March Nth. Eleqtricnhy equipped, laundry facilities. CH. 4-7006. x-D-lt iiiiiGAtdined upper duplex. CH. 1-0004. N o-e-tt FIVE room Frinieritl ovfr sign. WESTON and Main St., 1 53d: FURNIwETBEe-ment apart- JANE. DIXON - Scarlett Rd. - buc- ment apartment, 2 unfurnis.h- ed mom: with bathroom. Self- eontttined. Business couple pre- terred. CH. 1-5142. Five thirty to seven thirty only. SELF-contained 2 room base- ment apartment, completely furnished. Electrically equip- ped, TV outlet and telephone. Mount Dennis. R0. 7-0946. UNFURNISHED iipirtm"eni" tor rent. Private e ntranee, and ex- tension phone. CH. 4-8861., __, FREE sawdust and shavings. Muir and Martin. 708 Tre- thewey Dr., Weston. Phone CH. 1-8171. -xm26 WE have I large v'nriety a? gift. for wedding showers, merit] oocuiom. birthdays. , Cum Hardware and Inch-k. Wood- bridge. Photo AT. um. AFRICAN VIOLETS of quality. Make fine gifts. Fhsher's, 32 Downsview Avenue. Downs- view, Ont. (Jane and Wilson; x-7-tf VISIT our Sporting Goods De. partment with CCM birycies. tricycles, skates and hirckey, hunting and archery nqmp- ment cupplier Woodbridge Hardware and Electric, Wood- budge, Phone AT. 8423.. --o ' hun- in In“ In. “My Rum Sign-n. Height: at Jun-Willa: - WATCH for the new spring [we of women's dress and casual shnm. Vi'laee Shoe Store. Woodbridge. Phone AT 8-1301. WE carry GE, Philtro, Bemv, Nbrze and Belch electric“ appliances. See on dilplly now the nrw +I? GO, range and Philrrd '50 Frigidaire. Cram Hardware nnd Electrir. Woodbridge, Phan At 0-061]. HERE it in. Prenwood‘n any . t'frb1,t,', the m. I“ per m, KM " Lockon. Klein- burg. Opt: Friday night ' HOOVER SAVE SAVE SAVE GG,' Toirtrnai-cir." 113753. x-O-lt hNEi1ritstt, 2 room unfurnish- ed basement apartment. Sink, cupboards, heavy wiring, TV nutlet. CH. 1~0955. x-O-it ms Main'sueet North, Wes- ton. CH. 4-2132. x-s-lt 'nent," 2 rooms, cooking facili- ties and extension phone. Suit 2 men. CH. 1-9870. . x-D-lt WNW†Us. Our Tradoht Plan " J. J. gggrmou JEWELLER ' CERTIFIED WATCHMAKER x-9-1t iiriir/Gts'cdiirrEr,ss AT WOODBRIDGE AT. 8-tU91 Sales & . Service . . Service hy a Sinder Trained Mechanic WOODBRIDGE HARDWARE & ELECTRIC Woodbridge Phone AT. 8-1231 nu. has: J. R. Southgate PR3CED FROM $49.50 '" we“, GUARANTEED FROM $19.95 , WESTON VACUUM ARTICLES FOR. SALE Sales and Service " Main St. South south of Lawrence Ave. WOODBRIDGE COMPIETELY AIR CONDITIONED DINE IN COMFORT on your new Hoover Cletner,lii9W Rebuilt cleaners fully FISH and CHIPS Daily Full Course Meals Main St, s.. Woman TERRACE Take Out Orders Phone AT. 8-0152 CH. 4-8823 SINGER --at-- THE ramecl (HERE is another of John's spe- l cial bargains, delicious and I economical. sweet pickled pea- ITRIC I mealed Itrlls 49» per 1b. Come 8-123] l, early thev won't last forever. 335116;» KlP'Lnbnrg Lockers, Kleinlpurg. er's, 32, P?tlr1tlay Ttll, -- _,0 I?.tyvrvePrANo accordian. good mandi- x-B-lt x-ir-tt o-D-lt MUSICAL Instruction - Piano, i, clusical and popular; Accor- dion, Spanish Guitar. Intru- ments rented to beginners. CH. 1-0781. 