m1! work: Roughing, China. harrowing, levelling. 't.ette: Cutting in June. CH SNOW PLOWING, TRENCHING. SEPTIC TANKS and WATER- UNES. Gordon tus0oek.-woms. M690. Phono A110: tt-1968. PIANO tuidii6 ' “was Artytfmo - Anywhere S. Hoffman (formerly of Gerhard Hcintzman). Work guaranteed. Phone Woodbridge Hardware, Wooqbridge, Phone AT. 8-1231 BUSINESS couple require apart- ment ttr flat around Kleinburg and vicinity. Mrs. Burbidge, CHE"! 4-0852 or CHerry 1- 9476. . -w MODERN fittor service. Floors denied, waxed and polished Painted wall washed. Work guaranteed. Free estimates Phone A. Come. CH. 1-0282. x-T.tt TWO room unfurnished. "lt.. contained apartment in Wood- bridge. Suitable for woman and qel1ool age daughter. AT!!! 8-0649 after 6. -w YOUNG couple require 3 room apartment in Thistletown or surrounding area tor Septem- ber. AT. 8-1402. --w 8 pr 7 RO9AI hogggwith option WRKGE space-barn and sheds, Phone AT. 8-1475. --w TRANSPORTATION w a n t e d from Woodbridge to arrive at Bathurst and Fleet by 8.30 mm. returning 5 pm. Monday to Friday. AT. 8-0975. --w WANTED Sept. 1 - 2 - 8 un- fumlllud moms in clean, dry basement. Completely self- contained. Have own trig. King St. school area. Business _ tauple - 1 child. Reasonable , rent. CH. 1-7383 days. CH. b.9717 after 5.30. THREE unfurnished rooms, ren- DANISH Business couple want unfurnished flat. Sept. i. 2 rooms and Kitchen. Highest references Siemolu CH 1-8481 ' to 8 pm. WILL pasture gentle horse and pony In return for occasionally riding. Treated well. BU. G- 8347. RIDE available - Weston-Law- rence Ave, Mt Dennis, Keele, Dundas, College, Parliament Bldg: 5 pm Phone EM 3-12M TWO adults desire transporta- tion Atlantic City and return or other point during August 9-23 CH 1-0534 MAI. CONTRACTORS Manning & humming Sonic. Fro. JANl-Wilnon 2 lane unfurnish- ed room with T.V. outlet Ex.. unuon phone. Close to shop- pk}; and bus. Parking CH 1- ON! {milked room For rent it 1 may Rd. CH 4-1458 ACCOMMODATION WANTED am. 8-0231 or ATUg 8-0342 PAPER "mom and mm Richvale Septic Tank Service IVE or six room bungalow or ranch type home preferably with garage. Willing to pay $100. per month rent, three months in advance. Contact Mr. Woollings, WAlnut 4-4841. â€Yo-ulnar!“ Q6dltgb'B-eqq.ghq$trtt to buy. CH. 6..3706, unable. business Coupler Sep- tember first CH 1-7941 Mia-23's: My - Sundown and was: Li- MimENB room mu m tlt"""" CH "ot" CH ' " Cm". laud Walt. AV. 5-4563 J. gogLLQERT WPENTRY Septic Tanks -ee Pumped a Cleaned 244101" Service CUMSEY BROS. CONSTRUCTION OI. 1-0!!! (In) on. no on» SERVICES OFFERED WANTED TO RENT TRANSPORTATION IOOHBTO m SPACE TO LET CH. 1-7“! My