tf /iitmt8,lntitn,, YW? y for may Tremsto dun-u. m "Golden Yam†could be empty 'rears mam. Tm the can at Quin: Men. I!“ t8, and lives [dons in I room where he cook: hi: measu- melh on I hotphu. Without family or friend: ha own age, he used to feel unwant- ed, useless. a9eettuse at his ll. land a health problem, he couldn't. ',work, and the more man of 'filling in the long, empty days "ggravated his condition. One of John's friends at the Club is a sprightly 68-year-old lady who bakes the finest birth. day cake you've ever tasted When her daughter and son-in- law were transferred to Winns peg. she moved into a "room with grill privileges" and life was pretty lonely with no grandchil- dren to "do for". Now she works at the Women's Sheltered Work.. shop, a United Appeal agency serving women over 60, and this supplements her tiny income, since she is not as yet eligible for the old age pension. Each noon, she enjoys a special pre- pared high protein meal at the Workshop with her new friends. Last summer, she spent two de-" lightful weeks at Illahee Lodge, where the Neighborhood Work- ers Association, with the help of United Appeal funds, pro- ;ides holidays for elderly peo- ple and children with special health needs. Now, as a member of the Sec- ond Mile Club, a United Appeal agency, John has found new friends his own age. Ed: I mem- ber of the Club's social commit- tee and the day just doesn't have enough hours for all he want: to do. He's happier, healthier be- cause he feels useful Ind want- ed. Last year, more than 1,300 elderly men and women added new life to their years " the Second Mile Club. When you give to the United Appeal this year, part at your gift will be used to lighten the burden of old age tor many men and women ' . . to give new dig- nity and meaning to their later years. United Appeal agencies serving "the Golden Years" in- tlude the Church Home for the Aged, The Second Mile Club, Wnmpn's Sheltered Workshop, Nriinborhood Workers Associ- LilOn. Jewish Home for the Ag- rd. and special services to vet- (mnx through the Red Cross Soldiers Club. In addition. your gift to the L'i'iiled Appeal helps support vine community centres through- out Metropolitan Toronto, where social, cultural,. recreational and educational activities are plan- -ncd to serve the old as well as the young. Membership Coffee Party Sepiember 24 Ir.; R. E, Kittle‘vas host- ess to the University Women's CHI of Wcyton at her home, 84 .lnlm‘ Street, on the evening of Wcdrwsd;ry, September 24, on lhn occasion of a membership Mlle» .pmlv from 8 until 10 p.m. A (‘nrrllnl invitation was extend- ed In all prospective members in thr, district. Reports on the 14th (‘2mdirm Triennial Conference lwld in Montreal was given iv: Mrs R w. H. Johnson, Miss G lelpr and the president, Mrs. Patrice McCusker. An oppor- Ilmily was given to the mem- hrr; to discuss various study groups in which they would be ir1irvrteiUsd, York Travel Bureau Air, Sea and Land RAVEN’S Tlik ANY usan,‘ TAKE A LOOK, t WITH BOTTLED GAtb2 IT'S FUNTO COOK TO Reservations 1043 Weston Road Phone httos 0-0561 RO. 6-1777 WM. G. BEECH, M.P BOOK NOW FOR l9.†AVOID DISAPPOINYMENY by (Continued from Page 5) treeht and family moved on Monday into their lovely new home that they built south of the village. It is a three bed- room brick bungalow with a fire place and plenty of big wide windows, which give a beautiful view of the countryside and the woods behind the house. Mr. Van Haastrecht built his new home on his sub-division, Dale View Acres, which he is opening up and was formerly part of the Mitchell Farm and is a very fine location for a home. Two other houses are now being built on J9ale View Acres. At tho Poaren Memorial United Church an September 6th Kathleen Salter became the wife of Mr. M. Parker of Walkerton with the Rev. Mr. LuGros officiating. Thewecep‘ion was held at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. C. Salter, 28 Cobalt Mr. and Mrs. R. Hill and Laugel spent a few days last KLEINBURG NOTES Want to be warm all winter long SHELL BRINGS YOU week in the Muskoka district Pierre Berton, who was the managing editor of the Maeltan'g Magazine, has joined the staff of The Toronto Daily Star. His neighbours and friends in the community w ish him every suc- cess in his new position and look forward to reading his col- umn in The Star. Alex Shaw, Mrs. E. Shaw and Mr. and Mrs. K. Kitchen and Wayne of Schomberg motored to Ayr on Sunday and visited with Mr. and Mrs. H. Ballantyne and family. