v" Se""- -- ___ - I. m provinc- that the double their dunes _ that the wince: withdraw this f1eld of taxation 1n _ tor a fixed grant ot . All the provinces ex- Ontario and Quebec ac- . Thug m Ontario and we pay one-half the f Duty play the provin- Edll tax. Our Sucoeulon duty m n: much higher but the province benefits from this PPP"' of income. ; noun-nod In 1953 w' Aa ht heck " 1953, Women" mm petitioning the f . of Finance for changes h the Domimon Succession My Act. Finally m January In the new Estate Tax Act g†in In: reading in Parlia- ML It is now being crrculated 3,,“ cm! among groups in- 'gt-ta!' in succession duty mat- †Very little has been made Met in the press about st. The t has sud it ml] con- mnmems on the tull be- {late ukihg Parliament to make q law. No matter which party Wed to power in the ap- proach: new! election, this "matter will he promptly dealt Mitts an unfinished business. _! Winn duties are taxes on .h heirs of an estate, levied on Me they will get, The tax We. with the degree of re- C nu" “U gULLtJ-IAVI 1iGiii' Taxes difrtr? l Succession duties V “chairman Eeoriomies Committee" ,. Weston Councll ttf Woman -iGw-uriiuccession Duties and deiumuulloviodonw-uuwm ide-tti-true nan-ll! ot dam. Origi- Ily h Cand- Succmm' duties m a provincial (out. “who. only. but in 1941. u a waning hnancing m nun. I: hour-ion too, cut-ad the field. Thus than were two mic- dutits with dilating rates and exemptions which and confusion and deiay in adding eatatq. It's the perfect (iamedy for spring fever. If you would like a new tint . . . ydu con depend on us for lovely and natural results in tinted and dyed hair. Fascione Hair Stylists 1101 WESTON RD. - Ro. 2-1332 Beauty F or Spring Calls for a new hair-styling by F ascione HAY FURNITURE CO. layman Ltoksrhtll1tr1tjipj) D0min‘LL50999:?“D'utv.AdAI1£l!91§1ta.t9T.a_x Ad PLAN BOOKS GIVE YOU IDEAS FOR EVERY SPOT IN YOUR HOUSE. Visit our Plan Book library, brown around " your heart’s content. FURNITURE * “FINISHING * REPAIRING mum. 30mm -- cu. I-MTI :QMBEchi SPRING by may Kuhlor 17.1994... 4 (l,,'.,.,'.,!..']'?, ;‘:a"aggliÂ¥_9;::1“,l 716 SCARLET'I' ROAD 't-.i.-5.dsmmeeyMer8f 6r3t8.Eiiaj:-icszi, mm ruxmo l nocx scum or uwunc! Bell Expansion 7 1Reflettetl In Woodbridge Area -During 1957, there was a net lincrease' of 188531 tefephrsnes in etc. An mu '" simply up pwpnues to the government t certain amount of the total property left, no matter to whom Uonoip, the II? ot the ante. Wldetpresd Canadian owner- shsp ot the company's stock and the record payment to em- ployees of salaries and wages totulling nearly $147,000,000 are revealed in the 78th lnnual re- port of The Bell Telephone Company of Canada issued this week. Shareholders increased during the year by 18,100 to 156.825. Ninety-eight per cent In resi- dent in Canada and they own 92 per cent of the.stock. Em- ployee and pensioner sharehold- ers now number 13,300. The 41,303. men and women employees of the Bell company received. during the year. $146,- 951560 in wages and salaries. At year's end, the company em- ployed 24,345 Women and 17,018 Ctffi'jtic'_rtto, Wham tttq Domlnlon Succu- don Duty M van low In tedt, at». under $0M00 Into ondnly -spt from guinea Th0 Heme pol-non iststt.did ukuldmtwqmwv service in the Bell's Ottiftt- Quebec territory. Thin brought the year-end total to "'Y". not rack that amount. since that time there In- born I tn- mendou: datum in the value of the dollâ€. Intution It.) brought [ Watching the needle on the" rolling graph from behind Hydro i ‘poles and concealed interseu-' lions, Metro constables have been halting motorists with iii) =notonous regularity " the hid- _ den watch dog of the radar trap! ital}: in its Victims. ; , In I short Indium: on Weston 114., In fifteen minutes‘ the motorist: bad been ertt1ed Jo I halt, "we could certainly! This mien was retuctod in Woodbridge by the uddmon of ttt telephones. M, C. N. Rowe, Bell runner for this region said, bringing the total in ser- vice here as of December " to 161& "We spent $177,300,000 on new construction. In inoreue of $37,800,000 over the previous year." the report reveals. "By tar the greater part of our con- struction effort in 1957 was de- voted to providing more cus- tomers with local service, and impioving that urvice." A continuous effort is being made to increase productivity and thereby help in keeping down both operating expenses and the can of building new Nant, the report notes. Net income for 1957 was 836.