tr, "a - I... " on. Cum-L accus- r. too It-ttttmt Atm. â€in Fromm! ll Church: TAKE NOTICE that a" crodiwr: and others havYng claims against the Estate of the Ian Mina Salmond Brookâ€, Ian of the Township of York, in the County of York, who died an or about the 3rd. day of May, 1950, an nquirod, on or be- foro the 8rh day of August, 1958, to send to the under- signed full particulars of their claims. After such last momion- 0d date the Exocuvrix will pro- ud M distribute the and: of ï¬n hm. among the pun!†100de manna, havlng "yard jrrgr to the claim: of which the who" than have Mice. DATED " Torsoâ€, this 14th day of July, "M. All" I All“, "Mm M., 100ml,"qu WPIWRITEBS [or on" MININOi - I.†Iâ€. hind-y - St. Mathis" Church, lay: York In lulu" "muddy - "arm, Momoviol Chureh, Egllntvn at Woman loud Way - (mural Unhod Church, Main North at King. HARDWOOD FLOORS Old dark t1oors made new. 25-60 cycle dustless machines. Md Giulio"! BO. 9-6769 Chesterfteldr, Chairs, Studio Couches Recovered and Re- paired. Slip Cover, made to order. A. LYON MOVING and CARTAGE REPAIR SERVICE Vacuum Cleaners, Floor Pol- ishers and small appliances. WESTON VACUUM SALES & SERVICE up yor-wrt'. on u, sumo" M TOIONTO u. DOUG DAVIES LANDSCAPE GARDENER ROT0-TILL1NG Holiday Garden Maintenance Spraying Weeds and White Grubs CH. 1-1915 Casement windows converted to doutM hung sash or pic- ture. Storms. Steps. Cup- boards. LYLES WOODWORKING CH. 1-1431 ' GILBERT’S AUTO SUPPLY Woodbridge - um 3-0231 ROOFING & CHIMNEY SERVICE J. E. O’Flnell, Prop. All types repaired and re- newed. Workmanship guar- anteed. Emergency service. Day or night. Prices quoted in writing on new building additions, alter- ations, etc. No obligation. New You A Drinking Problem? Mlylu Mull-lien Ancnymm CIR - WORK ASA. TFORK sum CH. 1-9524 tPfii)0iflRl)lf W. M. WYLLIE GENERAL CONTRACTOR MARY MW, We Cut Keys Shape, faws Repair Bicycles tima. Open evenings. I!!! Wanna Road. 30. 1-1110. Notice lo creditors and Others Authorized Hoover Dealer "tt%iW6aFis" and SONS GARDENING SUPPLIES In. June tit. CR. 4-3047 WINDOWS SCREENS GRADING TRACTOR WORK TOP SOIL. MANURE. CRUSHED STONE AND FILL 103 SALE Chrome Kitchon Chairs tsaintino-itoicou%" and Paporhanging memo: _ ammo: PHONE AT. 3-1286 CON no. 2-2706 1084 Weston Rona RICH'S . free estimates BU. 6-2462 ’ CH. 4-7524 CH. 1-6953 CH. 1-7081 ESTIMATES " " CH. 4-3823 III. (I run x-lG-n x414 t NHL h on ON TWO [ATM Dill PALMOUVE SOAP "NR LIQUID VEL WITH JAVINOL ILIACH My Crock" CAKE MIXES 32°»zvuo-1goo AJAX su-are."""'""