Times & Guide (1909), 24 Apr 1958, p. 7

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THIRD SUNDAY AFTER EASTER . 8.00 a.m.-Holy Communion _ V 9.30 ts.m.-Family Communion and Sermon Senior Dopurvmonl Sunday School - Nursery t 11.00 o.m.-Manim and Sermon - "A Human Sacrifice" . Junior Department Sunday School - Nunory 3.00 p.m.-Holy 'aptism 7.00 p.m.--Ever"ontt and Sormon mm: SUNDAY AMI “STIR too a.m.~HOlY COMMUNION 9.30 's.m.-FAthlbY SERVICE SENIOR SUNDAY SCHOOL . 11.00 a.rrc-MottNiNG PRAYER JUNIOR SUNDAY SCHOOl Chink at St. Paul The Apostlo DOWNSVIEW BAPTIST CHURCH WESTMOIJNT GOSPEL CHURCH ST. PHILIP'S (on 'the hlll) (II-sum) _. " Phillips u. (in Mahon as.) Ruhr: luv Howard K. MIMI], I.A.. LTh., I] St. Phillips " 11.00 a.m.-hMNtNiNG SIIVICI "THE POWER OF FAWN AND tttVP' 3.00 p.m.-Sunday School . "7 Downsvhw Ave, "W a.m.~HOlY COMMUNION, COR'OIAYI COMMUNION AND BMAitFA8t ' For Junior Ilhh Chan and Firotd. Group HM ..m,-tttE SACRAMENY 0 I HOLY IAPTIIM AND '" IAMILY SERVICI 'reodt.r-tM. I. (AIM. roo p.rrc-EVENING 'IAVII Young hopin’; Souls. 'r_--tM. I. cuon ut.00trtrt.-lbl0E SCHOOL -. Clauu Go: all ".00 a.nc-Mo04ING WORSHIP - “In kl all REV. I!" IASKIN OF AFRICA F.00p.m.-tvENlr40 SERVICE - Need of " "THE CHURCH AND STAY!" _ Westminster United Church Mlin SIM North I. Fern Anna. "Cr0tt-Mf. K. a. KIDDIll, B.A., LTIL As+tqms-ltrtf. N. E "SHOP, IA. ".00 tr,rtt, T.00 pan. 9.45 a.m.-WNDAY SCHOOL-9 your: and up 9.45 a.m.-PATHFNDER's BIBLE CLASS 11.00 o.m.--"SAFETY FIRST" 11.00 a.m.-UJNDAY SCHOOL - 1-9 years luv. Henry A. Vononw, B.A., TILM. - CH. to'" Now “canon-HO Albion tttmd SUNDAY, APRIL 27, "" 3.30 a.m.-CFR8 Broadcon ”The Back is God Hour“ 10.00 a.m.--English "rvic.--Ptrgtor Officiating 11.15 a.m.-Sundoy School . 3.00 p.m.-Holiand Service - Rev. J. Harmolon m Mam I.“ Md. 'teq-ttW, I?! a. “ox in» mu ttlt an. 3.30 a,m.-Mhr COMM ION 9.10 am. and It.00 cam-MORNING "AY" AND “MN new - an we: 3.30 p.m.--Hthr “'TM' 7.00 p.m.--EVENINtt PM!!! and SIMON mam - unit was "I.“ _ SUNDAY SCHOOL 10.00 a.m.-Tri-C Clan for Tan..." TI.00 a.m.-Clouu hr all 0.. .mm Including Crib Corner. 11.00 trm.-"th. Amunivonon d Jun" Mlnimr Punching 7.00 trm.--Everting Worship in chapel - Mr. J. Duffy Pro-chin. 7.00 p.m.-evtNING WtNtsttip-"GtXt PORNO!" 1:90 can you WILL ”I. A WARM “IL.“ IN "1|. FWLV CHURCH Church th St. David (Anglican) 7.00 p.rm-aveNs_ONG WESTON BAPTIST OIIIIROII EVERYONE WELCOME - Vol TIANSPOITATION PHONE CH. 4-0913 CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH St. John’s Anglican Church SEOOIO OHBISTIAI BEFORIIEO OllllROIl OF TORONTO SUNDAY, APRIL 21, 1053‘ SUNDAY,‘ APRIL 21. I." SUNDAY, APRIL 27, 1958 _-THE IIIlE SCHOOL _ CLACSIS IO! [VIIYONI -MOINING WORSHIP SIIVICI .-IVENINO WOISHlP SIIVICE THE YOUNG PEOPLE IN CHARGE (Associated Gospel Churches of Canada) 30 Brownlu Ave. at laymen ltr. "rtstor--ttEV. DONAlD G. HAMILTON. lTh SUNDAY, APRIL 27, 1958 SUNDAY, APRIL 27, 1958 SUNDAY, APRIL ar, 1958 SUNDAY, APRIL 21, 1958 lam-nu Av... Nut JIM REV. H. w. SUIDIVAll, I.A., L.th., Ion» King and Mom In... Mimi-n In. I. I. ”that, M.A., " SUNDAY, APRIL 17, "" Mldwool Church Soul“ - 'Ndresdrrr - "' In. THE THIRD SUNDAY AFTER EAST“ an. an. I. mam. EA., u. "Breakin'g Tho Spiritual Barrior‘ Rov. hum s. Huh-uh, MA" I..., Ttot. Th. hlondly Family Church " WILIAM il. itev. R. w. "ddlrtg-- taunt lode: ot Both Service: ~I-m0uu CM. LION CH. 4-5443 A Jspsnese theme dominated the "Open House" held by the St. Philip's Woman’s Auxilialv on Monday, April 14th, in tin Parish Hall. Following the de- votional period conducted by the President, Mrs. C. D. Conway, a play called "Miss Mitsuko colo- brstes the Feast ot Dolls at Christmas" was acted by Misses Jacqueline Colbrook, Bobby Lm.