- 037.169, equivalent to 82,15 a share, compared with emiqgs of $34,949.]81 or $2.40 I were in i, pull in a lot more," deemed the Fi'ifal',i'i, "but we haven’t the men to man these eontrW." Lookout, They’re Watching You And You Won’t Beat The Trap F Working with I speedometer iwhich registers in tending: on tt lined graph, the police radar (trap generally covers less than l200 feet for calling in the of- C cenders, They are at it Iain. Around Weston Ind other main streets of the urea. radar traps have been watching unlucky motorists m an all out blitz by York Dis- trict Tame to Mtsw speeding offenders. I " 'Clean up and Live' means 1 Just what it says." he declared. [ "Many home fires, which tame (so manv lives each year. wouM lnever happen it everyonv- kept their homes and yards clean and Clean-Up In Spring For Safety "We generally halt the driv- ers," pointed out the officer, "but if we didn't do this we would probably haul in a mt more. It seems unreasonable to me, that we can't just send them a ticket in the mail. Recent disputes as to validity of the trap are still not con. firmed awaiting a ilnal decision by the Supreme Court. But still Metro police are setting their nets and increasing revenue. "Spring Clean-Up is more im, portant than just sprucing up the appearance of homes and yards," Fire Chief McGinnis commented today in connection with Wes- ton's observance ot the Spring Clean-Up campaign. SIIORT RIB ROAST Jlll9 or BLADE ROAST Choice Round Steak " lb. - loan Minced Suck " lb. hum. it do. nah Slicod Beet Bologna " lb. Rindlou Buokfosi Bacon " lb. W scnu'rr no. MEAT an“! l at “A tsf. in VIM. moreeo-utwitltthetotalge-ii gun that - an very much I larger than in I“! but than I has been no eor-adiptr in- 5 ‘cnuo in numptiou.‘ ' , l l According to the not which n l still in tone, the wholc ulna; at u: unto over $50,000 is? and (or Succession duty. The new Brtate Act mum an up" amnion of $30,000 tor Inch an , can. This amount doesn't I come anywhere near compen- "ting for the decline in the dol- ltr value. The National Council of Women and other inkrested“ groups, insist that the exemp- ltion should be $50,000. , Punk- Improved The position of the widow is much better under the new Act. Formerly an a tumble estate, 1966. The mull dividend of 32 3 dependent children there is a t share wu paid and ,unmlsl/iai'TG ot $6600 when the taxes was increased by t2,is4,uturlkrl calculated under the New Tues amounted to $r,rs0o00.lgstate Tax Act instead of the The microwave radio relaytominion Succession Duty Act. petwork being built by the Bell) fugue Hardship ‘company and other members of' Under the new act the taxes the Trans-Canada Telephone are deducted from the estate be- System to carry telephone mm fore it is divided among the ‘vemtiom and televislon pro- beneficiaries, Under the old act. 111111. trom Coagtetireoatrt we; unless a will stated the duties â€tended last year and will be were to be taken out of the ‘comple‘ed in the summer ot capital of the estate, real hard- 1958. irship could result it the bench- -------- 'ciary had to pay the tax out of l The cornerstone of Canada's annual lncome before the sum parliament buildings was laid in bad actually been received. (1860 by the then Prince of Wales.[ The new act is more explicit Fil, later became King Edward than the old, ln what has to be Th. 'ineiuded ttl an estate. A wife The microwave radio relay network being built by the Bell company and other members ot the Trang-Canada Telephone System to carry telephone con- verntion- and television pro- gnml from coast-tomcat! was extended last year and will be completed in the summer of 1958. The cornerstone of Canada's parliament buildings was laid in 1860 by the then Prince of Wales. who later became King Edward Tth. The silent watchdog waits patiently for a record roll of offenders which was recorded recently in a radar trap on Weston Road, where two conxtables of York district traffic were kept busy noting names and license numbers in a recent blitz