ii A m. is much not. .tNetive E m. than I ling). pine, .. m Church Ihould In much I “(active than single Chris- ' 'r', r All too often. however, , " _ Church member, or each " '. ution. in doing things its / war, making in friction [ n - mull weakness. It is only l ctuowlne the. Holy Spirit "th control over ea ch _ {hm member, clergyman, and ;;coumution, that the Church strum“: the unity and power ' t'tlt', have u the "Army of E3â€. via; God". (' m Ill. Bilbo-'1 “at... _ My but? , in h _ up to twenty ( to than. the problem. Alrcu' Wm chm to re- It. Hanna ngmsday .. . .. _ . TTV T 7.30 p.m w Friday-"THItEE HOUR SERVICE" 12 a.m. to 3 p.m L. EASTER SUNDAY, APRIL 6 no a.m.-MhY C0MMuNlON-Choral and Anthem Ho o.m.-FAMILY SettVICE-Junior Choir r. HOLY COMMUNION 11.03 a.m.CHORAL COMMUNION PALM SUNDAY i.oo a.m.--YOUNG PEOPLE’S CORPORATE COMMUNION 9.45 a.m.-S0NDAY SCHOOL “.00 tt.m.-MORNiNG PRAYER 7.00 p.m.-CANTATA FROM OLIVET TO CALVARY . by the choir "At midday darinul wand our 9h. wholc counNyxido and land until 'if"" in '. chum (Mark 15:33) (Dr. Philip's trtrrtuation). y Minnie!“ on th. "Sum Words from the Cross' 10.00 aan-Sunday School 11.00 tt.m--Seeond Service mm suInAv, MARCH 30th 8.30 a.m.-uyw MASS 10.45 tt.m.-NESMNG OF PALMS followed by HIGH MASS tr" M-"meINO WITH me smu- . w - lut- up. all - can. And... 0... EASTER SUNDAY, APRIL 6 no a.m.-lOW MASS 10.45 a.m.-+IIGH MASS h munch It " man eftqet “nut nu beaurt tttu-tad-tN-ttie-ttttso-or-t by mum but In". TTerr-rd Elton. Tteetor at St Philip's mum Special Easter Music - Sermon 7.00 p.m.--EASTEtt SONG SERVICE " a...“ noun or INOQUITY' CANARY BAPTIST CHURCH HOLY THURSDAY, APRIL 3 8.00 p.m.-HIGH MASS _ GOOD FRIDAY, APRIL 4 9.30 a.m.--First Service 3.00 P.m.-AkASS or THE PRESANCTIFIED St. Margaret Mary 1.30 'tam-Evening Sertiice The Senior Choir Will Present The . Cantata, â€The Resurrection Morn". Brief Communion Service PINE " GOOD RIDAY 'ERhnCE-AfNtik 4, 10.30 mm. CHRIST jams. .w the Katmai. Youth Fcuownhip on the 't.iP.Nelf, Under Mum Control†" lui, monthly I at was. Caucus cu latch is. Woodbridge United Church . SUNDAY, MARCH 30, 1958 q.m.a-Nttdery Sch.“ Confouiom will be heard before ouch Mon SUNDAY. “no! at, Iâ€! PALM SUNDAY, MARCH 30 HOLY COMMUNION AT EACH SERVICE 8th Avenue North lov. J. A. H. Hodgson, Minishr PINE STREET - WOODIRIDG! Rev. A. B. Gotham. I.A., Lth. ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH ANOLICAN CMUIC†or CANADA “I'VE“ m ORANGE HALL) HOLY WEEK SERVICES junior Choir (Nun-r1 and Junior Ctsrtttregotiesrt) tr, "SO-P- ' Classes For Ju n ior C hoi r (Nurury Availabh) Church Needs Oo-ordination an - of "will" - lull- Wlul uni. muo- Ind tho Church u a whole - an! all thing: Ibo-ll he don. to all glory. The you) was In um- mm that the church “all - In chain, it: “m. In. no!!! groups. "ttmud. never become mm Imports!