- caster, Amber O'Dell, Marilyn Styles, Gail Murdock, Jane Arnold, Sharon Higgs ' Nancy Conway and Diane Johns, und: r the capable direction of Mrs. L. H. Cooper. From the polished performance it was obvious that both the girls and their Director had worked extremely hard and the result was most eitective. The stage was then taken by Mrs. P. Hayashi who, with the assist- ance of Mrs. Hiraishi, told of both the work and play ot Ja- panese phlldren. Following a to- cital on the Japanese harp by Miss Hirsishi. Mrs. Hayashi did some paintings in the Japanese style and from each picture indi- cated some Christian symbolism he unity of all non in their Chriltien belie! Wu reiterated with the singing oi the hymn “In Christ there in no Rut or West, In Him no South or North." Rev. Howard K. Mai- “ then closed this part of the evening with a prayer. Japanese Life Was Theme? At Auxiliary Open House i; Cream shortening; gradually blend in auger. Add eggs, part " a time, beating in well after each addition. Combine milk and vanilla. Add sifted dry ingredi- ents to creamed mixture, Alter. l unpo- null- Grease In 8-inch aquare cake pin and line in the bottom with greased wand paper. Preheat oven to MO' r. (moderate). Sift the Ill-puma“ or paltry noun baking powder, salt, cinnamori, ginger, nutmeg and cloves to- getter three times. Four Spices Add Variety To Colderi Crown Cake SPICE CAKE Yield - one 8-inch square cake. 1% cup- once-smed all-prupose flour or 2 cups once sifted pastry tiqur ' teaspoon: baking powder 1 teaspoon ground clnnnmon " teaspoon ("and ginger 14 tuspoon [and nutmeg n unpoon ground cloves, K cup lion-lint 1 cup In. (Haul-ted sugar I well-beaten out K cup milk Fates-1mm: W h f I e havin-g icireshments, W. P. GRAHAM t Sons tNtNNMOUMb..- STORE-- 919 SCAR!" ID. " MAIN NORTH cu. 1-9103 cu. 1-1231 CH. 1-3411 Ill Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere moo o.m.-Pqre I“ o." tt.0tt ..m.-t6orroq - " a. I. - CM. 'm" Sunday, Apr" "th, "" m p.m,-Nrr unit. to... “a tum-W and Mum Mud-y “to! Hutu Prulyteriu omen ”main-own! O Gn- I. a. Chm, ("my 1457! Yield - Sufficient frosting to cover to and sides of an 8-inch square cake. 1 on white 1 cup lightly-picked brown - 1/4 cup cold water M. lea-pool: Vlmlll . Combine egg white. brown sugar and water. thoroughly in top of double boiler. Place over boiling water and beat constant- ly with I hand rotary beater or electric mixer " high speed, until frosting will stand in def- inite peaks - about 7 minutes. Remove from heat and but in vanilla; continue to beat until frosting is of spreading consist- oncy. which were served in the base- ) ment, the guests were able to mspeet the"elothes and toys made for mission Itntiom by tne " ladies of the Womln‘s Auxillarv, at St. Philip's during the past. year and also to set manv curios sent by missionaries from all parts of the wtwitt. V ; From the evening it wu clear that the true function ot the Woman's Auxiliary wax bcing fulfilled: toy in it, the woman who seeks to be a worshipping, working, witnessing Anglican, finds means of exercising thi, calling. On Thursday, April l7th. the Woman's