so. rum... " to" a...» ai.) “a I». - I. “an, EA., Lth., 8t It. Pmpc " â€MAY, SlP‘I'lMIII TO, "" MNIMtt “DAV "m TINT" Inna-co“ cm '81. --aACtAait a no" “man I. --*B'tt'. mm T .Mr..'.le"N. v“..-" w .w V _ y. I†W! cm , ‘I’ I... .4 "‘W "AV. AND "ttMON - "As tt Wu b It. sr. muffs (on the hill) mum "PRINT" SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY in “do“ COMMUNION t 9.†mam-um“ “awe! and Canaan's "ur ".0 sew/ICE and (molars MM 7.. part.-WetotNMt Mo tt.m.-Cr" Broaden" "Tho Bark to God Hour" 10.00 at.m.--Hollortd SONIC. 5.00 tr.m.-Engllsh Sorvlco ' M.~N.w_ Wmmdthold‘chy Main Show North at Fern Avonuo “no: - REV. K. O. KlDDlll, B.A., LTh. CH, 4-5443 SUNDAY, SEPTIMBER TB, "" ‘ FIFTEENTH SUNDAY‘AFTII TRINITY too o.m.-Holy Communion f.t0 a.m.--Fomily Communion and Sermon Senior Department Sunday School (King St. F Public School) - Nursery (Choir Vestry) It.00 a.rm-Holy Baptism and Sermon "God Sets The Impossible†Junior Department Sunday School - (King St. Public School) - Nuhory (Choir Vuiry) 7.00 p.m.-Evensong and Sermon By The Rev. P. Howard, M.A. EVERY WID. T mm. WESTMOUHT GOSPEL CHURCH '.Mq.m..-rtq "It! “Wool - CLASS†FOR EVIIYONI II.WI...-7NI MORNING WORSHIP SlIVICE 7mm“! EVENING WOIIHl' SIIVICE TM 'llhr Pr.erddrtg Westminster United Church 9.45 a.m.-aurtdoy School, 9 y". and up Vt 9.45 ti.m.-Nthffnde" Bible Clan ' ".00 q.m.-"Th. lollgious Foundation of Democracy†11.00 'r.m.--Sunday Schofl 1-9 yrs. church Of St. Dayid (Anglican) that ..m.--"tte MEANING or IAFYISM" (Seer-m! of hula-n) "Mtg-Chou; for all - Including Crib Coma _""e"-"" I000! Nah" “MVWHUA 'aiFiL-ihrt.rt-aros--"m-"-ddt"-' H.†I.lll..-M.mll|' Worship Nun-n, Pvlmry and KIM-road†Sunday TM ..".-'"'oT Worship "MON! WECOM! - FOR WNWIYATION "for" CH. 4-0"! 9.4d q.m..-hmt.r I“ lMomiodiaOo In!" Presbyterian Church I Cu. St. " Church, CM 1-1511 CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH " Cl. 3'. - CH. l-QSIS SEOOIO OHIISTIAI REFORMEO OIIOBOIII OF TORONTO St. John’s Anglican church SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, I958 lawman Av... Noel Juno -e IN. N. W. SUIDNALL I.A., Lth., In!" anyâ€, SEPTEMBER M. "" _ may Jii"aiautiiriirri"i"r"r" "at.r-ttev. DONALD O. MAMMON I.Th. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1953 SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1958 Walnut: In. it. E. Spacer, M.A., In. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1958 Misha {593ng Churches of Canada) ry A. Venom, I.A., mm. - cu. 4-0935 Nu 1oe.tioet-tttt Almi- load iiiiiihti it.i “an" All. mum! il.-...-...-"-.'. Imi- Jon- S. Mack-um My $0., “mm It. Mendy “any Chunk " WIUIAM " H.19U~N00. IN! (WHICH AINWIRIAIY m ON mm- "ttt " "M AM: Holy Communion EVERY FRIDAY 10 mm.-Holy Communion King and Main “not loch a! M Sonia: Mrs. W. Maginn was the lucky winner of the door prize donated by Mrs. Allan Michi- After some discussion it was decided by the members to Ic- cept the suggestion of the pro- gramme committee for the Octo- ber meeting to hold a dinner " Summit View instead of the pot tuck dinner scheduled tor that date. and Mn. Mind Bagg and Mrs. J. W. mum who and u who. had no my conun- ment, howevcx, thoy finally de. cidod in favor of Mrs. Charla sartmerfeldt's creation. Mrs. Paul Snider wu named (Hence to tho mud conven- tion held in the Royal York Hotel on November I, G and 7. The lidseley WJ. will lain upon»: the 4H homemaklng Time for