“ than this basic purpose. During the meeting Koinoma misMorusries in distant parts ot the world were heard from by means of slides and tape record- ed messages. Koinonin is an inter-parish or- ganization ot Anglican young CHURCH All Ages WOODBRIDGE The Alma Price Evening Aux- iliu-y met in the church parlors on Much lt. The meeting open- ed with prayer by the president. followed by hymn M2 Nn Christ there is no East or West". The devotional was conducted by Olive Campbell, May Harrison and Inez McKlne. Hymn 602 "What a friend we have in Jesus" was sung. The Study book wns given by Reeva Nuttress covering the different religions in Japan and what a challenge existed to those who earnestly desired to follow Christianity. Mrs. Wilma Houston rendered I solo. May Harrison described some slides taken in picturesque Ireland. These were followed by a tape recording of Mr. McKane and his daughter singing "When I sur- vey the wondrous Cross" which was so much in keping with our Lenten season. Alma hie Evening Auxiliary Wh9eébzi999m Aus- Mr. Braum, Organist and Choirmaster, excelled himself and the choir in their devote spiritual passion service Sunday evening. His selection of mush: from the classics, his training of the choir and their presentation with sweetness, expression and tone was most effective. With sixl readings from the Bible, the) story of the passion, crucifixion, resurrection and ascension was well told. Added to the above was a very short sermon by the Rector, the Rev. Keith Kiddell, that climaxed the service and sent the large congregation home impressed with the church, its teaching and a deeper reali- zation of the love ot God in His [Son's redemption of mankind. This whole service was planned by the Rector and expressions of ‘thanks were given. thmrermirdirtg At St. John’s Suggests Expansion Needs It,',',',','.' that purpose in “To now Christ Ind To like Ma Knownâ€. It: aitttg m " strengthen can mount in th. Christian mm. to win an lano- ol other young people to and“, um! to provide training in lead. ouhlp which will tit in mm: mm for more “(active service in their own churchel. Th'e overcrowding of the church and the use of the PA System in the choir room de- notes the growth of St. John's and the need for increased ac- commodation. it. Andrew's YO/S Hears 0f éPost-War Japan St. A n d r e w s Presbyterian Women's Missionary Society held their monthly meeting on March 5. _ Mrs. Colvin's group were in charge of the meeting and their Lopic for the evening was “Ja- Pan's Postwar Trends and Gains. Mrs. Calvin, Mrs. Holmes, Mrs. H. Durie, Mrs. M. Durie, Mrs. R. Adair and Mrs. Davies took part in the discussion and provided a most colourful display of Ja- Olive Kellam read At the Advisory Board meet- KNOX-VAUGHAN . “on m In " my " CHURCH SCHOOl .._r""' V _.re.mm.rm.mr._r..r_ 1.30 P.M. AMINOON “IVE! _.. '-.8V..eF.._.._..... 2.30 EM. WOODIRIDGE ue. Wm. Weir, B.A., I.D., of Ira-um, Imulm Moder-hr Preaching Service Church School Preaching Sorvico Yomporcry Ltrcertion..-tttNtFW PUBLIC SCHOOL At I.†KM. WOISNIP SIIVICI Fol ADUlTS ' SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR CNIIDIEN IN SEPAIATE IOOM In. Word, mluionary from Anubis .- col-wed pidwu " any [and Rwrganizul church of Jun: chrisl of Lunar Day Saints KINCSVIEW ALLIANCE CHURCH [2l]jW'WiiJij)hilj' n A“ H M 00 Ph- CHUICH SCHOOL .. _.. MOININO QIVICE PASTOR M. "til - â€I.