31'" At-tt MING. Amt. 968. :1t Kit- um, 1tctt.' hltE _ mm in ion L-l'lOl xllS te varo._ 23 I f t-42-tt (it ‘IRS tte c, FUNIIAI. HOMES , “mum, we. Mr-v “M“. g.NMmqttae b-raaktrrm'tmr.xtrm_ no“; Stt.t 'bd-or-.-..-.-.. m...“ _ 0PTOIETI|8T 12% MRI " - my. mm Bul- 10. 9-2.4! IAIIISTII, 'ouemV WORK cum In mm m n I... . n lam-n In... ' - ILISSES - P. I. HAITI. " r. Llij!.el.'lr."'4 s'ii,'iiliiii,',i Eyes C', Ixulninul Ci2MEEEIE2EEiTlEiliirrirT? ./" , wannabe! . BOLTON l l PHOTO 'elq"tllf' RIM “TATE t 5...... m... 'l2,1lutggt,,,'dc Imus-w "4 MAIN sr. sour" ' - , John St. It Mal-I anon CH. A.606t 'l'.'l'lttthr'.r, 2 m" M. 1-1133 no I Mme-n - - MON Ttlt 4‘56†" an... “ml.- I Main St. N. - Women "so" CH. 1-0701 W. J. WARD th W. LEASK PIANO TIIIIII . an... 't a vory'w [during when ml! L, 15ku hard. all ttte nu. : _ ri""'" “MAIN " l can-sin . "ke my" gunploh inâ€. bur-m FUNERAL â€REC-TO" 'Berehttm and mm CM. G2238 C leak of Nov- 5M0. . AND REPAIRING I JOHN mm TON CH. tam ACCOUNTANTS IIERB SIMS REALTOR '- _ AND Immanuel ,. " EIGHTH AW. S. a no.1.“ HIGHWAY "on: um um * 2M labor: In Sell Your"... or hm * Lkt and SO" FBI III 00-0, "I! M f .' 'vou chin"! Ar,..., I BURG NO" FREEMAN emu; . PETROLEUM Pllt0lll llOTS , Fuel Oil _ * Stove Oil . . *Omline. * Motor Oils , * Anti-Freeze for Prompt Servte-phone ATlas 8-1323 _ oom's , 35:19:“! il gl',!',,)',! You. In"! km to OHIIESE NOD?“ A“ warm vh- ttIIs',',',',,',,':'..'?."". i) DIRECTORY , J. Edgar Parsons ll morooumv wtee Pf. Lyon ll ttmihTiitiiiii 'sr.anaam.ourgiiii, " Ian. w. an MIST- & SOLICIT" " hhl. ' ax... gm. "mug? , MAIN P"ld"h"l an». a amt! m - . B49tt IO. 6.N4t Fraser l Slum 29% MAIN Sr. Mom no†CH. 4‘58" WESTON leak of Nov. inâ€. Cherub.†tlElutE8 and Ill "may Aattmataaa= CM. 05547-04 " KING ST. Ch. Ham 040'. '.', jsu',t:,h",tgtrd "I WINDER'S i,' TAXI manhunt“ out. (or letting no]. uh I " tool at you wh- Ihn m it , doon-youml! in on Oh bur - timttrtrrrrizir PHOTOGRAPHY . Mllllblll. :STAN may , Woodbridmh'bo I-IM Mmldm‘bhmn- . mommy: . morn-om "" 1limstttN ID. R0. 2AMt DINING sauce; TRANSPORTATION M Hour “who TRIATMINT llMITED tet' _iiiiit,ii'ii'i biviei i's'ii'l,'ii'i:'i'l 'EDGELEY DISTRICT :22)!!! titS1kttttelt).ttiltit - - mow-mo mu. Mrs. l‘oater distributed the pamphlets pertaining. to 'Clothes Ciosete Dp To Date' and went mr the Miowing topics with girls. The Essentials Ot A Citrthti71tits.et, Types Of Clothes Closets and Equipment For Stor- e Ot Clothing.' Then, as group worked each girl made e pattern and pro- ceeded to 'rnaV I hat stand, which kept everyone busy until the" meetin. we: adjourned. t In: Yum sues. ' In spite a! slushy reeds and swirling mow, eleven ladies at ,Knox Vaughan W.M.S. turned up at the home or Mrs. Chu. J ohnstpn, for their regular meet~ ing. Opening with hymn No. 4ttl, ‘Tis the Dialed Hour of Preyer', there followed the minutes, and treesurer's report. The" roll call was answered by naming a mis- elonery in Japan. The program: for the current your were given out and an ex- Wien of thenka wee given to . Rice to extend to her daughter, Dorothy, for so kindly printing the program}. During a brief business dis- melon, We ..eompleted quilts are produced end three other _ ladies promised they were plen- ning on completing one each. It we: also planned to hold an all day quilting session on March 1 11, weather permitting. Mm, G'. I Foster again presided " the ‘pieno " hymn No. 770 'Yield 1Not To Temptation' we. sum. The scripture lesson read alter- nately was taken from Matthew 16:13-18, Acts m and Act: 2.%t- project “Clothe: Clem: Up, To Date," [at this. prohct Mrs. G. rum- attd In. W. Weber are turiakG. The meeting was opened with the 4H pledge tor. lowing which Mn. Weber out. “helium main points of their new 1ittdeetalu'ng, tor which they will ‘wonk under the club nun- Modern Klimt During the election of officers, Matlm but» was elected pres- iflent: Winn: Beedham, Vice- president; Eleanor Weber a! secretary and, Ruth Watson " pull Matter. / In!