fieii'i'Wiikr GOSPEL cuuncu Hub Cap, Theft munch tile-u iutTiilGri conviction for that! ot hub cl Westminster Ihtittui, Church b... roeni" a. ".30 et.rn.-CF" Broadcast "The Back to God Hour" 10.00 a.m._HoHand Service - Rev. Peter Krancnburg 5.00 p.m.-EnttGh Service - officiating ' 10.00 A.M. Combined services of Westminster United, Central United and Wanton Presbyterian at Wutminucr United Church. ? _ an m... u. (on Ahttttmt n.) “on I". ti-eg KrMIhon, IA, Ln... II a. mm... M. " CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH ST. PHILIPS (on the hill) (Mien) no common firm 'r.m.-MoeNtM, "Arett - _“ 7.15 p.m.-otttvbtt4 CmNtCtb-T 9.43 trm.-tre NILE SCHOO‘. - CLASSES FOR EVERYONE tt.00erm.-ne MORNING SERVICE . 7.00 p.rrt.-THE EVENING WOISN|P_ SERVICE . . b.30 mun-HOLY COMMUNION 9:30 on. and a.m.-MNtNttq' PRAYER "us ar.m.-Simdery School t tt.00 qs.m.-MORNING WORSHIP 7 .' 7.00 p,m.--EVENlNG seam: _ you WILL FIND A WARM WILCOMI II Tim FAMILY CHURCH 10.00 a.m.--United Services in Westminster United Church, 68 Wikiom Street . _ 10.00 _iiartg of St. Paul The Apostle ' ....Pas'or H. G. Sum - tE. 4-4005 'f Tomp. Location - Kingwiew Public School llvoly Sinai†and Spociol Mini: Yoo P.rn.-EV5NNG seams I F christian ' Missionary 'Alliance church church th St. David (Anglican) [ lawman Av... Nut Juno IN. M. W. SUIDIVALL, I.A., LTh., Inâ€! " an. COMBINED SERVICES of Woman Presbyterian, Centred United and Warming?" Unind in W.stmirut.r Unlnd Chord, Sunday, July 27, 195, WESTON BAPTIST CHURCH EVERYONE WELCOME - FOR TRANSPORTATION PHONE CH. 4-0913 Weston Presbyterian Church luv. Henry A. Von-mu, I.A., Th.M. - CH. 4-0985 . New Lucca; Albion loaf} s cm- M. u chin... um um an. a J. mos, IA. mm " cm- M. - CM. 1-951: 2:53am" luv. loin. I. Frulend, B.A., I.D. CID-i! Dada - Mn. 0. â€In Cull!“ - Mr. Grill-II Gum SUNDAY, JULY " .1958 SEOOIO OHBISTIAI IEFOIIMEO OHOIIOII OF TORONTO EIGHTH SUNDAY A tr.rn.-HOLY COMMUNION ' Prayor and 30 Irwnloa Ave. a. laymen Dr. Poor..-".. DONALD O. HAMILTON B.Th. SUNDAY, JULY 27, 1958 SUNDAY, JULY " ,1958 (Anaocland Gospel Churches of Canudc) SUNDAY, JULY " .1958 SUNDAY, JULY 27 ,1958 SUNDAY SUNDAY, JULY 27. 195. mm sumo" Arm mum King and Main 5mm Minister: I". It. E. Sponcor, M.A., JD. lslington Ave. North at loxdalo Blvd. [Ouch-REV. HERBERT H. lENNOX EIGHTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY I. Ironing “Win Darla. Judy md W In. km S. Motionlk, M.A., ll, mm Tho â€bully "tally - " WILLIAM n. SUIDIVALL. YAU, I.A., LTh., lode! JULY 27, 1958 BAY AFTER TRINIYY INION or and Jr. Congrogmion " In“! Sandal: 1ipg,ttt,l'dti MIN, ‘n'uv v'vtvvvvvw‘t‘vv'v" " n' ty gm Canaan. Ion-What when. ttl as: 1m:|!e,!¢.m about Dr, 'lMty','lg Inn a put“ our. India: on. P2999339! telee.ntey ttttda, o"tt"hdd','t7N,hr . -- Lioy ' " d Th wu 'fre by Pe. 1tlt Loy- A" wt e ' haun- Inhdnl huh on!“ Void in“. iiuiriliLt 3y PouThly you hum“ hand of Ashby. but thr ettaneeg m our nu. ha. an. an; not Td it. But nobody who m out link "tee link at baloney for voti- en'l mum, " doq the Doe. tor, ig may to haw no. un- min-q pry your Indy. Kym! Dr. Mo's-tint mintsit in tho economic um. of a livelihood in to tell MIt u how; much bong! KEITH HARRIS MARY IE“! BEAT"! Mr. and Mrs. R. Gordon Beanie of Pictou, Nova Scotia announce the engagement of their daughter Mary Bella ht Keith Norman Harris, son of_Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Harris of Weston. The wedding will take place July 26 in Pinon United Church. PINE STREET - WOODBRIDGE - Phone AT. WILFRID it SCOTT THE FRANK th REEVES a SON CROSSWORD ANSWER A 'hatedPtmteto%rrFt- WWQQ-Iga-n-MMI Ciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii o o o By A. c. Cordon $0 34 37 " W. R. Scott Funeral Home PRIVATE SEDAN AMBULANCE SERVICE Slutuveuel Sing Time lull Allow A C R OS S Poitier“: Mada] flttid Mule-1 not: an- $13.7 10 t2 " $2 Hcmruque Spirit Command Total Modem John Bull 's capital Are: ttttlt Ex Ist- Enemum (chem , Fun farce unwary unit: In uterine. D O W N Ll LI (In In than ma. Who. telirtiTiit'iiiiiVie' ‘?’