“ lunar 4-4â€! A - Minkâ€! WI" eoetdvet “a "who Speaker: Elder A. G. Truoblood Wu“ 't.odmmr"rs Ind-nndnna, " Pine Street, Woodbridge Pastor-Elder Wm. Archer a letter last Concert By Men's Choir ht Colleaiate from Miss Taylor describin'g her Christmas preparations and how the Christmas cards we sent were enjoyed. Reports from vu- ious committees were given. Greta McKIne moved we try and reach our new allocation, now increased to $340.00. Second- ed by Alma Dean and carried. The meeting closed with hymn 388 "Oh Master let me walk with Thee". f V The ttnal concert in the Cagw dinn Contact Minion uric! will be tin Toronto Ken Tach- er'l Choir who will be pedom- ing in the Weston Collegiate Auditorium It I.†pas. on Ba- turdny 20th. A delicious lunch das served by the committe in charge car- rying out "St. Patrick’s Day." ing it was decided to push ahead and make arrangements for the holding of the special vestry meeting to secure the endorsa- tion of the new addition to the parish hall. Plans will be ready this week for consideration by the board and the building com- mittee, with a plan for the ilnatr cing to be presented to the ves- try meeting. In Weston the Toronto Men Teachers Choir will be closing for another year I successful series of the Concert Association. The Association will be re-open- ing its subscription concerts in early ttill with bookings avail- able in May. Thu. grand performers who have won (or channel“: world. wide "claim as master: in the art of choral virtuosity will b. the guests of the Concert Allo- ciation in I one-night stand of well known choral works. In 1951 the choir achieved it: greatest glory when in one of the "Big Sings" on the south side of the border, the house we: brought down with riotous acclaimetion of the warm Appro. val of over 5000 New Yorkers. Mr. 'Harvey Hand has been appointed chairman for the building committee with Sid Re- grave as Treasurer. On Sunday evening after the evening service Mrs. Norman, Chairman of the Weston Board of Education, will speak in the parish hall on her observation while attending the Educational Conference at Ottawa. This was a most important series ot ses- sions that had the leading minds discussing the educational needs. All citizens are invited to attend this meeting after their church ‘services. The subject is one that requires the close co-operation and support of the parents espe- cially. panese kimonos, dolls, china, etc. through the most generous and kind help of Mrs. G. Shiozakr and Mrs. Edemura. At the con- clusion of the discussion Mrs. Shiozaki answered many inter- esting questions regarding Ja- pan, Mrs. Covin gave a report for the Spring Tea Committee, the date of the Tea is set for May 14 from 2 to 4.30 and the com- mittee hopes it will be even a bigger success than the tea held last Spring. Mrs. S. A. Milne, President ot the W.M.S. announced that April's meeting will be a Thank Offering Meeting and expressed the hope that all members and their friends will attend. Mrs. T. Downey closed the meeting with I prayer. 10.00 A.M. 11.00 AM. 10.00 am. 11.00 mm. 7.30 p.m. Soul-I M. a! " M1 “to. - Not tl.00 a.m.