Times & Guide (1909), 27 Mar 1958, p. 19

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a 4 t CLASSIFIED ENiimmRr"'t17i" MRB. KRUIT welcome: back old and new cugtomerg tor ex- perienced dressmaking and alteration. My new number in CH. 6-2692. . x-lS-lt ar. 'mAOIN - 51%. Low doing-mat; monthly may suit your budget. d Baird, 1182 Woman E94: Bus, Wh 7-130; In, 703 a m m "e. - All we. - an. mod, ro- um. mo lingo Rd. RO. F mt . 3-35-11 ALTERATIONS and mending of all kinds. childrens wear a specialty. Will remake med clothing. Reasonable rates, CH. 4-4132._ WOMAN 'requires any kind of domestic work. ST. 8-5638. MRS. Smith welcomes old and new cultomers for dressmak- ing and alterations. CH. 1-2468. . - x404: WITNG woman needs day work. ironing ete., desperate. CL. 5- 3070. common ROM PAOI " mien Aitto Supt”. 41 Main St. South. ca. I. m. w. de. um. xAi-tt CR. “on $LP§R meson Ili Neighbours! It’s Fun To Dance At Marl Kenney's Ranch Our expert: with years of experience will give you information and advice regarding most suiiable f1oortrm material: for your particular needs. 9x9 sumo: anus": 15c EMPLOYMENT WANTED ASPHALT SERVICES LTD. gm st rang RUBBER TILE THIS AN mm MART KENNEY of/gill', Ivory Friday and Saturday, Jone, July and August * No City Driving * 20 Minutes from Avenue Road and Highway 401 * FREE PARKING * Enquira for Special Student and Party Ram * Tabla loservalions For All GLIDDEI PAINTS IO! WHY PURPOSE Tile Is Our Businoss - Let Us Solve Your Flooring Problems (muggy: CALI now: run - DIISSMAKING 4% It 4% WITH ERIC HODGKINSON FREE DANCE INSTRUCTION AT INTERMISSION DIRECTIONS '.-- _ North off No. 7 Highway at Shell Station, 7th Concession' Vaughan 1% Miles West of Highway No. 400 Or 2h Miles East of Highway No. 27 1284 WESTON ROAD , IlOCKS SOUTH or JANE RO. 9-4734 EVERY SATURDAY Automo- rebuilt. x-13-1t 4t Imiiml was: “an iiiG7 __wort. no. 3-8702 after I pm. FLOOR SANDERS and edger: "yr rent. Floor under $5 per my and edger $2 per day Gun tackers make stupling easy. Woodbridge Hardware & Electric, Woodbridge. Phpne AT. 8-1231. i016 knitting. baby nets, locks, Ive-ten, children'n dreun; also I large selection ot wools. Phone AT. 8-H”. --mi2 ALTERATIONS done on ladiel’ Ind children's clothes. Zippers "placed. Phone CH. 1-5524. --m m not luv. I Mutual luv: an. "mm-r. Lawn mum:- -uu:o work do” by experi- enced max-ope: tttsiding a 1:0th comm, ability to perform curt In: nuance. Write no: Z. Woodbridge Nun. Woodbridge. . It TYPING done at home - legal, FLOOR sanders, edger: and pol- ishers, day or evening. Alpha Engineering Company, 1852 Jane Street. CH. 1-5275. x-T.tt TELEPHONE solicitor required; pleasant voice, part-time hours, 9.154130 a.m., L15-4.30 p.m., for IO-week period. Apply by telephone or personally to Cooper Furs, CH. 1-8091. CASHIER part-time, must have good telephone voice, also mat- ron for theatre. Call CH. 4-2858 7 between 1 and 6 pm. or 6 and 9 pm. T linemen“, reports. CH, 1-3294. x-12-2t RESERVATIONS AT. 8-1282 gmstrong ASPHALT TILE HELP WANTED FEMALE Contra“ Hordancr Wallpla'o EQUIPMENT TO BENT 9x9h Resilacrete TEACHERS - University stu- dents interesting - that employment, but munda- tion. WA. 5-1035. SINGLE lady would like to rent or share 5 room furnished bungalow. Call evenings, CH. l-3705. Mh-hajjitiirtitw" wanted, 'three nights weekly. Apply Bilt- more Theatre, Weston, liter 4 eWe5 wnimml for i p.m. a?