202 .Maih St. North, ' Weston. x-a-tf CULLIEAN Water 'stttugtem and “one lined 'w-tu' hen-n. Rental or own your own On any terms. -rttr u: interview phone AT. 3-0511. -otf MENS work boot: and dull thou. Villa. Shoe More, Woodbridge, ". Phone AT. 8- 1301. . -o COME in now and choose your wallpaper from our new spring catalogue. We can supply dgnpea to blend with your c nice of paper. Crane arard- wnre & Electric, Woodbridge. Phone AT. 8-0611. _ o LTAUNDRY T735. cement. “To BEArry Bump pump, diaphram type paint sprlyer. Phone BU. tram. , --om CAMERA equipment for enter.. prising photographer. Bargain buy in 120 Autocord with twin lens for image focusing. Ex.. cellent performer in all con- ditions, with flash gun attach- ment, filters and tine new carrying case with rock firm tripod. Sacrifice, owner 1m- ing, only $00.00. .CH. 1-7363. " ne-8-tt GENERAL Electric console n- dio. $20.00. CH. 4-0822. x-D-lt CONTINENTAL bed and metal HAM and Pu Soup - Special 2-28 OE- tins, tit. Allenr Fancy Apply Sauce, $20 tte. lie",,'.; Mg.' Pleater’l' Grocery, 202 sin St. N., CH. J-0781. x-9-lt STOVE, -rarjgeitT, 2 burner with oven in good condition. Price $15.00. CH; 1-1555. ar-9Jt LARGtrNiieiGie" heater, 31m: _ my 1-MIW. x-9-1t PIANOS wanted, any size or make. Pay' nah. LE. 4-0410. REBUILT Ye and lh H.P. motors, $12.50 and up. Crane Hard- ware & Electric, Woodbridge. Phone AT. 3-0611. 0 tron, 120 bass Hohner. Phone AT. 8-1066. . , EVERYBODY chnuld eat John's famous sausages. That's why he again sells, farmer's Mylo sausages for 25¢ per 1b. Klein- hurg Lockers. Kleinburg. Open Friday night. 0 YOU never heard of this one. It is a rctrsttl, Sold below whole- :ale price, trish lor-al. killnd raonm 45e per 1h. Come tyarlv. only Hmiir‘d runnlv. Khinbnrz Lockers. Kleinburg. Open Fri- dav night. _ 0 HERE are a munle of bargains out of John's produce deoart~ mom. Mexican or Anges sweet at honey and juicev. good size for onlv 29% Der doz, Golden rine bananas. look good. that is right. 2 lbs. for 25¢. kleinhurg Lockers. Kleinburg. Open Fri- dav night. 0 BABY canine tor sale, blue. like new, convert, into strol- ler. $17.50. Phone ATE-0816. ELitctifrc sewing machine Seamstress. reverse new Com. plefe with IHarhmenh. Comm model. Good buy. 850. Single roulinenh! bed. 815. Phone AT, 8-05M. tt FOR your hobby we have a com- _ plete selection of models -- planes', cars, boats, and army equipment. Ranging in price T from 454 to $3.98. Woodbridge _Hardware & Electric, Wood- bridge,'0m. Phone AT. 8-1231. -0TfEtriaGWFCiRThTi7Tiri, mike or condition. CR. 1-8636. 8-0-1! ONE 17" TV. reconditioned, 1 good reconditioned washer; l vacuum cleaner. good condi~ tion. Crane Hardware & Elec- trie, Woodbridge. Phone AT. 8-0611. 0 HOOVER vacuum, cohsolation model, all attachments, $50. Sunbeam mixmaster and ' juicer $25. Lady's muskrat coat, full length, size 16, $20. Phone CH. 4-3639 and ask for Peggy. 0 WHO beats that, John sells this week, minute steaks from the best of beet, for qnly 59t per lb. Kleinburz Lockers. Klein- burg. Open Friday night. 0 compartment', tw. Phono W Juryn, AT. 8-1291. -..tt on voter spring p'lint up jobs we can supply you with point: from Glidden and Cunadl Varnish; also Resilicrete. Crane Hardware & Electric, Woodbridge. Phone AT, 0- tmit. o bed." Like new, AGGidneTiyii. mm. x-9-it WOW" "iFr'e7a,iFa ' condition. Phat-n AT. was. I A ITICLBI WA ml) x404! ‘nmmma for an mm» 1 bile, new, used ind rebuilt. I Weston Auto Supply. 41 Main St. South. CR. I-MM. w. " '0RtrueWttarthtrsuvfr-. alitri.-t-r,umd,e.