the talent money project we: extended In many of the member: had not been Able to find time to complete their projects to date. Mrs. Bert Cook, president, In I menu of tubing her talent money had baked I cake decorated it with roses which at the explained to the members and then she ruffled the nuke among thou present. Mn. Raymond Muart wtf the Alucky winner. The Home Economics Con- vener, Mrs. Allan Aitchison with her assistants, Mrs. Frank Locke and Mrs. Chalet Sum- merfeldt presented the pro- iramme during which Mm. Ait- chbon presented I worthy paper on the motto 'Today comes once and never comes Iain". "In. and nodal I bat a! tuna ‘uud in E. kitchm†WA: WI: we responded to Woman’- ludulh held a the owning at August am um mt tum-m. The roll all The usual refreshments closed !iU?,li,il:!i),', DISTRICT 945 a.m.-Sunday School _ n.oo a.m.-MORNING wonsrm 7.00 p.m.-EVENING SERVICE vou WILL FIND A WARM WELCOME IN nus FAMILY CNUICH FRANK th REEVES an SON A Good place to Buy Flowers WESTON BAPTIST CHURCH â€Wuhmmu.d was...» ' AM‘II’T SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1958 I". Rah. E leand, LA., In. Choir loud" and 0'.an - Mrs. 0. Swan THE CHARTERED BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY so both are borrowing from a. bank dnnend huh In loading money to .errsees, rah-nun. produce". ammo- m. prose-non and other commercial amounts. Inge and meet pay- When borrowingin sound bum pac- tiittio simple. mightfomrd promo 'tOrr-h-ttmod-dt-e. ,"erdtrlirt -torCanada, the VOUTNIXA PIODUCT‘, In Bor, "r. Isl“ "A" Tomb. COMPLITILV I I M. V I I FACIAL “All I.“ ml to": in I BOLTON - ONT. AINOLD "All I otix ""Yml" LONDON. INOLAID " r v I n 9 Canadian, with Quality Memorial: for our IOO years. ‘Phono TI N GLEY IiltEliKlltlhll,S W’ “All “MOVE! "tttt CEMETERY lEITERING (Canada's DIM) _ 7 -tt.stt 090“. the $2.25 WRITE for 91 E. J. Brisbois, president of Chal- - Manifold Corporation and chairman of tho laasldo Planning Board, has bun ap- pointed Suburban Campaign Deputy Chairman for the north region in the Ociobor United Appeal drive. Mr. Brisbois will unis! the campaign in.the sub-, urbs of North York, "aside, For"? Hill and York Township.' Syrup-thy In amulet! to the Shiv (anally in the lost at their mother, Mn. Andrew Shaw, who paid way It the how of her an??? in Weston on Sept. In. . late Mm. Trunk Cook of Rumba: Summit, “I “other daughter and lur- viving Mm. Shaw, who lived will, buy at! tutorials, market goods and meet I multitude of finanoW needs. A bank than" in adamantly on the look- out for opponunidu to make such loans --that't his job. Bank loam are an anemia! put of the process that provides the goods and services that uh life better for all Canndilm. GORDON W. ALCOTT -. 945 MAIN sr. N. - WESTON WN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA Succession Duties Threaten Even a Small Estate... Plus: and information on life inmnnce and succenion duties. None Dana] birth Keeping 'Up-To. in HUMBER Money for succession duties will have to be raised promptly when you die and may mean that your wife will have to sacrifice part of the estate you want her to have, The proper Sun Life policy will help meet these payments and other taxes Ind last expenses, so that your estate can be preserved for your family. For full particulars, mail the coupon below. I: om: outrun. - “nu-nu Best wishes of the community are extended