“ _ with grill avenues in Wood- bridge district. Phone AT}: 02N, Walter Christan. Hoe Restaurant. , Ill CONGRATULATIONS to the boys of the hockey team of A. J. Halliwells Bloor Street West Auto Wreckers. It would be a treat to see all the old . wrecks play, if it was not so late at night - 11 to 1. What's wrong boys, are you afraid to play early, nobody up here will boo ybu. x (hm dun 5 Inch. PM” ". Aa_Bttltqx. ( USHERS - Pirtié'i'me tor 400 Drive-In. Married Men prefer- ferred. CH. 1-1556. TWO immediate openings for hard working Real Estate salesmen, experience not necessary. Call Mr. Carlisle, AV. 5-1176. David McLean Ltd., Realtors. 0 WE are in need of 2 ulesmen to sell real estate. Personal in- struction . and schooling given. Commission basis. Contact Mr. Sills Sn, Herb Sills Ltd. Phone AT. 8-1143. HYGIENIC SUPPLIES trubber goods) mailed post paid in plain sealed envelope With price list. Six samples Mt 24 sample' $1. Mail Order Dept G4, Nova Rubber Co., For small office Torurrie Rd. Hours 9-5 pan. 5-day wool. benefits. BOOKKEEPING SERVICES MI. 3-1.0. lawn. tern lawn. PM PI“- Pm [Mm-h- - loom-No In. EYES TESTED - GLASSES- p. E. STAITEI " ' JOHN STREET WESTON CH. 1-37" t20KWtWi%U7liCiatTGTi7 mum; antic. tor mat - one. in North Weston. Hum 9-5. Piv. day week. Call Mr. Morten It CH. 4-0407. - til. 1-1133 OPTOMETBIST F. L. MERTEIS URGENTLY REQUIRED CITY TYPING SERVICES CH. 4-8466 . mi 91. Hamilton. Ont. x-M-tt Eyes Examined K)()l(l(tptft; DOWNSVIIW BOOKKEEPINO SERVICE 'EttLP8rANmtmmata CrrlTiirirETiTCEIlE:IlIIlaS opTOMEtttitt - OPTICIAN 1 Main St. N. - Weston Phone CH. 1-0701 WINDER’S 'rAxllll HELP WANTED MALE _ FACTORY HELP WANTED. . Apply 123 WENDALL AVENUE TRANSPORTATION Dope ndublo Service 24 Hour Service HOUSE TO LET OPTOMETRIC CH. 1-8579 TYPIST Phm.B., LO. PERSONAL UMITED 0-13-1t 2t e6i2Nmr'%iafirimiiiiiF, YOUNG min, to an". eau-G tramporution. Cg. A8af, COMFORTABLE bright room for a young lady to share with name. Twin boa, part board. CH. 1-6104. ROOM and bond available by April 1. Mrs. Orville Kitch- ener. No. I MIcKenzie Rd., Woodbridge. Phone AT. 8- THREE room Unfurnished fiat, Main North, heavy wiring, nink, cupboards, etc. CH. 1- 5563. DENNISON and Main: Bright furnished room. CH. 4-4369. MAIN ST. North: Single turn.. ished room; comfortable; suit gentleman. Must be abstainer, CH. 6-3510. 'tmrTPMemtRrrr'tW.ii'. an» than. "a! whiz... lumin- can!“ to: intor. mal) plan. RU. 1 $651 moral”. T gr-Fit SINGLE room for gentleman. central location, quiet pleasant surroundings. Phqne CH. 1- 1517. CLEAN bed-sitting room, cook- ing facilities, Weston. Phone CH. 4-4900. 16A Main Street Souk. ROOMS To LKr-rUnlot5KED WILSON - JANE. Large front bedroom in ultra-modern home. Meals if desired. CH, 4- 3057 after 6. , FURNISHED bedroom. Suit 1 or 2. 21 Victoria Ave. W., CH. 1- 2004. BRIGHT front room near Main Street. Gentleman. CH. 1-0718 or CH. 4-7410. ONE room for gentleman. Dixon and Scarlett Road vicinity. Parking. Phone, CH. $34537. ,, FURNISHED front bedroom in quiet home. Close to bus and restaurant. Gentleman. Ab- sbainer. RO. 2-2231. SPACIOUS 3 room nat in MrrTh Walton. Suitable for Business couph. CH. 4-8159, after 5 ROOM for rent, twi; beds Phone AT. 8-1200. C FURNISHED bedroom, suitable for gentleman. Parking. CH, 1-9870. LARGE front room, suit'gentle- man. cu IA68k 2nd St., New DIRECTORY Walton 01.0mm. Mint Home. new - IV. you: with Cure. moot m Home. But lecom- mum. u Rom Super- vision. spaciou- lavnl. Any use “in. Ration-bl. um. Gwen Auntin. 