_ In. h. cum -e--- -"--- . -s-- _--- , Btmue Ratepayers Association hold I general ranting April 4th. Meeting wu opened by grown". Mr. Manuel. Th. question ot dun Wu brought up. The township said they had put calcium down and Elmlga ,itirfhintlser Heights Will bo observed i nth. Township it Vaughan from 12.01 am. Sunday, April 27, 1958, to 12.01 am. Sunday, October 26, 1958. OUR C'TIZENS WILL PLEASE TAKE NOTICE GOD SAVE THE QUEEN Maple, April 21, 1958 " PREPARED! Fast freon those summet perixhablu in your awn Home Freezer. Complete stock available for 8-12- 15-20 cu. ft. models. Phone AT. 8-0712 Days "--AT. 8-0850 Eves. Take NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Vaughan intends to m? up and dispose of those parts of the mad allowance: in the omultip of Vaughan described In fnllows: . In the Township of Vaughan, in the County of York, be- mg part of (I) lot 25 concession tr, and (h! the road allnwnnce between lots M and M. concession 9. and hrmg part of that portion of I highway mom particularly dscribed as follows: Premium: that Ell bearmg herein are Astronomic and m n- terred to the meridian through the south-watt corner of lot M, concession IO, Cmmnv-nring M n point in the northerly limit of the road Illownnro thPon lots 25 and " distant 247.15 feet mounted north 72" M' ettgt mm: the northerly limit from the mm- wut mrnor of lot M, concession I, thence north 72" 44' east along the northerly limit of the “id road allow-nee 213113 feet; {ht-nor "tuth Tir" LT M" can 8M.89 feet; thence met. 21' " to" win 07.12 Net; then" north Tf?" 2.8' 80" wert 149.63 Net; than" north 79" 13' M" west 149.68 feet; Manual thence westerly 734.14 feet on I curve left of 149.40 feet thence westerly 734.14 feet on I curve left of 1492.40 feet rndlul. the chord equivalent being 726.76 feet mum-ed north B2' 16' 32" west to the point of Mt. A By-Law for the geld purpose will be considered by the Counril nf the Corporation of the Township of Vaughan n in meeting It 10.00 o'clock AM. on the 12th day of my held in the Council Chamber, " Me le, ontario. " which time the Council will he" in pernn or g, Counsel, Solicitor or A ent, any person who claim: that hll lends will»?! 'ilrri'udrr't'r' Mrected hy the By-taw And who applies to he: A copy of the proposed By-Lew and plen of roads Med - . .L, "1.4. .5 An- II-_.LI- .0 L4. 1....- For the pulpou of (a) receiving and unsiduing tfte Annual Input I. the Iourd of Gav-"Ion and tho Fin-MICI Star-mow." (b) 'he CW trf the Ioard of Cavemen,- (e) Oh. appointmonf of Auditors; (d) eonflrming “twin amendments to the Dy-lawx; and (a) trttrtsrtetirtg weh other bouillon on may properly com. bolero the manna. All members and friends of tb. A"oeiotion on invind in an“. Mombnn of the Aoociotion on advind rho, nominqtirtns for chain '0 th. incoming hard of Cavemen will be pnunhd by a Nomlnating Commit“. appointed in attordunu wlvh tho Iy-Lawl of this Assrseiotion. Addi'lonul nomination: may be' made by mambo" of this A"oeiation. Such nomination: my" be received by tho Maury no. In?" wan 12.00 l’clodx noon April 30th, "" and mot be sitp"d by (in (S) number: of Oh. Asserriatittn. Member; of tho Association quolified to sign nomination: and h we“ include than who, or any time, hare 'f,",,",,"' Sl00.00 or no. to th. fund, of Oh. Allociavion life Mombon); tttos who Mav- pald Oh. $5.00 annual mombenhip in in the Curran! calondar yoar (Ammo! Mom- bon); npruoavmivn of orgarhatittrts or corporotu"" Moo he" donahd $25.00 or more ht Oh. funds of tho Association during OM Current colonic: yum (Corporation Mombon). Thu Nolin u elation. pnoc'uMA'noN DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME ! COUNTER BALANCE DOOR FAST FREEZE COMPARTMENTS . LOCKING DOOR LATCH WITH KEYS WELDED STEEL CABINET O FIBRE GLASS INSULATION TECUMSEH SEALED COMPRESSOR STORAGE BASKET AND DIVIDERS AUTOMATIC INTERIOR LIGHT . 