to Mr. and Mn. Root in their work. Some of our inhabitants have been visiting the great C.N.E. and by all reports, have thor- oughly enjoyed themselves. George and Betty Grant have also been enjoying themselves along with two ot their famous dogs. At the first day of judi- ing in the Dog Show, Miss Ch. Mr. and Ike. Erna-t Root of Lynedoch event their holidays with Meg. Roofs mother, In G. Cantor Ind brother Lorne of our community here. During this helldey time/ one week we: went at Belleville tor the come of Christian Educ-um: in Ele- mentary School. and also " Whitby where I course on So- cial, Service and Evangelism war ttt Many friends will be pl bed to know that Emu! Root in the minister of Lyne-l doch United Church. l Eiiia GJRGeiG, 3.3m m' ' Bruce Shaw. W LIMITID Air . â€III . 'Mm-TV Dollvond CAIIIIIAN . IUIOPI - FLORIDA U6.A. . CANADA I'm sure I can be of service why not aiva me a call? You will be under no obli- gation. v GORDON W. ALCOTT Telephone EM. 4-5141 Evenings. CH. 1-6584 SUN LIFE OF CANADA Eglinton ' Dufferin RU. 1-5596 945 MAlN ST. N. WESTON SAUNDERS Travel Service Your Local Representative 'itil/tl as IT, SUNDAY, SIPTIMIER TB, 1958 FIFTIINTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 8.00 a.m.»HOlY COMMUNION 9.45 tm.-SUNDAY SCHOOL tt.00 o.m.--MOtiNtNG PRAYER 7.00 p.m.--0qNlNO MAY" .WDODBRIIIEE IIIITEII CHURCH SUNDAY SCHOOL w..-...-.-'--..-....-..--. 10.00 I. DIVINE WORSHIP ....._.........e...-.......9.._r.t......a-.e. ".00 I. . lav. Frank Slavik, BA., CHorI-y 4-6731 A CORDIAL WELCOME EXTmDert To All Speaker: Elder A. O. Crownover PIEACHING SERVICE DIVINE WORSHIP .. SUNDAY SCHOOL .._ PRAYER SERVICE PRMCHINO SERVICE Speaker: Elder..Wm. Archer PIEACHING SERVICE . -- Rev. Dr. A. F. "avid, I.A., u... an. WOODBRIDGE T ' '""c' It Am in! that of no THE SUNDAY $04001. e,................-.! SERVICE or WORSHIP ..____...__..1 KNOX-VAUGHAN 10.00 a.m.-Sunday School 11.00 a.m.-Th.ssulonico and Violanco" 10.00 o.m.--"RAUY DAY" in the SUNDAY SCHOOL 11.00 a.m.--MORNlNG WORSHIP THE SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM GALVARY BAPTIST CHURBH 7.15 p.m.-"Mor. Noble" will b. obmvod Nursery and Junior Conwion 7.30 p.m..-EVENING WORSHIP A MIGHT HOUR or FELLOWSHIP All teach." and pupils are alkod " mako a spocial effort to bo out. Albion Gardens Presbyterian church CHRIST CHURCH Reorganized church at Jesus chrisl of Latter Day Sainls If" AVENUE NORTH IN. A A. H. MODtbSON-Mirtuter SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER M, 1958 VI. ll. Scott Funeral Home Pin. Bilge Pmbylorian church KNOX AVENUE, HUM!!! SUMMIT Speaker: Evangelist B. H. Hewitt _, NOON AND EVENING MEALS WILL " SERVED - You and your "in“ VI" ":0le a warm welcome " Yul LITTLI CHURCH ON TNI HILL "IVA" “DAN AMBULANCE SIIVICI PRESBYTEBIHN Tulanv. - Mn. D. Manon Ind In. 6. Barnum, dud HARVEST HOME SERVICES SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER " won “an": w... a mm", " THE SUNDAY SCHOOL ....... SERVICE OF WORSHH’ PP..... SUNDAY SEPTEMBER " [ momma ALBION GMDWS PUIUC SCHOOL PASTOR - ELDER ROBERT WITHROW Pine Street, Woodbridge Work Mm. "nomad-nu. Mo. INCLICAI CNUICO‘ .. CAIADA PIN! STREET - WOODIRIDG! Att. A. B. CONN-r1, I.A.. Lth (SIIVICES m ORANGE MAI» WOODIRIDGE EVENING Pinon. AT. 8-057! t. _.. 1.30 pm. .. 2.30 p.m. ..'l0.00 q.m. â€11.00 mm. 10.00 I.ll. 11.00 am. 9.30 am. 10.35 mm. 9.30 a.m 11.00 a.m 7.30 p.m 2.30 p.m