{_‘!°_“Y!£‘â€5_S§2,Emeï¬lmmru. W ""eN I m matriarch:- may. his ex- 'tifiy'iiiiir'feiiikl'i', "il'h;ill'l'dt'd Hinted in than: u " in new tran' ti 1cm plateau. tor the Minewo- of woman clubs For the“ Indiana. MI - 'agsisasotttsouedtotaM,ts. ing that treason at. mm. more human: and usually, better Ill-round human. than their wry any. l "51 Team-19.x. a " “Chromium, in tet, up Bri- TRWCHING SEPTIC TANKS BEDS INSTALLED and WATER LINES STAN MAXEY Woodbridge-Arie" 8-1201 W Free Engugomom Pith». NO OBLIGATION Kidson Photo Studio RO. 9-9944 BRIDE’S ROBERT E. SCOT? " " 47 " Premium Behold' Neal (chum) To handle Powdery lub- Inner Circle pm 8-057 I t-rttett' that wanna mud an it. mid hoe-nu “an te- ‘mlo conception at In" in the ‘MM (on: at hung-nu." mm "men In like gorilla" when '/ttt-tot-idtttatttrtgen stopped apt-um woman Ind let them work out wlutiou to international " ' than would tte no "sttttrt, atomic minim. F 'iodn It: in. "kraVtiiduiJ/ Surely it's time the hard- pressed males of America recog- nized the presence of a Benedict Arnold in the war between the sexes, and took suitable counter- action. It would not calm the bowels to catalog the mine: of women who were in a position to work out international solution: through weer love alone. Bondi- cee, Catherine the Great, Cath- erine de Medici, Elizabeth 1 - every one of there love-laden ladies generated enough blood- shed in her time to sheme the foreman of an abattoir. [He is tireless, for instance‘ in telling the world that women are physically stronger and heal- thier than men, and bound to live longer. "Ne expectation of a husband's dying before his wife is how ao. universal that a man feels guilty about being I wi- dower. There's Ashley pointing a thin, anthropological finger at him, if not actually hinting " foul play. One such may be the booking)‘ by men's service clubs, of a tec) male anthropologist who will tell 1 them that men are fitter, sweeter) and just generally the bee's knees, compared with the le- male of the species. If this fe- male anthropologist looks a bit; like Brigitte Bardot, and con- eludes her address with a lively can-can, so much the better. Meantime, remember the name, men: Dr. Ashley Montagu. Be- ware of the ‘traitor to the sex and its glorious tradition of na- tural superiority. And for Pete's sake, 'stop scratching yourself We've got 1 battle on our hands! Thu h the sort of propaganda that in rlpldly atabushinx Mon- tana as the modem sub-tum tor motion sickness. Beside this bunk should be I cardboard con- Right here in Canada, most politicians would sooner be thrust into a cage with I pack of Wildcats than with Charlotte Whitton. However, potty though the doc- tor's pronumuamentos prove on examination, the fact remains he gives material support to the campaign to reduce the North American male to I cross be tween an orang-outang and a cocker spaniel. EH HOLDiNG ',, VICTORY BONDS f? I mo" RANCH -J. t. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE ih.thesu1tueiiitimotourmtmnctt= You may convert than to CANADA CONVERSION IONDS . A HIGH“ INTEREST MT! . IMMIDIATE CASH ADJUSTMENT and receive In. D. latch.