“ "It naturalist "tes . (gtttt') .w...v..‘..§.m _ . y " >0 l . WM“ was: bald um I in! qua-Ryan - ttte - 'eq "If“ “I ltr/er, :- .. All working togither, Honda} night Again saw I large (My of mm. mm m (it): enacted y. the homo ot St. Patrick luncheon At St. Andrew's flu. hors, Mr - to find out in iGi2"mG; new 47, themating oven- to the con- ylnor. Mh. L. linen. when tople' wu 'eitstian Church In New "pan'. To new her during the diocuuion, Mn. Finn hid pre. ‘pued _ a potter, showing the amount date: from â€1949 to the present time, when different missionaries attempted to extend their work in,J-ppn. She was twisted, by Mrs. N. Watson, Mrs. G. McGillivray and Mrs. J. Bod- dy, who rent Inlwcn to im- portant questions ' by the convoner, concerning t? topic. The meeting conclud d with hymn No._§'ll i'Blegt Be Thi Ti. Ptatc Binds' fNlowed by the Mn. King distributed knitting wool and mm remnants to be made intq nrtlclu tor the we. Lunch new by the host." Is- listed by Mrs. Robert Johnston brought I vofy plenum and profitable afternoon to I close. This was ftt11owed by payer by Mrs. C. Johnston_The pres- ident, Mn. Burton, then turned Thu , mun iciiihariii'.' Win awash. Humher eighth “\sorving I at. ht- rlck’l Luna-non and afterpttttn To. - WMâ€, Much nth. man an 4 Par. " the church, Royal York Road, one block you“ at tho Dixon mu any?! but In the 1imelighs Ali Duly u but. a “m, vn w .w..-, That’s Elder- 6!! girl: All working together, Just t1tiirhed one Vprobect 1M5: e y, man. m - "I. 're ..........* Alt pik‘ use; In JtttUWJ't WATER'TAIK TROUBLE? The WA. of St. Andrews Pm- (iirrNiEE5rl "/ -- r r' , JiiiS'tjii),vi,e, Ji/Lia " any “his†Van-nu Associa- "all'l'it,' Indra tattottne'danntet1ary m, 'adAtoriiaattt - M “than india' won - incl-nu. ," _ ’ I .. ‘ï¬uJflliM Kahlua memmm 'ttct-itat"- -e'imr,and,durirsgthetrugi- " 'r-reriotltwardetridodta Mn. Bonk: brought the ladies. . report from the Missionary Rally held in Anton. since ttw I Mrs. Burlington brpught ul I review on the book, "Mountain Daybreak,†written by Min Beth Allinger "gsisted by a friend. These ladies are missionaries in Napnl in northern India. and their headquarters in the "World Wide Christian Crusade" " Huntsville. Miss Allinger is per- haps familiar to some, as she spoke " several churches in the community. while hoine on tur- laugh I short time ago. This book gave the ladies some know- ledge of the training of the m- ,tlvel in Nepal to com on the work of Christianity.' . I“ [ . '0't6Nt.timt. NW“. mum Vim the nut two or that month: .wlth the date to be docidod later. Mrs. C. H. Dhak- will act u convener for the support It was moved arid carried to donate $25.00 to the Sunday School. ', _ The would; was convened by Mrs. Jum- Dullngton ind lh. opened the devotional with hymn " Mm. Locke read the scripture lesson taken from Act. 4 verses 5-20. Mrs. C. A. Peeler followed with . the Lemn Thoughu. The Edgeley Farm Forum group met at the home of Mr. Land Mrs. James Darligton on iiG. evening. On 'every fourth night there is no topic provided so the group seized this oppor- tunity to invite Mr. Walsh. who is a lawyer, to address them on a very timely topic "The Meklnl of Wills†and Succession Dytim". This was followed by a question and answer period. The ladies- and gentlemen present gained some very worthwhile interim- tion along these subjects. Mr. Walsh particularly stressed the point that, if you are about to have any business that will In any wav or at any time require legal advise, consult your lawyer‘ before you commit yoursell or sin any papers not afterwards. After may mean that you are in- volved in a business transaction not to Your liking, but which you cannot break, because you have signed the agreement. ruled-tor tuition: in York I’m- bytery fn the year 1957 WI: $15,- 588.20. lem is the country to be studied In our missionary woN irr 1'“. Mu. Locke wanted that the word "hith" be the word used in the roll call for the month of Inch ahh