'uperlntendent. Phone Ml. 8-843K x-lO-IT Wuhan 1295. WAY: mun-Ir Me null two at three. Toronto. IARIISTER, SOLICITOR, tte. William D. Lyon I.A., LLI. DAM!!!" AND SOLICIYOI , MAIN STREET SOUTH lash ' Gregory tttttrg' W. Bull IAlllSTEl & SOLICITOR Ammo: & mm: , Main a. 5.4m. " CH. HI" CI. l-IIO - III. II. 1-“. Darrin»; and Solicitors Darrin.” ' Solitilon 29% MAIN " NORTH Fraser ' Simms BOOM AN D MAID BARRISTERS, ETC. WESTON mu: Mom) " loan " hum. Show, “not. Edgar Parsons Bank of Nova Scotia Chambers V HEAKES and 1htta001.t, FLAT! TO LET " CH. 4-5547-I-9 " KING ST. MOMB CH. 1-0111 CH. 4-5314 CM. 4-69" vii-52 om27 WANTED: 'i-ru-Gia-tu-d roam, kitchen and bedroom, tor two. Vicinity Weston Senior Pub. lic School. Immediately. CH. 4-372]. COUPLE would like to rent a house in Weston area. Call CH. 1-5666 or RO. 7-0071. _ BASEMENT, a bright unfurn- ished rooms ted “about. puk- ing. Baby welcome. CH. 1-02” MN: 16 Edmund Avenue, unlumiahed 2 rooml and sun room. Elderly or but“ couple preferred. CH. 1-2268. OFFICE WORKER mother would like two rooms furnish- ed. Main and Wilson area, Weston. Private entrance if. possible. Would like day care for 39E-year-old son. Helen. CL. $4849 after 6.30 pm. or CH. 6-5031 days. . TWO 1111mm room and parking. Ctr. um. La, type painting and paper hanging: also carpenter work. Phone BU. 6-2368. Phone Cl. H203 DUTCH family, 3 adults imd 2 children, require house. $90 - $90 monthly. In W e s t o n area. Apply Ba: No. 54, Times & Guide, Weston. LhTdiiRWiriitd and -gaFdaing, estimates, reasonable rates CL. 1-0656. ACOMMODATION WANTED For free estimates on fur, sea- son lawn maintenance service. Now is the time to have your lawn rolled and fertilized. (So-Green). Serving Weston and Vicinity Geoffrey Frazer Lawns Power Airified and Fertilized Full season garden mainten- ance. Service, Sodding, Sed- fng, Planting, Pruning and Weed Spraying. No. 1 nursery stock used. V FREE ESTIMATES CH. 1-1915 WESTON 114 MAIN ST. SQUTH WESTON CH. 4-6061 Alfred ll. Herman, B.A. BARRISTER - SOLICITOR PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING WM. A. RIGGS I230 JANE ST. _ MT. DENNIS RO. 9-2841 PHOTOGRAPHY . coMMERcIAL HUMBER BABY SITTING and HOME SERVICES WALLY'S LAWN MAINTENANCE SERVICE HOME AND FACTORY. OWNERS 2 John St. ttt Main MORI‘GAOE MONEY to LOAN Evenings by cppgiplrpgnl W. J. WARD th W. LEASK FUNERAL HOMES MUSIC 0 PHOTOSTATS 0 PHOTO-COPY SERVICES OFFERED I338 WESTON RD. RO. 2-0521 Chartered Accounmm Landscape Gardening RQTo-Tlrrly9, _ WANTED TO RENT CALL CH. 1-9894 DAYS-ST. 8-5363 BARRlsTERSr_C. FUNERAL DIRECTORS CH. 1-2233 WORK GUARANTEED PHOTOGRAPHY [001. " L" UNl’UINIIm ACCOUNTANTS PROFESSIONAL TREATMENT DOUG DAVIES (10 a.m. - 8 pan.) CH. 4-5697 tt bridge. Phone ATIo: 84968. SNOW ~PLOWING, YRENCHING. SEPTIC TANKS and WATEI. LINES. Gordon Bullock, Wood ALEX C. PRINGLE 56 Downaviow Avo. Jan. and 401 - CH. 6.3171 PiANO twins ' “mus Anytime - Anywhere S. Hoffman (formerly of Gerhard Heintzman). Work guaranteed. Phone Woodbridge Hardware, Woodbridge. Phone AT. 8-1231 TYPEWRITERS for sale or rent. Terms. Open T evenings. 1287 Weston Road. RO. 7-1210. 