- buih"00mstmtttett9._r FLOOR SANDERS and edger: for rent. Floor sander " per 'day and edger " per day. Gun tucker: mike stapling easy. V Woodbridg Hardware & Electric. Woodéid‘e. Phone AT. 8-1231. _ SCOT - Single nature wanna would like employmt u bookeeper or dispatch clerk. Weston net. Time: and Guide Box No. 51. xtit QUALIFIED B_ookketrlt "til- Would you like to rdsume ( your business can"? I Many women with families to ctr: tor are successful " Northumbria Table Ware Salon-dies. FLEXIBLE HOURS, CAR ESSENTIAL PART-time otfiee ole-hing Fi, wanted. CR. 1-5189. FLOOR sanders, _edgm Ind por. isherx. day or evening. Alpha Engineering Company, 1852 JgneStreet. CH. ra20. x-7-t! SALES heip'reqttlred, full or put time. Apply par-0mm. Mr. Jacques. " mm Stud South. n+1! We invite the enrolment of st.ntsgreyrherrs, secretaries and machine operator's, to meet the growing demand for permaneni and part-lime help in offices in the Weston and Rexdule areas. For interview call..- TEACHERS - University stu. dents interesting spare time employment, best remunera- tion. WA. 5-1635. his openings for Male OFFICE JUNlORS ago/17 ttt " Ap'plicants should In "on? in app-crane. and havl ttt In" 3 years High School or equivo- lent. Attraetiv. starting 769.3. Pleasant working eor,ditions. Hours 8..30 to 4..30, gun-roux employ" Inn-ii". JANlTOR for Canadian Legion 414 Woodbridge. Applicant: please state salary wanted to girENtRiEhiiErtVBaWeepeF. SENIOR Secretary: Are you in- terested in a challenging posi- tion as Secretary to the Assist- ant General Manager of I C o o p e r a tive Organization? Successful applicant must have 3-5 years secretarial ex- perience. matriculation with short hand preferred. New modern " conditioned office in Weston location. Convenient to transportation. Good salary and numerous benefits. CH. 4- 4211, Local 74. WOMAN or girls to take orders for -tloral arrangements, , novelties, etc. Samples Sun- plied. Commission. CH 4-8173. lime. Sample equipment on loan, free of charge. Far more in- information ' DOMINION STORES LTD. "ll. Ible.Mon., Tues., Wed., also evenings. CH. ‘4201. gr-O-it R, E. White, Woodbridge, sSreretar.v, MacKcnzio Brunch 414. Applications will be cloned Marth IO. ova-U CITY TYPING SERVICES Small office in Rexdale. CH. 4.5529. x-it-tt EMPLOYMENT WAN!!!) K)lNylllll5 BdtmPMBNY TO “NT HELP WANTED MALE 605 Roger: Rd., Toronto Apply Pet-mm] Dept., HELP WANTED MALE OR "MALI (h 1-5186 not): an: MRS. O’HARA CH. 4-8466 - call - Ids-Iv x-O-lt 3-0-1! x-D-lt x-9-3t x-I-lt x-2-tf lsmxAL: v. on HYGIINIC Emma tttttttter goods) mulled pen patd in plain tolled gnvclopo nth price list All warm Me 24 amply-A81. 34.31 Order MAIN-wilson, 2 'ingle room: in private home, with or with- out board. Separate entrance, parking. CH. b2068. x-9-lt BRIGHT comfortable room (or young lady to shire with same. Twin beds, part board. CH. 1- 6104. x-O-lt REFINE!) young gentiemm. New home, all (militias. Btorage space. “Whom. ete. CH. 1.9m. new: ROOM and board for gentleman to share with ume. Twin beds, packed lunches. centrally lo- mated. CR. (-0312. x-s-lt J ANR-Lawrence; Brig/Eta warm room, gentleman, reference. CH. b3727. x-9-1t JANE - 401. Cosy furnished room. CH. 4-3957. 0-9-11 FURNISHED room tor rent. CH. nrwm‘rm tor an errant. GENTLE“ to share room, single beds, lunches packed. 25 Dennidon Road West. CH. 1- 2328., x-9-lt [00MB TO LRr-hmNItmED MODERN ROOM and board for one Eur lieth speaking gentleman. Con- tact Miss Mabel Shannon, Eighth Ave. B., Woodbridge. x SUITABLE for l or 2 persons, with parking. 21 Victoria Ave. W. CH, 1-2004. o-thit BEDROOMhbtight kitchen with sink 'nd. stove on bedroom floor., Chtse to transportation. CH. 4-3829. x-9-lt JANE-Lawrence; t unfurnished rooms in bungalow, jaysâ€. taArtdE" bed 7 sitting" room, un- furnished. 