5 YEAR WARRANTY CHECK OUR "BELOW NORMAL" PRICES Th. Annual Meeting of the Quoomwuy General Noupi'a‘ Auociu'ion win In held in the tir. Auditorium thence south 7" LT thence mum 21' " then" north 79" M' chum north 79" " DATED thin In day af APRIL ma. the' "w, u - v "im-Nt -. -__ _ ___-__ ,,,,,, - " on}. oc'ihe'vcmk of the Township " his one“. Ontario, Ind my be seen try any person Intended. TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN Ouumwuy General Hospital Amciavion NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING Wch, Apr" Mt, "SI, .1 I.†put. IOVAl YORK COUEOIATI IN9rur' loyal York It, ("bk-h publUGd in “Gordan“ with the Iy-laws of the Au.- RALPH S. MeCMATH, Suntury, Suite MM, 66 King Shoot, West, Toronto, Ontario. wttuidtsittumt.dgwttarsanttt. not! in out at an ground. Mn Manual and that a path wound beput in.tttte.ndtttB.eoetd Ave. to the huh-ll. Mr. Ill-u! Introduced Mr. xx. IcDONALD - CI" " I-IZII JOHN PERRY, Run. 3ttet.Ct1eetPEtPf Map-kahuna“ 'tWeMr.B-xrh.xrn.-.t6. b mull. Me. My. III thagh.rm.-t066tree. nah- !â€th h It.“ Th-e-ry-tents: Aha the swim pron-m oper- ated try the Home and School: in Etobicoke. The children In taken by bug to the pool in Eto- bicoke. .Laat year there won 11900 taking the course and un- lother 500 turned lwly been» 'the ficilitles were not available. ‘Mr. Thompson said there wu I (great need for I pool in the north part of the township. “notion wu to cumin I group to (at mph Anton-cud so .hey could take our leader. ship. In 1054 there won him playgrounds. there will be thir- ty-two this year. He aid that " park ares. becomes available, new parks or when†would be_ put m. I General business of the meet- iing was Iguin ducussed. Mr. iKinnon said there were now 20 paid up members. Mr. Paddle brought up the subject of the speeding on Elmhurst Dr. Some- jhihg should be done; no heed is given to 30 mile weed limit signs. The pavement is to be laid on Elmhurst in the very inn: future, also sidewalks on the north ride. Mr. Thompson nld that lum- met day amps would be in full tom unit: this year. For cm are: it will be Kipling Mrigtsu playground, "" blt. They Vin be picked up by bus and n- turaed home in the Itumoom. The ,unlor bowling which “I" held Seturdny mornings In tttel Bath]. howling lane. b u m- eets. Arts and trans. the skul- ing rinks, chiming, work with the senior when. are some of the other woken of tho Mo- ation Dept. Mr. Than-peo- In: thanked by Mr, Mun]. Birthday greetings to Marion Haines, Pine Grove (formerly of Elmlea) fur April 23rd. also to David Williams, Albion Rd. for April 24th. Jim Hillard, Elmhurst Dr. has a birthday this month (not sure of the date). iate). I To such in the Kingdom prom- The Good Neighbours Clubjsed. It can be yours. Ail you held meld weekly Euchre at the;hnve to do is see your poverty home of Mn. Nash, to Brut-rel! before God, recognize that you Ave.. on Thursday, April lith‘cnnnm save yourself and accept Winners were Mn. "net Amesithe gift of the Son. This was the 81, Mm. Kay Kullch 76. iriipiiii"Tie given by Mr. Bruce Kay Seeley " low score wes.Moorehouse at the Sunday Mrs. Edna Hutchinson (2. mimornin‘ Jervice. AND SONS mum) * WASHED SAND AND GRAVIL * BUILDERS' SUPPLIES * READY MIXED mam * LOAM AND TOPSOI m Iocmod " andâ€, Om. my...» mu Will be obmvod in WM from 12.01 can. Sunday, April 27, 1958, to 11.01 a.m., Sunday Sunday, Oddâ€! 