“ a forum maiden! not iivtite A]: “man- ton is holidaylnk tub “and: and relative, in thrdhtrlct un- til the and»: a. month, H. A. Maw and ion Gary rec turned hon" luv. week from I two week: motor trip to Albert: where they vilitcd June: and Banff and went two days " the Calgary Mampede. During their travel: they called (in In. Blair's parents in Crouhcld and Mrs. Burntieldu liner in Red Deer and brothor In Boon. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Paul and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Holland spent the week-end " Mr. Bert Funk cottage in Muskoh. BOLTON - ONT. Phone 648, P.O. Bd: TI It G LEY IiiliilillOltlhL8 S a r'v i n g Canadians with Quality Memorials for over l00 youâ€. York Travel Bureau NASHVILLE NEWS " Air, Sea and Land BOOK NOW POI 1959 TO AVOID DISAPPOINTMENY Reservations 1043 Weston Road RO. 6-1777 WM. G. BEECH, Mf CEMETERY LETTERING an. “an (nah-I. also.» by 91 m. - ~47 .7...“ ---. wv a w “- and from “and. and on m a I. h Itgfidd night It“; can: do“ [any W :xmmmmum 2adtt I“. l withharmotts.ranttaurtt tad human". 'rgil uvcnl bout at ' . f, ad was Frr'ueu. . /de, In? hr q “may I {by}. Fur holidared tut Agar m ' a woek with her aunt Ind uncle tenth on a. â€at. Mr. and In. Bruce Curuu and _ o i “sully in Richmond Hill. . Mr. mum In! Mm. Herb Wudluv had her two “It"! Mum One: and Espey Chapman of Toronto with her tor I shut bond-y. Mr. Ind Mm. H. A. law and 1amin spent the week-end at their can": It Wang: Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Duck of Harley wore week-end guests with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cain and family. SUNDAY 5cm ... DIME WORN“? SUNDAY SCHOOl WOODBRIDGE M Avon-o on! an pl Pin KNOX-VAUGHAN Church School Preaching Service 10.00 a.m.--Sundety School Prayer Service 1l.00 a.m.-'The, Church Sits in Council" Pine Ridge Presbyterian Church NUMBER SUMMIT Mondays through Fridays July 2Ut to August 1st - 9.30 to 11.30 mm. KINDERGARTEN - PRIMARY - JUNIORS - SENIORS CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH 7.15 p.m.-"Th. Spirit-Lad Conclution†TAtENT-MAbE DUET "on will b. no Sun-Icy SM! " Evening Pnyu no" “who: M. a.v.'t-rrtk,hA.,BA-.rtmier0a8" "ioar%totmhtarkatltiestah I AtattmttaMtqtaHmte$CtNNti, .t' Iatymtht BIBLE scum CHRIST CHURCH , Reorganized Church of Jesus (Mist of Latter Day Sainls Pitta. nun mm ithttrah Mr. Charles Sharron will conduct the service RELIGIOUS INSTRUCTION - SUPERVISED IBAMES HANDICRAFTS I [EE]Iiijr(ilMIll' an no...“ to... a -, " MORNING “IVE! _ ww,m V ,' i'.'..';).',)"',','), a " a . _ a I T. In bu n- n, u... m Vleuif- Ind on ...S n Ir-. " I". UNION SERVICES IN THE UNITED CHURCH KNOX AW, PASTOR - ELDER ROBERT WITHROW rm: 3n!!! - wooommn lav. A. B. Can-can, I.A., Lth. SUNDAY, JULY, 27, 1958 EIGHTH SUNDAY AFTER mum 1190 a.m.-MORNING PRAYER- SpeoGr-EtDEtt JAMES DADSON - EVERYONE WELCOME - ANCLICAI CHURCH or CANADA A COR01AL WELEOME TO ALL Pine Street, Woodbridge World man-mu, Idem-tn. Mo. (SERVICES Pt ORANGE HALL) WOODIIIDGE SUNDAY. JULY 21 MORNING AT YOUR SERVICE VIGTOBIAI anon wuss: CH. 1-1581 Rum F D. "iott, EVENING Eli tNMMtt'utR'tt" Wat-end guest: with a a! Onkview Beach handed Mr. and In. Jack Maw, PC"! Ind Patsy who no laying up - A week, Joy Ltrtehuee and W ter Kim and Lynne, Mary bus)- chuck and daughter 8m, Ron Farr and Melvin but. 0". 6- V autumn-hm V o"d1'c,"'t,"dUatt'e Agarwttttwtttmiqtteli te'""""".""' .' . guests on Saturday a an .000- ding of their min In. “I. gum Hilliard in .tfodttetdgis United Church. 's . Emma 3957-: G. lu"" Mr.nrtdMrs.ttetrNttiiat_ Mr.andMrs.Dmstttiii.rrt- 7K: 'A F: lr, to." In. 11.00 9.30 AM. 10.00 a.m. 7.30 pm.