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Donneral and Cheryl visited with her par- Complete Maintenance Service: Shell arranges complete maintenance service --8t your call 24 hours in every day! ' . SHELL OIL COMPANY OF CANADA. LMITID Trouble-free Hat: With Shell Furnace Oil you get Sonitor plus a special additive Together, they practically eliminate the two major causes of heating breakdown: Insured Budget Plan: No heavy bills at the end olthe heating ~eason. Shell splits your costs into ten casy-to-pay monthly installments. Keep Filled Sersice: You never run out of Shell Furnace Oil. We retill your rank automatically whenever bur records Show your supply is running low. Shell Furnace Oil-the hea0-a-hurry furnace"oil--costs no fuels, yet it biings you four important home heating benefits. service-at your call 24 hours in every day! Whether you want fast heat at antoubh of yourthermostat Your Spell Furnace Oil order brings yqu hegt'n-a-hurry service quick as a wink, there's comelete h! "w ralueifm your heating oil dollar --turll Shett for uororoa-ry ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Bates, Pine Grove, on Sunday. - Mrs. C. Shaw's friends are glad to know that she is recov- ering nicely from her accident. She was badly burned a week Street, Mount Dennis. The Maid of Honor was Helen Pack and the bridesmaids were Margaret Salter and Marilyn Parker. The bride’s smolher made the dresses the bride, maid of honor and the two bridesmaids wore. Photo by Arnold KM"... f Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere W. P. GRAHAM & Sons GrtEENHOUsEs- STORE- I 1e"dr 919 SCARLETT RD. 24 MAIN NORTH CH. 1-9103 CH. 1-1231 'cn. 1-3411 ago Wednesday when a large kettle of tomato ketchup that she was cooking on the stove was tipped over, spilling the ketchup over her. She was badly burned on the chest, knees, legs and arms and was put to bed more than ordma rv home heating Photo by Arnold Kid-on Japanese Garden Party Nets ttill) , The President [hand the im- portance ot “Busineu Women's Week", October 5th - 11th. Also, plans were made to send I dele- gate from the Weston Club to the Ontario Conference of the Busi- Hess and Professional Women’s Clubs, Sarnia, O/ctober 17, 18, 19. ML- L.._:‘A,, - .. _ The business "meeting wan re- stricted to a minimum to allow the members to enjoy a social evening, Refreshments "w e r . served at the close. Tb. Weston Business Ind Pro- Ionian-l Women'l ' Club bald their first an meeting It the Y.W.C.A. Wednesday, Semen» her Wh, with the President, Min Mtty magnum}. Mia. Hall wu pie to m that over $800.00 new been raised at "snap-new Garden Party, held by the Bulineu and ProNsaiona1 Women“ Clubs to finance the,trip to Japan by Mrs. Margaret Ashdown, the Club rep- resentntive on the Eat West Cul- tural Minion. ln the 1956.57 school year there were 3,2,],450 students en- rolled in Canada's publicly- controlled schools. for severildays by her doctor Mrs. Hairy Keeling and her sons, Wayne and Freddie, ar- rived home on Wednesday after spending two months with rela- tives in England. her former home. Mr. Keeling flew over to England and spent his two weeks holiday in August with his wife and sons and members of his family there. Mrs. Keeling and sons travelled by boat and had a real holiday. 75 TOP QUALITY tia was 75 2H. 1-5283 We must make room for our new models that win be here shortly, -. 7 So now is the time to buy. Be sure to drop in and see our huge selection at our "Bright-ers-Day" Used Car Lot, 169 Main St. N. Weston 56 90mm. 2-Door Hard-Top 56 none: ROYAL. 4-hour Sudan it, none: mm - 4 lo chm from Mi imitstt,t.sriunimm" 55 MME8, rumour“: - a to mm from M none: “can. Fully Equippod _ M PONTIAG Sudan - Lila In l? M amok. 2-Door Hard-Top Many other models on display, Coaches, Station Wagons Hordtops-We have them an, TERMS BRAND NEW DODGES SEPTEMBER SALE Just Ask Our Courteous Salomon For mm LIPPAY I EW-GABS as Low a $195.00 MI USED BARS as Low as m WWI LIPPAY ' LdMtlmtlMll. AVl'w _ '.'m¢wmmb< the ,tdkeimi '7$w‘"": 'd'tllP,dt _ ' RED IAIIEIIY _ _qe.rqr_..F....e____.. I2 to 16" 6Oe " . 15 to 18" TSe " GREEN IAIIEIIY 'rr..r_w.r.r.rr-_Frr_ 15 to 18" Me 5.: _ 18 to 2d" 65: " PEATMOSS - BONE MEAL - FERTILIZHS - "A“ u 209 Buttonwood Ave. RO. "otw..t-B-oodeeg--dW.stoesttood " inch " inch 24 inch 12 inch 18 ttt 24 inch .. 8 Flowering Shrubs Holland Bulbs, Darwin Tulips FREE! 3 Giant Pacific dehinioms Wfth Ivory Purchase of $10.00 or men. We specialize in foundation plantings C and hedges. ' Open Sundays During Tho Saloon P I. A I T _ EtfEitttitEEit8 CHIN“! ELM “IDLING! nah . _ 4.95 In? 100 FIELD GROWN M moment no“ no» tttttttttt to small " m n... " 0910: Your no“... â€who, ', arm-ml and mm but." g _ "UMBER NURSERIES AMUI PINE? qt Wholesck Prim DUTCH GARDEN CENTRE F 15: I " 22he MILD " co ll inch "tte at. 18 to 24" T T ..5°l & 2 ttt 3 ft, _ ., " a Poronnials a n d [W Plants . 3 for I.†IIIOAL MIA“! $6.50 per 100 RD. 2-8702 4.9;