26, "" OUR CITIZENS mu nus TM! NOTIC! GOD SAVE THE QUEEN dl on the Irth day of mmâ€, nu, ma.) M . ï¬rm a April Meh, "" In any ly-hw of "a Munidpalify In wind- ttm. k nominal. " sin", during "a .Frsr-t.ntunod â€rind, when DlyI'M “Vin. “no. A Lt pawn- - "MW "goon-I- J. who go“. hand uni to gov-m â€amnion oeeordVWr. band th Woodbridgo, April 2t. "" VILLAGE or moo-um: PROCLAMA'I'ION DAYLIGIIT SAVING TIME TELEPHONE Anus 8-l IM lhcll com int. clad III "a town of Wm.- -r-rdetg a. 2..00 (dock TAKI NOTICE Mg! Iy-lcw Numb-v no: "e" by th. Muddy-l (un- Sunday, October 26th, 1958 DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME Sunday, April 27th, 1958 FINLAMATION and continuum MOI 2dt0 o'clock I... on GOD SAVE THE QUEEN! TOWN Dr WESTON LOCKYER HARRY It. . _ noun-“up"! m B-tist Chunk won out on kWonnpdnulu 09m. Now the Church look: my nice shining with; with gnu trim. [1:10 who. D It. Inglo- mrhmwdmc woml‘M-nyopoulu you-uh than“. “God." (Ia-h I30.) 05m Lake uhmmmmud 'tmggthrag tmt to “it: the win In - In My. . u Inch Ar Lord ministered. He spent hi. “to among the pub- “can: and mm. Me â€soci- ated with leper: on! those pos- sessed by demons. He healed many. But in it only to these poor that the promise ot the Kingdom is given? Surely there is nothing blessed in poverty of Line". And if it were only to these that the promise was made, would not our Lord have limited the window to one social clm‘ - Macaw gives II the an- lwer in the phrase “In spirit.†on - to than who we a My "hull show of their rough- I†hwudly an (In of “am nd -." They their hymn! need’ and east' - themselves upon the mercy oi mo m u God. The! In the beam be- fore God. “We are ail henna"l wrote the lying Luther. This} At Downsview Baptist church trm " -erty cm " Will' special music was supplied in burl-ll. Ill Ill“ the require-, the morning by Mr. Merenick - 10? DINING! "irftunl n- and by the Long Branch Baptist tier than mnterUt. lQuartette. There will be a Bap. To such in the Kingdom prom. tismal service at the evening ised. It can be yours. Ail you service next Sunday April 20th have to do is see your poverty-nd Sun. April 27th will be mir before God, recognize that you sionary Sunday when the guest eannot save yourself and Iccept speaker for the day will be Rev. the gift of the Son. This was the,' Bert Baskin who has been an. ‘melsaae given by Mr. Bruce) ing the Lord in Africa. mammal“ TIM Iodine! "rutslr rue: No. , Highway “RETURN " TIIIIE I" MUS!†magnum TUESDAY "" " "MM I pan. U. CLARK, _ Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Bob Godfrey of Ridge Rd. [on the recent birth of their baby ,daughter. Wendy Jane. This lit- itie lady was born on April 12th ion her Uncle Barry Thornley's 'birthday, and also on her great- l’ grandfather Godlrey's birthday. The Young People of Down:- view Baptist were to take charge of the young peoples' meeting at Christie St. Baptigt church. The Pioneer girls under the leadership of Sally Burgess went on a pleasant hike this past Sat. An. executive meeting of the Highview Cub and Scout Moth- ers' Aux. was held at the home of Mrs. J. A. Robinson at 43 Downsview Ave. on Wed. April 16th. Mrs. Moore, Pres. and