Church Year held their. rogular monthly meeting. As it is I new organization at St. Phllip's this opportunity was token for each member to intro-i duce herself and her part in thu, part in the Church Year. The ladies who are "Months" gavel a brief resume of the project“ that their groups were under- taking and in this way ideas' were interchanged. These pray ecu range from assistance in the, Sunday School and Choir to, work tar Hulmewood and Ingles, HousesIThc mm "The Queen's' Tour of the Commonwealth") was then shown and proved tel be most interesting. l The meeting cloéed with pray- er and refreshments were served by the "Month" of May. nately with flavored milk. Turn batter into prepared pan and spread evenly. Bake in preheated oven about 50 minutes. Stand cake in pan on cake rack for 10 minutes, then turn out on rack, peel off paper and allow cake to cool completely. Frost with the following Gol. den Frosting. GOLDEN FROSTING Photo " Mm“ Studio. A Wulmlmm vmldtrto, united Lynn. Oren Williams. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norbert s. William: of. Chunk St. Weston lo Donald 66mg. Trlmblo the son of Mr. and Mrs. Goorgu Trimblo also of Weston. After a short woddlng trip to tho Sta!» the couple will be sollllng In Weston. The next regular meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. R. Clark, on May em. The topic will be Christian Fellowship. Also, the members are asked to bring plants and bulbs to ho told among themselves for the benefit of the association. An interesting roll (LII mi; hlisRoyrP!ertting arrivedsale- in the form of is conusi, where [y home by plane on Wednesday memhcrs wore something to rri- evening. April ltr, after spending present a song. The motto “Don't a vacation with relatives in Cats wall: this year in last year's rut" man, Manitoba. was given by Mrs. Carman Liv- . ' . ingston. Mrs Joseph Parr, th; Though few horses are seen Honorary President then con- on the modem farm, an interest ducted the election of officers: for these once important beasts resulting as follows; Hon, Pre- of burden, still lingers in the sident, Mrs. W. Hunter; Press minds of many local farmer-a dent, Mrs. Lawrence Fines;'0n Wednesday, Jim Brownlee, Secretary-Treasurer. Mrs, Lorno , George Brownlee, Aubrey Robin- Maw; lst Vice-president. Mrs. J.'ison, and Howard Carberry at. J. Julian; 2nd Niee-prtsjdent/tended I large horse sale in the Mrs. Lawrie Kersey: District‘Lindsay district. Director. Mrs. W. Hunter; Dime-i . . . tors, Mrs. J, Parr, Mrs. H. Heb! Mr. and Mrs. Norman Rown- Cher. Mrs. W. Kersey and Mrritree visited thelatter's father, Mr. L. Westlake; Convener oi Agri-lGeorge Rowntree, on Saturday, culture, Mrs. A. Fieldhouse/April 12, and took him a special Convener " Education, Mrs. Hibirihday cake to help him cele- Marshall; Convener of Home, brute his birthday, which fell on Economics. Mrs. L. Westlake;,that day. Mr. Rowntree, who is Convener of Historical Reaeareh,'contined to a wheel chair. in at Mrs. N. Black and Mrs. W. present in a nursing home in Brooks. Convener of Juniort,Brampton. Activities, Mrs. L. Kersey and; t . . Mrs. C. Fines; Pianists. Mrs. sy Master Lorne Peters, youngest Shaw and Mrs. Fieldhouse; Fier- son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarke al Committee, Mrs. C. Fines and Peters, spent I few days of his Mrs. A. Wiley. ' luster vacation visiting his cous~ . p, . {in Miss Ruth Verner of