211 King Street, Weston. or9-lt WANTED to rent or buy small house or cottage, conveniences, by two adults and child. In or around Pine Grove, and Woodbridge. Reasonable. Phone Mr. Larsen, AT. 8-1336. x 703E Gftdrnishetfroom for rent, 1 Rectory Road. CH. 4-1458. o-9-1t THREE rTsoizirtlrr"rent. Sink and 'cupbo‘lrd. 14 Edmond Ave. CH. 1-6153. o-9-1t TRANSPORTATION available Leaving 401 and Main 8.20 am. to Avenue. Rd. and Eglinton. CH. 1-7369. x-D-lt MAIN Sou'th, 3 unfurnished rooms, bath, heavy wiring, garage, business couple pre- terred, $70 monthly. CH. 1-. 2554. T x-B-lt SINGLE professional gentleman requires room and board in Weston or East Rexdale dis- tricts. Would pay extra for large room and laundry. Tirnrss and Guide Box No. 49. x-8.lt ACCOMMODATION WANTED Prices quoted without oblign. tion on new building Iddi» tions, alterations. etc. New work and repairs to plumbing, hot water and “um, heating. waves. Lines Beauty 1695 Jane Street. CH. RPTEIWSQI Rubber, 00.. Box " Hamilton. om. x-BD-tl‘ W. M. WYLLIE GENERAL CONTRACTOR Term, Open with†'tget Wanton Mad. AO. 7-12â€. ODERN ftottr ten-vim. Floor! cleaned. wuclrtnd polished hind wan walled. Work (unnamed. I r e . estimate: Phone A. Coma. CH. 1-0282 44870, Suit 'buSIness iutsacutbly 70 Renfield St. RO. 5-5585. GENERAL CONTRACTORS Planning A,Estimutintr Services Free CARPENTRY lATlMER HEATING & PLUMBING SERVICES OFFERED WANTED TO RENT TRANSPORTATION RUMSEY BROS. CONSTRUCTION CH. 1-0137 (Eve.) CH. 1-6641 (Days) ROOMS To LET UNFURNISKED “A" TO LET CH. 1-3721 08.808“ _ CPU-7081 x-7-tf o-9-1t o-9-1t rent At CABINET woeK--iEruiii; ALTERATIONS PANELYTE - ROXATO'NE HOUSE DOCTOR-: '. ALEX. C. “SINGLE; ; " Downwlew Avmuc . In: t 401 CH. 6-3111‘ l , x-D-tf 940w iiy-riiiriNarriaegaa1 SEPTIC VANKS one 'eAe4 was. Gordon Bullock, Wood I "mo runmo 1 aims? _ Artrt1rm - Anywhuo~ l S. Hoffmanbormorly oflggrhalj Nahum»). Work vacuum-d. Phone Woodbridgl Hardware, Wopdbridgo, Phon- At. 3-1231. Power Products. Wm Lawn-Boy. Lawncruitr. in! Horoethtttsoard Marine, may. ton, Bins & Stratum Edward. and all Candi-n. America- and European Garden 2liio's meat. 1‘7“?†PAINTING g DECORATING Spechnling in . I' ' ‘PAPER HANGINny J. H. TAINSH CI', " Langside cairn-n3.“ MOVING arE’CAitAGE was-man TIRE smut .. Wpoabnan - â€17.7.4-on H. C. BROOKBANIKS l PAPER HANGING ond. PAINTING 'tru Old dark floors made "new 25450 cyvle dusmrss mummy sm Galllmrd .e. ., no 9.5769 "rt/, . Moving . House Raking . Foundations . Altertttion Work .. _ Phone A, Day: CHerry 4-1021 Evenings: Cherry 14220.‘ PLUMBING ", a j 320 Albion Rd. - CH. 1-1701 TmsTLETOWN' . .~. Hand, circular and band sails), machine filed'_'. .. ' V. Nickle -. ' Ellcr' Square ti., Woodhrid‘u ATlas 8-0579 ' "e . HARDWOOD FLOORS. WOODBRIDGE 'et Phones: , .. , . ATIas 8-0231 or ATlas 810m SAW FILING . ("-' RON’S ROTC 1'“me 610 MAIN STREET Nonm' frank Thomson 35 Years Experienca " Main Show Nani, Wan» RichVale Septié Tank Service Trenching 111. Jun " CB. iy, m Carrviiie Road West; AV.5-4563 -'r l C. GILBERT; Tht'i _l.',,,r.':i, ?l1jNBNiri, WE HAVE 111: SHARPEN .,, ' SAWS , '9 Bob iiiberfi, -septie Tanks ' Pumged & Cleaned Monom- Service f Hardware 5 Else ", C n. 3-1231 'r/ti:, Fins CUT ma - 111st manual) WOODBRIDGE (just South of 401t Rltli'r1 -hing - Sentic Tan! and Water Lines-, CH. 1-768] CH. 4-2782 OSTVIK f: --AND-r WE CUT KEYS mm 3.196% 'bf-li' "ir my x4? "