-, %g Holt-x Cooked SphGlii'lll"ll'll Grade "A" Oven Rudy. 4 to blb Ivor-go SALMON Imp". Right, Smoked RINDLESS MDE BACON Who-Hay Brand SMOKED HAMS Macaroni and anlo Loaf CHEESEBURGERS Frolh Cnqu Roman-oh- FISH STICKS EflEESE LOAF CHICKEN LOAF [MEE COOKED, READY TO SERVE SHANK PORTION BUTT PORTION Funny Rod Icahn Yukon Club (Cont-MI Only) Liquid - CHERRY MALLOWS $925: GINGER ALE All McCormick'n Ion. (Putin Added? STRAWBERRY JAM STAFLO AiP SALMON 2 v OUR OWN TEA SUPER SUDS [Ill WITH MILMAC DINNEIWARI GIANT Bolt SUPER-RIGHT MEAT SPECIALS DEEP (UT SPEC/AIS bx 90mm To Glow aim; i'lllllllllllrllllllll A? (llillllllllllllll tllllllli 1 _ tAthdl, up My cum, m 2 m. “Hm .. IVI'l' d""'"""":":". "r-r-u-et-Mel-rt-Mgt-tSits, APPLE SAUCE Tso,ts'U0 “Cuts “:79: (mm chasm “:89: " 2 Va'stins " R...- 33o--4bAVE k ctn.of612as, his 2'th 2....m35c Rog. "HAVE " 244:: in! a 3 t Rag. "o-aa" k 64-01 M 4 3 t a... tin 419-4sz lk Na" tin Rog. WOAVE Ith, t.lbpkg Tttt Rog. SHAVE It: MCIAL 10. OFF 2m. " Rog. I for â€HAVI 10° 1M.1,oo [Ill 27: . DICTIONARY his. In “In Ad Emu M “In. July toth, "l [EMONADE 963,.in,1,oo "s"iiionmirs 3.11335: M69: Rnlomon 8 0't10tit COFFEE NEW “ASSIMBLI-IT-YOUISILF" GIANT ALL PREVIOUSu SECTION. STILL AVAILABLE Ml/b 10.oz pkg “V. Be 12-or pkg OXFORD INTERNATIONAL UNABRIDGED IN 16 SECTION. AND A DELUXE BINDER I-Ib pkg l-lb pkg Section 13 (arm SALE." 3 DAYS ONLY I/b pkg FROZEN F000 SPECIAIS " GUARANTEE Satisfaction Guaranteed or Yiur Money Cheerfully Refunded " " " " " 99 ' Availablo This w." quth Carolin. Juicy, Ripe, No. t Grade, Yellow Fink Fro-non. MP Label, Fresh, No. 1 Grads Ollifarnil - 4 Lemon Pu Pack-g- Californin, Swan, Vary Juicy, Fancy Valet-:3- Wh'rlBtllM10l)lls "Miih Native Grown, No. 1 Grade, New Crop. Bradford Marsh Native Grown, No. 1 Grade, Lona an." Outdoor 0llthlllill6illl3 54bcalkabag " Native Grown, No. 1 Grade Large Sin. No. 1 Grade, Rod Cutter. CARROTS 2~~»<~19< 3-") bag lEMONS 2m." _, aalllll8llillts RADISHES on ltrh 4.9%ch . PEACHES 2s2!r Ron. 2 for 23o--8AVE 4c Suva 14c 1.99 FRUIT 8 VIGHABIE SPECIAIS KERN“ COR" 1.tl:::iltt, Mhlltwtlllll1llii :4I-w».1.oo ALP Fancy Quality Jam Parker Juno Fur-k" BAKED IN ACP'I OWN BAKERY BY MA8TER BAKERS Jun. Parker Juno P-rkar llno Parker. Jan. Parker GLAZED DONUTS GLAZED DONUTS Juno Park-r ENGLISH FRUIT CAKE (racked Wheat Bread COCOANUT BARS pkg " RHUBARB PIE ANGEL CAKE OPEN THURSDAY and FRIDAY NIGHTS 'tit , PM. JUST NORTH OF LAWRENCE - WESTON I495 KIPllNG AVE. LOTS Of Ate PARKING I445 WESTON RD. AiP SUPERMARKETS AT JANE 'TREET - WESTON I721 JANE ST. BAKERY SPEC/AIS REXDALI Reg. “HAVE-6° s pkg of 12 3 th Reg. “HAVE " s pkg of a 29: R... Ioaf 18o-aAVE k 2 74-01 loaves 3 3 t m... 29o-qAVE a. Rug. 2 an. “HAVE " Reg. SHAVE 60 each " Ron. HAVE IN Reg. 5K--8AVE 1k each 3 5 t aodSt