Macville. Central United Church WA. Ruth ig the daughter of Mr, and The April meeting of CentraliMn. Leonard Verner. Central United Church WA. The April meeting of Central Women's Association was a spe- cial work meeting held in the Sunday School room. One group was busy quilting a pansy pat- tern quilt while another washed the WA. dishes and returned them to the new cupboards and shelves. A new counter top in the kitchen put also gives a lot more working nurture. As well as an improved appearance. it gives the members a reeling of pride, All work was done by the local carpenter, Mr. Bruce Clam. Following a brief business period in which all reports were given, a delicious lunch was served by the committee in charge. The following day sever-1 ladies returned to the church to Rnigh up the quilting and to give the church I general spring cleaning. Cnsglemore wa. Annual Meeting About thYty members of Casticmcre WI enjoyed a tut. key dinner served by Central W.A. cn the 8th of April, for their annual meeting. This active Institute had served lunches til Mr. Murray Sheardown's sale and had catured to the Claire- villc Fair Banquet. COLERAINE By MRS. N. WATSON CY 61343 0- -- u In In.“ It I I 7.15 '.m.-"Jqtll' cum MAXIM mu tetRnr am. - "tertt - V'O'"! thm - M Jett-rt and w accumulation." I Mrs. J. D. Taylor. national president ot the Canadian Home and School and Parent-Teacher "dertti.on: wns the guest speak- er and installed the new execu- tive. Mrs. R. K. Levia Re-electe'd Council Head Mrs. R. K. Levin was re- elechd president at North York Home Ind School Council at its annual meeting It Armour Heights School on April 17th. Area Wee-Presidents chosen we" Mrs, P. A. Collins, .Ers. W. J. Land, Mrs. S. Davidmrich, Mrs. G. W. Lewis-Watts, Mm. D. E. Walker, And Mr. G. Satehelt. Exocutlve numb-n el e ete d wore Mrs. W. G. R. Harding, Mrs. M. Owls. Mrs. D. Johnson, Mr. W. H. Valle, and Mrs. D. It. Parrish. Mrs. Y. Jennings becomes cor- responding secretary, and Mrs. J. Broomfield will be treasurer. Ott on her first flight on I Large aeroplane on Tuesday morning, April 8th, was Miss Betty Black. youngest dnughter of Mr. and Mn. N. J. Black. Betty, I grade " student of Brampton High Schopl, accomp- anied by a couple of her school chums. went by plane to spend a few days in Buffalo. whore they stuyed at the Butter Hotel. Though few horses Ire seen on the modem farm, an interest for these once imporUnt beasts‘ of burden, still lingers ht the minds of many local flrmer-=.' On Wednesday, Jim Brownlee, George Brownlee, Aubrey Robin- son, and Howard Carberry at” tended I large horse sale in the! Lindsay district. l Mrs. Roy P!eming arrived safe- ly home by plane on Wednesday evening. April 19, after spending a vacation with relatives in Cats man, Manitoba. The above news was intended for last week. Miss Beverley anbie .1 Mil. ton spent her Easter vacation at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and MP. A, Brownlee. Qmwummmuum- Moose Ladies Announce New Birthday Date u Mt he» 'Pd'ttpftttahtt.N,tf: “Windham”. q lbs-(cumin. 