-rMotttr" and Sermon "SO 'liili".'a SO MUCH" or "30 PIECE} or SILVER BELONG TO EVERY- ONe-tho mu pietute of then the wealth. . Junior Dow. " the Sunday Moo! - Notary 'Illl (nun will be Diwlw It I. “who. 4.00 p.m.-KO" “mm 7.00 p.m.-Everuonit and Sormon "AM WE USING All or THE MODERN INVENTIONS TO THE BEST ADVANTAGE IN THE CHURCH NOWt" 18.00 cum-HOLY COMMUNION V . 0 p.m.--The Annual Men's Sorvlco: Sermon-.. "THERE Is NO FOOL LIKE AN out FOOL" Tucsduy,April In. 10.00 a.m.--Hthy COMMUNION 4.00 p.m.-9rrortEN's, LENTEN MI§sION 8.00 'p.m..-rh. Annual Women’s Sorvlco, Sermon: "THE SUN SPOT 1HEORY AND THE FEMALE†, Wednesday, April 2nd. 7.00 a.m.-HOty COMMUNION (Iroakfust) 10.00 tsis-Mow COMMUNION 8.00 p.m.-tENTEN VESPERS 'ht'rsdery, April 3rd. (Maunday Thursday) 7.00 a.m.-HOLY COMMUNION (Young Pooplo’: Breakfast) 10.00 o.m.--Hthy COMMUNION 8.00 p.m.-PMPARATO" SERVICE FOR EASTER COMMUNION - The Stripping of tho Altar. 11.00 a.m.-HOLY COMMUNION (Reception of new members) Subiect--"Thet bong Procession" 10.00 a.m.--Tri-C Class for Teen-agar: 11.00 a.m.--Classes for all ages including Crib Corner for Infants . 8.00 tt.m.-HOLY COMMUNION 9.30 a.m.-FAAMLY SEtMCE-SENKNt SUNDAY SCHOOL 11.00 a.m.--MtNtNlNG SEttViCE--JuNlOtt SUNDAY SCHOOL 7.00 p.m.-EVENSONG 10.00 o.m.-Holy Communion 8.00 p.m.-tord's SUEper moo a.m.-Mhy COMMUNDON 7.30 a.m.-FAhhtW “IVE! and 5!le 10.00 a.m.--Holy Communion 8.00 p,m.-tord's Supper 7.00 a.m. 10.00 mm. 8.00 pm RICTOI: REV. F. W. FRY 9.45 tr.m.-s1JNOAY SCHOOL - , your: and up 915 a.m.--PAttetNtmt" NIL! CLAS' 11.00 q.m.-Mthy COMMUNION 11.00 mum-SUNDAY $01001. - " you" 7.00 p.m.-"Y. JAMES S. MACKENIII (ANGLICAN) BEVERLEY HILLS, 2259 JANE STREET PALM sum)" - MARCH 30th. th00 a.m.-HO1Y COMMUNON 9.30 a.m.--CHitOREt" SERVICE and SUNDAY SCHOOL 11.00 trm.-HOty EUCHARIST 7.00 p.m.--EVENsoNG 12.00 a.m.-3.00 p.m.--3 Hour' Devotion Rev. S. J. ARMSTRONG Westminster United Church 7.00 p.m.-CANTATA " CHOIR “The Seven Last Words" (DuBois) Church th St. David (Anglican) 9.30 a.m.--Hthy COMMUNION 8.00 p.m.-UTANY and ADDRESS 000D FRIDAY 9.30 a.m.-CHlUMtEN (Film) 2.00-3.00 p.m.--"THE LAST HOUR" “51' BAY 8.00 a.m.-HOry COMMUNION 9.30 and 11.00 a.m.-MAY EUCHAIIST NUI$EIV PROVIDED 8.00 p.m.--tord's Supper 7.00 p.m.--tVENS0NG CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH CHURGH OF " STEPHEN l John’s Anglican “In. SUNDAY, MARCH 30, I.“ the Sunday â€on Inâ€! PALM SUNDAY lawman Avo., Now Jeni REV. H. W. SUIDIVAll, KA., LN., Ruhr SUNDAY, MARCH 30, 1958 PALM SUNDAY King and Main 5mm Minister: luv. R. E. Spam", M.A., Bo. SUNDAY, MARCH 30, 1958 PALM SUNDAY SERVICES DURING HOLY WEEK WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2nd. r-Holy Communion r--Holy Communion .-tard's Supper SUNDAY, MARCH 30, "" In. um I. Mai-Ito, '6.A., l... TEE 15. FM lowly M " MIAMI IV. GOOD FRIDAY, APRIL 4th. HOLY WEEK SERVICES HOLY WEEK SERVICES MONDAY, MARCH 31". Monday, March 'tet. THURSDAY, APR". 3rd (MAUNDAY THURSDAY) TUESDAY, APRIL Tst. SUNDAY SCHOOLS WEDNESDAY CH. 1-514] In. M M BA., Mt. - Plum can" +or" oMNI woman» m.......................-.-...-.".'-"""" no a. sunny 9cm ...............r................'m."""""'