by Metro traffic authorities. rubbish-free." The Chief chal- l electrical appham-zw A Mean and Ienged every Weston resident miservxcc motor., rf necdt-d, “p.411 do a complete job on eliminating cords and plugs; + inspect and these fire hazards: ‘clean furnace, clumney and (1) Get rid of stacks of oidlstove magazines and newsapers. dis l “NI carded clothing, rags, mattresses,: ticall old furniture, draperies - aulMcGs the clutter that gathers in anion _ by tr basement: and closets: 2) clesmAssm up your home workshop -- get years rid of shavings, scraps. oily rags, spots old paints; (3) check the garage "If (at sttnilar trash, clean up win those her rubbish in the yard get rid Clea: of dead grass and brush aroundgwar. and near the house: (4) JiC.ididol {is l "None of these may seem t'I'i- 94., tically important," sand Chwr aIIIMchnic. but rer-ortis rompilei t's',. by the Nauonal Fire Protection oniAssociation for more than tii) 391 years prove those are danger as, spots in homes, me "If every home wdl act on iur those pmmr‘rs dunn: Sprm? rid,Clean-Up C and tht, ““1 of thr nd ( year. Wontâ€) van w! an (Innate :ck‘recm'd HI {Mr safch' _. l Much can'be aid in favour at I the new Bet. It is Iimple in oper- I intion compared to the old hill. 1 (The value of the estate is eet-b- I lished. Exemptions and uncon- I 'ditioul gifts to charities and educational institutions Ire de- ducted. The remaining estate in] taxed on a percentage basin The) percentage tax is the same " used in the Succession duty Act, l when the estate was to pass tol, a widow with two dependenti inhildren, It is easier tor the tax xcollector to take his dues. It u Mess costly to administer and ,!there is a direct saving in tax.' _»For example on an estate of :3150.000 passing to a wife and), over “new mum just M m amnion at '80,000 glut $5,000 tor each dependent child. mr, proposed M an given but u 800.000 In tree exemption and $10,000 tor egch dwendgnt child: The new a than the old, included 1n CH. 6-200t e lb. e explicit has to be 2. A wife has to be Iâ€. t. pm. that Unltdlhtulooh-thvim sh. bu â€MM“ b'Jltlll'l a man-up partner. Thy new: to In um it an Inuilunny hm. my be divided to have them calm!“ from thin hall, and aaelt puma my "tate of her hush-ad. his I mum. income tax re- A We PM turn: up to one-ttalt the tummy The tutiortal Council of Wo- utute may nu. to the surviving men has the expressed duatr-ipartser no. of succession du- pointment that ttte new Bill lies. A wife an make or break does not scum/lodge wives " hit husband'l fortune by her marriage partners in tinaneiaI thrittin-a or Ink of it. Try to mitten. The Government at the mine u mother in a home Ics;, [s, k Woodbridge Farmer’s Co,_L_tg. TEL, " 8-1104 6 M o I T ll s F It E E FACTORY SERVICE ON PARTS AND LABOUR - ji im." Packages And sai'k'Seeds LAWN FEitTlLlMit8 " so-iiiiiiii - war SPEGIAL TDBGAIIG and GOLDEN VIGDRO $FMMEM- For Ftsrtlhhtg Jud Sending GARDEN Tunis oi An Kinds We Have On Hand A Full Supply orra an? LAWN GRASS SEE This is an outstanding BLAUPUNKT HrFl rodiophonograph, a combination of on AM, FM, short and long wave radio and a d-speed, lO-record changer in a beautifully styled cabinet with wooden and gloss sliding doors. Harmony register to match 6-30 speaker output with room acoustics. 8 tubes with 12 functions. Push button operated with all features of latest developments in the fields of HI-FI systems and furniture design. A real beauty in every respect. Dimensions.. Ar" wide x 36" high It 16%" doop. We Have Garden Seeds In Package and Bulk Form. _ MULTIPLIEII all DUTGII SET ONIONS GARDEN SEEDS R. N. MITCHELL - Manager , -FI 'ii I" We Start Your Library With Your Favourih Records To The Value Of $25.00 With Every Purchase llllilllllMFlll can“: BLAUPUNKT’S EXCLUSIVE Hl-Fl REPRESENTATIVE IN TORONTO’S ENTIRE WEST-END 1200 WESTON ROAD R0. 6-7531 on In." I ....e. m_,-,,.' on: begins to appreciate an contrfbution u wit. nah: to the tamily finance..---, The union-1 ti7iiiiiGiNo- men, um: that Michal! a da- ceased hulbInd'l "tate be con- ceded-fort-ye"-':?', earned by his widow at! a such would not be MIN.“ to Inception duty when it - to her on his Math, WOODBRIDGE iiiuir Ave Mt] urd hen hon 1951 um J ACE Ian ho: Cm " tom he: of I the nti