1oW,tteldtgtNi tthtdgits"ttt'" - 'ya9ttyt8reytrs, bum dw- wly te ha mu: won 0 ”In M. Ugh ”in. fue IanpzmMVi I scoop new” rill trimmed long MOI. NI thinning New" WI] hietttigtttad by I pun “It Mb tttttF V011. The my; m with ttttd of Konof "in Norm Wardrope and bride-mild: Mm. Inn Frazer and Ilia Gloria THmNe all in matching prince“ "yin tte blue blond. mreted patty “no. of Imam I!" pol. “by I . uvvv' -""' (co-“nu“ m M u give more my. Bht ell. nnounce ew that this no iron cotton: 0: . an on the market now can’t Blrthda Date bleached by an ordinary ble such as javex, etc. A paper . West Toronto - " butter was read by Hue! an; Women of the Moon held an. Mrs. beel Barker then avg up“, night Pr0qrsm under tum. very met-rm" 60mm direction of Home-muking.“°n Brt icing petit tttua M Chairman erthl Cronsey, Sr. cyrrakes also making rose, tsue. Regent Alice Marden presiding. i,",', 1c1ng. A contest 1ytt the “M A new candidate Annie Gle- l,rtt cakes w" conducted and “W .- . . _ by Mrs. Reta rancett. Mrs. thrk zier vies welcomed into the in teen Elle. Min June how a ner circle. Stella Showren who end Mm. Inuit. Elk. has tunnel-red from Timmine was served by the will b IVV algo welcomed. 1iiiiLi' Mrs. Dorothy Row The birthday petty has been and Mrs. Doreen Bill. Prom-l changed from the ttth of April ution we: 'et to Mrs. and; to the Mth " April and will uncut Ind in June lawman: be held It Morirer Hall Blonrifor some printing they had done; St. W. 7 pm. ifgy: the club by Mrs. Dorothy; A draw was held and won by IFreemm._ A vote of thanks we” Bro. Charles Bourne. Refresh- moved by Mrs. Non Mitchel! w, ments were served bythe chair-lull committee: in charge Mt man and committee. meeting. . i A new candidate Annie GIA- zier was welcomed into the in. ner eireU. Skill Showren who has taxman-ed from Timmim vus also wolcomod. The birthday puny his been changed from the um of April to the Mth of April and will be held " Mom-or Hall Bloor St. W. 7 pm. A draw was held and won by Bro. Charles Bourne. Refresh- ments were send by no chair- man and committh. er M. Hannah otttitttgt n William: " Trina“ tthill,!! Weston Courts Marry 's WOODIRIDOI I. Am In! I“ a! H» CHURCH SCHOOL '_..... MORNING SERVICE Pe. DIVIN! WORSHIP SUNDAY SCHOOL "tr. Wm. WA, I.A., I.D., a! Inmphnhhhrln 'Bri-tee A - Rial-ow " and“! Oh. “will _ . SUNDAY scnom 'w'"'""""""'-""-"'-:-' 10.00 Ct DIVINE wonsmp ".TrVr__te. ,. _ ve..... _ .FVF.. ""'r"" ".010 Rev. Funk Slum, I.A., Mt. u. PM». can" “If: A can“ “COM! WIND. '0 All KNOX-VAUGHAN Punching Sonic. Punching Service Church School 10.00 o.n.-$vndcy w ".00 mun-"A PM N mo- CALVARY BAPTIST GHUBGII Albion Mont Prubyloriai Birch Alm CARDINS PUBLIC SCHOOL ' lmaulud Ohm! of Jam cm of Latter Day Salli: CHRIST CHURCH Flu Bldg. humor!" Ohm! PRESBYTEBM In. W In a an..." n CHURCH SCHOOL 'r...._.mmm.e..... AFTIINOON SERVICE 'rm....... “III". "I". " III KNOX AVENUE, NUMBER SUMMIT S-ur, hunch» I. N. New!" AICLICAI CNUlCI‘ - - PIN! sail! - momma! luv. A. B. cute-n, B.A., Ln. SUNNY, APRIL " Ttttrd Sunday that I.“ too mum-HOLY COMMUNION 9.30 q.m.-SuNDAY SCHOOL 11.00 -.m.-Mommo "A"! 7.00 p.m.-dWMNG PRAYER Pine Shut, Woodbridge - "human; lm, “I. "stor--Elder Wm. Archer (mm ttt ounces "All! Smithfield Nun) -tere_th-ottt won It. not um i; . - . h h- 'tllul"luhsl1u'lt,1i, We Mr [NM away outfit new Mrs. Trimble chm . I' wool suit with matehing hit link was. In coup]. will be upendin; T hennymoon touring Virgin“ in Notch Cumin. the: this. T ml be settling in Wm». '_ttetetvatr annual ttr . a}: have him an. wfth hwy . --u. Ink-med the 'ttaf Mth the n. churning» T balm. 1PPlt who Ji inevrdri'o III! -eiA"., 10.00 A.M. 11.00 A.M. 9.30 a.m. 10.35 on. 10.00 on. 10.00 mm. ".00 2.30 PM. 7.30 p.m. fun

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