. was a. iiiEiiinm' GOSPEL cuuncu 10.00 a.m.piijbidE, THE LORD IS KING" mum-n “an“! In!" Cum Colowod by Con-MM _ I SUNDAY SCHOOLS 10.00 a.m.-Nurs.ry, Kindorganon and loginmrl 11.30 a.m.-Prlmary, lmormodiuh and Senior: 1.30 p.m.--hmlo" 8.30 a.rn.--CFttB Broadcast "The Back to God Hour" 10.00 a.m.--Holland Servicg--Postor Officiating ll 15 a.m.-Sunday School 5.00 p.m.-English Service-pastor Officaring Tt.0tnr.m.-hurnltm Worthip Kludouumn, Primary School "0p.m.9"CtAk lVlNlNO CHOIR SIIVICI (Anglican) St. Phillips Rd. (off Melton Rd.) Radon lav. Howard K. Manon, KA., LTh., 31 St SUNDAY, MARCH 30, 1953 THE SIXTH SUNDAY IN LENT 10.00 mun-lax NH. Clan, Junlor, and Invarmodiclo Sunday School. PALM SUNDAY 8.00 a.m.-HOLY COMMUNION - CORPORATE COM- MUNION AND BREAKFAST FOR THE BIBLE CLASS AND FIRE SIDE GROUP. 11.00 a.m.-M0RNING PRAYER -- SERMON - "How Can I Kngw The Guidance of God." 7.00 p.m.-EVENING PRAYER -_. Dialogue Sermon - "WHAT IS,THE CHURCH DOING ABOUT CHRISTIAN EDUCATION." VIC MUNNINGS and ROD MENS. 'iftti'riilTititEr PARK IIIITED I97 Downsviow Ave, 10.00 tr.m.-Bl"E SCHOOL - Clam: for all ".00 t,.m.-MOltNlt4G WORSHIP - Room for all "THE DEPENDABLE CHRIST" T.00p.m.--EVENlNG SERVICE - Ncod of all "THE CHURCH OF "anus" In. 2;b7 7.00 r.m.-s.iom Worship Sunday, March 30, 1958 DOWISVIEW BAPTIST CHURCH 11.00 a.m,-MOttNING SERVICE- "THE BEGUESTS OF CHRIST" MONDAY, MARCH 31". 10.00 tot.-Hthr COMMUNION I0.†o.m.-NO" COMMUNION I.†p.m.-rttt lITANY AW SERMON PM" - Mr. t. J. lion P.ttt..m.-tdhr comumon no p.m.-CWUttCH "A! “NICE 3.00 p.m.-Sonday School 7.00 p,m.-BAPTlSMAt SERVICE 'vou WILL "no A WARM wucoul m Tm; FAMILY cnuIcn Mtt..m,-ttet" COHMUNION l.†p.rrt.--t" llYANV AND MIMON hm - Mr. P, l Adams 0000 FRIDAY, APRIL Ath. 9.30.... and "no ..m.-uonmno nun ' mum: '""""r me “no: I Cu. St. cl Chunk, can" t.tgrt uv. It. J. 30005, M. 1hi's'f,",U, " em. so. - CH. 1.95" __c:ff'__ Me. and MRS. 8.30 a.m.--Holy Communion 9.30 mm. Ind 1r00_tr.m:-Mornirtq Prayer and Sermon pr.ach.r-The Radar 3.30 p.rm-Holy Baptism 7.00 p.m.--Ev.nmg Prayer and Sermon Conducted by members of he Advisory Council WESTON BAPTIST CHURCH Weston Presbyterian church Kev. Henry A. Volume, BA., Th.M. - CH. 4-0985 Now 'ocation-110 Albion loud a... mu. thmrla Iittttrdt V max mum. mm 'ttMMrr SEOOIO Ol-IBISTIAN BEFOBMEO OHIJIIOH OF TORONTO luv. Rel». E Frulcnd. B.A., ID. Ch.k “do! - Mn. It. Swan Organist - Mr. Cali-In Gum s?) PHILIP’S ttht the Hill) tAssociated Gospel Churches of Canada) " [awake Ave. at layman Dr. "sur-aw. DONALD G. HAMILTON, Bah. MISSIONARY CONFERENCE SUNDAY, MARCH M, 1958 church of M. Paul The Aposllo '43de Church Sank. - Noland-y - I.“ pm. IANMICAN) mam-n Ave. North cl Rudd. I!vd. Ruhr-REV. HERBERT H. [ENNOX . PALM SUNDAY, MARCH 30th. W" AND WVâ€! “I. “V. lull N. noun IA. CH. um CONCLUDING SUNDAY or CONFERENCE s. JOHN HARDER~M|$SIONARIEÂ¥EECT TO PATAGONIA 9:50 mm. - Ih00 mm. - 7:00 pm. EVERYONE WELCOME FOR TRANSPORTATION PHONE CH. 4-0923 SUNDAY, MARCH 30, 1958 SUNDAY, MARCH 30, 1958 MUNDY THURSDAY, "" 3rd lav. R. W. [adding - Pastor MRVONI I! MO“ WICOMI hood." -- Mm Twin hm In“. "THE LAST SUPPER" WIDNISDAY, APR". 2nd TUESDAY, ARI". Ut. W5†ttka aim LTh., 31 St. Phillips " Mt 10.35 mm. CH. 1.1631 ©