209 BUTTONWOOD AVE '. Ito. 2-8702 ' HOUSE DOCTOR luau. ROOFING & CHIMNEY SERVICE J. E. O’FARRELL, Prop. All types r paired and re- newed. Workmanship Guar- anteed. Emergency service Day or Night. an rm. learn-u. WW Gnu-ltd. Peat Mom, M I 'ueef, Woodbridge ..-' ATlas 8-0831 MT. DENNIS with HENRY FONDA - ANTHONY PEIK|NS one-Myanmar. I . WWW-f . not: COMMON . A ADULT INTEITAINMENT with VICTO* MATURE - ANNA EKUERG CUPIOAIDS - VALANCES AlTERA‘nONS - REPAIRS ROXATOBE - PANEL"! WOMAN OF THE r RIVER 'i-ie Opposite Humborood Dairy Bur PIGK " ALLEY THE TIN STAR with FRANK SINATIA RITA HAYWORTH KIM NOVAK Doll! DAY - JOHN IAIN was cum. - T. om! MARCH 26 - " mum SERVICE RECOID SALES Pin. St., Woodbridge WED. " THURS. "I" Immcr momma; MON. - TUES. - WED. 50mm LOREN in MARCH 27 - 28 - " M1 “WIS - F. (IR PYJAMA GAME J. AGAR - G. YALIOT 1li,i)1 SHARPEN SAWS THEATRE M. 9-1960 DAUGHTER OF DR. JEKYLL GILBERT'S AUTO SUPPLY Mi. JOEY tut. 1-1821 BROWN'S TV & RADIO CH. 1-6953 SAD SACK CYCLOPS WE CUT m. - SAT. not, com: aha aha with with 6-67-tf x-IO-tt r". CH. "lill Ere.] 'CH. Thi/l (Days) TINSMITH - ivattrtS UtirfeirriiiiT EAVESTROUGHING a REPAIRS -TGFirTdTriTCAiaaE "A good jot? at the right price" MOVING and CART as BOYD AVENUE RI c H 'i ”a CH. 4-3783 - MODERN MAchlnory Ind Duh Also a full line of industrial machinery and parts. Davis Blackhoes and bubum Gear- drolie trenchers, will dig I ditch 4 inches to " inchel wide and 3 feet to 6 feet deep. Let us give you I demonstrn- tion and price on a 1001 Woth Bull Loader. New work and repairs to plumbing, hot water Ind steam heating. sat Albion Rd. - Cl. 1-1701 THISTLETOWN _ - __ .. .--.- Septic Tarn ”'3 GENERAL CONTRACTOR W"" Prices quoted without oblin- Pumped & C “In tion on new building addi- 24-Hour Servic- tions, alterations, etc. . CHI-7081 ll h I Sept . _ x-7-tt lt va e K. _ - __ . id: LATIMER HEATING I k i "i',,t A. DIIIMRIMf: an enlce -. W. M. WYLLIE GENERAL CONTRACTOR f IT'S t:ee,,eti,iii': PLUMBING .. (“.firm‘m 'r';ll:! WE HAVE m "Fc-cr-F-cr-cr-c-cc-?,"-') i'i, Frank Thomson I fr iUtt I ODERN floor service. Floors cleaned. waxed and polished Painted ~lull wuhod: Work guarantaed. Free estimates. Phone A, Corras. CH. 1-0282. GAiiF%/rG a son: "'""aeeyatttlf, CUSTOM GARDENING Ame “l'. _ i; Lm, Light Grading and Genet-l H. C. iiiiiiiiiia-iiti, Trucking _ ,t Top Soil and rm for Bale MP" ttANtttNtt " " Phone AT. a-mo . MINING , Delivery when " Your: [workout a SERVICE & SUPPLY Ra. No. 1, Woodme " IlllII TIIE ' FOX”°' H. w. HARRINGTON DEALER IN Massey Ferguson I'm lATlMER HEATING & PLUMBING For Sale: and Service that will ply KEYS CUT and SAWS "ARPRNBD WOODBRIDGE Hardware & Electric THEATRE WILLIAMS aitittttra'trata,r.r.Tii.Gmak, 'Got More Out of INC-Com 00' In a Moyi', _" Ph T. _ . Moving . How ate-ni-it-l-tl/cl.:,,-) . Found-dons . A11 w u A '"tiof".ttgho Work CH. 1-3721 PLUMBING AT. 8. 1281 Doors Open Daily 1 pm. SATURDAYS and HOLIDAYs from " Noon Second All-Tim. "tr-At- h Cob. SUSAN HAYWARD - MON. " TUE% - WED. THURS., FRI., SAT. x-ll-4t 1-134! AV Conditioned for your Com Home of Family Entrrrtairtmentt' .n to l 188 "TY tr..te In”? Miiilt,l,Ll,lrittyiif PAINTING & DECOMT . lmu PAPER HANGING J. H. TAINSH 2540 cycle dum- mun-Z Men’s ' Bore War m 1177 WESTON, In. "'1 Mo. Danni: - no. tai' . “Vim mural-radian: Alum!- CH. 1-7661 - ADAMSE 171. " MIDWOOD noon Crusher Run, Pit Run cmisrrED smut (Spread Free) iris" CH. m?" CH. 1-1850 V. Nicki. AV. “NI w, , "Ia m

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