mean; will be held " the home of Mrs C. H. Bake. iet" meeting; The totht Rev. Donald closed tho meet.) ing with prayer. Lunch WI: and by the hostess assisted by Mn. Alfred Bage. Mr. Ind Mrs. James Ash motored to Barrie on Saturday, where they attended the wed, ding itf Miss Katharine Price, cousin of Mrs. Ash, in Barrie Baptist Church. _ Farm experts entlmnte a M,- 000,000Antshe1 less to Canada in wheat sales in the current crop year as a result tyCArtteriean wheat "dumping" in upon max-r khts where Canada hex-019mm has sold. _ " TIIE WOODIRIIEI and DISTRICT MEMORIAL PUBLIC SKATING " and 25/) CHAMPIONSHIP HOCKEY at mama! "In Friday, Mani I, 1958’ In - scum rum m - law In" 0.. - mm Ill“ â€valuation " frantic. mm 00: my: 'e""."' MY!†Fl. SATURDAY , - 10 ML [1331B Ind to when. M -ttrtg mun-guummm I.) gttlt - to an tho math-brown...me m was all! In a“ Mr. Lloyd Icahn. who has batman] homo- in caving. rommmcolommilput week and mural imam!“ pu- tleg but been impacting the others In bu for sale. Nfrod Btu and Son: Ihlwd I yelrlin; cult to Mt. Cunt of Momma, Pennsylvania, thin week. This is the third mind that Mr, Carter has purchased from the Bagg Herd. . _ Mr.srsdMtnqrttfN6Brmort' "sdmttiireet.ttt-we" mmumm WWII-WW' otw.mdm'mnduuu§ tMLt,tg Hummus-luau! Mr 7 -- t Mondly afternoon Mr, I'M Worley and Mr. Jim Anahu at Toronto and Mr. Jack Ahab. a! Sukatchownn visited with Mr. Elizabeth Hawkaworth was the star bowler of last Friday night's game, when she had a high triple of 770 to take, we believe, no. and place for the high triple with handicap for the season. Bernice Young had on, Marion McKay 875, Kathleen Keller 6" Marion Wants subbing tor Elea nor Atkin had 645 and Orval Kean subbing for Bea Boake had 602. The Pinhead: are now tied for third place and only one point behind mend to even if they should end the Ieuon in iourth place, they are certainly going to be right up than " far " points are concerned. No matter what their standing they hgve had a let of tun, win or loae they can joke with their ,opponents. ily join“ day supper. And Mrs Alfred Ban. FACE IN THE CROWD O. lOllOIIIGIDA - A. QUINN Also In Col-v .r mu" EXCUSE MY DUST HUNCHBACK OF NOTE DAME FRI. - SAT. "I" mum “WIN. In Color and M OMAR KHAYAM A. oumm . P. um. MARCH " . " C.WIlDI - D. PAGE '.ebrEftraTi mum" "u MD " [HON ht Coho F 'li'iit4 w for mmumhuï¬mu‘q 'fMr"abtrtri-atetgbrira. "M'ort.,,titttaitorrei'-i, â€mug-“Mtg†‘ ,. 'u" ymmeqmmmu- alumna-H 'u-et'ittttunt.t-.osttFtagtd" the do“! mknhvmwonMth Munro-Pm. III†than tug,'", 'lt,", ar'ttiertttttYee*th'rMt pick-dual. WW oumWohop-unum r""""'.'""."'".". annual! Fir-1M Winds this part "a hub am oeresrrideraitte dunno "_ound on March it-U van Mn. Al- belt momma: Ind Mm. Hm Donne. The math: cloud with the Queen 1nd I will half hour was my“. - In}. very much any“. Dela-ta â€pointed to the con- mtatimt to ho hold it Human their robin-I1 Wan M day waning with . good am- mcc. MInute. won nod and bulim- mm di-ed. It I“ W to hold man In†sum m. "THE SUN ALSO, RISES" Tht_trttetirsttttsml mJlild "ACROSS THE BRIDGE†J E R RY l "iiifiii or “SAD SACK" nova MACHINES '--_e-'--" MON.,TI.I$.,WI’. wow-moot ll House of Ila-In l. “JOE DAKOTA†IlseEtLriii.iii.i'ii,,Tr,,t,gas m. mu ACTION I m warm JACK “HONEY 1m VIII ODIN . Continuous 'hte- muns., m., SAT. --FlltST 01mm SHOWING r V“ - CH, 1-7561 - THEATRE no mun n, more Coming Soon “P E R ll p, Suki sum-y. Only "RAB" MIN FROM , NOW PLAYING ROXY Hull-Mulch ADULT “INDIAN 't_rhrterub-_trret.ermovw “CIRCUS BOY" â€up . RICHARD m - MO. MONTGOMERY - m _ "MMEit8 INST†(Colour) SPECIAL SlTllIIIAY HIST 1mmet-tNo Home of Family Entertainment 3'3 Quito I goods-0'4 (hepatic-hum" magnum. brad! at giiean chukka-3M ing. Wrutohlnl on, shrove Tuesday but as.? the stormy weather VII ttMd week later. new“: SWORCONSOLIM MT. DENNIS Mil of Show.“ MAN â€W! - JOAN WA.“ ION" Sing" a... I Ann. “Haul-din. Until ItHoCATmo IN nlt nun or m JET PILOT "or" " new M91203!!! WILD! MACK Mum I V JOIN WAN! In tf