. tomerstoner For Spiritual Revival Seen In Witnessing On March 18th the Cubs and Scouts had a most successful Father and Son banquet. After the meal, Mr. J. Legge showed coloured slides of the World Representatives fr'om St. Phil.. ip's attended the Diocesan Chan- cel Guild meeting at St. George's on-the-Hill on Tuesday, March 18th. Following the service at which Archdeacon R. P. Dann preached, the ladies inspected the Sacristy. Archdeacon W. J. Gilling then spoke about the work of Church extension and pointed out that the need for churches for the new Commun- ities was very great. Land values in these areas were very high and the provision of new places of worship was taxing the resources of the Church. The loan from the ‘Synod granted to St. Philip's for its extension is being paid off as fast as possible and it is hoped that it will be cleared this year. m at " Philip's Anlllcyi Church \pruchud on the subject “Vitamin; tor Christ" u part ttf " general Lenten theme, "The Lite od Chi-t." He polhtad out that I great spiritual uvivnl wu taking place in the world Ind this had been brought about in two ways. On the one hand. the Clergy ttad recognized that alt Christians had I part to play in the spiritual aspects of the Churbh's work and on the other hand, the Llity had started to necept the talk and were doing more than just help in things material by witnessing '10: Christ in their daily lives. ' Radio and Television SALES AND SERVICE Agents for GENERAL ELECTRIC ' ttCA VICTOR Booih TV and Radio WOODBRIDGE Phone ATIoo 3-0202 On My. lurch tted, .me SUPPORT GOOD GOVERNMENT FOR A GREATER CANADA O A huge program of 'tehrrert resources lav-lemon! hunched to develop new Indum-lu and " - "oPqq of â€Ion-mull of now loin. o A new deal giving added fund: to "no Provincu, In turn aiding tho whip-IMO: and holping the humor and thq homo owner. . Unmloymom Irma-am. bondh- omndod, especially to '""q annual unmploymom problems. 0 Income Tax rqdtrettor" lunch! 4% mttBon Nun-yon; 100,000 Con-dam In low» fax brake" 9:an " tho fax rolls. o A van program of Public Works to prov“. noodod “cum.- and to on. unmploymonf. . 'ight Monoy loud to old bush.“ and Industry; $300 mllllon In new monoy to old howling. _e A heaMIy agriculture based on guaranteed annual prlcel so! In advante of the crap season; an end to dwnplng foreign farm products In Canada‘- home markets. q Old Age Pensions and other Soclul Securlty Payments Inna-9d to holp tho many who hood no" osrutemee. A rovlud "stem of Sock-II Security under study. DIEEENIAKER’S DYNAMIC PROGRAM GUARANTEES A BETTER UK FOR All or CANADA’S NONE-- SOllD mr0ltltutKF--tl0t EMPTY PROMISES M0NDAYrMAR.C" at VOTE PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE YORK CENTRE Passion Cantata By Presbyterian Church Choir This presentation is our part of the joint Church Services be- mg held in Westminster United Church, Wednesday evening, Baptist Church, Thursday eve- ning, and Central United on Fri- day morning. We extend an im vitation to you and all your friends to come and worship at these se'rvices. The Presbyterian C h u r c h Choir is presenting the Passion Cantata "From Olivet to Cal- vary" by Maunder, on Tuesday evening, April lst at 8 pm. Ae. companying the choir will be an orchestra which has played so delightfully for us on previous Easter oc'casions. Mrs. F. Sayers thanked the visitors for coming and refresh.. ments were served to complete I most successful evening. i The Women“ Church Year held its first irenerat meeting on March 20th. After the opening prayers and Bible reading, the ladies ot St. Hilary's Church, Cooksville, presented an Easter play in silhouette. The perfor- mince was most effective and directed the thoughts ot the audience to the greatest of all sacrifices which took place near- lg 2000 years ago on Calvary. Scout Jumbo»: It Mum nu- Ind ot the Carnation. tr) also did some mule trilch mid the evening wound up with i ling- "M. " LIMITED Alr . Ship . Bug - Tick." Dolivorod Eglinton 8. Dufferin RU. l-5596 CARRIIEAN _ EUROPE . FLORIDA U.$.A. . CANADA Travel Service SAUNDERS "Lelmekllyou thatasbmgae I lead the Government of this country no one will safer. I know the noah of the humble, the average Canadian, I know their arrthitions, their hopes. and their fevlings". p, NORTH YORK 'rime Minister Diefenbakee Although Camada's total agri- cultural production has been steadily increasing, over the past 10 years the number of farm workers has declined by an average of .30,000 persons annually. " The Seven Words Of Christ Work Wilh tetirs Theme. At WCTU Meet The members ot the oft1eial board and their wives or friends ot the choir are invited to attend a social hour in the church per. lors after the service. On Sunday evening, March 30 at 7 pm. in Central United Church, the choir will present "The Seven Words of Christ." The soloists are: soprano Viola Murray; tenor William Higgins: baritone John Booth. , m Wrets hank; K (to Wuum Union at ttte 191'.“ I'll huld in the Wench hm Church on Tuesday. lurch “it! at 2.15 pm. The president, In. D. Davidge wax in the chair ind opened the Inc-lint. Mk. a. Medhurst introduced the spak- er, Miss Hazel Cllhghln ot the Sudan Interior Minion. Miss Callaghan told ot her work with the lepers in mum, Ninth, West Africa and showed “I Ne. tures which graphiei0y portray- ed the work of the Mission. The devotional waluken by Mrs. R. Hunter and W, were xavored by a solo by Mrs. D Taylor. A social half hour for lowed Wotsdbrtdsrr--Atk" 8-1201 TRENCHING SEPTIC TANKS BEDS INSTALLED AND WATER LINES STAN MAXEY ' “VIEWER. tht. Mat LIPPAY MOTORS 'rlrElTiriiri""c" COME IN AND SEE THE WONDERFUL DISPLAY OF... . 4 noon saunas ' . 2 noon SEDANS V r . HABDTOPS . sunou muons. ole. OUR SELECTION [CAR mammal? t:'ii'_, IS AT IT'S . . . 1tiiiiBEEliEiitl, TT CHEV. â€Li/3;» SPRINGTIME BEST . 4 ""llPl2,' .'..e..e... .2295 ' BECAUSE COUPE 20000... ARE BRAND 'mir- DEFINITELY "MP' DEMONSTRATDRS REGENT 2 Door Hardtop REGENT 4 Door Station Wagon CRUSADER 2 Door Station Wagon DE SOTO 4 Door Sedan MAYFAK 2 Door Sedan Alll' SAVINGS! I957 DODGES! IE DARE NOT PUBLISH'. mun LAST ammo: run mun NEW ALL OUR USED' CARS ARE FULLY RECoMNTt0HEDAMt CARRY k LIPPAY MOTORS WARRANTY THESE MODELS 'lit METEOR 'lili DODGE DOWN PAYMENTS BAN IE ARRANGED M LOW " $25.. Pleas. Enquire aboui this plan from on. of our Ctturfqoqq BIKE Authorized DODGE - DI SOTO "ALIrt illltMmiiNti? 'lit Plymouth can?! - Radio a Hunter ....... 'dmaluaa,mae 'M BUICK -- i 2 noon HABDTDP ........... $1495 "" “I [IT-l. I‘ll It., me was AND omoo- Mad-y. M 8h TI BUICK A-l Mochanicall .... Nod: Some 'll',,',",,: ‘395 Priced Right . 'lit PONTIAC 'lit DODGE 'lili BUICK 'M tlit Ell. 'lit FORD COACH .... $1495 Ir mu“..- - DIE