her executive devoted the evening to discussion of the i1nal plans for the annual banquet which is drawing near - Fri. April 25th to be exact. “MT. DENNIS Many happy returns to the following who had recent birth- days: Bob Bigris who celebrated his 16th birthday with 12 guests at his party: Alan Maguire who will be celebrating his birthday on Sat. with a party: and Kenny Mariam who WI: 4 years old this past week. We're glad to report that Don- ald Miller returned from hospi- tal Easter week and it reported to be recuperating nicely. Rev. G. Legge was in charge of the servmes this put sunday It Elventon Park United Church. Anniversary services will be held on Sunday April 27th when the Ilillgo Bond and Maple lad â€it†Lap-COHEN mvnn.mum I I ‘I I I . 1 - _ ‘mm &rH.,AerRMlM " no» l mum Hm, “City! W mm ' arm. "u"PE t""" nu ma - 'uovxvusns" 'TEMP I -a)'i1'i'i1li'sc, was." Aho t "t. I M" MI I. I " ' u g a "ms aways "IA!!! V JAIN“! mu warren" a M. " n a... a... L W a M I has.“ Ill. 6-2401 : um comma A†m I can "ur - ,l"a';lip" P'rf.1'lr on , p.m. r',' m 2m- , -__-, a-'?!.-?-'?---'??',?','. . u e . UIClCI2imi2 TIEITII - "mun-u. nonma- amt-unmann- -_ I The WA. of Evasion held 'thelr regular meeting on Tues, April Mth and they had as their (east speaker Mrs. MERTENS of ;Cemr:l United Church Ind she ispok..e on WA. work. On Wed. April 16th 4 members of Elver- ston W.A. were (uesLs " a Daf- [rodu Tea held by Chalmers United Church where the guest speaker was Controller Jean Newman. guest speaker will be Rev. Paul Morris of Trethewey Park United Church. The first hike of the season for the 160th group of (Maple Leaf) Brownies was held on Wed. April 9th. The girls. about 25 of them, were under the lead- ership of Mrs. Pittis and they thoroughly enjoyed the hike which went along North Park and the reservoir. KARI. MALDIN l. SYNC“ JACK PAlANCI I. PAIKII '-.Fd.,Aertt"dttt RUN OF THE ARROW HOUSE OF NUMBERS (AMT) with “ARA. N RENO†FRIDAY - SATURDAY Vrmum ‘ dwm.0m. MON., TUES., WED. " Gm.- It." um - B. "was APRIL " - " - " Mi. 1-1021 BOMBER Bal All comm WOW In Chm-p. SEVENTH SIN APRIL A Cause with with the " 26 I. tANGe MONTIEL otqTtM-tttlrte m.~aumo- THOUGHT Port TODAY. “Th -M., otnsmseroq.dtoHr.-rrgetduSBedqrtt.e thehe-dw-rg-Ati-ti-tur-ts.' TRAY Tm†“was; “n: be In In lt,i"l,Gs%"lCtue7CtaiiluA'iu'Ts'it. four'tiluo th. pgpuladoqd Quad}. UR COUNTRY. Clad. ‘- the lug.“ my h 1A_temHesrsupher.,tmtwhirts utusoeoodiargeitrl fu, bid: it hrg¢_th_u angina!“ United Sam I! THOUGHT FOR TODAY. The driver who be. temper comoq do“ to Iotine gm life. if we knew whether this other diet they're talking about jun a “In pitch." 7 7 ' CROSSING THE CAMPUS. "He told me I WI f1ounderine in I alumni" of idenrtamt" CARY GRANT JAYNE MANSFIELD PLUS nun 'lil.ii,i,, BUBINESSHIN‘S LUNCHEON. "It would sun JOEL IcGBEA RED Wan. “II "TALL "RAMOS!" â€HALF A HERO“ SAT; ONLY "RADAR MIN FROM THE MOON" Sill“. nus (Add I...) TIP ON A DEAD JOCK“ all color show To Launch 0 Bomb that could Danny the Worldl MOVIE TIME SUZY PARKER _ sic, (XCH’INO mm NIT new snowma Tu. snunnnv Two rum mom sum“: “THE of? 'irr'iti' 'iiriiiiw our an. 1" VA“ mm mum Two rum mom sum“: "ThE ii'i'ii'iiiii"i'ii iiiiihiF PLENTY or FIE PNtttmG--sMottltlt' [DOES VISIT OUR "CttEAMy FREEZE" NOW OPEN All CGOI snow “SATELLITE II THE SKY" sum 10-day at TI. FOX AMI Ace “TIE "ithiitt'"iiiriii'v, TODAY 'TILL SATURDAY (Wk-M0 STARTS MONDAY! “THE LINEUP" -Akso- Phone CH. 1-7661 CINIMASOOPE WOODORIDGE COLOR try “LUKE WNW MAN